Register an account on PyPi if you don't have one.
if they aren't already. Create asetup.py
in your source folder as follows (check out setuptools docs for more detailed setup options):# replace: # <your_package> with your actual package name. # <you> with your name. # <your_email> with your public email address. # <your_github_repo_url> with your github project's url. from setuptools import setup, find_packages s = setup( name="<your_package>", version="1.0.0", license="MIT", description="Foo App", url='<your_github_repo_url>", packages=find_packages(), install_requires=[], python_requires = ">= 3.4", author="<you>", author_email="<your_email>", )
Optional: Bump up the version number (and git commit) if this isn't your first release:
git add . && git commit -m "chore: released 1.0.1" && git push
python setup.py sdist
from your source folder to generate a source distribution. -
Optional: Sign the newly generated package with your
signature:gpg -a --detach-sign dist/<your-package>-1.0.0.tar.gz
Upload your package using
:twine upload dist/<your-package>-1.0.0.tar.gz -u <your-pypi-username> -p <your-pypi-password>
If you've signed the package, then you may also add the signed .asc file as the argument like this:
twine upload dist/<your-package>-1.0.0.tar.gz dist/<your-package>-1.0.0.tar.gz.asc -u <your-pypi-username> -p <your-pypi-password>
Visit https://pypi.org/project/your_package to verify that your package has been uploaded.
pip install <your_package>
to verify the package installation using pip package manager. -
Optional: Tag the commit with the new version number:
git tag "1.0.1" git push --tags