diff --git a/dev/.ipynb_checkpoints/datapackage creation-checkpoint.ipynb b/dev/.ipynb_checkpoints/datapackage creation-checkpoint.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e07a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/.ipynb_checkpoints/datapackage creation-checkpoint.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "93725a69-da37-4dfb-913f-880652e04494",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "premise v.(2, 0, 1)\n",
+ "+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Warning |\n",
+ "+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Because some of the scenarios can yield LCI databases |\n",
+ "| containing net negative emission technologies (NET), |\n",
+ "| it is advised to account for biogenic CO2 flows when calculating |\n",
+ "| Global Warming potential indicators. |\n",
+ "| `premise_gwp` provides characterization factors for such flows. |\n",
+ "| It also provides factors for hydrogen emissions to air. |\n",
+ "| |\n",
+ "| Within your bw2 project: |\n",
+ "| from premise_gwp import add_premise_gwp |\n",
+ "| add_premise_gwp() |\n",
+ "+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Utils functions | Description |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| clear_cache() | Clears the cache folder. Useful |\n",
+ "| | when updating `premise`or |\n",
+ "| | encountering issues with |\n",
+ "| | inventories. |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| get_regions_definition(model) | Retrieves the list of countries |\n",
+ "| | for each region of the model. |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| ndb.NewDatabase(...) | Generates a summary of the most |\n",
+ "| ndb.generate_scenario_report() | important scenarios' variables. |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "Keep uncertainty data?\n",
+ "NewDatabase(..., keep_uncertainty_data=True)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Disable multiprocessing?\n",
+ "NewDatabase(..., use_multiprocessing=False)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Hide these messages?\n",
+ "NewDatabase(..., quiet=True)\n",
+ "- Extracting source database\n",
+ "- Extracting inventories\n",
+ "- Fetching IAM data\n",
+ "Done!\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from premise import *\n",
+ "import bw2data\n",
+ "from datapackage import Package\n",
+ "bw2data.projects.set_current(\"ei39\")\n",
+ "ndb = PathwaysDataPackage(\n",
+ " scenarios=[\n",
+ " {\"model\": \"image\", \"pathway\": \"SSP2-RCP19\"},\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " #years=[2005, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080, 2090, 2100],\n",
+ " #years=[2020, 2050],\n",
+ " source_db=\"ecoinvent 3.9.1 cutoff\", # <-- name of the database in the BW2 project. Must be a string.\n",
+ " source_version=\"3.9\", # <-- version of ecoinvent. Can be \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\" or \"3.8\". Must be a string.\n",
+ " key=\"tUePmX_S5B8ieZkkM7WUU2CnO8SmShwmAeWK9x2rTFo=\",\n",
+ " #external_scenarios=[sps,]\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "a6936b92-9ac1-49cb-95fb-a348a6cce296",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "`update()` will skip the following sectors: 'buses', 'cars', 'two_wheelers'.\n",
+ "If you want to update these sectors, please run them separately afterwards.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Updating: biomass: 0%| | 0/11 [00:00, ?it/s]"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "ndb.create_datapackage(\n",
+ " name=\"image-SSP2-stem-SPS1\",\n",
+ " contributors=[\n",
+ " {\"name\": \"Romain\",\n",
+ " \"email\": \"r_s at me.com\",}\n",
+ " ]\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "5b4d251b-a537-49fd-b993-dfe66d6f30cc",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.8"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/dev/.ipynb_checkpoints/generate datapackages-checkpoint.ipynb b/dev/.ipynb_checkpoints/generate datapackages-checkpoint.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7888bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/.ipynb_checkpoints/generate datapackages-checkpoint.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,1585 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "6f956f44-5eac-47fc-9097-08c5bae86ecd",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from premise import *\n",
+ "import bw2data\n",
+ "from datapackage import Package\n",
+ "bw2data.projects.set_current(\"ei39\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "ndb = NewDatabase(\n",
+ " scenarios=[\n",
+ " {\"model\": \"image\",\n",
+ " \"pathway\": \"SSP2-Base\",\n",
+ " \"year\": 2050},\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " #years=[2005, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080, 2090, 2100],\n",
+ " #years=[2020, ],\n",
+ " source_db=\"ecoinvent 3.9.1 cutoff\", # <-- name of the database in the BW2 project. Must be a string.\n",
+ " source_version=\"3.9\", # <-- version of ecoinvent. Can be \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\" or \"3.8\". Must be a string.\n",
+ " key=\"tUePmX_S5B8ieZkkM7WUU2CnO8SmShwmAeWK9x2rTFo=\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "ndb.update()\n",
+ "ndb.write_db_to_brightway()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "e7dde1cf-983a-4da5-a7a8-f13054c3f57c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "premise v.(2, 0, 1)\n",
+ "+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Warning |\n",
+ "+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Because some of the scenarios can yield LCI databases |\n",
+ "| containing net negative emission technologies (NET), |\n",
+ "| it is advised to account for biogenic CO2 flows when calculating |\n",
+ "| Global Warming potential indicators. |\n",
+ "| `premise_gwp` provides characterization factors for such flows. |\n",
+ "| It also provides factors for hydrogen emissions to air. |\n",
+ "| |\n",
+ "| Within your bw2 project: |\n",
+ "| from premise_gwp import add_premise_gwp |\n",
+ "| add_premise_gwp() |\n",
+ "+------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Utils functions | Description |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| clear_cache() | Clears the cache folder. Useful |\n",
+ "| | when updating `premise`or |\n",
+ "| | encountering issues with |\n",
+ "| | inventories. |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| get_regions_definition(model) | Retrieves the list of countries |\n",
+ "| | for each region of the model. |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "| ndb.NewDatabase(...) | Generates a summary of the most |\n",
+ "| ndb.generate_scenario_report() | important scenarios' variables. |\n",
+ "+--------------------------------+----------------------------------+\n",
+ "Keep uncertainty data?\n",
+ "NewDatabase(..., keep_uncertainty_data=True)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Disable multiprocessing?\n",
+ "NewDatabase(..., use_multiprocessing=False)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Hide these messages?\n",
+ "NewDatabase(..., quiet=True)\n",
+ "- Extracting source database\n",
+ "- Extracting inventories\n",
+ "- Fetching IAM data\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Reading /Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data/image_SSP2-RCP19.xlsx as excel file\n",
+ "Done!\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from premise import *\n",
+ "import bw2data\n",
+ "from datapackage import Package\n",
+ "bw2data.projects.set_current(\"ei39\")\n",
+ "ndb = PathwaysDataPackage(\n",
+ " scenarios=[\n",
+ " {\"model\": \"image\",\n",
+ " \"pathway\": \"SSP2-RCP19\",\n",
+ " \"filepath\": \"/Users/romain/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/Notebooks/IAM-ecoinvent/new image/full data\"\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " years=[2005, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080, 2090, 2100],\n",
+ " source_db=\"ecoinvent 3.9.1 cutoff\", # <-- name of the database in the BW2 project. Must be a string.\n",
+ " source_version=\"3.9\", # <-- version of ecoinvent. Can be \"3.5\", \"3.6\", \"3.7\" or \"3.8\". Must be a string.\n",
+ " #key=\"tUePmX_S5B8ieZkkM7WUU2CnO8SmShwmAeWK9x2rTFo=\",\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "f7d15e94-9a93-4314-9a69-11f50243b166",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "`update()` will skip the following sectors: 'buses', 'cars', 'two_wheelers'.\n",
+ "If you want to update these sectors, please run them separately afterwards.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Updating: external: 91%|██████████▉ | 10/11 [35:31<03:33, 213.11s/it]\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "External scenarios (datapackages) are not provided. Skipped.\n",
+ "Done!\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.03 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Extracted 1 worksheets in 0.02 seconds\n",
+ "Remove uncertainty data.\n",
+ "Write new database(s) to matrix.\n",
+ "Running all checks...\n",
+ "Anomalies found: check the change report.\n",
+ "Running all checks...\n",
+ "Anomalies found: check the change report.\n",
+ "Running all checks...\n",
+ "Anomalies found: check the change report.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2030.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2040.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2050.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2005.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2080.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2070.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2060.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2010.\n",
+ "Matrices saved in /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/inventories/image/SSP2-RCP19/2090.\n",
+ "Generate scenario report.\n",
+ "Report saved under /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/export/scenario_report.\n",
+ "Generate change report.\n",
+ "Report saved under /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev.\n",
+ "Data package saved at /Users/romain/GitHub/pathways/dev/pathways/image-SSP2-RCP19.zip\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "ndb.create_datapackage(\n",
+ " name=\"image-SSP2-RCP19\",\n",
+ " contributors=[\n",
+ " {\"name\": \"Romain\",\n",
+ " \"email\": \"r_s at me.com\",}\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "54d3a225-e170-45ca-bb99-2cef313b7bdc",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "PosixPath('/Users/romain/Library/Application Support/pathways')"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from pathways.filesystem_constants import USER_DATA_BASE_DIR\n",
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "9d57850c-04fa-4ef7-89e8-3e9de62f92e3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Solver: scikits.umfpack\n",
+ "Invalid datapackage: Descriptor validation error: {'path': 'mapping/mapping.yaml', 'profile': 'data-resource', 'name': 'mapping', 'format': 'yaml', 'mediatype': 'text/yaml', 'encoding': 'utf-8'} is not valid under any of the given schemas at \"resources/45\" in descriptor and at \"properties/resources/items/oneOf\" in profile\n",
+ "Invalid datapackage: Descriptor validation error: 'data-resource' is not one of ['tabular-data-resource'] at \"resources/45/profile\" in descriptor and at \"properties/resources/items/properties/profile/enum\" in profile\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from pathways import Pathways\n",
+ "p = Pathways(datapackage=\"./image-SSP2-RCP19/datapackage.json\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "a081c764-a942-4627-9197-fcd373e98b62",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Calculating LCA results for image...\n",
+ "--- Calculating LCA results for SSP2-RCP19...\n",
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2005...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:15\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2010...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:13\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2015...\n",
+ "LCA matrices not found for the given model, scenario, and year.\n",
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2020...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:15\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2025...\n",
+ "LCA matrices not found for the given model, scenario, and year.\n",
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2030...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:19\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2035...\n",
+ "LCA matrices not found for the given model, scenario, and year.\n",
