- tweaked kdtree split limit epsilon for smaller kdtrees
- tweaked kdtree split limit epsilon for smaller kdtrees
- further improved kdtree loading on NTFS/macbook
- further improved kdtree loading on NTFS/macbook
- fixed kdtree loading on NTFS/mac
- added support to re-create kdtrees
- opc tool now supports "ignoreMasterKdTree" option which can be used to force leaf kdtree construction
- added readme to opc-tool
- added opc tool
- added rake to annotations
- provex and multitexturing
- new trafo version
- distance filter for surface
- increased minimum value for depth image colors
- bugfix sequenced bookmarks paths
- various fixes for focal length, batch rendering
- radiometry calculation changed
- #261 Zooming enhancements
- #167 radiometry
- show depth (+ gui and legend) in instrument view
- #234, snapshots: --renderDepth writes a depth image as tiff
- bugfix: #329 obj without textures import
- bugfix: #157 planet reset stopped
- bugfix: #324 traverse updates
- #314: surface transformation with pivot revised
- bugfix for "save footprint"
- opc rendering now works on linux
- opc rendering now works on linux
- workaround for case-sensitivity problem in isOpc: #280
- testing linux deployment
- testing linux deployment
- #110, #126, #138, #144, #145, #166, #212, #231, #259,
- Transformations, hide exploration center, visibility of annotations- and scalebar text
- NewScene crash fixed: #277
- #274: objs with multiple geometries fixed
- #179 and #246: serialization of viewplans
- #256: load scenes with wrong obj path and possibility to reload the obj
- build kdtrees for objs from faces of triangulated mesh copy for #264
- bugfix for large coordinates
- load obj without textures; show vertex colors instead
- making projection measurments fit for profile extractions #247 containing to following features
- exported projection measurements contain all sampling points
- when creating a projection measurement users can control the sampling rate #203
- the selected annotation can be exported as csv in the for of absolute elevation over distance #221
- also supports MSL traverse ingestion
- added configurable sampling scheme to measurement projections (viewpoint, sky) as requested in #203
- bugfix: near/farplane not set correctly in batch rendering #241
- fixed kdtree paths on osx
- switched to dotnet6
- testing autodeploy
- bugfix: frustum now set correctly when batch rendering
- bugfix: frustum for batch rendering
- removed recording of animation, replaced with saving batch file directly (no looping, easing, splines, global animation for batch rendering)
- now allowing saving and restoring scene state for sequenced bookmark animations
- scene states for animation are now identified with data and time and listed under properties of sequenced bookmarks
- added traverses to scene state
- new import for objs with large coordinates
- bugfix: reading scene with sequenced bookmarks could lead to an error
- bugfix: scale bars not updated correctly when updating scene state for sequenced bookmarks
- sequenced bookmarks can now store scene state
- new animation features (easing, smooth path, looping, scene state is applied according to bookmarks)
- batch rendering can now use sequenced bookmarks and scene state
- anti-alisaing for batch rendering
- bugfix: wrong path opening when clicking on batch rendering output path
- geoJSON exports now contain sampled points of visible annotations #217
- electron build test
- added Continuous Export of Dip & Strike #185
- added Custom Background Color for Screenshots #183
- Integration of Mars2020 rover traverse #127 also including custom sized waypoint labels #154
- adapted GeoJSON parser to read numeric values
- added file dialog to import traverses in the form of the specified GeoJSON M20_waypoints.json
- added datamodel and GUI to maintain multiple traverses
- added adjustable textsize for waypoints
- base 5.2 upgrade
- added viewplanner placement for traverse waypoints
- changed text positions for all annotations to center of the object
- fixed instrument view text scaling bug
- added waypoints file to resources
- revived viewplanner and footprint projection
- fixed triangle filter (was in projective space)
- added sequenced bookmarks (from other branch)
- added traverse loading and visualization (dots, text, lines)
- added local reference frames according to rover poses
- added flyto animation according to rover poses
- added list gui for sols and traverse visibility flags
- added csv export for vertical thickness computation
- added csv export of angular error values for dns computation
- added vertical thickness computation for TT (True Thickness) annotation tool
- added recalculation of all angular values dependent on north and up (dip and strike angle and azimuth, bearing, slope)
- fixed "box sequence must not be empty" exception when loading a scene with surfaces that have faulty paths
- added dip azimuth to true thickness tool #17
- improved true thickness computation via point over plane height
- merged xzy coordinate system and renamed it to ENU (East North Up) #117
- added missing calculation numbers of measurements to csv export (slope, bearing, vertical distance, horizontal distance) #100
- added
flag to annotations to show or hide text #114
- added xzy coordinate system and
transformation to support models created out of agisoft
- static screen-shot service that can be found in the
tab - coordinate systems are inferred automatically mostly to distinguish between elipsoid (Mars, Earth) and Euclidean (None, JPL) / Rover Frame Systems
- fixed broken priority rendering
- using methods as described in
Quinn, D. P., & Ehlmann, B. L. (2019). A PCA‐based framework for determining remotely sensed geological surface orientations and their statistical quality. Earth and Space Science, 6(8), 1378-1408.
