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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 32 revisions

Well I wanted to call this library/plugin Freak_Swift_Mailer, but then... somebody killed my creativity...

Anyway, this is my solution for using SWIFT MAILER library with CI.


=> [url=]FORUM[/url]

=> official [url=]SWIFT MAILER WEBSITE[/url]

=> [url=][/url] for tutorials

[b]Author: Daniel Vecchiato (danfreak) website: [url=][/url] The original Swift Mailer package has been released by Chris Corbyn [url=][/url][/b]

  • @license GNU Lesser General Public License


[h2] REQUIREMENTS: [/h2]

  • CodeIgniter 1.5.1/1.5.2



  1. download SWIFT MAILER from [url=]SWIFT MAILER website[/url] (choose PHP4 or PHP5 version according to your needs) [/h3]

[h3] 2) unzip in a local folder [/h3]

[h3] 3) create a folder called [b]my_classes[/b] in your [b]system/application[/b] directory [/h3]

[h3] 4) copy the files [b]INSIDE[/b] the folder [b]Swift-X.0.X-phpX/lib/[/b] in your [b]system/application/my_classes/ [/b]directory [/h3]

[h3] 5) enable hooks in your [b]application/config/config.php[/b] file [/h3] [code]

Enable/Disable System Hooks

| | If you would like to use the "hooks" feature you must enable it by | setting this variable to TRUE (boolean). See the user guide for details. | */ $config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE; [/code]

[h3] 6) add the following lines in [b]application/config/config.php[/b] [/h3] [code] $hook['pre_controller'][] = array( 'class' => 'MyClasses', 'function' => 'index', 'filename' => 'MyClasses.php', 'filepath' => 'hooks' ); [/code]

[h3] 7) in your [b]system/application/hooks/[/b] create a new file called [b]MyClasses.php[/b] with the following inside [/h3]

[code] <?php

if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Myclasses {
/** * includes the directory application\my_classes\ in your includes directory * */ function index() { //includes the directory application\my_classes
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path').';'.BASEPATH.'application/my_classes/'); } }

?> [/code]

[h3] 8) build a controller to test that every works fine ([url=]example taken here[/url]) [/h3]

[code] <?php class Mail extends Controller { function Mail() { parent::Controller();


function index()
    //Load in the files we'll need
    require_once "Swift.php";
    require_once "Swift/Connection/SMTP.php";
    //Start Swift
    $swift =& new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP(""));
    //Create the message
    $message =& new Swift_Message("My subject", "My body");
    //Now check if Swift actually sends it
    if ($swift->send($message, "[email protected]", "[email protected]")) echo "Sent";
    else echo "Failed";


?> [/code]

[h3] 9) now build other controllers/methods to suit your needs. Check out the [url=]SWIFT MAILER DOCUMENTATION[/url] [/h3]

[b]IMPORTANT NOTICE: [/b] use the examples in the documentation, but change [code] //Load in the files we'll need require_once "lib/Swift.php"; require_once "lib/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php"; [/code]


[code] //Load in the files we'll need require_once "Swift.php"; require_once "Swift/Connection/SMTP.php"; [/code]

[h3] 10) HAPPY CODING! [/h3]


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