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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 10 revisions

FLV Player Class to play the video flash on your application. Download here:

*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: check out *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  1. Unzip in a local folder

  2. Copy the files INSIDE the folder ci_flv_player in your CodeIgniter installation directory

  3. The files INSIDE is

    • system/application/libraries/Flvplayer.php (CI's Library for FLV Player)
    • public/app/mediaplayer.swf (the player for flv)
    • public/app/swfobject.js (the script for atributes)
  4. On your controller put this code: $this->load->library('flvplayer');

  5. And this is an example for the view script: <?php echo $this->flvplayer->rendervideo('public/images/video.flv', 'public/images/video.jpg', '300', '150'); ?> notes:

    • public/images/video.flv is an example for your video location
    • public/images/video.jpg is an example for your image location
    • 300 is an example for your video width
    • 150 is an example for your video height
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