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A Case Study

Prabhakar Sarma Neog edited this page Aug 31, 2018 · 1 revision

Case Study: Starting a core framework for developing a part of an imaginary office automation software in an educational institute

NIT Silchar is expanding. To manage such an organization is a huge task. So, the management desires to go for an MIS (Management Information System). They approach the students with software engineering knowledge to build the software.

Designing a software system so big is a gigantic and time consuming task. Moreover NITS doesn’t want to overburden the students with this task. Hence it is decided to adopt a modular system within a time-frame of one year per module. The existing manual system is divided into some self containing modules like admission, course management etc..Starting with a one year module, students would develop the software module by module, batch by batch. That is, if the students in seventh semester are engaged then they will take up a module, finish it and add to the modules already developed before passing out after eight semester. Then next batch in seventh semester will pick up another module, develop it and integrate with the system and so on.

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