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Bart Massey edited this page Jul 31, 2017 · 17 revisions

PSU CS 461/561

Open Source Software Development
Summer 2017 (Sections)

Things To Do:

  • If you are not on the project list, it is almost too late! Contact me in class right away.

  • Visit a Local Tech Event and write a report:

    The event will ideally be related to Open Source at least in some vague way. The report should be just a paragraph or two describing who you visited and how it went. Submit your report via this Google Form.

  • Prepare for your project presentation.

    Project presentations will be the last week of class. You are required to attend your assigned section for all class time that week. You must be prepared to present at your first class meeting. There are guidelines for your project presentation.

Welcome. This Wiki is dedicated to our project course in open source software development for the UNIX environment. The list of current projects is quite impressive.

This is a wiki. A wiki is a collaborative web site: once you're registered, you can (and should) help maintain these pages, and use the site as a work area. This wiki is hosted on GitHub under the project psu-oss-2017, which you and your summer project will join once you get started.

We will be using Slack as our primary course communications tool. You will be expected to be available to participate in the Slack discussion. You must use your email address and your real name to sign up.

On the rare occasion that someone is hanging on IRC, they'll be at irc://

Much information is available at the pages of the 2016 offering of this course.

Other offerings that are still available: 2014, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007.

Contact Info

User and Project Pages

Every developer/team should create a GitHub project under our organization. There's a list of things that should be in the project README.

Web Resources


  • SCORE - Service Corps of Retired Executives: Great for general small-business advice, free.
  • OTBC - Oregon Technology Business Center: Business startup incubator, great resources, cheap.
  • PSBA - Portland State Business Accelerator: Don't know too much about their current status.
  • Startup Weekend: Good way to get started in a friendly environment.
  • Calagator: Go network.


Final project requirements

Final project are due Friday of week eight of class at 5:00 PM. There will be no formal turn-in: instead, the project GitHub repository will be graded directly.

There is a checklist of project requirements. A deduction of between a half-grade and a full letter grade will generally be the result of failing to meet these requirements (especially the copyright/license requirement), so please use this checklist carefully.

A note on plagiarism: You are expected to follow the PSU student conduct code. Plagiarism is using other people's intellectual work (code, writing, ideas) without proper attribution. Open source is all about sharing code and ideas, but if you take them without saying where you got them you are a plagiarist; if I catch you I will be unimaginably unhappy.