diff --git a/bycon/__init__.py b/bycon/__init__.py
index 04e438fc5..4e9cbbedd 100644
--- a/bycon/__init__.py
+++ b/bycon/__init__.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
from args_parsing import *
from beacon_response_generation import *
from bycon_helpers import *
- from bycon_plot import *
from cgi_parsing import *
from clustering_utils import *
from dataset_parsing import *
diff --git a/bycon/beaconServer/tests/GET-examples.md b/bycon/beaconServer/tests/GET-examples.md
index 5ab6e0c73..dfa9b4f8a 100644
--- a/bycon/beaconServer/tests/GET-examples.md
+++ b/bycon/beaconServer/tests/GET-examples.md
@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ http://progenetix.org/beacon/biosamples/onekgbs-HG00142/g_variants
diff --git a/bycon/config/handover_definitions.yaml b/bycon/config/handover_definitions.yaml
index 4222a60f5..ac48d4fa4 100644
--- a/bycon/config/handover_definitions.yaml
+++ b/bycon/config/handover_definitions.yaml
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ h->o_types:
- biosample
- analysis
h->o_key: 'biosamples.id'
- script_path_web: '/beacon/biosamples'
- output: histoplot
+ script_path_web: '/services/sampleplots'
+ plotType: histoplot
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ h->o_types:
- biosample
- analysis
h->o_key: 'biosamples.id'
- script_path_web: '/beacon/biosamples'
- output: samplesplot
+ script_path_web: '/services/sampleplots'
+ plotType: samplesplot
diff --git a/bycon/lib/beacon_response_generation.py b/bycon/lib/beacon_response_generation.py
index 047bd46bb..a338c460f 100644
--- a/bycon/lib/beacon_response_generation.py
+++ b/bycon/lib/beacon_response_generation.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
from deepmerge import always_merger
from os import environ
-from bycon_plot import ByconPlot
from bycon_helpers import mongo_result_list, mongo_test_mode_query, return_paginated_list
from cgi_parsing import prdbug
from datatable_utils import export_datatable_download
@@ -595,8 +594,8 @@ def populatedResultSets(self):
# tables before reshaping ...
- self.__check_datasets_results_histoplot_delivery()
- self.__check_datasets_results_samplesplot_delivery()
+ # self.__check_datasets_results_histoplot_delivery()
+ # self.__check_datasets_results_samplesplot_delivery()
# finally populating the standard Beacon response
@@ -618,41 +617,6 @@ def datasetsResults(self):
return self.datasets_results
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def samplesPlot(self):
- self.output = "samplesplot"
- self.__datasets_results_samplesplot_generation()
- return self.svg
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def samplesPlotWeb(self):
- self.output = "samplesplot"
- self.__datasets_results_samplesplot_generation()
- print_svg_response(self.svg, self.env)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def histoPlot(self):
- self.output = "histoplot"
- self.__datasets_results_histoplot_generation()
- return self.svg
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def plotSVGtoWeb(self, plot_type="histoplot"):
- self.output = plot_type
- self.svg = ''
- prdbug(self.byc, self.output)
- self.__datasets_results_histoplot_generation()
- self.__datasets_results_samplesplot_generation()
- print_svg_response(self.svg, self.env)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------- private -----------------------------------#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
@@ -756,137 +720,6 @@ def __check_datasets_results_histoplot_delivery(self):
print_svg_response(self.svg, self.env)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __datasets_results_samplesplot_generation(self):
- prdbug(self.byc, self.output)
- if not "samplesplot" in self.output:
- return
- results = []
- for ds_id, ds_res in self.datasets_results.items():
- if not "callsets._id" in ds_res:
- continue
- mongo_client = MongoClient(host=environ.get("BYCON_MONGO_HOST", "localhost"))
- cs_coll = mongo_client[ds_id]["callsets"]
- var_coll = mongo_client[ds_id]["variants"]
- cs_r = ds_res["callsets._id"]
- cs__ids = cs_r["target_values"]
- r_no = len(cs__ids)
- if r_no < 1:
- continue
- cs__ids = return_paginated_list(cs__ids, self.skip, self.limit)
- for cs__id in cs__ids:
- cs = cs_coll.find_one({"_id": cs__id })
- cs_id = cs.get("id", "NA")
- cnv_chro_stats = cs.get("cnv_chro_stats", False)
- cnv_statusmaps = cs.get("cnv_statusmaps", False)
- if cnv_chro_stats is False or cnv_statusmaps is False:
- continue
- p_o = {
- "dataset_id": ds_id,
- "callset_id": cs_id,
- "biosample_id": cs.get("biosample_id", "NA"),
- "cnv_chro_stats": cs.get("cnv_chro_stats", {}),
- "cnv_statusmaps": cs.get("cnv_statusmaps", {}),
- "probefile": callset_guess_probefile_path(cs, self.byc),
- "variants": []
- }
- if r_no == 1 and p_o["probefile"] is not False:
- p_o.update({"cn_probes": ByconBundler(self.byc).read_probedata_file(p_o["probefile"]) })
- v_q = {"callset_id": cs_id}
- for v in var_coll.find(v_q):
- p_o["variants"].append(ByconVariant(self.byc).byconVariant(v))
- results.append(p_o)
- plot_data_bundle = {"callsets_variants_bundles": results}
- self.svg = ByconPlot(self.byc, plot_data_bundle).get_svg()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __datasets_results_histoplot_generation(self):
- if not "histoplot" in self.output:
- return
- f_d = self.filter_definitions
- f_s_t = self.form_data.get("plot_group_by", "___none___")
- interval_sets = []
- for ds_id, ds_res in self.datasets_results.items():
- if not "callsets._id" in ds_res:
- continue
- mongo_client = MongoClient(host=environ.get("BYCON_MONGO_HOST", "localhost"))
- bios_coll = mongo_client[ds_id]["biosamples"]
- cs_coll = mongo_client[ds_id]["callsets"]
- f_s_dists = []
- f_s_k = ""
- if f_s_t in f_d.keys():
- if not "biosamples._id" in ds_res:
- continue
- bios_q_v = ds_res["biosamples._id"].get("target_values", [])
- if len(bios_q_v) < 1:
- continue
- f_s_k = f_d[f_s_t].get("db_key", "___none___")
- f_s_p = f_d[f_s_t].get("pattern", False)
- f_s_q = {"_id": {"$in": bios_q_v}}
- f_s_dists = bios_coll.distinct(f_s_k, f_s_q)
- if f_s_p is not False:
- r = re.compile(f_s_p)
- f_s_dists = list(filter(lambda d: r.match(d), f_s_dists))
- for f_s_id in f_s_dists:
- bios_id_q = {"$and": [
- {f_s_k: f_s_id},
- {"_id": {"$in": bios_q_v}}
- ]}
- bios_ids = bios_coll.distinct("id", bios_id_q)
