- Stoping Using Root Logger with One-off Logging Setup #44
- chore(deps): reduce strictness of dependencies #41
- Bumping Version for Aiohttp #38
- CI runs pre-commit #37
- Add ability to override init_payload for subscriptions. #36
- Support Advanced Usages #33
- Subscription headers #30
- Release v0.3.1 #31
- Github Actions status badges 🏅 documentation #15
- Bug/fix black flake8 conflict #17
- new: dev: add gitchangelog to generate change log #19
- feat: add pull_request as trigger for ci checks #20
- Rewrite async tests without 3rd party library enhancement #21
- Fix/flake8 consistent checks bug chore #22
- GraphQL Subscriptions Support enhancement #23
- Bump the version to 0.3.0 #24
- feat: create pypi publish github action chore #8
- Allow overriding headers when making requests #10
- feat: create config for linter checks #11
- Bump the version to 0.2.0 #13
- Fix/setup fields #1
- Link to new public repository on contributing guidelines #2
- Add the Black label 🎖to show our style 💅 #3
- First version of the package 🎉