Config library provides various API methods to store plugin discovery sources, contexts, features and configuration options in Tanzu CLI configuration (stored in $HOME/.config/tanzu/config.yaml and $HOME/.config/tanzu/config-ng.yaml).
To learn more about plugin repository, contexts, features and configuration options, please refer to the Tanzu CLI User Guide.
Before tanzu-plugin-runtime version 0.28, CLI has only one configuration file which is CFG. In tanzu-plugin-runtime version 0.28, a new configuration file CFG_NG has been added to accommodate new configuration objects (Ex: context object which was referred as server in older tanzu-plugin-runtime version), and inter-operate with old and new tanzu-plugin-runtime client APIs (through plugin). CLI Runtime library unifies both configuration files for end user interactions.
refers the short name to refer Tanzu CLI legacy config file at $HOME/.config/tanzu/config.yaml.
refers the additional next generation Tanzu CLI legacy file at $HOME/.config/tanzu/config-ng.yaml.
refers the metadata file at $HOME/.config/tanzu/config-metadata.yaml, it is hidden/dot file.
CLI User should not manipulate any CLI configuration files directly, should interact only through CLI command line interface.
CFG: All existing types are stored in the existing configuration file ( ~/.config/tanzu/config.yaml on most systems, shortened as CFG for the rest of the document) Also we introduce an additional next gen configuration file CFG_NG as well as a CFG Metadata file (shortened as META).
CFG_NG: Additional configuration file(~/config/tanzu/config_ng.yaml) introduced to store new configuration related types. CFG has to be retained since that is the file that Legacy Plugins rely on today for configuration state.
In this proposal the overall state of the CLI configuration can conceptually be thought of as the union of two non-intersecting parts (CFG, CFG_NG) of the larger logical config file.
META: Over time, how the CLI interacts with the configuration can potentially evolve. This evolution will be triggered via a core CLI update, but has to be communicated to the plugins as well. This file, META (config-metadata.yaml a hidden/dot file), will serve the role of capturing this information. The file is not expected to be manipulated by the CLI user. For instance, when in the future if configMetadata.settings.useUnifiedConfig is set to true by the future version of cli previously existing clis will read this data to use the new CFG_NG completely for all the data and CFG is no longer used.
Aspects of this proposal that plans to leverage META are:
Configuration of the patch policy for different parts of the configuration.
Determining when to transition to using a single configuration file (CFG_NG) to persist configuration state
Note: due to the fact that information in the CFG_NG file directly affects the manipulation of the actual configuration files, it is not practical to embed said information in the files being manipulated.
// Context APIs
func GetContext(name string) (context Context, error)
func AddContext(context Context, setCurrent bool) error
func SetContext(context Context, setCurrent bool) error
func DeleteContext(name string) error
func RemoveContext(name string) error
func ContextExists(name string) (bool, error)
func GetCurrentContext(contextType ContextType) error
func GetAllCurrentContextsMap() (map[configtypes.Target]*configtypes.Context, error)
func GetAllCurrentContextsList() ([]string, error)
func SetCurrentContext(context Context) error
func RemoveCurrentContext(contextType ContextType) error
func EndpointFromContext(s *configtypes.Context) (endpoint string, err error)
// Feature APIs
func IsFeatureEnabled(plugin, key string) (bool, error)
func DeleteFeature(plugin, key string) error
func SetFeature(plugin, key, value string) error
func ConfigureDefaultFeatureFlagsIfMissing(plugin string, defaultFeatureFlags map[string]bool) error
func IsFeatureActivated(feature string) bool
// Env APIs
func GetAllEnvs() (map[string]string, error)
func GetEnv(key string) (string, error)
func SetEnv(key, value string) error
func DeleteEnv(key string) error
func GetEnvConfigurations() map[string]string
// Edition APIs
func GetEdition() (string, error)
func SetEdition(val string) (err error)
// Discovery Sources APIs
func GetCLIDiscoverySources() ([]configtypes.PluginDiscovery, error)
func GetCLIDiscoverySource(name string) (*configtypes.PluginDiscovery, error)
func SetCLIDiscoverySources(discoverySources []configtypes.PluginDiscovery) error
func SetCLIDiscoverySource(discoverySource configtypes.PluginDiscovery) error
func DeleteCLIDiscoverySource(name string) error
// ClientConfig APIs
func ClientConfigPath() (path string, err error)
func ClientConfigNextGenPath() (path string, err error)
func AcquireTanzuConfigNextGenLock()
func ReleaseTanzuConfigNextGenLock()
func AcquireTanzuConfigLock()
func ReleaseTanzuConfigLock()
func LocalDir() (path string, err error)
func DeleteClientConfigNextGen() error
// Config Metadata APIs
func GetMetadata() (*configtypes.Metadata, error)
func GetConfigMetadata() (*configtypes.ConfigMetadata, error)
func GetConfigMetadataPatchStrategy() (map[string]string, error)
func SetConfigMetadataPatchStrategy(key, value string) error
func SetConfigMetadataPatchStrategies(patchStrategies map[string]string) error
func CfgMetadataFilePath() (path string, err error)
func AcquireTanzuMetadataLock()
func ReleaseTanzuMetadataLock()
// Config Metadata Settings APIs
func GetConfigMetadataSettings() (map[string]string, error)
func GetConfigMetadataSetting(key string) (string, error)
func IsConfigMetadataSettingsEnabled(key string) (bool, error)
func UseUnifiedConfig() (bool, error)
func DeleteConfigMetadataSetting(key string) error
func SetConfigMetadataSetting(key, value string) error
- Import the runtime/config package and use the API method as specified below
If a plugin wants to add the context it should use the SetContext API from context-related APIs in the Tanzu Plugin Runtime library to ensure forward compatibility. example, to add a context use the below snippet: Note: This will also add the corresponding server into CFG.
import configapi ""
err := configapi.SetContext(newContextObject, booleanToSetThisContextAsCurrent)
if err != nil{
// Failed to add new context
// Fetch the context from the CFG_NG by context name
context, err := configapi.GetContext(name)
// Delete existing context from CFG_NG by context name
err := configapi.DeleteContext(name)
If a plugin wants to get the context it should use the GetContext API from context-related APIs in the Tanzu Plugin Runtime library to ensure forward compatibility. example, to get the context use the below snippet:
import configapi ""
// Fetch the context from the CFG_NG by context name
context, err := configapi.GetContext(name)
If a plugin wants to delete a context it should use the DeleteContext API from context-related APIs in the Tanzu Plugin Runtime library to ensure forward compatibility. example, to delete the context use the below snippet: Note: This will also delete the corresponding server from CFG.
import configapi ""
// Delete existing context from CFG_NG by context name
err := configapi.DeleteContext(name)
If a plugin wants to access the context it should use the GetCurrentContext API context-related APIs in the Tanzu Plugin Runtime library to ensure forward compatibility. For example, to get the current active context use the below snippet:
import (
config ""
cfgtypes ""
ctx, err := config.GetCurrentContext(cfgtypes.TargetK8s)
Example: Set current context - context if present will be set as current active for a specific target
If a plugin wants to set the current context it should use the SetCurrentContext API context-related APIs in the Tanzu Plugin Runtime library to ensure forward compatibility. For example, to add/update the current active context use the below snippet:
import (
config ""
err := config.SetCurrentContext(name string)