- cs__ids = cs_coll.distinct("_id", {"biosample_id": {"$in": bios_ids}})
- r_no = len(cs__ids)
- if r_no > self.limit:
- cs__ids = return_paginated_list(cs__ids, self.skip, self.limit)
- label = f"Search Results (subset {f_s_id})"
- iset = callset__ids_create_iset(ds_id, label, cs__ids, self.byc)
- interval_sets.append(iset)
- else:
- cs_r = ds_res["callsets._id"]
- cs__ids = cs_r["target_values"]
- r_no = len(cs__ids)
- # filter for CNV cs before evaluating number
- if r_no > self.limit:
- cs_cnv_ids = []
- for _id in cs__ids:
- cs = cs_coll.find_one({"_id":_id})
- if "cnv_statusmaps" in cs:
- cs_cnv_ids.append(_id)
- cs__ids = cs_cnv_ids
- cs__ids = return_paginated_list(cs__ids, self.skip, self.limit)
- iset = callset__ids_create_iset(ds_id, "Search Results", cs__ids, self.byc)
- interval_sets.append(iset)
- plot_data_bundle = {"interval_frequencies_bundles": interval_sets}
- self.svg = ByconPlot(self.byc, plot_data_bundle).get_svg()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
def __result_sets_save_handovers(self):
diff --git a/bycon/lib/bycon_plot.py b/bycon/lib/bycon_plot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 445b64f44..000000000
--- a/bycon/lib/bycon_plot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1251 +0,0 @@
-import base64, io, re
-from datetime import datetime, date
-from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw
-from cgi_parsing import get_plot_parameters, print_svg_response, prjsonnice, test_truthy, prdbug
-from clustering_utils import cluster_frequencies, cluster_samples
-from genome_utils import bands_from_cytobands, retrieve_gene_id_coordinates
-# http://progenetix.org/cgi/bycon/services/intervalFrequencies.py?plotChros=8,9,17&labels=8:120000000-123000000:Some+Interesting+Region&plot_gene_symbols=MYCN,REL,TP53,MTAP,CDKN2A,MYC,ERBB2,CDK1&filters=pgx:icdom-85003&output=histoplot
-# http://progenetix.org/beacon/biosamples/?datasetIds=progenetix&referenceName=9&variantType=DEL&start=21500000&start=21975098&end=21967753&end=22500000&filters=NCIT:C3058&output=histoplot&plotGeneSymbols=CDKN2A,MTAP,EGFR,BCL6
-# http://progenetix.org/beacon/biosamples/?datasetIds=progenetix&referenceName=9&variantType=DEL&start=21500000&start=21975098&end=21967753&end=22500000&filters=NCIT:C3058&output=samplesplot&plotGeneSymbols=CDKN2A,MTAP,EGFR,BCL6
-class ByconPlot:
- """
- # The `ByconPlot` class
- ## Input
- A plot data bundle containing lists of callset object bundles (_i.e._ the
- callsets with all their individual variants added) and/or interval frequencies
- set bundles (_i.e._ list of one or more binned CNV frequencies in object
- wrappers with some information about the set).
- """
- def __init__(self, byc: dict, plot_data_bundle: dict):
- self.byc = byc
- self.env = byc.get("env", "server")
- self.plot_data_bundle = plot_data_bundle
- self.svg = None
- self.plot_time_init = datetime.now()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # ----------------------------- public ------------------------------------#
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def get_svg(self) -> str:
- self.__plot_pipeline()
- return self.svg
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def svg2file(self, filename):
- self.__plot_pipeline()
- svg_fh = open(filename, "w")
- svg_fh.write(self.svg)
- svg_fh.close()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def svg_response(self):
- self.__plot_pipeline()
- print_svg_response(self.svg, self.env)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # ----------------------------- private -----------------------------------#
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_pipeline(self):
- self.plot_pipeline_start = datetime.now()
- p_t_s = self.byc["plot_defaults"].get("plot_types", {})
- p_t = self.byc.get("output", "___none___")
- if p_t not in p_t_s.keys():
- return
- self.__initialize_plot_values(p_t)
- if self.__plot_respond_empty_results() is False:
- self.__plot_add_title()
- self.__plot_add_cytobands()
- self.__plot_add_samplestrips()
- self.__plot_add_histodata()
- self.__plot_add_probesplot()
- self.__plot_add_cluster_tree()
- self.__plot_add_markers()
- self.__plot_add_footer()
- self.svg = self.__create_svg()
- self.plot_pipeline_end = datetime.now()
- self.plot_pipeline_duration = self.plot_pipeline_end - self.plot_pipeline_start
- prdbug(self.byc, f'... plot pipeline duration for {p_t} was {self.plot_pipeline_duration.total_seconds()} seconds')
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __initialize_plot_values(self, plot_type):
- p_d_p = self.byc["plot_defaults"]["parameters"]
- p_t_s = self.byc["plot_defaults"]["plot_types"]
- d_k = p_t_s[plot_type].get("data_key")
- # TODO: get rid of the "results"?
- self.plv = {
- "plot_type": plot_type,
- "results": self.plot_data_bundle.get(d_k, []),
- "results_number": len(self.plot_data_bundle.get(d_k, [])),
- "data_type": p_t_s[plot_type].get("data_type", "analyses")
- }
- self.__filter_empty_callsets_results()
- for p_k, p_d in p_d_p.items():
- if "default" in p_d:
- self.plv.update({p_k: p_d["default"]})
- else:
- self.plv.update({p_k: ""})
- if self.plv["results_number"] < 2:
- self.plv.update({"plot_labelcol_width": 0})
- if self.plv["results_number"] > 2:
- self.plv.update({"plot_cluster_results": True})
- else:
- self.plv.update({"plot_dendrogram_width": 0})
- get_plot_parameters(self.plv, self.byc)
- pax = self.plv["plot_margins"] + self.plv["plot_labelcol_width"] + self.plv["plot_axislab_y_width"]
- paw = self.plv["plot_width"] - 2 * self.plv["plot_margins"]
- paw -= self.plv["plot_labelcol_width"]
- paw -= self.plv["plot_axislab_y_width"]
- paw -= self.plv["plot_dendrogram_width"]
- # calculate the base
- chr_b_s = 0
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][chro]
- chr_b_s += c_l["size"]
- pyf = self.plv["plot_area_height"] * 0.5 / self.plv["plot_axis_y_max"]
- gaps = len(self.plv["plot_chros"]) - 1
- gap_sw = gaps * self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- genome_width = paw - gap_sw
- b2pf = genome_width / chr_b_s # TODO: only exists if using stack
- title = self.plv.get("plot_title", "")
- if len(title) < 3:
- if self.plv["results_number"] == 1:
- title = self.__format_resultset_title()
- lab_f_s = round(self.plv["plot_samplestrip_height"] * 0.65, 1)
