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Releases: pubkey/rxdb


24 Mar 01:16
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JavaScript Database

  • REFACTOR RxServer package. (Includes breaking changes of the beta RxServer!)

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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16 Mar 11:30
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JavaScript Database

  • SQLite RxStorage add support to use Webassembly SQLite in the browser
  • FIX(Lokisjs RxStorage) always use slice() for applying offset and limit #5757
  • FIX randomly failing lokijs and denokv test #5765

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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10 Mar 21:15
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JavaScript Database

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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10 Mar 14:17
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JavaScript Database

  • ADD RxState: A convenient state library to store, fetch and observe complex json data that is persisted into RxDB.
  • ADD automatically extend the RxDocument type so it knows about the RxDocument.myField$ observables.
  • ADD check to ensure Infinity is not used when defining index sizes in the RxJsonSchema
  • FIX do not automatically set multiInstance: false for shared worker storage databases.

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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27 Feb 23:08
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JavaScript Database

  • IMPROVE OPFS RxStorage performance.
  • ADD usesRxDatabaseInWorker option to the OPFS RxStorage.
  • ADD getRxStorageOPFSMainThread() to run OPFS from the main thread instead of a worker for less latency.

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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21 Feb 17:56
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JavaScript Database

  • FIX creating two databases with the same name but different storage must work.

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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21 Feb 11:52
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JavaScript Database

  • ADD awaitWritePersistence option to memory-synced storage.

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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14 Feb 17:23
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JavaScript Database

  • FIX #5624 Maximum call stack size exceeded during encryptString

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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10 Feb 00:54
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JavaScript Database

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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07 Feb 22:01
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JavaScript Database

  • FIX key-compression broken on keys with brackets #5605

NOTICE: An overview about all releases can be found at the changelog

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