Being able to pass options to HTTParty
Corrected handling options within HTTParty
Added (RubyMotion) OSX support
Making app/app_delegate.rb dependent of boot.rb when existing
Added MotionBundler::CLI which outputs files, files dependencies and requires as YAML (usage: ‘bundle exec motion-bundler trace cgi`)
Only resolving paths within $LOAD_PATH and gems paths when explicitly requested (only resolving mocks at default)
Being able to pass a “scope path” to Ripper.new which determines whether to immediately “rip” an analyzed Ruby source file
Being able to trace files which are already required (thanks Geoff Ereth for issuing)
Not rescuing LoadError when hooking into the ‘require` method
Corrected merging ripper with tracer files dependencies
Introduced app.register in case of correcting missing require statements e.g. in REXML (thanks Jeff Enderwick @jeff7091 for issuing)
Removed optional ‘strict` argument within Require.resolve
Also mocking within ‘MotionBundler.tracer_require` (thanks Li Jie for issuing, see github.com/archan937/motion-bundler/issues/7)
Being able to require multiple files (e.g. ‘require “./config/*/.rb”` within `app/app_delegate.rb`)
Expanding paths when registering files and files dependencies
Corrected files order when registering
Fixed ‘duplicate symbol` error (for real this time)
Not using colorize as gem dependency anymore: defining String#yellow, String#green, String#red in MotionBundler itself
Fixed ‘duplicate symbol` error caused when requiring a file within `Dir[“app/*/.rb”]`
Altered ‘simulator?` (and thus `device?`) determination (in simulator when ARGV is empty)
Updated mocked HTTParty module:
Support passing block when sending request
Support asynchronous requests
Fixed device/core_ext.rb when running ‘rake device`
Initial release