- if lab_f_s < self.plv["plot_labelcol_font_size"]:
- self.plv.update({"plot_labelcol_font_size": lab_f_s})
- self.plv.update({
- "plot_title": title,
- "cytoband_shades": self.byc["plot_defaults"].get("cytoband_shades", {}),
- "styles": [
- f'.plot-area {{fill: {self.plv.get("plot_area_color", "#66ddff")}; fill-opacity: {self.plv.get("plot_area_opacity", 0.8)};}}',
- f'.title-left {{text-anchor: end; fill: {self.plv["plot_font_color"]}; font-size: {self.plv["plot_labelcol_font_size"]}px;}}'
- ],
- "Y": self.plv["plot_margins"],
- "plot_area_width": paw,
- "plot_area_x0": pax,
- "plot_area_xe": pax + paw,
- "plot_area_xc": pax + paw / 2,
- "plot_y2pf": pyf,
- "plot_genome_size": chr_b_s,
- "plot_b2pf": b2pf,
- "plot_labels": {},
- "dendrogram": False,
- "pls": []
- })
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __filter_empty_callsets_results(self):
- if not "samplesplot" in self.plv["plot_type"]:
- return
- p_t_s = self.byc["plot_defaults"]["plot_types"]
- d_k = p_t_s["samplesplot"].get("data_key")
- if test_truthy(self.plv.get("plot_filter_empty_samples", False)):
- self.plot_data_bundle.update({d_k: [s for s in self.plot_data_bundle[d_k] if len(s['variants']) > 0]})
- self.plv.update({
- "results": self.plot_data_bundle[d_k],
- "results_number": len(self.plot_data_bundle[d_k])
- })
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_respond_empty_results(self):
- if self.plv["results_number"] > 0:
- return False
- if self.plv["force_empty_plot"] is True:
- self.plv.update({"results": [{"variants":[]}]})
- return False
- self.plv.update({
- "plot_title_font_size": self.plv["plot_font_size"],
- "plot_title": "No matching CNV data"
- })
- self.__plot_add_title()
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __format_resultset_title(self):
- title = ""
- f_set = self.plv["results"][0]
- g_id = f_set.get("group_id")
- g_lab = f_set.get("label")
- if g_lab is not None:
- title = f"{g_lab}"
- if g_id is not None:
- title += f" ({g_id})"
- elif g_id is not None:
- title = g_id
- return title
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_title(self):
- if len(self.plv.get("plot_title", "")) < 3:
- return
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_title_font_size"]
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- '{}'.format(
- self.plv["plot_area_xc"],
- self.plv["Y"],
- self.plv["plot_title_font_size"],
- self.plv["plot_title"]
- )
- )
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_title_font_size"]
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_cytobands(self):
- if self.plv["plot_chro_height"] < 1:
- return
- self.__plot_add_cytoband_svg_gradients()
- # ------------------------- chromosome labels --------------------------#
- x = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_title_font_size"]
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][str(chro)]
- chr_w = c_l["size"] * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- chr_c = x + chr_w / 2
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'{chro}')
- x += chr_w
- x += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # ---------------------------- chromosomes ----------------------------#
- x = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- self.plv.update({"plot_chromosomes_y0": self.plv["Y"]})
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][str(chro)]
- chr_w = c_l["size"] * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- chr_cb_s = list(filter(lambda d: d["chro"] == chro, self.byc["cytobands"].copy()))
- last = len(chr_cb_s) - 1
- this_n = 0
- for cb in chr_cb_s:
- this_n += 1
- s_b = cb["start"]
- e_b = cb["end"]
- c = cb["staining"]
- cb_l = int(e_b) - int(s_b)
- l_px = cb_l * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- by = self.plv["Y"]
- bh = self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- if "cen" in c:
- by += 0.2 * self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- bh -= 0.4 * self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- elif "stalk" in c:
- by += 0.3 * self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- bh -= 0.6 * self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- elif this_n == 1 or this_n == last:
- by += 0.1 * self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- bh -= 0.2 * self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- x += l_px
- x += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # -------------------------- / chromosomes -----------------------------#
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_chro_height"]
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_cytoband_svg_gradients(self):
- c_defs = ""
- for cs_k, cs_c in self.plv["cytoband_shades"].items():
- p_id = self.plv.get("plot_id", "")
- c_defs += f'\n'
- for k, v in cs_c.items():
- c_defs += f'\n '
- c_defs += f'\n'
- self.plv["pls"].insert(0, c_defs)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_samplestrips(self):
- if not "sample" in self.plv["plot_type"]:
- return
- self.plv.update({"plot_first_area_y0": self.plv["Y"]})
- self.plv["pls"].append("")
- self.plv.update({"plot_strip_bg_i": len(self.plv["pls"]) - 1})
- if len(self.plv["results"]) > 0:
- self.__plot_order_samples()
- for s in self.plv["results"]:
- self.__plot_add_one_samplestrip(s)
- if self.plv["plot_labelcol_font_size"] > 5 and len(self.plv["results"]) > 1:
- cs_id = s.get("callset_id", "")
- if len(cs_id) > 0:
- cs_id = f' ({cs_id})'
- g_lab = f'{s.get("biosample_id", "")}{cs_id}'
- self.__samplestrip_add_left_label(g_lab)
- self.plv["plot_last_area_ye"] = self.plv["Y"]
- # ----------------------- plot cluster tree --------------------------------#
- self.plv.update({"cluster_head_gap": 0})
- self.plv.update({"plot_clusteritem_height": self.plv["plot_samplestrip_height"]})
- # --------------------- plot area background -------------------------------#
- x_a_0 = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- p_a_w = self.plv["plot_area_width"]
- p_a_h = self.plv["Y"] - self.plv["plot_first_area_y0"]
- self.plv["pls"][self.plv[
- "plot_strip_bg_i"]] = f''
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __samplestrip_add_left_label(self, label):
- lab_x_e = self.plv["plot_area_x0"] - self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"] * 2
