This tutorial helps you to setup your project for pipeline builds for
"normal" branches like develop
and master
with snapshot deployment
to nexus.
💡 Have a look at the executed steps
for more information
Multi branch builds for feature branches like `feature/FEATURE-1 without snapshot deployments to nexus are covered by the feature branch tutorial
❗ You have to setup your project first (based on this tutorial), before you should setup feature branch builds!
- Step 1: Setup the auto lookup
- Step 2: Add the pipeline libraries to your Jenkins client folder
- Step 3: Add JenkinsFile to
branch - Step 4: Setup the Jenkins job.
- Step 5: Execute the Jenkins job
- Step 6: Add Jenkinsfile to
branch - Step 7: Step 7: Configure your job to build
branch - Step 8: Configure a multi branch pipeline build
This tutorial assumes that we are talking about a customer named 'client' and a project named 'project' with a repository location at
If you have to use custom configurations for:
- Global Maven settings
- Maven settings
- SCM credentials
- NPM user config
- NPMRC config
- Ruby bundler config
please have a look at Setup your environment for pipeline library
💡 In the most cases only a custom maven settings configuration should be needed for deploying to the nexus, see maven-local-settings
If not already done, have a look at the Setup tutorial.
It is recommended to use a Jenkinsfile
stored at project root.
Assuming that you want to build with the default tools (JDK8, Maven3) and Settings all you have to add in your Jenkinsfile is:
@Library('pipeline-library') pipelineLibrary
@Library('pv-pipeline-library') pvPipelineLibrary
Commit and Push this Jenkinsfile to the repository.
Please have a look at
for more information and documentation.
💡 For configuration documentation and examples have a look at Configuration.
- Go to the jenkins inside your client/project folder an add a new Job.
- Scroll down to Pipeline and change Definition from Pipeline Script to Pipeline script from SCM
- Define the SCM
- SCM:
- Repository URL:
<Your repository url>
- Credentials:
<The credentials to use>
- Branches to build: Change the branch to
(After testing is complete you have to define*/master
here - Add Additional Behaviors (:exclamation: This is needed to enable
branch name detection when running in untrusted mode, see
- SCM:
- Click Save
💡 It is recommended to use ssh for git. Ensure that the jenkins deploy key ci_server is enabled for your project!
Start a Build and observe the logs.
You should see the following log entries (excerpt)
11:47:16 [INFO] setupTools : set environment var 'MAVEN_HOME' to: '/root/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/apache-maven3'
11:47:16 [INFO] setupTools : set environment var PATH to: /root/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/apache-maven3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
11:47:16 [INFO] setupTools : set environment var 'JAVA_HOME' to: '/root/tools/hudson.model.JDK/sun-java8-jdk'
11:47:16 [INFO] setupTools : set environment var PATH to: /root/tools/hudson.model.JDK/sun-java8-jdk/bin:/root/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/apache-maven3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
11:47:17 [INFO] checkoutScm : Found configuration to use existing scm var, checking out with scm configuration from job
11:47:20 [INFO] setGitBranch : set environment var GIT_BRANCH to 'develop'
11:47:20 [INFO] setScmUrl : Setting environment variable SCM_URL to
11:47:20 [INFO] setBuildName : created version number -> () #81_master
11:47:20 [INFO] deleteProjectArtifactsFromRepository : trying to retrieve group id from pom: pom.xml
11:47:22 [INFO] execMaven : executing maven with: mvn clean deploy -B -U -Dcontinuous-integration=true --global-settings '/root/workspace/client/project/client-project_commit@tmp/config8940688209650350754tmp' --settings '/root/workspace/client/project/client-project_commit@tmp/config889085921613369759tmp'
11:47:22 [INFO] execMaven : executing maven with: mvn checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:pmd spotbugs:spotbugs -B --global-settings '/root/workspace/client/project/client-project_commit@tmp/config8940688209650350754tmp' --settings '/root/workspace/client/project/client-project_commit@tmp/config889085921613369759tmp'
11:50:34 Recording test results
[INFO] notifyMail : Notification not enabled for: SUCCESS
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
💡 If your build is not successful check the cause in the log and ask one of the one of the friendly DevOps engineers for assistance.
If everything went fine you can now add the Jenkinsfile to the master
branch of the repository.
You can do this by your preferred method, but cherry-picking is the preferred method here
- Open the Job configuration page and scroll down to the Pipeline section.
- In the Branches to build section define two branches
- Click Save
👍 Congratulations! You are done with the ci job for develop
If needed you now can setup a multi branch pipeline Job for your project.
💡 Have a look at the Feature branch tutorial to get startet.