- Improved the reliability of sending addresses to the API by always using the POST method This now applies to sending a singular address in addition to multiple addresses.
- Corrected an exception when checking an IP which doesn't have Country data available.
- Added full support for checking email addresses in addition to ip addresses.
- Added support for checking multiple addresses in a single request by passsing an array as the $ip variable instead of a string.
- Moves around the required and optional parameters for our makeRequest() function to support PHP8+ which has deprecated our previous implementation.
- Corrected an issue where custom tags wouldn't be sent with requests. This bug was introduced by the 0.1.6 release.
- Updated code formatting to meet PSR-12 specifications.
- Improved the cURL implementation with GET/POST method arguments.
- Corrected an issue where omitting the DAY_RESTRICTOR within your options array would cause your API Key to not be sent with your requests.
- Added better protection against absent parameters in array options.
- Added a new query flag: risk which lets you view both risk scores and attack history for IP Addresses.
- Added a new function called stats which allows you to view the stats from your dashboard using our official dashboard API's
- Updated the check function to support a new option array called ALLOWED_COUNTRIES so you can do local country based whitelisting.
- Updated the COUNTRIES feature to allow isocodes to be used in addition to country names.
- Improved the classes handling of errors when options were not supplied in the options array.
- Added a new function called listing which allows you to view and modify your whitelist and blacklist using our official dashboard API.
- Added Last Seen, Port and Node flags to the query library.
- Updated README.md with new description of the library and altered the example result array to include new flag responses.
- Updated composer.json changing "type" from project to library.
- Initial release.