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'{label}'
- )
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_order_samples(self):
- if self.plv.get("plot_cluster_results", True) is True and len(self.plv["results"]) > 2:
- dendrogram = cluster_samples(self.plv, self.byc)
- new_order = dendrogram.get("leaves", [])
- if len(new_order) == len(self.plv["results"]):
- self.plv["results"][:] = [self.plv["results"][i] for i in dendrogram.get("leaves", [])]
- self.plv.update({"dendrogram": dendrogram})
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_one_samplestrip(self, s):
- v_s = s.get("variants", [])
- x = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- h = self.plv["plot_samplestrip_height"]
- cnv_c = {
- "DUP": self.plv["plot_dup_color"],
- "DEL": self.plv["plot_del_color"]
- }
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][str(chro)]
- chr_w = c_l["size"] * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- c_v_s = list(filter(lambda d: d["reference_name"] == chro, v_s.copy()))
- for p_v in c_v_s:
- s_v = int(p_v.get("start", 0))
- l = round(int(p_v.get("variant_length", 1)) * self.plv["plot_b2pf"], 1)
- if l < 0.5:
- l = 0.5
- s = round(x + s_v * self.plv["plot_b2pf"], 1)
- t = p_v.get("variant_dupdel", "NA")
- c = cnv_c.get(t, "rgb(111,111,111)")
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- x += chr_w
- x += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- self.plv["Y"] += h
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_cluster_tree(self):
- itemHeight = self.plv["plot_clusteritem_height"]
- d = self.plv.get("dendrogram", False)
- if d is False:
- return
- p_s_c = self.plv.get("plot_dendrogram_color", '#ee0000')
- p_s_w = self.plv.get("plot_dendrogram_stroke", 1)
- d_x_s = d.get("dcoord", [])
- d_y_s = d.get("icoord", [])
- t_y_0 = self.plv["plot_first_area_y0"]
- t_x_0 = self.plv["plot_area_x0"] + self.plv["plot_area_width"]
- t_y_f = itemHeight * 0.1
- # finding the largest x-value of the dendrogram for scaling
- x_max = self.plv["plot_dendrogram_width"]
- for i, node in enumerate(d_x_s):
- for j, x in enumerate(node):
- if x > x_max:
- x_max = x
- t_x_f = self.plv["plot_dendrogram_width"] / x_max
- for i, node in enumerate(d_x_s):
- n = f' h_y_e:
- y += self.plv["cluster_head_gap"]
- n += f' {round(t_x_0 + x * t_x_f, 1)},{round(t_y_0 + y, 1)}'
- n += f'" fill="none" stroke="{p_s_c}" stroke-width="{p_s_w}px" />'
- self.plv["pls"].append(n)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_histodata(self):
- if "histo" not in self.plv["plot_type"]:
- return
- self.plv.update({"plot_first_area_y0": self.plv["Y"]})
- self.__plot_order_histograms()
- if "heat" in self.plv["plot_type"]:
- self.plv.update({"cluster_head_gap": 0})
- self.plv.update({"plot_clusteritem_height": self.plv["plot_samplestrip_height"]})
- for f_set in self.plv["results"]:
- self.__plot_draw_one_heatstrip(f_set)
- else:
- self.plv.update({"cluster_head_gap": self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]})
- self.plv.update({"plot_clusteritem_height": self.plv["plot_area_height"]})
- for f_set in self.plv["results"]:
- self.__plot_add_one_histogram(f_set)
- self.plv["plot_last_area_ye"] = self.plv["Y"]
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_order_histograms(self):
- if self.plv.get("plot_cluster_results", True) is True and len(self.plv["results"]) > 2:
- dendrogram = cluster_frequencies(self.plv, self.byc)
- new_order = dendrogram.get("leaves", [])
- if len(new_order) == len(self.plv["results"]):
- self.plv["results"][:] = [self.plv["results"][i] for i in dendrogram.get("leaves", [])]
- self.plv.update({"dendrogram": dendrogram})
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_one_histogram(self, f_set):
- self.__plot_add_one_histogram_canvas(f_set)
- i_f = f_set.get("interval_frequencies", [])
- x = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- h_y_0 = self.plv["Y"] + self.plv["plot_area_height"] * 0.5
- # ------------------------- histogram data -----------------------------#
- # TODO: in contrast to the Perl version here we don't correct for interval
- # sets which _do not_ correspond to the full chromosome coordinates
- cnv_c = {
- "gain_frequency": self.plv["plot_dup_color"],
- "loss_frequency": self.plv["plot_del_color"]
- }
- cnv_f = {"gain_frequency": -1, "loss_frequency": 1}
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][str(chro)]
- chr_w = c_l["size"] * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- c_i_f = list(filter(lambda d: d["reference_name"] == chro, i_f.copy()))
- c_i_no = len(c_i_f)
- for GL in ["gain_frequency", "loss_frequency"]:
- p_c = cnv_c[GL]
- h_f = cnv_f[GL]
- p = f' c_i_i:
- future = c_i_f[c_i_i].get(GL, 0)
- if prev != v or future != v:
- p += point
- else:
- p += point
- prev = v
- p += f' {round((x + chr_w), 1)},{round(h_y_0, 1)}" fill="{p_c}" stroke-width="0px" />'
- self.plv["pls"].append(p)
- x += chr_w
- x += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # ------------------------ / histogram data ----------------------------#
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_area_height"]
- self.plv.update({"plot_last_area_ye": self.plv["Y"]})
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_draw_one_heatstrip(self, f_set):
- i_f = f_set.get("interval_frequencies", [])
- x = 0
- h = self.plv["plot_samplestrip_height"]
- image = Image.new(
- 'RGBA',
- (self.plv["plot_area_width"], h),
- color=self.plv["plot_area_color"]
- )
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
- # ------------------------- frequency data ----------------------------#
- g_c = self.plv["plot_dup_color"]
- l_c = self.plv["plot_del_color"]
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][str(chro)]
- chr_w = c_l["size"] * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- c_i_f = list(filter(lambda d: d["reference_name"] == chro, i_f.copy()))
- c_i_c = []
- for i_v in c_i_f:
- g_f = i_v.get("gain_frequency", 0)
- l_f = i_v.get("loss_frequency", 0)
- c = self.__mix_frequencies_2_rgb(g_f, l_f, 50)
- c_i_c.append({
- "start": int(i_v.get("start", 0)),
- "end": int(i_v.get("end", 0)),
- "fill": c
- })
- s_s = c_i_c[0].get("start")
- # iterating over all but the last entry; c_i_i is index for next entry
- for c_i_i, p_v in enumerate(c_i_c[:-1], start=1):
- s_e = p_v.get("end")