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2040...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [# ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:01/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:12/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [#### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:16/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [###### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:15/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [######## ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:14/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [######### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:13/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [########### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:12/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [############# ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:11/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [############## ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:10/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [################ ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:08/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [################# ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:07/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [################### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:06/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [##################### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:04/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [###################### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:03/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [######################## ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:01/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:24\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.03e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2045...\n",
+ "LCA matrices not found for the given model, scenario, and year.\n",
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2050...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:21\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2060...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [# ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:01/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:15/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [#### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:15/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [###### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:14/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [######## ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:13/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [######### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:13/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [########### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:12/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [############# ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:10/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [############## ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:10/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [################ ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:08/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [################# ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:06/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [################### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:06/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [##################### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:04/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [###################### ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:03/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [######################## ] 100% | ETA: 00:00:01/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n",
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:23\n",
+ "/Users/romain/anaconda3/envs/pathways/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/umfpack.py:736: UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 1.19e+12)\n",
+ " warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2070...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:21\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2080...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:16\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2090...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:15\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------ Calculating LCA results for 2100...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0% [##########################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:00:17\n",
+ "0% [###########] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00\n",
+ "Total time elapsed: 00:07:25\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "p.calculate(\n",
+ " methods=[\n",
+ " #'EF v3.1 - climate change - global warming potential (GWP100)',\n",
+ " 'RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium',\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " regions=[r for r in p.scenarios.coords[\"region\"].values if r!=\"World\"],\n",
+ " scenarios=[\"SSP2-RCP19\",],\n",
+ " variables=[\n",
+ " v for v in p.scenarios.coords[\"variables\"].values\n",
+ " if any(i in v for i in [\"Industry\", \"Transport\", \"Heating\"])\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " #years=[2005, 2010],\n",
+ " characterization=True,\n",
+ " multiprocessing=False,\n",
+ " demand_cutoff=0.01,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "162124db-232b-494e-a8ef-8b90d1b87411",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df = p.lca_results.sum(dim=\"act_category\").to_dataframe(\"value\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "cb52417b-e7a3-46ed-bbe6-8ff1d1607231",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " value | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " variable | \n",
+ " year | \n",
+ " region | \n",
+ " location | \n",
+ " model | \n",
+ " scenario | \n",
+ " impact_category | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity | \n",
+ " 2005 | \n",
+ " BRA | \n",
+ " BR-AP | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " KP | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " JP | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " BR-ES | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " CA-MB | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " Transport_Freight (train)_Liquid fossil | \n",
+ " 2100 | \n",
+ " WEU | \n",
+ " IN-MH | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " IN-CT | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " RME | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " IN | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " AU | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 0.0 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
13580970 rows × 1 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " value\n",
+ "variable year region location model scenario impact_category \n",
+ "Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity 2005 BRA BR-AP image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " KP image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " JP image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " BR-ES image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " CA-MB image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ "... ...\n",
+ "Transport_Freight (train)_Liquid fossil 2100 WEU IN-MH image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " IN-CT image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " RME image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " IN image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ " AU image SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 0.0\n",
+ "\n",
+ "[13580970 rows x 1 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "id": "9e187610-3d3d-4998-a5de-9a88049ae031",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "13580970"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "len(df)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "id": "7a8e3d53-89f2-4cd3-b957-516c0206b653",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df = df[df[\"value\"]!=0.0]\n",
+ "df = df[~df[\"value\"].isnull()]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "id": "10253a05-a90d-4cc6-851b-d28ce89188cb",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "51489"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "len(df)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "id": "aff3301d-4731-4802-97c0-ed88226cd58b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df=df.reset_index()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "id": "998d8893-98af-4299-b1eb-10ef3a8c7c7c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " variable | \n",
+ " year | \n",
+ " region | \n",
+ " location | \n",
+ " model | \n",
+ " scenario | \n",
+ " impact_category | \n",
+ " value | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity | \n",
+ " 2005 | \n",
+ " BRA | \n",
+ " CL | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 2.957607e-02 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity | \n",
+ " 2005 | \n",
+ " BRA | \n",
+ " RER | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 5.798639e-06 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity | \n",
+ " 2005 | \n",
+ " BRA | \n",
+ " RNA | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 4.660310e-06 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity | \n",
+ " 2005 | \n",
+ " BRA | \n",
+ " DE | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 6.650308e-08 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity | \n",
+ " 2005 | \n",
+ " BRA | \n",
+ " US | \n",
+ " image | \n",
+ " SSP2-RCP19 | \n",
+ " RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium | \n",
+ " 7.912068e-07 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " variable year region location model \\\n",
+ "0 Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity 2005 BRA CL image \n",
+ "1 Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity 2005 BRA RER image \n",
+ "2 Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity 2005 BRA RNA image \n",
+ "3 Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity 2005 BRA DE image \n",
+ "4 Industry_Food and Tobacco_Electricity 2005 BRA US image \n",
+ "\n",
+ " scenario impact_category value \n",
+ "0 SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 2.957607e-02 \n",
+ "1 SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 5.798639e-06 \n",
+ "2 SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 4.660310e-06 \n",
+ "3 SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 6.650308e-08 \n",
+ "4 SSP2-RCP19 RELICS - metals extraction - Lithium 7.912068e-07 "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df.head()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "id": "5f2c4b3b-b26c-47ee-8c36-582feb027f58",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "array([2005, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080, 2090, 2100])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df[\"year\"].unique()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "id": "1de1d921-4156-46b8-9113-f94214320f50",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from premise.geomap import Geomap\n",
+ "geo = Geomap(\"image\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "id": "57b097ed-0108-4d62-8aaf-0a3d7c76fc48",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "d = {\n",
+ " loc: geo.ecoinvent_to_iam_location(loc)\n",
+ " for loc in df[\"location\"].unique()\n",
+ "}"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "id": "c0b92aed-c162-4f5a-b200-512452d5157e",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df[\"region from\"] = df[\"location\"].map(d)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "id": "829eef08-5bc8-4ee3-8d51-fd55e2beb2b0",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df = df.drop('location', axis=1)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "id": "11c1861f-1a2b-49f6-a1be-94680d5a6b30",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df = df.groupby([\n",
+ " 'variable', 'year', 'region', 'model', 'scenario', 'impact_category', 'region from'\n",
+ "]).sum().reset_index()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "id": "9acd0483-a477-4250-a28a-aa0d2f510509",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "28605"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "len(df)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "id": "5b5dde7a-3eb9-4f1d-997e-3c6310e76580",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df[\"impact_category\"] = df[\"impact_category\"].str.replace(\"RELICS - metals extraction - \", \"\")\n",
+ "df[\"impact_category\"] = df[\"impact_category\"].str.replace(\"EF v3.1 - climate change - global warming potential (GWP100)\", \"climate change\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "id": "3361c4c8-c006-4f09-85f4-9d50c10f327f",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "28605"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "len(df)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "id": "87646c30-91c9-4dcf-b4a0-a52471634580",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ " "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from pivottablejs import pivot_ui\n",
+ "from IPython.display import HTML\n",
+ "pivot_ui(df, outfile_path='pivottable_metals.html')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 135,
+ "id": "1a20734d-fa1f-4daa-99c7-ac57ad5deb4f",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "q = p.lca_results.sum(dim=\"act_category\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 138,
+ "id": "2da8f7d0-22b7-422d-8cc7-ae2fd20037b3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Coordinates:\n",
+ " * variable (variable) \n",
+ "<xarray.DataArray (year: 15)> Size: 120B\n",
+ "array([4.66647340e+11, 5.45472829e+11, 0.00000000e+00, 5.78179822e+11,\n",
+ " 0.00000000e+00, 3.76307206e+11, 0.00000000e+00, 2.61900232e+11,\n",
+ " 0.00000000e+00, 2.25585623e+11, 2.05201143e+11, 1.67034370e+11,\n",
+ " 1.53310853e+11, 1.36826240e+11, 1.28377224e+11])\n",
+ "Coordinates:\n",
+ " * year (year) int64 120B 2005 2010 2015 2020 ... 2080 2090 2100\n",
+ " impact_category <U60 240B 'EF v3.1 - climate change - global warming pot...
