Deepsort forked from :
python = 3.6
Tensorflow >= 1.12
numpy >= 1.14.5
cv2 >= 3.4.1
Trained RetinaNet model
Trained deepsort model
-m , --model : Path to the trained RetinaNet model
-tm , --tracker_model : Path to tensorflow frozen graph of tracker (deepsort) model
-c , --confidence : Detection threshold for the RetinaNet model . default = 0.8
-v , --video : Path to input video file
-f , --fps : FPS for output video . default=25
-s , --skip : Sampling interval for the inference to run . default=0 ie., no skipping of frames
-sc , --scale : Scaling for the input frame . default=1 ie., no scaling
-age , --max_age : Max frames to wait before discarding a vanished ID . default=100
-n_init , --n_init : Number of frames that a track remains in initialization phase . default=1
python -v -m snapshots/version8_resplit_test_train/resnet50_csv_12_inference.h5 -tm deep_sort/resources/networks/mars-small128.pb -n_init 5 -age 100 -c 0.5 -s 0 -sc 0.5