- f_c = c_i_c[c_i_i].get("fill")
- c = p_v.get("fill")
- if f_c != c:
- s = round(x + s_s * self.plv["plot_b2pf"], 1)
- e = round(x + s_e * self.plv["plot_b2pf"], 1)
- draw.rectangle([s, 0, e, h], fill=c)
- # plot start is reset to the next interval start
- s_s = c_i_c[c_i_i].get("start")
- # last interval
- s = round(x + s_s * self.plv["plot_b2pf"], 1)
- e = round(x + c_i_c[-1].get("end") * self.plv["plot_b2pf"], 1)
- c = c_i_c[-1].get("fill")
- draw.rectangle([s, 0, e, h], fill=c)
- x += chr_w
- x += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # ------------------------ / histoheat data ---------------------------#
- in_mem_file = io.BytesIO()
- image.save(in_mem_file, format = "PNG")
- in_mem_file.seek(0)
- img_bytes = in_mem_file.read()
- base64_encoded_result_bytes = base64.b64encode(img_bytes)
- base64_encoded_result_str = base64_encoded_result_bytes.decode('ascii')
- self.plv["pls"].append("""
- self.plv["plot_area_x0"],
- self.plv["Y"],
- self.plv["plot_area_width"],
- h,
- base64_encoded_result_str
- ))
- self.plv["Y"] += h
- g_id = f_set.get("group_id", "NA")
- g_lab = f_set.get("label", g_id)
- g_ds_id = f_set.get("dataset_id", False)
- g_no = f_set.get("sample_count", 0)
- # The condition splits the label data on 2 lines if a text label pre-exists
- if len(self.byc["dataset_ids"]) > 1 and g_ds_id is not False:
- g_lab = f'{g_id} ({g_ds_id}, {g_no} {"samples" if g_no > 1 else "sample"})'
- else:
- g_lab = f'{g_id} ({g_no} {"samples" if g_no > 1 else "sample"} )'
- self.__samplestrip_add_left_label(g_lab)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __mix_frequencies_2_rgb(self, gain_f, loss_f, max_f=80):
- rgb = [127, 127, 127]
- h_i = self.plv.get("plot_heat_intensity", 1)
- if h_i < 0.1:
- h_i = 0.1
- f_f = max_f / self.plv.get("plot_heat_intensity", 1)
- dup_rgb = list(ImageColor.getcolor(self.plv["plot_dup_color"], "RGB"))
- del_rgb = list(ImageColor.getcolor(self.plv["plot_del_color"], "RGB"))
- for i in (0,1,2):
- dup_rgb[i] = int(dup_rgb[i] * gain_f / f_f)
- del_rgb[i] = int(del_rgb[i] * loss_f / f_f)
- rgb[i] = dup_rgb[i] + del_rgb[i]
- if rgb[i] > 255:
- rgb[i] = 255
- rgb[i] = str(rgb[i])
- return f'rgb({",".join(rgb)})'
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_one_histogram_canvas(self, f_set):
- x_a_0 = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- p_a_w = self.plv["plot_area_width"]
- p_a_h = self.plv["plot_area_height"]
- # -------------------------- left labels ------------------------------#
- self.__histoplot_add_left_label(f_set)
- # --------------------- plot area background --------------------------#
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- # --------------------------- grid lines ------------------------------#
- self.__plot_area_add_grid()
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __histoplot_add_left_label(self, f_set):
- if self.plv["plot_labelcol_width"] < 10:
- return
- lab_x_e = self.plv["plot_margins"] + self.plv["plot_labelcol_width"]
- h_y_0 = self.plv["Y"] + self.plv["plot_area_height"] * 0.5
- self.plv["styles"].append(
- f'.title-left {{text-anchor: end; fill: {self.plv["plot_font_color"]}; font-size: {self.plv["plot_labelcol_font_size"]}px;}}'
- )
- g_id = f_set.get("group_id", "NA")
- g_ds_id = f_set.get("dataset_id", False)
- g_lab = f_set.get("label", "")
- g_no = f_set.get("sample_count", 0)
- # The condition splits the label data on 2 lines if a text label pre-exists
- if len(self.byc["dataset_ids"]) > 1 and g_ds_id is not False:
- count_lab = f' ({g_ds_id}, {g_no} {"samples" if g_no > 1 else "sample"})'
- else:
- count_lab = f' ({g_no} {"samples" if g_no > 1 else "sample"} )'
- if len(g_lab) > 0:
- lab_y = h_y_0 - self.plv["plot_labelcol_font_size"] * 0.2
- self.plv["pls"].append(f'{g_lab}')
- lab_y = h_y_0 + self.plv["plot_labelcol_font_size"] * 1.2
- self.plv["pls"].append(f'{g_id}{count_lab}')
- else:
- lab_y = h_y_0 - self.plv["plot_labelcol_font_size"] * 0.5
- self.plv["pls"].append(f'{g_id}{count_lab}')
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_area_add_grid(self):
- x_a_0 = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- x_c_e = self.plv["plot_area_xe"]
- h_y_0 = self.plv["Y"] + self.plv["plot_area_height"] * 0.5
- x_y_l = x_a_0 - self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- u = self.plv["plot_label_y_unit"]
- self.plv["styles"].append(
- f'.label-y {{text-anchor: end; fill: {self.plv["plot_label_y_font_color"]}; font-size: {self.plv["plot_label_y_font_size"]}px;}}'
- )
- self.plv["styles"].append(
- f'.gridline {{stroke-width: {self.plv["plot_grid_stroke"]}px; stroke: {self.plv["plot_grid_color"]}; opacity: {self.plv["plot_grid_opacity"]} ; }}',
- )
- # -------------------------- center line -----------------------------------#
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- # --------------------------- grid lines -----------------------------------#
- for y_m in self.plv["plot_label_y_values"]:
- if y_m >= self.plv["plot_axis_y_max"]:
- continue
- for f in [1, -1]:
- if u == "" and f == 1:
- neg = "-"
- else:
- neg = ""
- y_v = h_y_0 + f * y_m * self.plv["plot_y2pf"]
- y_l_y = y_v + self.plv["plot_label_y_font_size"] / 2
- self.plv["pls"].append(f'')
- if self.plv["plot_axislab_y_width"] < 10:
- continue
- self.plv["pls"].append(f'{neg}{y_m}{u}')
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------- probesplot ----------------------------------#
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_probesplot(self):
- """
- Prototyping bitmap drawing for probe plots etc.
- Invoked w/ &output=arrayplot
- https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/ImageDraw.html
- #### Draw examples
- * draw.point((50,50), (50,255,0))
- * draw.line((0, 0) + image.size, fill=128)
- * draw.line((0, image.size[1], image.size[0], 0), fill=(50,255,0))
- * draw.rectangle([0, 0, 28, image.size[1]], fill="rgb(255,20,66)")
- * draw.ellipse([(80,20),(130,50)], fill="#ccccff", outline="red")
- #### Input:
- ```
- probes = [
- {
- "reference_name": "17",
- "start": 13663925,
- "value": 2.5
- },
- {...}
- ]
- ```
- """
- if not "samplesplot" in self.plv["plot_type"]:
- return
- p_t_s = self.byc["plot_defaults"]["plot_types"]
- d_k = p_t_s["samplesplot"].get("data_key")
- probebundles = self.plot_data_bundle.get(d_k, [{"id":"___undefined___"}])
