- Errors not being reported to crash tracker
- UI is frozen when editing pubspec.yaml
- Support for the older IntelliJ IDEA versions
- Crash reporting
- Dependency versions not being retrieved properly
- Pub.dev API responses serialization
- Excluding dependencies with reserved keywords such as flutter, sdk, url etc.
- Functionality to update all dependencies
- Support for older IDE versions
- Initial scaffold created from IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template
- Decrypting response from Pub.dev API that caused NullPointerException
- Crash for one dependency doesn't crash the whole file
- Fixed crash when updating dependency
- Fixed checking dependencies with the same suffix (#21)
- Fixed crash on the startup
- Fixed issue with custom hosted url addresses
- Updated the plugin to work with the newest IntelliJ versions
- Fixed issues with hosted or Git packages
- Fixed compatibility issues
- Improved performance of checking dependencies
- Updated the plugin to work with IntelliJ 2019.3.x
- Added support for dependencies with version code
- Removed notification on startup
- Fixed performance issues
- Added quick fix option to update dependencies
- Fixed bug caused by commented dependencies
- First version of plugin
- Added support for checking packages version in a format x.x.x