4.666e+11 5.455e+11 0.0 5.782e+11 ... 1.533e+11 1.368e+11 1.284e+11
array([4.66647340e+11, 5.45472829e+11, 0.00000000e+00, 5.78179822e+11,\n",
+ " 0.00000000e+00, 3.76307206e+11, 0.00000000e+00, 2.61900232e+11,\n",
+ " 0.00000000e+00, 2.25585623e+11, 2.05201143e+11, 1.67034370e+11,\n",
+ " 1.53310853e+11, 1.36826240e+11, 1.28377224e+11])
PandasIndex(Index([2005, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050, 2060, 2070,\n",
+ " 2080, 2090, 2100],\n",
+ " dtype='int64', name='year'))
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Size: 120B\n",
+ "array([4.66647340e+11, 5.45472829e+11, 0.00000000e+00, 5.78179822e+11,\n",
+ " 0.00000000e+00, 3.76307206e+11, 0.00000000e+00, 2.61900232e+11,\n",
+ " 0.00000000e+00, 2.25585623e+11, 2.05201143e+11, 1.67034370e+11,\n",
+ " 1.53310853e+11, 1.36826240e+11, 1.28377224e+11])\n",
+ "Coordinates:\n",
+ " * year (year) int64 120B 2005 2010 2015 2020 ... 2080 2090 2100\n",
+ " impact_category \n",
+ " "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from pivottablejs import pivot_ui\n",
+ "from IPython.display import HTML\n",
+ "pivot_ui(df, outfile_path='test.html')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "c34b7eee-3891-46ca-9fb8-c214e9bc96b5",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "id": "fdab6a8c-b430-4d1a-a08c-ee982622fef2",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import yaml\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "SUBSHARES = \"../pathways/data/technologies_shares.yaml\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def load_subshares() -> dict:\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Load a YAML file and return its content as a Python dictionary.\n",
+ " :return: A dictionary with the categories, technologies and market shares data.\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " with open(SUBSHARES) as stream:\n",
+ " data = yaml.safe_load(stream)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def adjust_subshares(data) -> dict:\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Adjust the subshares data to ensure that the sum of the 2020 values is equal to 1,\n",
+ " after neglecting the technologies with no name.\n",
+ " :param data: Dictionary with the categories, technologies and market shares data.\n",
+ " :return: Adjusted dictionary.\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " for category, technologies in data.items():\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # Initialize totals\n",
+ " total_2020_value = 0\n",
+ " total_adjustable_value = 0\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # First pass to calculate totals\n",
+ " for subcategory, tech_list in technologies.items():\n",
+ " for tech in tech_list:\n",
+ " if 2020 in tech:\n",
+ " value = tech[2020].get(\"value\", 0)\n",
+ " total_2020_value += value\n",
+ " if tech.get(\"name\") is not None:\n",
+ " total_adjustable_value += value\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # Skip adjustment if no values or all values are named\n",
+ " if total_2020_value == 0 or total_adjustable_value == 0:\n",
+ " continue\n",
+ "\n",
+ " adjustment_factor = total_2020_value / total_adjustable_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # Second pass to adjust values\n",
+ " adjusted_total = 0\n",
+ " for subcategory, tech_list in technologies.items():\n",
+ " for tech in tech_list:\n",
+ " if 2020 in tech and tech.get(\"name\") is not None:\n",
+ " tech[2020][\"value\"] = tech[2020][\"value\"] * adjustment_factor\n",
+ " adjusted_total += tech[2020][\"value\"]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # Check if the adjusted total is close to 1.00, allowing a small margin for floating-point arithmetic\n",
+ " if not np.isclose(adjusted_total, 1.00, rtol=1e-9):\n",
+ " print(\n",
+ " f\"Warning: Total of adjusted '2020' values in category '{category}' does not add up to 1.00 (Total: {adjusted_total})\"\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return data"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "id": "1634dd0c-5d1e-4ae1-b867-85a4f8b16711",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "{'Wind': {'onshore': [{'name': 'electricity production, wind, <1MW turbine, onshore',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.96},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.83, 'max': 0.96, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'offshore': [{'name': 'electricity production, wind, 1-3MW turbine, offshore',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.04},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.04, 'max': 0.17, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'PV': {'c-Si': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 93 kWp slanted-roof, multi-Si, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 93 kWp slanted-roof, multi-Si, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.944},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.625, 'max': 0.944, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'CdTe': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 3kWp slanted-roof, CdTe, panel, mounted',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 3kWp slanted-roof, CdTe, panel, mounted',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.04},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.04, 'max': 0.25, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'CIGS': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof installation, CdTe, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, low voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.015},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.015, 'max': 0.125, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'a-Si': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof installation, a-Si, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, low voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.001},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.009, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Perovskite': [{'name': None,\n",
+ " 'reference product': None,\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.3, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'GaAs': [{'name': None,\n",
+ " 'reference product': None,\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.15, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'CSP': {'Parabolic trough': [{'name': 'electricity production, solar thermal parabolic trough, 50 MW',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.9474},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.5, 'max': 0.95, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Solar tower': [{'name': 'electricity production, solar tower power plant, 20 MW',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0526},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.5, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Fuel cell - Stationary': {'PEMFC': [{'name': 'electricity, residential, by conversion of hydrogen using fuel cell, PEM, allocated by exergy, distributed by pipeline, produced by Electrolysis, PEM using electricity from grid',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, from residential heating system',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.1053},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.115, 'max': 0.85, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'SOFC': [{'name': 'electricity, residential, by conversion of hydrogen using fuel cell, SOFC, allocated by exergy, distributed by pipeline, produced by Electrolysis, PEM using electricity from grid',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, from residential heating system',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.3684},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.117, 'max': 0.4, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'PAFC': [{'name': None,\n",
+ " 'reference product': None,\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.5263},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.475, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Electrolyzer': {'PEM': [{'name': 'hydrogen production, gaseous, 30 bar, from PEM electrolysis, from grid electricity',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'hydrogen, gaseous, 30 bar',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.5},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.5057, 'max': 0.75, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Alkaline': [{'name': 'hydrogen production, gaseous, 20 bar, from AEC electrolysis, from grid electricity',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'hydrogen, gaseous, 20 bar',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.5},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.4943, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'HTEL': [{'name': 'hydrogen production, gaseous, 1 bar, from SOEC electrolysis, from grid electricity',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'hydrogen, gaseous, 1 bar',\n",
+ " 'unit': None,\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.25, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Battery-Mobile': {'NMC111': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-111',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.25},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.22, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NMC622': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-622',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.45},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.45, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NMC811': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-811',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.05},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.75, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NCA': [{'name': 'battery cell, NCA',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.15},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.15, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LFP': [{'name': 'battery cell, LFP',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.1},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.1, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LiS': [{'name': 'battery cell production, LiS',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, LiS',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.9, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LiO2': [{'name': 'battery cell production, Li-O2',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-O2',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.1, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Battery-Stationary': {'NMC111': [{'name': 'market for battery cell, Li-ion, NMC111',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-ion, NMC111',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.24},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.205, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NMC622': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-622',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.13},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.3, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': True}],\n",
+ " 'NMC811': [{'name': 'market for battery cell, Li-ion, NMC811',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-ion, NMC811',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.03},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.039, 'max': 0.44, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Lead-Acid': [{'name': 'market for battery, lead acid, rechargeable, stationary',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery, lead acid, rechargeable, stationary',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.1},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.095, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LFP': [{'name': 'market for battery cell, Li-ion, LFP',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-ion, LFP',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.4},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.17, 'max': 0.4, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'SIB': [{'name': 'battery cell production, SIB, with NMMT cathode and fossil-HC anode',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, SIB, with NMMT cathode and fossil-HC anode',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.05},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.33, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Redox-Flow': [{'name': 'vanadium-redox flow battery system assembly, 8.3 megawatt hour',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'vanadium-redox flow battery system',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'unit',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.05},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.33, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]}}"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "load_subshares()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "id": "b3b0c752-ec8d-4831-a134-ad659191c459",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "{'Wind': {'onshore': [{'name': 'electricity production, wind, <1MW turbine, onshore',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.96},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.83, 'max': 0.96, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'offshore': [{'name': 'electricity production, wind, 1-3MW turbine, offshore',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.04},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.04, 'max': 0.17, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'PV': {'c-Si': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 93 kWp slanted-roof, multi-Si, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 93 kWp slanted-roof, multi-Si, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.944},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.625, 'max': 0.944, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'CdTe': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 3kWp slanted-roof, CdTe, panel, mounted',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, at 3kWp slanted-roof, CdTe, panel, mounted',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.04},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.04, 'max': 0.25, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'CIGS': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof installation, CdTe, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, low voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.015},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.015, 'max': 0.125, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'a-Si': [{'name': 'electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof installation, a-Si, laminated, integrated',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, low voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.001},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.009, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Perovskite': [{'name': None,\n",
+ " 'reference product': None,\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.3, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'GaAs': [{'name': None,\n",
+ " 'reference product': None,\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.15, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'CSP': {'Parabolic trough': [{'name': 'electricity production, solar thermal parabolic trough, 50 MW',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.9474},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.5, 'max': 0.95, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Solar tower': [{'name': 'electricity production, solar tower power plant, 20 MW',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, high voltage',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0526},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.5, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Fuel cell - Stationary': {'PEMFC': [{'name': 'electricity, residential, by conversion of hydrogen using fuel cell, PEM, allocated by exergy, distributed by pipeline, produced by Electrolysis, PEM using electricity from grid',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, from residential heating system',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.22229259024699174},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.115, 'max': 0.85, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'SOFC': [{'name': 'electricity, residential, by conversion of hydrogen using fuel cell, SOFC, allocated by exergy, distributed by pipeline, produced by Electrolysis, PEM using electricity from grid',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'electricity, from residential heating system',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.7777074097530082},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.117, 'max': 0.4, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'PAFC': [{'name': None,\n",
+ " 'reference product': None,\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilowatt hour',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.5263},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.475, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Electrolyzer': {'PEM': [{'name': 'hydrogen production, gaseous, 30 bar, from PEM electrolysis, from grid electricity',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'hydrogen, gaseous, 30 bar',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.5},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.5057, 'max': 0.75, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Alkaline': [{'name': 'hydrogen production, gaseous, 20 bar, from AEC electrolysis, from grid electricity',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'hydrogen, gaseous, 20 bar',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.5},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.4943, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'HTEL': [{'name': 'hydrogen production, gaseous, 1 bar, from SOEC electrolysis, from grid electricity',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'hydrogen, gaseous, 1 bar',\n",
+ " 'unit': None,\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.25, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Battery-Mobile': {'NMC111': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-111',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.25},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.22, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NMC622': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-622',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.45},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.45, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NMC811': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-811',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.05},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.75, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NCA': [{'name': 'battery cell, NCA',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.15},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.15, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LFP': [{'name': 'battery cell, LFP',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.1},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.1, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LiS': [{'name': 'battery cell production, LiS',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, LiS',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.9, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LiO2': [{'name': 'battery cell production, Li-O2',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-O2',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.0},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.1, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]},\n",
+ " 'Battery-Stationary': {'NMC111': [{'name': 'market for battery cell, Li-ion, NMC111',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-ion, NMC111',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.24},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.205, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'NMC622': [{'name': 'battery cell, NMC-622',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.13},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.3, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': True}],\n",
+ " 'NMC811': [{'name': 'market for battery cell, Li-ion, NMC811',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-ion, NMC811',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.03},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.039, 'max': 0.44, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Lead-Acid': [{'name': 'market for battery, lead acid, rechargeable, stationary',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery, lead acid, rechargeable, stationary',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.1},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.095, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'LFP': [{'name': 'market for battery cell, Li-ion, LFP',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, Li-ion, LFP',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.4},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.17, 'max': 0.4, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'SIB': [{'name': 'battery cell production, SIB, with NMMT cathode and fossil-HC anode',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'battery cell, SIB, with NMMT cathode and fossil-HC anode',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'kilogram',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.05},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.33, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}],\n",
+ " 'Redox-Flow': [{'name': 'vanadium-redox flow battery system assembly, 8.3 megawatt hour',\n",
+ " 'reference product': 'vanadium-redox flow battery system',\n",
+ " 'unit': 'unit',\n",
+ " 2020: {'value': 0.05},\n",
+ " 2050: {'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.33, 'distribution': 'uniform'},\n",
+ " 'create copy': False}]}}"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "adjust_subshares(load_subshares())"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "id": "79dc0f30-3e09-4f02-8d2c-4bb720435f0c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def adjust_subshares2(data):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Adjusts the values in 'data' for each year ensuring the sum equals 1 for each category, excluding technologies without a name.\n",
+ " It dynamically identifies years (integer keys) that contain a 'value' subkey and adjusts them.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " :param data: A dictionary with categories as keys, each category is a dictionary of subcategories containing a list of technology dictionaries.\n",
+ " :return: A dictionary with the adjusted values.\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " for category, technologies in data.items():\n",
+ " years = identify_years(technologies)\n",
+ " for year in years:\n",
+ " total_value, total_adjustable_value = compute_totals(technologies, year)\n",
+ " if total_value == 0 or total_adjustable_value == 0:\n",
+ " continue\n",
+ " adjust_values(technologies, total_value, total_adjustable_value, category, year)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def identify_years(technologies):\n",
+ " years = set()\n",
+ " for subcategory, tech_list in technologies.items():\n",
+ " for tech in tech_list:\n",
+ " year_keys = [key for key in tech.keys() if isinstance(key, int) and 'value' in tech[key]]\n",
+ " years.update(year_keys)\n",
+ " return years\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def compute_totals(technologies, year):\n",
+ " total_value = 0\n",
+ " total_adjustable_value = 0\n",
+ " for subcategory, tech_list in technologies.items():\n",
+ " for tech in tech_list:\n",
+ " if year in tech:\n",
+ " value = tech[year].get('value', 0)\n",
+ " total_value += value\n",
+ " if tech.get(\"name\") is not None:\n",
+ " total_adjustable_value += value\n",
+ " return total_value, total_adjustable_value\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def adjust_values(technologies, total_value, total_adjustable_value, category, year):\n",
+ " adjustment_factor = total_value / total_adjustable_value\n",
+ " adjusted_total = 0\n",
+ " for subcategory, tech_list in technologies.items():\n",
+ " for tech in tech_list:\n",
+ " if year in tech and tech.get(\"name\") is not None:\n",
+ " old_value = tech[year][\"value\"]\n",
+ " tech[year][\"value\"] = old_value * adjustment_factor\n",
+ " adjusted_total += tech[year][\"value\"]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if not np.isclose(adjusted_total, 1.00, rtol=1e-9):\n",
+ " print(f\"Warning: Total of adjusted '{year}' values in category '{category}' does not add up to 1.00 (Total: {adjusted_total})\")\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "id": "a5279a9b-ef04-48e0-a5cf-afa379e3f57d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "True"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "adjust_subshares(load_subshares()) == adjust_subshares2(load_subshares())"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 34,
+ "id": "05255e21-1c4a-4603-a093-dd7ac0749253",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def correlated_samples(ranges, defaults, iterations=1000):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Adjusts randomly selected shares for parameters to sum to 1\n",
+ " while respecting their specified ranges.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " :param ranges: Dict with parameter names as keys and (min, max) tuples as values.\n",
+ " :param defaults: Dict with default values for each parameter.\n",
+ " :param iterations: Number of iterations to attempt to find a valid distribution.\n",
+ " :return: A dict with the adjusted shares for each parameter.\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " for _ in range(iterations):\n",
+ " shares = {\n",
+ " param: np.random.uniform(low, high)\n",
+ " for param, (low, high) in ranges.items()\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " total_share = sum(shares.values())\n",
+ " shares = {param: share / total_share for param, share in shares.items()}\n",
+ " if all(\n",
+ " ranges[param][0] <= share <= ranges[param][1]\n",
+ " for param, share in shares.items()\n",
+ " ):\n",
+ " return shares\n",
+ "\n",
+ " print(f\"Failed to find a valid distribution after {iterations} iterations\")\n",
+ " return defaults"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 40,
+ "id": "797d9e17-838b-485a-a901-077d560bc6b4",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "1.0\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "ranges = {\n",
+ " \"A\": (0, 0.9),\n",
+ " \"B\": (0, 0.5),\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "defaults = {\n",
+ " \"A\": 0.8,\n",
+ " \"B\": 0.2\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "correlated_samples(ranges, defaults)\n",
+ "print(sum(correlated_samples(ranges, defaults).values()))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 65,
+ "id": "44c7b044-d8ca-4093-bc09-c1761c8ab3ca",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def correlated_samples2(ranges, defaults, iterations=1000):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Generates random samples for parameters such that they sum to 1 and stay within specified ranges.\n",
+ " It tries to generate samples uniformly within the range, then scales them to sum to 1.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " :param ranges: Dict with parameter names as keys and (min, max) tuples as values.\n",
+ " :param defaults: Dict with default values for each parameter.\n",
+ " :param iterations: Number of iterations to attempt to find a valid distribution.\n",
+ " :return: A dict with the adjusted shares for each parameter.\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " param_keys = list(ranges.keys())\n",