- if len(probebundles) != 1:
- return
- if not "cn_probes" in probebundles[0]:
- return
- probes = probebundles[0].get("cn_probes", [])
- self.plv.update({
- "plot_axis_y_max": 4,
- "plot_y2pf": self.plv["plot_area_height"] * 0.5 / 4 * self.plv["plot_probe_y_factor"],
- "plot_first_area_y0": self.plv["Y"],
- "plot_label_y_unit": "",
- "plot_label_y_values": self.plv["plot_probe_label_y_values"]
- })
- x = 0
- h_y_0 = self.plv["plot_area_height"] * 0.5
- p_y_f = self.plv["plot_y2pf"]
- p_half = self.plv["plot_probedot_size"] * 0.5
- p_dense = self.plv["plot_probedot_opacity"]
- if len(probes) > 500000:
- p_half *= 0.5
- p_dense = p_dense * 0.7
- p_dense = int(round(p_dense, 0))
- image = Image.new(
- 'RGBA',
- (self.plv["plot_area_width"], self.plv["plot_area_height"]),
- color=self.plv["plot_area_color"]
- )
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_p = list(filter(lambda d: d["reference_name"] == chro, probes.copy()))
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][str(chro)]
- chr_w = c_l["size"] * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- for i_v in c_p:
- s = x + i_v.get("start", 0) * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- v = i_v.get("value", 0)
- h = v * p_y_f
- if h > h_y_0:
- h = h_y_0
- if h < -h_y_0:
- h = -h_y_0
- h_p = h_y_0 - h
- # draw.ellipse(
- # [
- # (s-p_half, h_p - p_half),
- # (s+p_half, h_p + p_half)
- # ],
- # fill=(0,0,63,p_dense)
- # )
- draw.point((round(s, 2),round(h_p, 2)), (0,0,63,p_dense))
- x += chr_w + self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # ------------------------ / histogram data ----------------------------#
- in_mem_file = io.BytesIO()
- image.save(in_mem_file, format = "PNG")
- in_mem_file.seek(0)
- img_bytes = in_mem_file.read()
- base64_encoded_result_bytes = base64.b64encode(img_bytes)
- base64_encoded_result_str = base64_encoded_result_bytes.decode('ascii')
- self.plv["pls"].append("""
- self.plv["plot_area_x0"],
- self.plv["Y"],
- self.plv["plot_area_width"],
- self.plv["plot_area_height"],
- base64_encoded_result_str
- ))
- self.__plot_area_add_grid()
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_area_height"]
- self.plv.update({"plot_last_area_ye": self.plv["Y"]})
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_markers(self):
- self.__add_labs_from_plot_region_labels()
- self.__add_labs_from_gene_symbols()
- self.__add_labs_from_cytobands()
- labs = self.plv.get("plot_labels", [])
- if len(labs) < 1:
- return
- b2pf = self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- p_m_f_s = self.plv["plot_marker_font_size"]
- p_m_l_p = self.plv["plot_marker_label_padding"]
- p_m_lane_p = self.plv["plot_marker_lane_padding"]
- p_m_l_h = p_m_f_s + p_m_l_p * 2
- p_m_lane_h = p_m_l_h + p_m_lane_p
- max_lane = 0
- marker_y_0 = round(self.plv["plot_first_area_y0"], 1)
- marker_y_e = round(self.plv["plot_last_area_ye"] + p_m_lane_p, 1)
- x = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- m_p_e = [(x - 30)]
- for chro in self.plv["plot_chros"]:
- c_l = self.byc["cytolimits"][chro]
- chr_w = c_l["size"] * self.plv["plot_b2pf"]
- for m_k, m_v in labs.items():
- c = str(m_v.get("chro", "__na__"))
- if str(chro) != c:
- continue
- s = int(m_v.get("start", 0))
- e = int(m_v.get("end", 0))
- label = m_v.get("label", "")
- m_s = x + s * b2pf
- m_e = x + e * b2pf
- m_w = m_e - m_s
- if 1 > m_w > 0:
- m_w = 1
- else:
- m_w = round(m_w, 1)
- m_c = round((m_s + m_e) / 2, 1)
- m_l_w = len(label) * 0.75 * p_m_f_s
- m_l_s = m_c - 0.5 * m_l_w
- m_l_e = m_c + 0.5 * m_l_w
- found_space = False
- l_i = 0
- for p_e in m_p_e:
- if m_l_s > p_e:
- found_space = True
- m_p_e[l_i] = m_l_e
- break
- l_i += 1
- if found_space is False:
- m_p_e.append(m_l_e)
- if len(m_p_e) > max_lane:
- max_lane = len(m_p_e)
- m_y_e = marker_y_e + l_i * p_m_lane_h
- m_h = round(m_y_e - marker_y_0, 1)
- l_y_p = marker_y_e + l_i * p_m_lane_h + p_m_lane_h - p_m_l_p - p_m_lane_p - 1
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- self.plv["pls"].append(f'{label}')
- x += chr_w
- x += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- # --------------------- end chromosome loop --------------------------------#
- if max_lane > 0:
- self.plv["Y"] += max_lane * p_m_lane_h
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_region_gap_width"]
- self.plv["styles"].append(
- f'.marker {{text-anchor: middle; fill: {self.plv["plot_marker_font_color"]}; font-size: {p_m_f_s}px;}}'
- )
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __add_labs_from_plot_region_labels(self):
- r_l_s = self.plv.get("plot_region_labels", [])
- if len(r_l_s) < 1:
- return
- for label in r_l_s:
- l_i = re.split(":", label)
- if len(l_i) < 2:
- continue
- c = l_i.pop(0)
- s_e_i = l_i.pop(0)
- s_e = re.split("-", s_e_i)
- s = s_e.pop(0)
- # TODO: check r'^\d+?$'
- if len(s_e) < 1:
- e = str(int(s) + 1)
- else:
- e = s_e.pop(0)
- if len(l_i) > 0:
- label = str(l_i.pop(0))
- else:
- label = ""
- l_c = self.plv.get("plot_regionlabel_color", "#ddceff")
- m = self.__make_marker_object(c, s, e, l_c, label)
- self.plv["plot_labels"].update(m)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __add_labs_from_gene_symbols(self):
- g_s_s = self.plv.get("plot_gene_symbols", [])
- if len(g_s_s) < 1:
- return
- g_l = []
- for q_g in g_s_s:
- genes, e = retrieve_gene_id_coordinates(q_g, "exact", self.byc)
- if len(genes) > 0:
- g_l += genes
- for f_g in g_l:
- m = self.__make_marker_object(
- f_g.get("reference_name", False),
- f_g.get("start", False),
- f_g.get("end", False),
- self.plv.get("plot_marker_font_color", "#ccccff"),
- f_g.get("symbol", False)
- )
- if m:
- self.plv["plot_labels"].update(m)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __add_labs_from_cytobands(self):
- g_s_s = self.plv.get("plot_cytoregion_labels", [])
- if len(g_s_s) < 1:
- return
- g_l = []
- for q_g in g_s_s:
- cytoBands, chro, start, end, error = bands_from_cytobands(q_g, self.byc)
- if len(cytoBands) < 1:
- continue
- m = self.__make_marker_object(
- chro,
- start,
- end,
- self.plv.get("plot_cytoregion_color", "#ccccff"),
- q_g
- )
- if m is not None:
- self.plv["plot_labels"].update(m)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __make_marker_object(self, chromosome, start, end, color, label=""):
- m = None
- # Checks here or upstream?
