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Markus Sabadello edited this page Apr 24, 2015 · 13 revisions


This branch implements the "No Value Node Shift".

This abolishes value context nodes. This affects the core graph model, storage, and serialization formats.


Graph before the No Value Node Shift:

=markus<#name>&/&/"Markus Sabadello"
=markus<#email>&/&/"[email protected]"

Graph after the No Value Node Shift:

=markus<#name>/&/"Markus Sabadello"
=markus<#email>/&/"[email protected]"


Merged per eb0bebb on 21st Apr 2015 after snapshot-0.7-pre-no-value-node.

Sample Deployment before merge:

Code Migration

The XdiValue class has been removed. The Literal class has been renamed to LiteralNode. The ContextNode and LiteralNode classes now share the common Node interface. Many other classes related to serialization, graph storage, and messaging have been adapted to these changes.

Graph Migration

Graphs can be migrated using the xdi2-tools.

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