+ " num_params = len(param_keys)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for _ in range(iterations):\n",
+ " raw_samples = np.random.rand(num_params)\n",
+ " min_vals = np.array([ranges[param][0] for param in param_keys])\n",
+ " max_vals = np.array([ranges[param][1] for param in param_keys])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # Scale samples to their respective ranges\n",
+ " scaled_samples = min_vals + raw_samples * (max_vals - min_vals)\n",
+ " scaled_sum = sum(scaled_samples)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " # Normalize to make sure they sum to 1\n",
+ " normalized_samples = scaled_samples / scaled_sum\n",
+ " \n",
+ " if all(ranges[param][0] <= sample <= ranges[param][1] for param, sample in zip(param_keys, normalized_samples)):\n",
+ " return {param: sample for param, sample in zip(param_keys, normalized_samples)}\n",
+ "\n",
+ " print(f\"Failed to find a valid distribution after {iterations} iterations\")\n",
+ " return defaults\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 66,
+ "id": "b3b150d8-cef6-41a7-9b94-00823587bf45",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "{'A': 0.6353254283714487, 'B': 0.3646745716285514}"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 66,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "ranges = {\n",
+ " \"A\": (0, 0.9),\n",
+ " \"B\": (0.3, 0.5),\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "defaults = {\n",
+ " \"A\": 0.8,\n",
+ " \"B\": 0.2\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 69,
+ "id": "2f960251-7d7e-46a8-b484-3d2832c5438b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "7.63 µs ± 22 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%%timeit\n",
+ "correlated_samples(ranges, defaults)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 70,
+ "id": "9688972f-da56-410b-8f09-22ad2b848f7e",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "7.61 µs ± 38.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%%timeit\n",
+ "correlated_samples2(ranges, defaults)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 71,
+ "id": "88c99e35-fad3-45a8-8835-666e5dd8d42d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "ecb49170-6179-4fcd-85b1-4eba2cccfa46",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import bw_processing as bwp\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "t_data = np.array([\n",
+ " 1, # production of natural gas\n",
+ " 1, # production of carbon fibre\n",
+ " 1, # production of bike\n",
+ " 237, # input of natural gas\n",
+ " 2.5, # input of carbon fibre\n",
+ "])\n",
+ "t_indices = np.array([\n",
+ " (101, 101), # production of natural gas\n",
+ " (102, 102), # production of carbon fibre\n",
+ " (103, 103), # production of bike\n",
+ " (101, 102), # input of natural gas\n",
+ " (102, 103), # input of carbon fibre\n",
+ " ], \n",
+ " dtype=bwp.INDICES_DTYPE\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "t_flip = np.array([False, False, False, True, True])\n",
+ "\n",
+ "b_data = np.array([26.6])\n",
+ "b_indices = np.array([\n",
+ " (201, 102), # emission of CO2\n",
+ " ], \n",
+ " dtype=bwp.INDICES_DTYPE\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "c_data = np.array([1])\n",
+ "c_indices = np.array([\n",
+ " (201, 201), # CF of CO2\n",
+ " ], \n",
+ " dtype=bwp.INDICES_DTYPE\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dp_static = bwp.create_datapackage()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dp_static.add_persistent_vector(\n",
+ " matrix='technosphere_matrix',\n",
+ " indices_array=t_indices,\n",
+ " data_array=t_data,\n",
+ " flip_array=t_flip,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "dp_static.add_persistent_vector(\n",
+ " matrix='biosphere_matrix',\n",
+ " indices_array=b_indices,\n",
+ " data_array=b_data,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "dp_static.add_persistent_vector(\n",
+ " matrix='characterization_matrix',\n",
+ " indices_array=c_indices,\n",
+ " data_array=c_data,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "04d9694d-5b95-4802-9976-6e9b2dbb6dbb",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import bw2calc as bc\n",
+ "lca = bc.LCA(\n",
+ " demand={101: 1},\n",
+ " data_objs=[dp_static],\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "id": "9360ef62-90d5-47c0-b7b2-391e9eeb5917",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "[]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "lca.packages"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 87,
+ "id": "dd78a163-7f2b-47d4-a5d7-1de18f709bad",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "lca.lci()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 88,
+ "id": "92f4b2b6-683b-408b-abe8-bc50d2486be2",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "<3x3 sparse matrix of type ''\n",
+ "\twith 5 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 88,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "lca.technosphere_matrix"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 80,
+ "id": "e118b4d5-9f69-41da-a1aa-c8e0d26e421a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "tech_matrix = [resource[\"name\"] for resource in dp_static.resources if \"technosphere_matrix\" in resource[\"matrix\"]][0]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 96,
+ "id": "56272f2e-df91-4708-805a-283d3fa4a658",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "201 0\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "for key, val in lca.dicts.biosphere.items():\n",
+ " print(key, val)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 108,
+ "id": "3fb3f79b-b9c3-44ad-8deb-b253459f68f3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2], dtype=int32)"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 108,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "lca.technosphere_matrix.nonzero()[0]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 107,
+ "id": "8dcf712b-dc47-4a31-95f2-e46303f33fa0",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "-237.0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 107,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "lca.technosphere_matrix[0, 1]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "fd0d84e6-1723-42eb-9ba8-f3ee26f819e5",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.8"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/pathways/data/lcia_data.json b/pathways/data/lcia_data.json
index db599fd..c333c15 100644
--- a/pathways/data/lcia_data.json
+++ b/pathways/data/lcia_data.json
@@ -1,507 +1 @@
-[{"unit": "kg SO2-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "acidification no LT", "acidification (incl. fate, average Europe total, A&B) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.76}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential [GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8550}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 265}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "ecotoxicity: freshwater no LT", "freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity [FAETP inf) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.49533085}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.94693271}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.23967176}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95850.36583}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 283.1084245}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.5970581}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 194.3865145}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.58563184}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.284720127}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.360324568}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 103.1859686}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1523.011325}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.401496318}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.15337181}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2006.573756}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 584.5336542}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.796783349}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.038097112}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.913909397}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1157.306919}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 805.782122}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.09919497}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1293.825496}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.943808102}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20139.95554}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.47918315}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345.4825421}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.188877652}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.206962213}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11055.68571}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.9895881}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 381.1617771}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.921647131}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 167.9323357}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 97.42163568}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 693.1429309}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 162.0879155}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.462892182}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.99999205}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.99999205}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.412871049}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.926415532}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43.70064072}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14117.59934}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.53209263}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 970.4507327}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 497.628906}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 916.7842984}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.4086027}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.47660628}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.084748678}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.770891361}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1670.238851}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.05965114}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2332.496164}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 685.8406233}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10.16626668}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3307.653992}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.76875083}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8965.69091}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 91.71242268}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.671884382}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.117133035}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.117133035}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.006036076}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 79.23967176}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 79.23967176}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19.7471634}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.56984e-21}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19.7471634}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19.7471634}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 227.7547418}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.40807e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 227.7547418}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 227.7547418}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.091442188}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19439e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.091442188}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.091442188}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000258594}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.360324568}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.360324568}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.545523699}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.43815e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.545523699}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.545523699}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 91349.16197}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5677e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 91349.16197}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 91349.16197}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.52612e-20}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1523.011325}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1523.011325}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 105.1696058}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.006529295}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 105.1696058}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 105.1696058}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.042349293}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.48297e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.042349293}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.042349293}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.65563759}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.53467e-22}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.65563759}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.65563759}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.83668e-23}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.913909397}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.913909397}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3407.831958}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.21543e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3407.831958}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3407.831958}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.10941e-20}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1157.306919}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1157.306919}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.109593474}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.10351e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.109593474}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.109593474}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.022946375}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.82702e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022946375}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022946375}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.022490624}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.04966e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022490624}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022490624}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.027866613}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.40913e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.027866613}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.027866613}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.696350599}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000202109}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.696350599}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.696350599}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.096977306}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.55453e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.096977306}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.096977306}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.795451453}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.003778204}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.795451453}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.795451453}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280.7343279}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000212611}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280.7343279}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280.7343279}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.615718658}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5714e-23}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.615718658}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.615718658}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1717.144328}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.773349297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1717.144328}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1717.144328}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.01228851}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.01878e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.01228851}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01228851}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.20840893}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000190563}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.20840893}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.20840893}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 476.1891468}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.58768e-19}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 476.1891468}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 476.1891468}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.59828717}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2348e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.59828717}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.59828717}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.09427e-19}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3237.610008}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3237.610008}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.564623853}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5123e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.564623853}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.564623853}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.117133035}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 237.0076571}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.72839e-05}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 237.0076571}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 237.0076571}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.18725e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.4086027}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76.4086027}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9224e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 79.47660628}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 79.47660628}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8217e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.084748678}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.084748678}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00014339}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.770891361}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.770891361}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.964936638}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000441224}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.964936638}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.964936638}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2919.215918}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.37855e-18}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2919.215918}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2919.215918}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.439672438}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.01252e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.439672438}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.439672438}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8010.748812}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.89876e-18}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8010.748812}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8010.748812}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.45727e-23}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10.16626668}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.16626668}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.294514441}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.26905e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.294514441}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.294514441}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3929e-18}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8965.69091}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8965.69091}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7611e-21}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 91.71242268}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 91.71242268}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.633354816}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 519.1373278}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15909.97498}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38.70264593}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.868972369}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 986.5000335}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 111.3634597}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1115.193351}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.19295282}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 360.8377327}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21.93283786}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1466.6325}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3237.610008}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 231.4644637}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.26224344}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4510.732407}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.11900088}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 136.6120225}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 41.95943397}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 43.59828858}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3877.313303}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 165.284645}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.26038299}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.310533909}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5033760.13}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51746.706}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1169429.359}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13151.73799}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76813.73869}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 658.9115519}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 57270.20995}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 114823.123}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 251689.8554}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57270.20995}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57270.20995}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16.70312979}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1169429.359}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1169429.359}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.112002017}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76813.73869}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76813.73869}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000741658}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 172761006.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 172761006.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 172761006.