- # Cave: `any` ... `is False` to avoid `True` for `0` with `False in`
- if any(x is False for x in [chromosome, start, end, label]):
- return m
- m_k = f'{chromosome}:{start}-{end}:{label}'
- m = {
- m_k: {
- "chro": chromosome,
- "start": start,
- "end": end,
- "label": label,
- "color": color
- }
- }
- return m
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __plot_add_footer(self):
- today = date.today()
- x_a_0 = self.plv["plot_area_x0"]
- x_c_e = x_a_0 + self.plv["plot_area_width"]
- self.plv["styles"].append(
- f'.footer-r {{text-anchor: end; fill: {self.plv["plot_footer_font_color"]}; font-size: {self.plv["plot_footer_font_size"]}px;}}'
- )
- self.plv["styles"].append(
- f'.footer-l {{text-anchor: start; fill: {self.plv["plot_footer_font_color"]}; font-size: {self.plv["plot_footer_font_size"]}px;}}'
- )
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_footer_font_size"]
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- if self.plv.get("results_number", 0) > 1:
- self.plv["pls"].append(
- f'')
- self.plv["Y"] += self.plv["plot_margins"]
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def __create_svg(self):
- svg = """""".format(
- self.plv["plot_id"],
- self.plv["plot_width"],
- self.plv["Y"],
- "\n ".join(self.plv["styles"]),
- self.plv["plot_width"],
- self.plv["Y"],
- self.plv["plot_canvas_color"],
- "\n".join(self.plv["pls"])
- )
- return svg
diff --git a/bycon/lib/cgi_parsing.py b/bycon/lib/cgi_parsing.py
index eb6b6738b..87421258b 100644
--- a/bycon/lib/cgi_parsing.py
+++ b/bycon/lib/cgi_parsing.py
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def rest_path_value(key=""):
if not environ.get('REQUEST_URI'):
- return False
+ return None
url_comps = urlparse(environ.get('REQUEST_URI'))
p_items = re.split('/', url_comps.path)
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ def rest_path_value(key=""):
if unquote(p) in [key, f'{key}.py', unquote(key)]:
return unquote(p_items[i])
elif p == key:
- return False
+ return None
- return False
+ return None
diff --git a/bycon/lib/dataset_parsing.py b/bycon/lib/dataset_parsing.py
index 9348e4dba..b4de40454 100644
--- a/bycon/lib/dataset_parsing.py
+++ b/bycon/lib/dataset_parsing.py
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ def ds_id_from_default(byc):
def ds_id_from_rest_path_value(byc):
ds_id = rest_path_value("datasets")
+ if ds_id is None:
+ return False
if ds_id not in byc["dataset_definitions"].keys():
return False
diff --git a/bycon/lib/file_utils.py b/bycon/lib/file_utils.py
index f50892b2d..a95d5810c 100644
--- a/bycon/lib/file_utils.py
+++ b/bycon/lib/file_utils.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-import csv
-import datetime
-import re
-import requests
+import csv, datetime, re, requests
from pathlib import Path
-from os import path
+from os import environ, path
+from pymongo import MongoClient
from copy import deepcopy
from random import sample as random_samples
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@
from datatable_utils import import_datatable_dict_line
from interval_utils import interval_cnv_arrays, interval_counts_from_callsets
from variant_mapping import ByconVariant
+from bycon_helpers import return_paginated_list
@@ -109,11 +109,15 @@ def __init__(self, byc):
self.byc = byc
self.errors = []
self.filepath = None
+ self.datasets_results = None
self.header = []
self.data = []
self.fieldnames = []
self.callsetVariantsBundles = []
self.intervalFrequenciesBundles = []
+ pagination = byc.get("pagination", {"skip": 0, "limit": 0})
+ self.limit = pagination.get("limit", 0)
+ self.skip = pagination.get("skip", 0)
self.bundle = {
"variants": [],
@@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ def pgxseg_to_keyed_bundle(self, filepath):
- self.__keyed_bundle_add_variants()
+ self.__keyed_bundle_add_variants_from_lines()
return self.keyedBundle
@@ -250,10 +254,28 @@ def callsets_variants_bundles(self):
+ def resultsets_callset_bundles(self, datasets_results={}):
+ self.datasets_results = datasets_results
+ self.__callsets_bundle_from_result_set()
+ self.__callsets_add_database_variants()
+ return { "callsets_variants_bundles": self.callsetVariantsBundles }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ def resultsets_frequencies_bundles(self, datasets_results=[]):
+ self.datasets_results = datasets_results
+ self.__callsets_bundle_from_result_set()
+ self.intervalFrequenciesBundles.append(self.__callsetBundleCreateIset())
+ return {"interval_frequencies_bundles": self.intervalFrequenciesBundles}
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
def callsets_frequencies_bundles(self):
- self.intervalFrequenciesBundles.append(self.__callsetBundleCreateIset("import"))
+ self.intervalFrequenciesBundles.append(self.__callsetBundleCreateIset())
return self.intervalFrequenciesBundles
@@ -302,7 +324,73 @@ def __deparse_pgxseg_samples_header(self):
- def __keyed_bundle_add_variants(self):
+ def __callsets_bundle_from_result_set(self):
+ for ds_id, ds_res in self.datasets_results.items():
+ if not "callsets._id" in ds_res:
+ continue
+ mongo_client = MongoClient(host=environ.get("BYCON_MONGO_HOST", "localhost"))
+ cs_coll = mongo_client[ds_id]["callsets"]
+ cs_r = ds_res["callsets._id"]
+ cs__ids = cs_r["target_values"]
+ r_no = len(cs__ids)
+ if r_no < 1:
+ continue
+ cs__ids = return_paginated_list(cs__ids, self.skip, self.limit)
+ for cs__id in cs__ids:
+ cs = cs_coll.find_one({"_id": cs__id })
+ cs_id = cs.get("id", "NA")
+ cnv_chro_stats = cs.get("cnv_chro_stats", False)
+ cnv_statusmaps = cs.get("cnv_statusmaps", False)
+ if cnv_chro_stats is False or cnv_statusmaps is False:
+ continue
+ p_o = {
+ "dataset_id": ds_id,
+ "callset_id": cs_id,
+ "biosample_id": cs.get("biosample_id", "NA"),
+ "cnv_chro_stats": cs.get("cnv_chro_stats"),
+ "cnv_statusmaps": cs.get("cnv_statusmaps"),
+ "probefile": callset_guess_probefile_path(cs, self.byc),
+ "variants": []
+ }
+ # TODO: add optional probe read in
+ self.bundle["callsets"].append(p_o)
+ return
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ def __callsets_add_database_variants(self):
+ bb = self.bundle
+ c_p_l = []
+ mongo_client = MongoClient(host=environ.get("BYCON_MONGO_HOST", "localhost"))
+ for p_o in bb.get("callsets", []):
+ ds_id = p_o.get("dataset_id", "___none___")
+ var_coll = mongo_client[ds_id]["variants"]
+ cs_id = p_o.get("callset_id", "___none___")
+ v_q = {"callset_id": cs_id}
+ for v in var_coll.find(v_q):
+ p_o["variants"].append(ByconVariant(self.byc).byconVariant(v))
+ c_p_l.append(p_o)
+ self.callsetVariantsBundles = c_p_l
+ return
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ def __keyed_bundle_add_variants_from_lines(self):
fieldnames = self.fieldnames
varlines = self.data
diff --git a/bycon/lib/handover_generation.py b/bycon/lib/handover_generation.py
index 74d9c0c4c..ad98f5b38 100644
--- a/bycon/lib/handover_generation.py
+++ b/bycon/lib/handover_generation.py
@@ -10,11 +10,7 @@
-def _handover_add_stringified_plot_parameters(h_o_t, byc):
- if not "plot" in h_o_t:
- return ""
+def _handover_add_stringified_plot_parameters(byc):
p_p = get_plot_parameters({}, byc)
p_p_l = []
for ppk, ppv in p_p.items():
@@ -162,11 +158,13 @@ def handover_create_url(h_o_server, h_o_defs, accessid, byc):
if "http" in h_o_defs["script_path_web"]:
server = ""
url = "{}{}?accessid={}".format(server, h_o_defs["script_path_web"], accessid)
- for p in ["method", "output", "requestedSchema"]:
+ for p in ["method", "output", "plotType", "requestedSchema"]:
if p in h_o_defs:
url += "&{}={}".format(p, h_o_defs[p])
url += h_o_defs.get("url_opts", "")
- url += _handover_add_stringified_plot_parameters(h_o_defs.get("output", ""), byc)
+ p_t = h_o_defs.get("plotType")
+ if p_t:
+ url += _handover_add_stringified_plot_parameters(byc)
return url
diff --git a/docs/changes.md b/docs/changes.md
index 134d4a770..4f8d62cc0 100644
--- a/docs/changes.md
+++ b/docs/changes.md
@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@ through the Perl based [**PGX** project](http://github.com/progenetix/PGX/).
