Gateways do a lot of things. While the core gateway capabilities are fairly short, the list of policies and ways you can extend the legacy and modern gateway is expansive. However, there are a handful of areas that really differentiate the next-generation gateways from what is the status quo.
These are the differentiators.
- Multi-Cloud - APIs are deployed in multiple clouds without friction.
- Multi-Protocol - Switching between the protocols is effortless.
- Multi-Region - Operate across multiple regions without more work.
- Contracts - Everything is contract-defined and driven by default.
- Policies - Policies are easy to define and apply across any gateway.
- Federated - A federated approach is supported as the default.
- GitOps - Woven into the fabric of existing source control & CI/CD.
- Edge - Easily deployed as close to consumers as possible.
- Programmability - Allowing for simple and effective programming.
- Extensibility - Quick to extend gateway with entirely new capabilities.
- Local - Enabling developers to work locally with the same capabilities.
- Observability - Making APIs, contracts, and operations observable. Those were the differentiators. null