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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 19 revisions

[b]V1.05 - May 10, 2010[/b]

I've put together this e-commerce application built on CodeIgniter 1.7.2. This application comes with a couple of examples of libraries to charge shipping, and also comes with a library to process credit card transactions through the gateway. Tax can be applied to residents of a particular state or states.

As of this version, V1.05, the application now has a complete categorized product display, an admin user interface for adding and managing inventory, and the ability to add notes to orders. Quite a few bug fixes and little additions are also included.

I built this application because I was sick of using other people's e-commerce solutions. I want to be able to customize an e-commerce application easily, and it's tough dealing with osCommerce, Zen-Cart, and Magento. Yes, these applications provide a ton of features that aren't present in my application, but I'm trying to keep this application lean for a few reasons. My top priority is to be able to have a shopping experience I can sell to a customer, and have it up and running, and completely styled, in a quarter of the time it would take me to do the same thing with one of the popular open source shopping carts.

I realize that this e-commerce solution may not be geared towards online sales in countries outside the USA. Because I don't have a lot of knowledge in regards to doing business outside the USA, it's really impossible for me to make an e-commerce application that is suitable for everyone.

Community Cart is now hosted at bitbucket - [url=][/url]. This is where you can download the current version, or preview the latest code. If you'd like to help work on Community Cart, that would be great too. The repository is located here:


Blessings, Brian Gottier [url=]Brian's Web Design - Temecula, CA[/url]

[h3]Wiki Categories[/h3] Category:Applications::E-Commerce Category:Contributions::Applications::E-Commerce

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