## Changes Tracker
+### 2023-10-20 (v.1.3.2)
+This version removes the complete `bycon_plot` code (_i.e._ moves it to `byconaut`).
+It still needs the further disentangling of the other alternative response options
+(`.pgxseg`, `.pgxmatrix` ...) from the resultsets generation; this soon will follow
+blueprint of the plot code removal.
+**CAVE** Now all plotting options have been shifted to the `/services/collationplots`
+and `/services/sampleplots` entry points.
### 2023-10-20 (v.1.3.1)
This version provides another step in moving "non-standard" Beacon responses tp
@@ -21,6 +31,7 @@ the `byconeer` project.
* creatiing a `.../services/sampleplots/` entry point which will be used to handle
the sample (strips/clustered; histoplots from search results ...) web plotting
instead of adding the `output=histoplot` etyc. option to standard Beacon queries
+ - plot types can now be specified through `plotType=samplesplot` etc.
* some class (`ByconResultSets`) restructuring to allow plot outputs (this will be
changed further, probably moving the whole plot ... classes and methods to `byconeer`)
diff --git a/docs/plotting.md b/docs/plotting.md
index 7c9f058de..9fe5097e3 100644
--- a/docs/plotting.md
+++ b/docs/plotting.md
@@ -11,9 +11,16 @@ standard Beacon queries or through use of the `bycon` package to visualize data
from local storage. Plotting from local `.pgxseg` ... file is possible but so far
we don't provide a ready-made for that.
+**Changes 2023-10-23** The plotting of is now hadled by dedicated endpoints in `/services`:
+* `/services/collationplots` for pre-computed frequency histograms and heatstrips
+* `/services/sampleplots` for query-derived sample plots (including histograms)
+ - plot selection through `plotType=` with options `histoplot`, `samplesplot` and `histoheatplot`
+ - defaults to `histoplot` if unspecified
### Plot types
-#### CNV histograms - `/services/intervalFrequencies` with `output=histoplot`
+#### CNV histograms - `/services/collationplots`
CNV histograms can be generated either (fast) for one or multiple of the "collations" _i.e._
samples sharing a common code (diagnosis, technnique...) or identifier (cell line id,
@@ -27,29 +34,40 @@ if not indicated.
##### Examples
-* [/services/intervalFrequencies/?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709&output=histoplot](http://progenetix.org/services/intervalFrequencies/?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709&output=histoplot)
+* [/services/collationplots/?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709](http://progenetix.org/services/collationplots/?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709)
- a combination of 2 histograms
-* [/services/intervalFrequencies/?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709&datasetIds=progenetix,cellz&output=histoplot](http://progenetix.org/services/intervalFrequencies/?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709&datasetIds=progenetix,cellz&output=histoplot)
+* [/services/collationplots?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709&datasetIds=progenetix,cellz](http://progenetix.org/services/collationplots?filters=NCIT:C35562,NCIT:C3709&datasetIds=progenetix,cellz)
- a combination of 2 histograms
-* [/services/intervalFrequencies/?filters=pgx:icdom-85003,pgx:icdom-81703,pgx:icdom-87003,pgx:icdom-87203,pgx:icdom-94003,pgx:icdom-95003,pgx:icdom-81403&plot_title=CNV+Comparison&plot_area_height=50&plot_axis_y_max=80&plot_label_y_values=50&output=histoplot](http://progenetix.org/services/intervalFrequencies/?filters=pgx:icdom-85003,pgx:icdom-81703,pgx:icdom-87003,pgx:icdom-87203,pgx:icdom-94003,pgx:icdom-95003,pgx:icdom-81403&plot_title=CNV+Comparison&plot_area_height=50&plot_axis_y_max=80&plot_label_y_values=50&output=histoplot)
+* [/services/collationplots/?filters=pgx:icdom-85003,pgx:icdom-81703,pgx:icdom-87003,pgx:icdom-87203,pgx:icdom-94003,pgx:icdom-95003,pgx:icdom-81403&plot_title=CNV+Comparison&plot_area_height=50&plot_axis_y_max=80&plot_label_y_values=50](http://progenetix.org/services/collationplots/?filters=pgx:icdom-85003,pgx:icdom-81703,pgx:icdom-87003,pgx:icdom-87203,pgx:icdom-94003,pgx:icdom-95003,pgx:icdom-81403&plot_title=CNV+Comparison&plot_area_height=50&plot_axis_y_max=80&plot_label_y_values=50)
- a collations based example showing the use of some extra parameters such as
* `plot_title`
* `plot_area_height`
* `plot_axis_y_max` & `plot_label_y_values`
-* [/beacon/biosamples/?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&output=histoplot&limit=1000](http://progenetix.org/beacon/biosamples/?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&output=histoplot&limit=1000)
- - this example gets samples for ICD-O Morphology 95003/3 (a.k.a. `pgx:icdom-95003`)
- - limits the output to the first 1000 samples (`limit=1000`)
- - adds a label for the **MYCN** gene
+#### CNV sample plots - `/services/sampleplots`
-#### CNV sample plots - `output=samplesplot`
+Sample selection based plotting uses the standard bycon query stack for sample retrieval
+(_i.e._ aggregation over the data model) and then generates CNV plots from the found
+samples, either as clustered individual profiles or as binned frequency plot data (histograms or heatstrips).
+CAVE: Sample plots are _very_ time consuming due to the retrieval and plotting of
+all variants per sample.
##### Examples
-* [/beacon/biosamples/?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plot_filter_empty_samples=y&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&output=samplesplot&limit=200](http://progenetix.org/beacon/biosamples/?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plot_filter_empty_samples=y&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&output=samplesplot&limit=200)
- - this example is based on the histoplot example above, with some modifications:
- * limits the output to 200 samples (`limit=200`)
+* [/beacon/sampleplots?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plot_filter_empty_samples=y&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&plotType=samplesplot&limit=200](http://progenetix.org/beacon/sampleplots?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plot_filter_empty_samples=y&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&plotType=samplesplot&limit=100)
+ - this example is based on the histoplot example above, but based on individual
+ sample retrieval and plotting and with some plot modifications:
+ * limits the output to 100 samples (`limit=100`)
* removes samples w/o CNVs (`plot_filter_empty_samples=y`)
+* [/beacon/sampleplots?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&limit=100&plotType=samplesplot](http://progenetix.org/beacon/sampleplots?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&limit=100&plotType=samplesplot)
+ - this example gets samples for ICD-O Morphology 95003/3 (a.k.a. `pgx:icdom-95003`)
+ - limits the output to the first 1000 samples (`limit=1000`)
+ - adds a label for the **MYCN** gene
+* [/beacon/sampleplots?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&limit=100](http://progenetix.org/beacon/sampleplots?filters=pgx:icdom-95003&plotGeneSymbols=MYCN&limit=100)
+ - this is the same selection and labeling but defaulting to the `histoplot`
+ option since no `plotType` parameter is indicated
## Plot parameters
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 0d4dfc87b..1a797007e 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- version="1.3.1",
+ version="1.3.2",
description="A Python-based environment for the Beacon v2 genomics API",