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CI generator for crud (bash and php) 0.1 [code] #!/bin/bash

CICRUD 0.1 By Vladimir Grubor ([email protected])


Usage: [CodeIgniter folder] [table name] [fields (field1 field2 field3...)]

./ /home/vlado/web/ci test username email password status

or if your application folder is in system ./ /home/vlado/web/ci/system test username email password status

Script will generate in this case modtest.php model

If modtest.php existing this script will overwrite it. So...

cat file | xargs ./ /home/vlado/web/CodeIgniter test

#Configuration AUTHOR="Vladimir Grubor ([email protected])" DATE=$(date '+%d.%m.%Y %R')

FOLDER=$1 if [ ! -x $FOLDER ]; then
echo 'Error: wrong directory name. Use ./cicrud dirname table field1 field2...'; exit 1 fi TABLE=$2 MODELNAME="mod$TABLE" MODEL="$FOLDER/application/models/$MODELNAME.php" echo "Starting CI-Bash CRUD $DATE" echo "Table: $TABLE CI Folder: $FOLDER"

#Creating model echo "<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');" > $MODEL echo "/**

  • $TABLE model
  • @author $AUTHOR
  • @date $DATE */" >> $MODEL echo "class mod$TABLE extends Model {" >> $MODEL echo '' >> $MODEL echo ' var $id;' >> $MODEL

for thing in "$@" do if [ ${thing} != $FOLDER ] &amp;&amp; [ ${thing} != $TABLE ] ; then echo " var $"${thing}";" >> $MODEL fi done

echo '' >> $MODEL echo ' var $select;' >> $MODEL echo ' var $limit;' >> $MODEL echo ' var $limit2;' >> $MODEL echo ' var $order;' >> $MODEL

#GET Function echo '' >> $MODEL echo " function $MODELNAME(){ parent::Model(); }">>$MODEL echo '' >> $MODEL echo " /** * Return filtered $TABLE * * @access public * @param void * @return $TABLE */" >> $MODEL echo ' function get(){' >> $MODEL for thing in "$@" do if [ ${thing} != $FOLDER ] &amp;&amp; [ ${thing} != $TABLE ]; then echo " if ($this-&gt;"${thing}") $this-&gt;db-&gt;where('${thing}',$this->${thing});" >> $MODEL fi done echo ' if ($this->select) $this->db->select($this->select);' >> $MODEL echo ' if ($this->limit) $this->db->limit($this->limit);' >> $MODEL echo ' if ($this->limit2) $this->db->limit($this->limit,$this->limit2);' >> $MODEL echo ' if ($this->order) $this->db->order_by($this->order);' >> $MODEL echo " $kveri = $this->db->get('$TABLE');" >> $MODEL echo ' if ($this->id) return $kveri->row();' >> $MODEL echo ' else return $kveri->result();' >> $MODEL echo ' }' >> $MODEL echo '' >> $MODEL echo ' // --------------------------------------------------------------------' >> $MODEL echo '' >> $MODEL

#SAVE Function echo " /** * Save $TABLE * * @access public * @param void * @return integer */" >> $MODEL echo ' function save(){' >> $MODEL for thing in "$@" do if [ ${thing} != $FOLDER ] &amp;&amp; [ ${thing} != $TABLE ]; then echo " if ($this-&gt;"${thing}") $this-&gt;db-&gt;set('${thing}',$this->${thing});" >> $MODEL fi done

echo ' if ($this->id) {' >> $MODEL echo " $this->db->where('id',$this->id);" >> $MODEL echo " $this->db->update('$TABLE');" >> $MODEL echo " return $this->id;" >> $MODEL echo ' }' >> $MODEL echo ' else {' >> $MODEL echo " $this->db->update('$TABLE');" >> $MODEL echo ' return $this->db->insert_id();' >> $MODEL echo ' }' >> $MODEL echo ' }' >> $MODEL echo '' >> $MODEL echo ' // --------------------------------------------------------------------' >> $MODEL echo '' >> $MODEL

