Released version 24.06.10
Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.10
Updated langpacks
Attendance: Upgraded module
Choicegroup: Upgraded module
Completion progress: Upgraded module
Course format simple: Show content of labels in non-editing view
coursequotas: Fixed lang string
Custom user menu items: Synchronized with Àgora. Fixed several links.
GeoGebra: Upgraded module
Hot Potatoes: Upgraded module
Hot Potatoes: Upgraded question format
langs: Removed limitation by code
lesson: Fixed Matching questions does not match with expected response (MDL-79937)
local_oauth: Upgraded module
Question Type Numerical: Fixed PHP 8.x compatibility error
Questionnaire: Upgraded module
tool_oauth2: Fixed loading of form to create a custom service
Theme xtecboost: Fixed scroll in list of conversations
Theme xtecboost: Reduced the size of the icons of the activities in the course view
Wiris: Upgraded all components
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