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TinyButStrong Template Engine

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 30 revisions


This is a template library that wraps around [url=]TinyButStrong[/url].


[b]application/init/init_tbswrapper.php[/b] [code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

if ( ! class_exists('Tbswrapper')) { require_once(APPPATH.'libraries/tbswrapper'.EXT); }

$obj =& get_instance(); $obj->tbswrapper = new Tbswrapper(); $obj->ci_is_loaded[] = 'tbswrapper';

?> [/code]

[b]application/libraries/tbswrapper.php[/b] [code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');


class Tbswrapper{

 * TinyButStrong instance
 * @var object
private static $TBS = null;

 * default constructor
public function __construct(){
    if(self::$TBS == null) $this->TBS = new clsTinyButStrong();

public function tbsLoadTemplate($File, $HtmlCharSet=''){
    return $this->TBS->LoadTemplate($File, $HtmlCharSet);

public function tbsMergeBlock($BlockName, $Source){
    return $this->TBS->MergeBlock($BlockName, $Source);

public function tbsMergeField($BaseName, $X){
    return $this->TBS->MergeField($BaseName, $X);

public function tbsRender(){
    return $this->TBS->Source;


?> [/code]

Besides tbswrapper.php, tbs_class_php5.php (for PHP5) or tbs_class_php4.php (for PHP4) must be present in [b]application/libraries/[/b] folder; also tbs_plugin_cache.php for caching presentation layer (it's different from CI caching system).


Like any CI library, you can either autoload it:


[code]$autoload['core'] = array('tbswrapper');[/code]

Or, load it manually inside any controller method:


[h4]Example of usage :[/h4]


[code] [/code]


[code] [/code]


[code] [/code]


[code] [/code]

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