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Releases: prescottprue/react-redux-firebase


26 Jun 01:04
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  • fix(profile): profile created correctly regardless of custom objects in Firebase JS SDK response (newer versions) - #500
  • feat(profile): add console.error for errors querying for profile population data (enabled using logErrors config option)
  • feat(query): switch console.log to console.error for query errors


09 Jun 19:44
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  • fix(storage): uploadFile no longer errors out due to downloadURLs not being defined (v5 Firebase SDK) - #480
  • fix(examples): add recompose to firestore example's dependencies
  • feat(auth): use new signInAndRetrieveDataWithCustomToken firebase login method - #467 - @kadikraman


24 May 02:07
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  • fix(auth): fix issue where Firebase v5 SDK would cause profile to be written into DB under "undefined" instead of uid
  • feat(deps): redux dev dependency updated to 4.0.0
  • feat(examples): material example updated (material-ui v1.0.0, react 16.3.0, firebase 5.0.2)
  • feat(examples): material example now shows message if user does not have projects


22 May 12:03
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Version bump release to attempt to fix issue with new version not appearing after publish (read 471 for more info). May be due to NPM incident:


22 May 11:42
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  • fix(profile): userData.uid undefined error no longer thrown when creating profile in Firestore - #468
  • feat(deps): update lodash to 4.7.10 (fixes npm dependency security warning)
  • feat(deps): firebase dev dependency locked to 4.12.0 (gets updates without warnings)
  • feat(deps): codecov dev dependency updated (fixes npm dependency security warning)
  • feat(examples): material example updated to firebase ^5.*.*


10 May 07:17
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  • fix(query): console.error for profile listener only called if logErrors config option is enabled
  • feat(core): enableLogging now only enables Firebase Database logging (react-redux-firebase errors now only logged when logErrors is truthy
  • fix(storage): remove getter that includes warning for "snaphot" misspelling (fires unnecessarily)
  • feat(docs): docs building/uploading scripts updated and simplified


29 Apr 04:56
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  • feat(firebaseConnect): allow reuse of existing subscriptions when paths change - @Lecss
  • fix(watch): issue with multiple watchers on same path - #368, #454 - @Tapped
  • feat(storage): add size and contentType to file uploads - @urbantumbleweed
  • feat(storage): errors in uploadFile now call console.error
  • feat(docs): logErrors config parameter added to docs
  • feat(core): husky added as a dev dep so that lint is run on push (prepush already in package.json)
  • fix(storage): uploadFile can accept both options.progress and options name together - #414
  • feat(tests): tests added to confirm name option works with other options - #414
  • feat(query): onProfileWriteError config option added to allow for hooking into error case of profile writes
  • feat(storage): deleteFile metadata removal logic simplified
  • feat(storage): upload metadata set logic simplified
  • feat(tests): Unit tests for firestoreConnect improved to more deeply test listener updates on prop changes
  • feat(tests): Unit tests added to test logic for presence and sessions config options
  • feat(core): npm publish now takes place on Travis through deploy config (any new version merged to master will be published by default)
  • feat(storage): useFirestoreForStorageMeta config option added to allow for writing storage file metadata to Firestore when using uploadFile and uploadFiles


28 Mar 19:48
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  • fix(query): add path to query error action dispatch
  • feat(query): add console logging capability for query errors
  • fix(storage): fix a typo related to UploadTaskSnapshot within uploadFile - #435 - @dpehrson


10 Mar 03:18
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  • feat(populate): populateByKey option added to force key population - #349 - @meksikann
  • feat(tests): unit test added for populateByKey - #349
  • feat(tests): unit tests added for userFirestoreForProfile
  • fix(README): firebase.initializeApp uses firebaseConfig - #420
  • feat(core): .prettierrc added to make prettier settings consistent regardless of how it is used (npm script vs external)


10 Feb 01:53
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  • feat(profileReducer): PROFILE_UPDATE_SUCCESS action updates profile state - #395 -
  • fix(firestore): prevent issue where default profile creation would break (createdAt was undefined) - #391 - @compojoom
  • feat(profile): profileFactory support for firestore - #391 - @compojoom
  • fix(login): login-logout-login flow always correctly updates state.firebase.profile - #401 - @evgeni-tsn
  • fix(updateProfile): "no document to update" error no longer thrown when updating non-existant profile on Firestore (useSet boolean added to make this optional) - #403