#DELETE echo " /** * Delete row from $TABLE * * @access public * @param integer * @return void */" >> $MODEL echo ' function del($id){' >> $MODEL echo ' $this->db->where('id',$id);' >> $MODEL echo ' $this->db->limit(1);' >> $MODEL echo " $this->db->delete('$TABLE')" >> $MODEL echo ' }' >> $MODEL echo '' >> $MODEL

#Finishing model echo '}' >> $MODEL #echo '?>' >> $MODEL echo "/* End of file $MODELNAME.php /" >> $MODEL echo "/ Location: ./application/models/$MODELNAME.php */" >> $MODEL [/code]

cicrud.php [code] #!/usr/bin/php -q <?

CICrud 0.1

Author Vladimir Grubor ([email protected])

Use ./cicrud.php [(m)odel|(c)ontroller|(v)iew|(a)ll] [CI project folder] [table] [fields]

or php cicrud.php [(m)odel|(c)ontroller|(v)iew|(a)ll] [CI project folder] [table] [fields]

cat textfile | xargs ./cicrud.php [(m)odel|(c)ontroller|(v)iew|(a)ll] [CI project folder] [table]

Script will overwrite existing file....


$author = 'Vladimir Grubor ([email protected])'; $cifolder = 'application/'; // or 'system/application/' $date = date('d.m.Y H:i'); // Date time format

#Parms $mvc = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $folder = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $folder = $folder.$cifolder; $table = $_SERVER['argv'][3];

function model() { global $folder,$table,$author,$date; $modelname = 'mod'.$table.'.php'; $model = $folder.'/models/'.$modelname; echo "Generating model...\n"; $fp = fopen($model, 'w'); fwrite($fp, "<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');\n"); fwrite($fp, "/\n"); fwrite($fp, "* $table model\n"); fwrite($fp, "\n"); fwrite($fp, " @author $author\n"); fwrite($fp, "* @date $date\n"); fwrite($fp, "*/\n"); fwrite($fp, "class mod$table extends Model {\n"); fwrite($fp, ' var $id'.";\n"); for($i=4;$i<count($_SERVER['argv']);$i++) { fwrite($fp, ' var $'.$_SERVER['argv'][$i].";\n"); } fwrite($fp, "\n"); fwrite($fp, ' var $select'.";\n"); fwrite($fp, ' var $order'.";\n"); fwrite($fp, ' var $limit'.";\n"); fwrite($fp, ' var $limit2'.";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\n"); fwrite($fp, " function mod$table(){\n"); fwrite($fp, " parent::Model();\n"); fwrite($fp, " }\n\n"); fwrite($fp, " // --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); fwrite($fp," / * Get rows from $table * * @access public * @param none * @return object /\n" ); fwrite($fp, " function get(){\n"); fwrite($fp, " if ($this->id) $this->db->where('id',$this->id);\n"); for($i=4;$i<count($_SERVER['argv']);$i++) { $var = $_SERVER['argv'][$i]; fwrite($fp, " if ($this->$var) $this->db->where('$var',$this->$var);\n"); } fwrite($fp, " if ($this->select) $this->db->select($this->select);\n"); fwrite($fp, " if ($this->order) $this->db->order_by($this->order);\n"); fwrite($fp, " if ($this->limit) $this->db->limit($this->limit);\n"); fwrite($fp, " if ($this->limit2) $this->db->limit($this->limit,$this->limit2);\n"); fwrite($fp, " $query = $this->db->get('$table');\n"); fwrite($fp, " if ($this->id) return $query->row();\n"); fwrite($fp, " else return $query->result();\n"); fwrite($fp, " }\n\n"); fwrite($fp, " // --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); fwrite($fp," /* * Update or insert to $table * * @access public * @param none * @return integer /\n" ); fwrite($fp, " function save(){\n"); for($i=4;$i<count($_SERVER['argv']);$i++) { $var = $_SERVER['argv'][$i]; fwrite($fp, " if ($this->$var) $this->db->set('$var',$this->$var);\n"); } fwrite($fp, " if ($this->id)\n {\n"); fwrite($fp, " $this->db->where('id',$this->id);\n"); fwrite($fp, " $this->db->update('$table');\n"); fwrite($fp, " return $this->id;\n"); fwrite($fp, " }\n"); fwrite($fp, " else\n {\n"); fwrite($fp, " $this->db->insert('$table');\n"); fwrite($fp, " return $this->db->insert_id();\n"); fwrite($fp, " }\n"); fwrite($fp, " }\n\n"); fwrite($fp, " // --------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); fwrite($fp," /* * Delete row from $table * * @access public * @param integer * @return void /\n" ); fwrite($fp, " function del($id){\n"); fwrite($fp, " $this->db->where('id',$id);\n"); fwrite($fp, " $this->db->limit(1);\n"); fwrite($fp, " $this->db->delete('$table');\n"); fwrite($fp, " }\n"); fwrite($fp, "}\n"); fwrite($fp, "/ End of file $modelname /\n"); fwrite($fp, "/ Location: ./application/models/$modelname */\n"); fclose($fp);


