Help us improve our real-world examples!
If you find a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, you can submit an bug via the local Issues tab.
Before you submit your issue, please search existing Issues to check if a similar issue has been logged or addressed. To help us investigate your issue and respond in a timely manner, you can provide us with the following details:
- Overview of the issue: Provide a short description of the visible symptoms. If applicable, include error messages, screen shots, and stack traces.
- Motivation for or use case: Let us know how this particular issue affects your work.
- System configuration: Provide us with relevant system configuration information such as operating system, network connection, proxy usage, etc. Let us know if you have been able to reproduce the issue on multiple setups.
- Steps to reproduce: If applicable, submit a step-by-step walkthrough of how to reproduce the issue.
- Suggest a fix: You are welcome to suggest a bug fix or pinpoint the line of code or the commit that you believe has introduced the issue.
Every GitHub user should be able to either fork the repository or create a branch for their work. All pull requests must be performed against the Develop branch and requires a code review by a member of this repository's maintainers.