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 133273.7576}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 251689.8554}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1368.227175}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1368.227175}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4957.984372}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4957.984372}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4531.703764}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4531.703764}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 38378.53316}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.18350061}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.18350061}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.058224124}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 135031.4275}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.099260671}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.012983861}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.306394539}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.306394539}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.70964583}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.70964583}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 491210.9319}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 491210.9319}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 123106.4602}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 491210.9319}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.213835093}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6452.497435}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 74.08667954}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.4108063}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.85501588}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94.94810336}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 350.2386357}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 254.956018}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.328300702}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1368.227175}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 152.987151}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.73202763}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 251473.5781}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 653735.0536}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 172.5578345}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27083.51373}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1814.591747}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2703.849252}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.51989401}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 97982.61947}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 48634.13547}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.60329639}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 61.24233876}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.495763292}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 516.5336286}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18508.73048}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.80093307}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.21597222}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 373.5251898}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 206.7462211}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 206.7462211}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.84676e-20}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 206.7462211}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 820.4307545}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 243975.0192}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 411.9497193}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 820.4307545}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 243975.0192}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7944107.679}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7944107.679}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 688967.2267}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7944107.679}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 688967.2267}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2984.253341}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 530.4214428}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.534613272}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2102.507808}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 402.5031791}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81.95312224}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 402.5031791}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5637.495888}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27142.89531}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27142.89531}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2102.507808}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 38370.44685}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6110.916654}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2984.253341}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 38370.44685}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1100.038327}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 159.4736929}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1100.038327}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 372.4242025}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 372.4242025}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.749747191}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.534613272}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9418.481705}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1130.909622}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 530.4214428}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2703.849252}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 155.3675579}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4384.96246}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27083.51373}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 97982.61947}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 640742.9179}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1448.384406}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.671884382}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5809.442399}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28448.1302}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 38378.53316}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 928.8046855}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 135031.4275}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4957.984372}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 640742.9179}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 135031.4275}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13866.15252}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 38378.53316}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1893.703975}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 355.7691128}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.011362329}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.001288171}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.011362329}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.011362329}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.233298462}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "ecotoxicity: marine no LT", "marine aquatic ecotoxicity (MAETP inf) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.166268447}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.673347713}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.541179208}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1640.55123}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.25818735}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.87635225}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.141080873}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005770347}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.035936153}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.114144105}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.113669485}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 220265.8312}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8803e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.007368271}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.42401718}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.970646634}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.08091629}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65378751}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 860.9360739}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 232741.9688}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.844134965}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.059689858}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.805477329}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.039430536}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 390.9612721}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.140914206}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.090980765}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.003645076}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001353163}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264.0185609}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796509622}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.125470081}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002800256}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.790669499}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.402646208}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.45284229}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.661495138}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000617321}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.052923369}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.052923369}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001134192}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.032789743}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.998664245}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 440.1608248}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.008423614}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.977305823}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.348160602}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.473259118}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.052669738}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.076518676}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001724787}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.034863856}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.312514195}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.4102425}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.68754919}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.650328304}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1227.869894}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.67350198}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.150987406}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8579403.259}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13846.76932}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.011156382}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 753.3606976}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 753.3606977}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 753.3606977}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 753.3606977}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23737.83848}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23737.83848}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.129479467}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.541179208}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.541179208}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27104.78394}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 48723.01979}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27104.78394}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27104.78394}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 833329.134}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1086641.338}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 833329.134}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 833329.134}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00265539}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.015174218}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00265539}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00265539}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.350958141}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.114144105}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.114144105}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001358689}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.061621478}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001358689}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001358689}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 539484990.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 643371294.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 539484990.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 539484990.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1848053.818}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 220265.8312}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 220265.8312}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.794912375}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 29.72565952}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.794912375}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.794912375}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.058164962}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056452223}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.058164962}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.058164962}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3443.744296}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 32873.05623}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3443.744296}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3443.744296}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8218.264057}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 860.9360739}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 860.9360739}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4384131.971}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8048980.529}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4384131.971}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4384131.971}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1475564.328}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 232741.9688}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 232741.9688}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.300877436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.269785602}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.300877436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.300877436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.081452672}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.09060469}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.081452672}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.081452672}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.77811e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.002584756}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.77811e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.77811e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377217}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019525441}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000377217}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000377217}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.336718811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.648268219}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.336718811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.336718811}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.003334904}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056669202}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.003334904}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.003334904}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.627275329}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.736651015}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.627275329}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.627275329}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.189875093}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.647157935}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.189875093}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.189875093}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1109.731957}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 11304.99376}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1109.731957}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1109.731957}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 214326.8839}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1875335.379}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 214326.8839}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 214326.8839}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.003539819}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.003244141}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.003539819}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.003539819}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.145521766}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111408081}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.145521766}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.145521766}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2089545.925}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2620221.279}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2089545.925}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2089545.925}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002122398}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.141496158}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002122398}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002122398}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5766615.509}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2249967.65}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2249967.65}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002508141}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.131442012}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002508141}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002508141}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23737.83848}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.056287221}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.658646236}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.056287221}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.056287221}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.576270043}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.052669738}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.052669738}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.673049608}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.076518676}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.076518676}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.051854268}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001724787}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001724787}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.480774389}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.034863856}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.034863856}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.057709568}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.144919185}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.057709568}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.057709568}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 25348311.37}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28720844.53}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 25348311.37}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 25348311.37}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002231707}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.124595041}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002231707}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002231707}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26580510.06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 35584562.31}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26580510.06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26580510.06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12027.03239}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1227.869894}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1227.869894}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001236583}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.050902141}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001236583}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001236583}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18333506.76}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8579403.259}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8579403.259}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 111954.7668}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13846.76932}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13846.76932}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.619648147}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62.05496427}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30906.51545}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.281333499}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 104.431918}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 724.2192353}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.77078953}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.857365918}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.41221915}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 278.7568027}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.80881645}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 380.4114192}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2249967.65}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 47.88518145}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.042278305}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 707.743079}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.085432048}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1699.044661}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1018.752889}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1656.938866}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 118520.4269}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7276.503979}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.27368542}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.026797867}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26768.50225}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9056.071685}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 435324.2829}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 867.8601037}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14519.96574}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.06087036}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3022.686823}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8306.18003}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12122.77648}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3022.686823}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3022.686823}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17693.05209}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 435324.2829}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 435324.2829}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1475670.997}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14519.96574}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14519.96574}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 110121.093}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 44689724.99}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44689724.99}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 44689724.99}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 502939102}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12122.77648}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.15710571}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.15710571}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 484.3155375}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 484.3155375}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.416176522}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.416176522}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 582.3304636}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.036252362}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.036252362}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.283757033}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4206.783074}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.061594649}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.59023e-05}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.014672826}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.014672826}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.219884162}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.219884162}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 177778.5123}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 177778.5123}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44554.55269}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 177778.5123}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0248e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 253.7255274}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.040927385}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.271818895}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.02556258}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.23852026}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.342412195}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.677124279}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005900367}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.15710571}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2387.046086}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 171.7339388}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1080.499342}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 982.0954895}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.752136595}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 422.9033701}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3511.491188}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 218.3898935}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.626953421}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74.38893597}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 780.1600572}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.84496147}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 148.5832596}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.912492033}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10.46793179}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2979.888479}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 199.9548986}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 413.5266606}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.487440895}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 118560.1116}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118560.1116}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 342656.1385}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118560.1116}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1019.099725}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 212.9292696}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.453803099}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1019.099725}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 212.9292696}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10049.92574}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10049.92574}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1025.25538}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10049.92574}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1025.25538}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 718.5857249}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 113.0184131}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50.6043711}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 275.1322673}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.268953866}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.4619809}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.268953866}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 30.66500492}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 143.743963}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 143.743963}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 275.1322673}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 581.7791703}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 92.65499302}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 718.5857249}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 581.7791703}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.53877309}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.107707778}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14.53877309}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39.72920839}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 39.72920839}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.973704191}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50.6043711}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54.66291684}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.844659219}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 113.0184131}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 218.3898935}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.496648719}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.157912353}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 422.9033701}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 74.38893597}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239.5760275}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.584486595}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.011156382}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.31733999}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 886.9604635}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 582.3304636}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.30813498}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4206.783074}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 484.3155375}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239.5760275}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4206.783074}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3890.877234}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 582.3304636}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.76671388}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.143568431}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.659224841}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.947615996}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.659224841}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.659224841}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18883e-05}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "ecotoxicity: terrestrial no LT", "terrestrial ecotoxicity (TETP inf) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57851244}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.686908257}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.003851263}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4220.13516}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.44124316}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.589018491}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.972861498}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.490183413}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.594972359}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000716486}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 83.31013088}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41506e-20}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.04096702}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.107050434}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.38152623}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.50168812}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.896431354}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.677825069}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0632e-21}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 69.02741802}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.544692429}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.53865332}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.804877405}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588.2692621}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.4875777}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.66603011}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.516636803}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.745601943}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 271.483092}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.54793215}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.54811747}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.096342491}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.439093707}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.44629566}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.70611846}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.075688031}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.094486765}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.726490856}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.726490856}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.04161199}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.173846406}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.088504744}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 304.597033}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.865380501}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.25673286}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.16341161}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 251.2313155}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.56524e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26928e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00036558}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.30169e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.4248996}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.693729029}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.33138885}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.7618752}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.86268e-22}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1879.533466}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 35.16705282}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02117e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5338e-21}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.095958223}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 238.5519273}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 238.5519274}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 238.5519274}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 238.5519274}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000814222}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000814222}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00011682}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.003851263}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.003851263}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.65527e-20}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.95793e-20}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.65527e-20}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.65527e-20}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.08404e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.61473e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.08404e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.08404e-19}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.37489e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71474e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.37489e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37489e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000410059}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000716486}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000716486}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.18734e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.03112e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.18734e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.18734e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.29791e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.92755e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.29791e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.29791e-16}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.12511e-19}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41506e-20}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41506e-20}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.004805763}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.001022648}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.004805763}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.004805763}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.92432e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.91233e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.92432e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.92432e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.04903e-18}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.04903e-18}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69481e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.91636e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.69481e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69481e-18}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.47671e-20}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0632e-21}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0632e-21}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000175355}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000104507}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000175355}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000175355}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.62095e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.02926e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.62095e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.62095e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12337e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.93462e-14}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12337e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12337e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.56142e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.30672e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.56142e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.56142e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.007943515}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.004009301}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.007943515}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.007943515}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.59242e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.94708e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.59242e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.59242e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001757229}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6932e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001757229}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001757229}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001560067}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.42154e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001560067}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001560067}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.77422e-22}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.56635e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.77422e-22}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.77422e-22}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 930.3282657}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7642.71941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 930.3282657}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 930.3282657}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8969e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.45675e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8969e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8969e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000467436}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000358658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000467436}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000467436}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.31009e-18}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.89143e-18}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.31009e-18}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.31009e-18}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.98822e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0799e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.98822e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.98822e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.60828e-18}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02958e-18}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02958e-18}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.16564e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.06792e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16564e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.16564e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000814222}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.48776e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.78042e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.48776e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.48776e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0451e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.56524e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56524e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.05932e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26928e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26928e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.74435e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00036558}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00036558}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.82537e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.30169e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.30169e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000647466}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.80926e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000647466}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000647466}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.55254e-17}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.75745e-17}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.55254e-17}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.55254e-17}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26503e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.71653e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26503e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26503e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.13184e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.18247e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.13184e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.13184e-17}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.24832e-21}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.86268e-22}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.86268e-22}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41614e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8729e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41614e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41614e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.16377e-17}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02117e-17}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02117e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.94558e-20}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5338e-21}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5338e-21}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.253138655}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.126483729}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.44037674}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.596861512}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.016707204}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.663267175}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063006827}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 80.85467582}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.689752657}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.984006513}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.046591303}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.112568797}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02958e-18}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.277859761}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.489601068}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.652796}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.314098078}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03165522}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.230183862}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.203597118}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.73408185}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.802815412}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00013547}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.794461775}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.390269878}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000434591}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.206463693}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.004935323}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.19698e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000491331}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.019730523}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.013964808}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002531442}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.019730523}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.019730523}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.004031554}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.206463693}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.206463693}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.087717724}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.19698e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.19698e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.06739e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 587.3381951}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 587.3381951}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 587.3381951}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 830.0602948}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002531442}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.24704e-11}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.24704e-11}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000762269}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000762269}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.58839e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.58839e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000213114}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.35214e-11}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.35214e-11}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.042760823}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00216456}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000680873}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001418673}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.07759e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.07759e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.83073e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.83073e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 26909.24466}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 26909.24466}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26972.99909}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 26909.24466}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.225852834}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 634.332364}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.3452311}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 83.00538627}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.02197304}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.168548893}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86.81610585}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.8896806}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.807119009}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.24704e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.258001228}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.038407254}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.837651345}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.031755535}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22042e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.01347489}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.764819509}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.57040007}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.303757155}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.092878258}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002660134}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.312798883}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006883873}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000819184}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.04813e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.008369001}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.018210122}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.215190847}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.77051225}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0385e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0385e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.96079e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0385e-17}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.78153598}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.02102326}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 83.15047122}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.78153598}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.02102326}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.78326675}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.78326675}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77600.1715}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.78326675}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77600.1715}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.81889052}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.735349275}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.007067536}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.762236893}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.25695e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.096478878}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.25695e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 20.66324254}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00100887}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00100887}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.762236893}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2678e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 37.59722245}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.81889052}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2678e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.18433e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.320086974}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.18433e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.005462096}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.005462096}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.612724082}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.007067536}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001676646}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18.56576338}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.735349275}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.57040007}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 34.34774662}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81.23108427}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01347489}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.092878258}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.021307616}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 16.98380089}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.095958223}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.413157136}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 222.8364451}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000213114}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.443547838}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00216456}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000762269}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.021307616}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00216456}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 118.9485519}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000213114}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.537701937}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.68693885}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000515628}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000239843}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000515628}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000515628}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.144899733}]}, {"unit": "megajoule", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "energy resources: non-renewable no LT", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): fossil fuels no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.41}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18.01}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43.4}]}, {"unit": "kg PO4-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "eutrophication no LT", "eutrophication (fate not incl.) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "human toxicity no LT", "human toxicity (HTP inf) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 46.95248552}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.6158398}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7065.337009}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 506.5604567}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4669.038981}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.29570277}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.96120538}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.428415284}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.08444889}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.101492617}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28.59462036}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22.89077835}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.097484578}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.96550871}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 141.1897573}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423.264744}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.176965739}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.940444523}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0522661}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.339256586}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.45949255}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.159576856}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 117.0824573}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 317.7014202}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.75174}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 168.3598988}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1269.59515}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 276.4234481}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.263478527}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5675.883451}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 71.68935956}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87.9434291}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.014873106}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 960.5245308}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 488.9721488}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 168.9280705}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.025679269}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 104.2537922}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743.5060416}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743.5060416}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.462060062}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.07942564}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.83126765}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43.32398112}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10.09682066}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 611.4515635}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.915905394}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.33104861}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.086137019}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.536966302}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.153902703}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.341172176}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.08302291}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.47340019}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 205.5657513}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.913637413}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.017319702}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.56742982}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124.8288183}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3163.049164}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.583947274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8886.17791}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2634.762665}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2634.762665}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2634.762665}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 362.7992628}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 317.9863027}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 317.9863027}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 317.9863027}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12759.74363}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7049.473022}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7049.473022}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7049.473022}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19635.29994}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 66.68443569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 66.68443569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 66.68443569}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5127.707054}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 299.8393545}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 299.8393545}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 299.8393545}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8546.178423}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 499.7322575}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 499.7322575}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 499.7322575}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2385.442004}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 59.06461831}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 59.06461831}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 59.06461831}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 93.85679802}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.254452298}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.254452298}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.254452298}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00064887}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3280.690192}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 293.3054054}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 293.3054054}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 293.3054054}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5921.154138}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1080.535201}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1080.535201}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1080.535201}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6168.303633}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3063.38868}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3063.38868}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3063.38868}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2678.846488}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 198.1619649}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 198.1619649}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 198.1619649}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28862.50761}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28079.08675}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 28079.08675}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 28079.08675}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2017113.894}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 117789.0589}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 117789.0589}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 117789.0589}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.138903}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.524726874}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.524726874}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.524726874}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18500.01247}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1696.80539}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1696.80539}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1696.80539}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 63.74466425}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.422129282}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.422129282}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.422129282}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28788.29537}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28788.29537}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 50.90890083}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7065.337009}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7065.337009}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5141.476631}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8635.388246}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5141.476631}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5141.476631}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 630.48373}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 804.5390233}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 630.48373}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 630.48373}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1830.884085}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 209.8918122}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1830.884085}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1830.884085}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.164478016}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.101492617}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.101492617}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.826606711}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.070199334}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.826606711}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.826606711}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13974.73411}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16171.15242}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13974.73411}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13974.73411}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 103.9128177}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22.89077835}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22.89077835}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.430394716}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.48164415}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.430394716}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.430394716}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.5243439}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.015220004}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.5243439}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.5243439}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4204435}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16.73299543}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4204435}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4204435}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.03979726}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0522661}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0522661}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 96.70201437}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 60.45069603}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 96.70201437}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.70201437}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.905060312}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.339256586}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.339256586}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16.24329096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.64873939}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16.24329096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16.24329096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.8696181}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.451970744}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.8696181}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.8696181}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.654052646}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047072421}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.654052646}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.654052646}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 144.6682248}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 42.60548615}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 144.6682248}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 144.6682248}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.721910837}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.752523179}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.721910837}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.721910837}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33.45953481}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 14.11827287}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33.45953481}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33.45953481}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11426.26443}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 541.085742}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11426.26443}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11426.26443}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.037052116}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8154e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.037052116}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.037052116}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.25950173}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 78.76428612}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.25950173}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.25950173}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1425.959363}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8195.224968}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1425.959363}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1425.959363}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.839853574}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.298493641}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.839853574}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.839853574}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 219.692705}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 167.828564}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 219.692705}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 219.692705}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5513.681367}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6788.946972}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5513.681367}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5513.681367}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.336783791}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010334512}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.336783791}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.336783791}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 746.665693}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 331.0802679}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 331.0802679}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.424561724}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025771414}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.424561724}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.424561724}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28788.29537}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.049158431}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.95894e-05}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.049158431}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.049158431}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000851871}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.086137019}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.086137019}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.003009561}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.536966302}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.536966302}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.008385921}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.153902703}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.153902703}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.28519923}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.341172176}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.341172176}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2642.980524}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 15.84498715}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2642.980524}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2642.980524}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 56010.94407}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 62917.77073}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56010.94407}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56010.94407}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.085066175}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010186849}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.085066175}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.085066175}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 225123.8713}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 294343.489}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 225123.8713}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 225123.8713}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.105182287}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.017319702}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.017319702}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.302760499}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.038517634}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.302760499}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.302760499}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6233.917231}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3163.049164}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3163.049164}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.19999566}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.583947274}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.583947274}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.136013664}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21.18145336}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.850360928}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.638457455}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.738320271}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52.7389661}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.210621665}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.56553774}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.057595997}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.450871169}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003098997}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.577086947}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 331.0802679}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2734.917543}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.27470602}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.7781966}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1223.050434}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.520422664}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.039195746}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22.54924968}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.553238233}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.05711587}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.05711587}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.05711587}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.156677578}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 858267345.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 858267345.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 858267345.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 422342786.9}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.066237718}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.066237718}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.555788198}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.555788198}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.694817632}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.694817632}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.554356861}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.13770331}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.13770331}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.65427582}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.269386885}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.124918372}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.524656751}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.95944151}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.95944151}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.733209571}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.733209571}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10123779.93}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10123779.93}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1299184496}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 10123779.93}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.080087751}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 278.774953}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.968191034}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.00018312}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.380127333}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 413.0108847}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.717284771}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 51.45627099}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.149323301}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.066237718}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5649677.483}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1198.715728}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58.59259586}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.845330678}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.01470286}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 97.04684555}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.617587491}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18.91443696}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 43.54358934}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.310226295}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 83.44656586}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.753387639}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.689976174}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.111306559}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.37430754}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31813.03016}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1020.374027}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1020.374027}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1020.374027}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 950.6167656}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 950.6167656}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2397.031702}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 950.6167656}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.42076798}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98.18592011}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.297107111}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.42076798}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 98.18592011}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.548800031}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.548800031}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84613789}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.548800031}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84613789}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.23469038}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 214.2614033}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.390622577}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33.32637426}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.466807207}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.721599071}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.466807207}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.193224878}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.736157846}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.736157846}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33.32637426}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.50851113}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.431865359}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.23469038}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.50851113}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.111216706}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.306684008}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.111216706}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.68939329}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.68939329}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.998669009}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.390622577}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 53.10208373}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.235435534}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 214.2614033}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18.91443696}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.68248084}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.252862858}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 97.04684555}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.310226295}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44.34622685}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.139274158}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00064887}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.109797211}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.693002197}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.554356861}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.875981568}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.269386885}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.555788198}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 44.34622685}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.269386885}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.158518232}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.554356861}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.44844615}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.45331682}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.854417106}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.093422131}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.854417106}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.854417106}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.838961201}]}, {"unit": "kg Sb-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "material resources: metals/minerals no LT", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): elements (ultimate reserves) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.156577463}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000442708}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.45748e-07}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006888901}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24473e-08}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.14656e-05}, {"name": "Magnesium, 0.13% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.02016e-09}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.53988e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.51553e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.51553e-06}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603394795}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000192838}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.05816e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.66356227}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.016229792}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.671456e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.671456e-08}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44494e-06}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.671456e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24473e-08}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.56882e-05}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.04204e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.156577463}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.53988e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.092226828}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.59761e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.51553e-06}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.50238e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.70121e-07}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.002974487}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.25902e-05}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.041076119}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.004271652}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52264e-07}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006888901}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.14656e-05}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.02016e-09}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9348e-05}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603394795}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.194094965}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.40205e-11}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.05816e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.66356227}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.42912e-05}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.004518138}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.69217e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.56882e-05}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001398204}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.45748e-07}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09433e-09}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.07133e-07}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24473e-08}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000442708}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.78576e-08}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44494e-06}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.216820008}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5706016}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.02016e-09}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.016229792}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.024965696}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.004392025}, {"name": "Bromine, 