function controller() { global $folder,$table,$author,$date; $controllername = $table; $controller = $folder.'/controllers/'.$controllername.'.php'; $model = 'mod'.$table; echo "Generating controller...\n"; $fp = fopen($controller, 'w'); fwrite($fp,"<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');\n");

fwrite($fp, "/**\n");
fwrite($fp, "* $table controller\n");
fwrite($fp, "*\n");
fwrite($fp, "* @author $author\n");
fwrite($fp, "* @date $date\n");
fwrite($fp, "*/\n");

fwrite($fp,"class $controllername extends Controller {\n\n");
fwrite($fp,"    function $controllername(){\n");
fwrite($fp,"        parent::Controller();\n");
fwrite($fp,"        \$this->load->model('mod$table');\n");
fwrite($fp,"    }\n\n");

fwrite($fp,"    function index(){\n");
fwrite($fp,"        \$data['$table'] = \$this->".$model."->get()\n");
fwrite($fp,"    }\n\n");

fwrite($fp,"    function add(){\n");
fwrite($fp,"    }\n\n");

fwrite($fp,"    function edit(\$id){\n");
fwrite($fp,"        \$editable = \$this->".$model."->id = \$id;\n");
fwrite($fp,"        \$editable = \$this->".$model."->get();\n");
fwrite($fp,"    }\n\n");

fwrite($fp,"    function del(\$id){\n");
fwrite($fp,'        $this->mod'.$table."->del(\$id);\n");
fwrite($fp,"        redirect('$controllername');\n");
fwrite($fp,"    }\n\n");
fwrite($fp, "/* End of file $controllername */\n");
fwrite($fp, "/* Location: ./application/controllers/$controllername.php */\n");


function view() {


if ($mvc && $folder && $table) { if (!is_dir($folder)) die("Error: Wrong CI Project folder. Use php cicrud.php [(m)odel|(c)ontroller|(v)iew|(a)ll] [CI project folder] [table] [fields]\n"); if ($mvc == 'm' or $mvc == 'model') model(); else if ($mvc == 'c' or $mvc == 'controller') controller(); else if ($mvc == 'v' or $mvc == 'view') view(); else if ($mvc == 'a' or $mvc == 'all') { model(); controller(); view(); } else die("Error: wrong argument (m) (v) (c) or (a)ll. Use php cicrud.php [(m)odel|(c)ontroller|(v)iew|(a)ll] [CI project folder] [table] [fields]\n"); } else die("Error: no arguments. Use php cicrud.php [(m)odel|(c)ontroller|(v)iew|(a)ll] [CI project folder] [table] [fields]\n"); ?> [/code]

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