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File metadata and controls

308 lines (217 loc) · 9.4 KB

WAL-G for MongoDB

Interface of MongoDB features is currently unstable

You can use wal-g as a tool for making encrypted, compressed MongoDB backups and push/fetch them to/from storage without saving it on your filesystem.



To compile and build the binary:


  • To build with libsodium, just set USE_LIBSODIUM environment variable.
  • To build with lzo decompressor, just set USE_LZO environment variable.
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make install
make deps
make mongo_build

Users can also install WAL-G by using make mongo_install. Specifying the GOBIN environment variable before installing allows the user to specify the installation location. On default, make mongo_install puts the compiled binary in go/bin.

export GOBIN=/usr/local/bin
cd $GOPATH/src/
make install
make deps
make mongo_install



Command to create MongoDB backup, should return backup as single stream to STDOUT. Required for backup procedure.


Command to unpack MongoDB backup, should take backup (created by WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND) to STDIN and push it to MongoDB instance. Required for restore procedure.


URI used to connect to a MongoDB instance. Required for backup and oplog archiving procedure.


Oplog archive batch in bytes which triggers upload to storage.


Time interval (passed since previous upload) to trigger upload to storage.

Format: golang duration string.


Interval to update the latest majority optime. wal-g archives only majority committed operations. Format: golang duration string.


Wait for primary and start archiving or exit immediately. Archiving works only on primary, but it's useful to run wal-g on all replicaset nodes with OPLOG_PUSH_WAIT_FOR_BECOME_PRIMARY: true to handle replica set elections. Then new primary will catch up archiving after elections.


Defines the longest possible point-in-time recovery period. It's lasts from starting timestamp of the oldest backup (within OPLOG_PITR_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL) until now. Setting is used by oplog archives purging.

Format: golang duration string.


Enables statistics collecting of oplog archiving procedure.


Interval to update oplog archiving statistics. Disabled if reset to 0.


Interval to log oplog archiving statistics. Disabled if reset to 0. Format: golang duration string.


Exposes http-handler with oplog archiving statistics: stats/oplog_push. HTTP-server listens HTTP_LISTEN port (default: 8090).


WAL-G mongodb extension currently supports these commands:


Creates new backup and send it to storage.

Runs WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND to create backup.

wal-g backup-push


Lists currently available backups in storage.

wal-g backup-list


Fetches backup from storage and restores passes data to WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND to restore backup.

User should specify the name of the backup to fetch.

wal-g backup-fetch example_backup


Fetches backup metadata from storage to STDOUT.

User should specify the name of the backup to show.

# wal-g backup-show stream_20201027T224823Z
       "BackupName": "stream_20201027T224823Z",
       "DataSize": 18952713762,
       "FinishLocalTime": "2020-10-28T02:08:55.966741+03:00",
       "MongoMeta": {
           "After": {
               "LastMajTS": {
                   "Inc": 34,
                   "TS": 1603840135
               "LastTS": {
                   "Inc": 34,
                   "TS": 1603840135
           "Before": {
               "LastMajTS": {
                   "Inc": 4,
                   "TS": 1603838903
               "LastTS": {
                   "Inc": 4,
                   "TS": 1603838903
       "Permanent": false,
       "StartLocalTime": "2020-10-28T01:48:23.121314+03:00"


Deletes backup from storage.

User should specify the name of the backup to delete.


wal-g backup-delete example_backup

Perform delete

wal-g backup-delete example_backup --confirm


Fetches oplog from mongodb instance (MONGODB_URI) and uploads to storage.

wal-g forces upload when,

  • archive batch exceeds OPLOG_ARCHIVE_AFTER_SIZE bytes
  • passes OPLOG_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL since previous upload

Archiving collects writes if optime is readable by majority reads. Optime is updated every MONGODB_LAST_WRITE_UPDATE_INTERVAL.

wal-g oplog-push

Note: archiving works only on primary, but you can run it on any replicaset node using config option OPLOG_PUSH_WAIT_FOR_BECOME_PRIMARY: true.