- using new method for plane fitting
- added angular error measures
- added versioned serialization and deserialzation
- added export of dip and strike annotations as json for attitude integration (annotions>export>attitude planes (*.json))
- fixed arcball crash
- macbook pro amd graphics support
- removed automatic recent loading
- fixed "flyto animation does not reach destination" issue
- fixed issue with obj annotation when using flipZ #98
contains features and fixes from all prereleases since 3.3.1
- features
- Scalebar integration #10
- Import and Visualization of "SceneObjects" #13
- Geologic Surface Creation #19
- Mastcam-Z Improvements #53
- Adjust Focal Length #54
- Flip Z direction for surfaces and scene objects
- Improved annotations performance #60
- new color correction UI + ordering of operations #52
- annotation picking
- added picking tolerance in meters for annotation picking to viewconfig to address picking problems at orbital scale.
- this tolerance does not affect the accuracy of the line picking itself
- it rather affects performance: having a large tolerance for small scale scenes may result in unnecessary intersections tests
- picking tolerance is serialized with view config (now version 2), older versions will be intialized with 0.01m
- numeric control for picking tolerance directly next to interaction dropdown with text "eps.:"
- removed unnecessary surface intersection computation when trying to pick annotations
- added pixel-based real-time highlighting when
is active
- annotation properties
- added properties tab to docking GUI
- currently only shows annotation properties when an annotation is selected
- this will not show in already existing scenes. to reset the docking GUI and make properties visible press F8 and save your scene afterwards.
- geoJson export
- added geoJSON export via menu > annotations > export xyz (*.json)
- added geoJSON export via menu > annotations > export (*.json)
- data is exported as
objects with 3D coordinates(lon, lat, alt)
computed via SPICE
- coordinate prints
- added print location / coordinate for point annotation
- added print location / coordinate for bookmark location
- added long lat alt prints via cootrafo
- mac support (preliminary, unofficial, testing only)
- fixes
- fixed screen space scaling of annotation spheres
- changed lod metric to omit aggressive culling
- added missing c libs on windows
- updated CooTrafo build to release - should fix missing ucrtbase
- fixed crash with goto animation and arc ball controller
- fixed UNC aardium problem
- current directory now set to main entry point location #63, #62
- aardium path fix
- Update navigationMode and exploreCenter in SaveScene and LoadScene
- Import obj
- LatLonAlt output sequence changed
- isSurfaceFolder is always false for objs (in Surfaces) so the red exclamation icon in the little surface menu is shown
- fixed picking issues
- tried to fix color picker history #56
- fixed dns colors
- performance improvements for dns annotations
- fixed multiselect
- fixed duplication bug when moving multiple annotations via "select all" in a group mechanic
- "select all" only selects all leaves in a group not including the leaves of sub groups
- fixed problem with picking points on surface
- updated CooTrafo build to release - should fix missing ucrtbase
- fixed crash with goto animation and arc ball controller
- fixed screen space scaling of annotation spheres
- changed lod metric to omit aggressive culling
- added missing c libs on windows
- mac support (unofficial, testing only)
- fixed UNC aardium problem
- aardium path fix
- features:
- bugfixes:
- Update navigationMode and exploreCenter in SaveScene and LoadScene
- Import obj
- LatLonAlt output sequence changed
- isSurfaceFolder is always false for objs (in Surfaces) so the red exclamation icon in the little surface menu is shown
- fixed picking issues
- tried to fix color picker history #56
- new color correction UI + ordering of operations #52
- fixed dns colors
- new color correction UI + ordering of operations #52
- fixed dns colors
- added geoJSON export via menu > annotations > export xyz (*.json)
- performance improvements for dns annotations
- fixed multiselect
- added geoJSON export via menu > annotations > export (*.json)
- data is exported as
objects with 3D coordinates(lon, lat, alt)
computed via SPICE
- performance improvements take I
- fixed duplication bug when moving multiple annotations via "select all" in a group mechanic
- "select all" only selects all leaves in a group not including the leaves of sub groups
- added print location / coordinate for point annotation
- added print location / coordinate for bookmark location
- added long lat alt prints via cootrafo
- fixed problem with picking points on surface
- added properties tab to docking GUI
- currently only shows annotation properties when an annotation is selected
- this will not show in already existing scenes. to reset the docking GUI and make properties visible press F8 and save your scene afterwards.
- added picking tolerance in meters for annotation picking to viewconfig to address picking problems at orbital scale.
- this tolerance does not affect the accuracy of the line picking itself
- it rather affects performance: having a large tolerance for small scale scenes may result in unnecessary intersections tests
- picking tolerance is serialized with view config (now version 2), older versions will be intialized with 0.01m
- numeric control for picking tolerance directly next to interaction dropdown with text "eps.:"
- removed unnecessary surface intersection computation when trying to pick annotations
- csv export contains visible annotations only
- also added manualDipAngle and trueThickness result to export (NaN of not applicable to annotation)
- fixed error in AnnotationResultsSerialization
- single select annotations / multi select with ctrl + shift
- reactivated tooltips by default, -notooltip in command line supresses all tooltip displays
- fixed annotation flyto (could not reproduce anymore)
- added true thickness measurement tool TT to DrawAnnotation Geometry
- added units to measurement and dip and strike results
- removed positions from measurement properties
- changed direction of vertical distance computation
(contains changes from 3.1.4 prereleases)
- test prerelease
- new deploy system