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Expfactory Server (MySQL)

This will provide a static (MySQL) server setup, that can either be run on a server natively (locally), or with a MySQL Dockerized database. Instructions for composer are included below:

The basic instructions are also included here.

Customizing your MySQL Server

This is primarily intended for development, and if you would like a complete Dockerized application we recommend either using expfactory-docker or submitting a PR to this repo. The following command, run from this directory, will set up a mysql database available on port 3306 called expfactory-mysql

docker run \
--detach \
--name=expfactory-mysql \
--env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=composer" \
--publish 6603:3306 \
--volume=conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \
--volume=data:/var/lib/mysql \

After doing the above, you will want to copy the sql file into the container, and run it to configure the database:

  docker cp create_test_database.sql expfactory-mysql:/create_test_database.sql
  docker cp create_expfactory_table.sql expfactory-mysql:/create_expfactory_table.sql
  docker exec -it expfactory-mysql bash -c "mysql --user=root --password=composer < create_test_database.sql"			
  docker exec -it expfactory-mysql bash -c "mysql --user=concerto --password=concerto < create_expfactory_table.sql"

You of course (are recommended) to set up a proper database, the above will give you the following warning:

  mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

If you want the development setup provided above, continue. Otherwise, be sure to change the host/etc credentials in database_connect.php and to run create_expfactory_table.sql.

Generating the battery

If you have a server that can serve static files and want to deploy experiments using a MySQL database, this is the solution you should try. The batteries themselves are stored as static html files with a uid parameter in the query string to pass the subject id: e.g. https://mywebserver/itest/digit_span-en/?uid=123456789

PHP scripts, also hosted by the web server, are called on experiment completion to save the results (in JSON format) to your MySQL database.

This folder contains the required server resources to deploy. Ensure to define your database connection parameters in database_connect.php. In this folder, you will also find a create_expfactory_table.sql and a concerto.conf file as an example of how to make Concerto and Expfactory coexist and share the same database.

1. Edit your post url

Edit the post_url variable in webserver-battery-template.html to change the default URL to the PHP script (/itest/save_data.php) if needed. If not a local URL, cross-origin resource sharing should be enabled: refer to

2. Generate your static files

Then run to generate the battery in a specified output folder (likely a web directory)

  python --output /var/www/vhosts/expfactory-server/digit_span-en --experiments digit_span

3. Testing

Though the script has no use in production, you may test your batteries easily with:

  python --port 8080 --folder /var/www/vhosts/expfactory-server/digit_span-en

Note that if you do not specify the --folder argument, the present working directory is used. If you do not specify a port, 8080 is used by default.