Fetches oplog archives from storage and applies to mongodb instance (MONGODB_URI)

User should specify SINCE and UNTIL boundaries (format:, eg 1593554809.32). Both of them should exist in storage. SINCE is included and UNTIL is NOT.

wal-g oplog-replay 1593554109.1 1593559109.1

Common constraints:

  • SINCE: operation timestamp before full backup started.
  • UNTIL: operation timestamp after backup finished.

Use MongoMeta.Before.LastMajTS and MongoMeta.After.LastMajTS fields from backup metadata.


Fetches oplog archives from storage and passes to STDOUT.

User should specify SINCE and UNTIL boundaries (format:, eg 1593554809.32). Both of them should exist in storage. SINCE is included and UNTIL is NOT.

Supported formats to output: json, bson, bson-raw

wal-g oplog-fetch 1593554109.1 1593559109.1 --format json


Purges outdated oplog archives from storage. Clean-up will retain:

  • oplog archives in PITR interval
  • oplog archives within backup creation period


wal-g oplog-purge

Perform clean-up

wal-g oplog-purge --confirm

Typical configurations

Full backup/restore only

Here's typical wal-g configuration for that case:

MONGODB_URI:                 'mongodb://user:password@localhost:27018/?authSource=admin&connect=direct&socketTimeoutMS=60000&connectTimeoutMS=10000&tls=true'
WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND:  'mongodump --archive --oplog --uri="mongodb://user:password@localhost:27018/?authSource=admin&connectTimeoutMS=10000&tls=true"'
WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND: 'mongorestore --archive --oplogReplay --uri="mongodb://user:password@localhost:27018/?authSource=admin&connectTimeoutMS=10000&tls=true"'

You may also add --drop option to restore command. This option drops the collections from the target database before restoring the collections from the dumped backup. Thus extra care should be exercised.

Continuous archiving and point-in-time recovery

Here's typical wal-g configuration for that case:

# Used to fetch oplog documents
MONGODB_URI:                 'mongodb://user:password@localhost:27018/?authSource=admin&connect=direct&socketTimeoutMS=60000&connectTimeoutMS=10000&tls=true'

# Archiving triggers
OPLOG_ARCHIVE_AFTER_SIZE:       '20971520'

# Oplog-purge setting: retain oplog archives uploaded before the oldest backup created during last 7 days

# Run and wait for become primary (usefull to run on all secondaries)

# Collect statistics on archiving process
OPLOG_PUSH_STATS_ENABLED:           'true'
# log with interval
# expose via http "/stats/oplog_push"

# Full backup/restore settings
WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND:  'mongodump --archive --uri="mongodb://user:password@localhost:27018/?authSource=admin&connectTimeoutMS=10000&tls=true"'
WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND: 'mongorestore --archive --uri="mongodb://user:password@localhost:27018/?authSource=admin&connectTimeoutMS=10000&tls=true"'

How to restore backup to point in time

Suppose you want to restore your cluster to 2020-10-28T12:11:10+03:00.

# wal-g backup-list -v
name                    finish_local_time         ts_before     ts_after      data_size   permanent
stream_20201025T222118Z 2020-10-26T01:50:17+03:00 1603664478.21 1603666217.6  18521875261 false
stream_20201026T220833Z 2020-10-27T01:37:42+03:00 1603750113.39 1603751861.6  18552792676 false
stream_20201027T224823Z 2020-10-28T02:08:55+03:00 1603838903.4  1603840135.34 18952713762 false

Pick the closest backup and restore it (don't forget about constraints):

# wal-g backup-fetch stream_20201027T224823Z

Replay oplog from backup ts_before to 2020-10-28T12:11:10+03:00:

# wal-g oplog-replay 1603838903.4 1603876270.1