0.23% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.004392025}, {"name": "Iodine, 0.03% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.024965696}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "ozone depletion no LT", "ozone layer depletion (ODP steady state) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg ethylene-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016 no LT", "photochemical oxidant formation no LT", "photochemical oxidation (high NOx) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.427}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.307}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028}]}, {"unit": "kg SO2-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "acidification", "acidification (incl. fate, average Europe total, A&B)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.783673469}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.96}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.76}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 782}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 138}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1980}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7670}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3170}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6290}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 148}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 677}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1730}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6630}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4660}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23500}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8550}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5820}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 265}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "ecotoxicity: freshwater", "freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity (FAETP inf)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.49533085}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.94693271}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.23967176}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95850.36583}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 283.1084245}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.5970581}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 194.3865145}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.58563184}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.284720127}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.360324568}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 103.1859686}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1523.011325}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.401496318}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.15337181}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2006.573756}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 584.5336542}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.796783349}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.038097112}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.913909397}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1157.306919}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 805.782122}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.09919497}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1293.825496}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.943808102}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20139.95554}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.47918315}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345.4825421}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.188877652}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.206962213}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11055.68571}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.9895881}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 381.1617771}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.921647131}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 167.9323357}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 97.42163568}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 693.1429309}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 162.0879155}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.462892182}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.99999205}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.99999205}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.412871049}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.926415532}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43.70064072}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14117.59934}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.53209263}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 970.4507327}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 497.628906}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 916.7842984}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.4086027}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.47660628}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.084748678}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.770891361}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1670.238851}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.05965114}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2332.496164}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 685.8406233}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10.16626668}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3307.653992}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.76875083}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8965.69091}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 91.71242268}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 519.4373798}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.723752847}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42.82246292}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.36818e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000131227}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.334773948}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.370678892}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 87.77019479}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17130.14029}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.25314e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289.4303366}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.032958813}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5153e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.922646069}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.690584275}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 639.1861685}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 221.6538139}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2126816.609}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000121789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000119313}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.86154e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000412935}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.098656659}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.255924503}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.638464651}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.399626922}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 316.7874757}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.032679173}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32865e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000251931}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 97.3192924}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.37469e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 629.4706747}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.30679e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.515898377}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.403587546}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.52329205}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.036846268}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 546.2392735}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.09075e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1553.337312}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.537017575}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.04338e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1733.840782}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.78364688}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.980626326}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 114.754741}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 45897.5345}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 776.1149557}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.254694777}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.01877911}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1712.622007}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 594.650583}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.671884382}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.527796616}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 848.1277497}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 262.0749706}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1690.253104}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1463.367658}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4170.357612}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.901545648}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4654.224158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 47.74504968}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.117133035}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.117133035}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 79.23967176}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.006036076}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 79.23967176}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 79.23967176}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19.7471634}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 19.7471634}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.56984e-21}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19.7471634}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19.7471634}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 227.7547418}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 227.7547418}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.40807e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 227.7547418}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 227.7547418}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.091442188}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.091442188}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19439e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.091442188}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.091442188}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.360324568}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000258594}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.360324568}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.360324568}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.545523699}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.545523699}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.43815e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.545523699}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.545523699}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 91349.16197}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 91349.16197}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5677e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 91349.16197}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 91349.16197}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1523.011325}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.52612e-20}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1523.011325}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1523.011325}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 105.1696058}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 105.1696058}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.006529295}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 105.1696058}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 105.1696058}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.042349293}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.042349293}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.48297e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.042349293}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.042349293}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.65563759}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 27.65563759}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.53467e-22}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.65563759}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.65563759}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.913909397}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.83668e-23}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.913909397}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.913909397}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3407.831958}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3407.831958}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.21543e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3407.831958}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3407.831958}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1157.306919}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.10941e-20}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1157.306919}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1157.306919}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.109593474}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.109593474}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.10351e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.109593474}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.109593474}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.022946375}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.022946375}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.82702e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022946375}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022946375}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.022490624}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.022490624}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.04966e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022490624}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022490624}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.027866613}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.027866613}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.40913e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.027866613}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.027866613}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.696350599}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.696350599}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000202109}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.696350599}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.696350599}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.096977306}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.096977306}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.55453e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.096977306}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.096977306}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.795451453}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.795451453}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.003778204}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.795451453}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.795451453}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280.7343279}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 280.7343279}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000212611}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280.7343279}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280.7343279}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.615718658}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.615718658}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5714e-23}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.615718658}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.615718658}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1717.144328}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1717.144328}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.773349297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1717.144328}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1717.144328}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.01228851}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.01228851}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.01878e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.01228851}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01228851}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.20840893}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.20840893}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000190563}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.20840893}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.20840893}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 476.1891468}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 476.1891468}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.58768e-19}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 476.1891468}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 476.1891468}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.59828717}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.59828717}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2348e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.59828717}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.59828717}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3237.610008}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.09427e-19}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3237.610008}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3237.610008}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.564623853}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.564623853}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5123e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.564623853}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.564623853}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.117133035}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 237.0076571}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 237.0076571}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.72839e-05}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 237.0076571}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 237.0076571}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 76.4086027}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.18725e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.4086027}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76.4086027}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 79.47660628}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9224e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 79.47660628}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 79.47660628}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.084748678}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8217e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.084748678}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.084748678}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.770891361}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00014339}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.770891361}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.770891361}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.964936638}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.964936638}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000441224}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.964936638}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.964936638}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2919.215918}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2919.215918}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.37855e-18}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2919.215918}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2919.215918}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.439672438}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.439672438}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.01252e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.439672438}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.439672438}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8010.748812}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8010.748812}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.89876e-18}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8010.748812}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8010.748812}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 10.16626668}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.45727e-23}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10.16626668}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.16626668}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.294514441}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.294514441}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.26905e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.294514441}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.294514441}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8965.69091}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3929e-18}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8965.69091}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8965.69091}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 91.71242268}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7611e-21}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 91.71242268}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 91.71242268}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.633354816}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 519.1373278}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15909.97498}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38.70264593}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.868972369}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 986.5000335}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 111.3634597}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1115.193351}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.19295282}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 360.8377327}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21.93283786}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1466.6325}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3237.610008}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 231.4644637}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.26224344}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4510.732407}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.11900088}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 136.6120225}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 41.95943397}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 43.59828858}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3877.313303}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 165.284645}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.26038299}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 171.8260122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.310533909}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5033760.13}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51746.706}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1169429.359}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13151.73799}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76813.73869}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 658.9115519}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 57270.20995}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 114823.123}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 251689.8554}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57270.20995}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 57270.20995}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57270.20995}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16.70312979}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1169429.359}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1169429.359}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1169429.359}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.112002017}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76813.73869}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76813.73869}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 76813.73869}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000741658}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41402952}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 172761006.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 172761006.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 172761006.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 172761006.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 133273.7576}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27543.9258}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 251689.8554}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1368.227175}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1368.227175}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4957.984372}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4957.984372}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4531.703764}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4531.703764}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 38378.53316}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.18350061}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.18350061}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.058224124}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 135031.4275}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.099260671}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.012983861}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.306394539}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.306394539}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.70964583}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.70964583}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 491210.9319}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 491210.9319}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 123106.4602}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 491210.9319}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.81057e-05}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.213835093}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199339.4398}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6452.497435}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 74.08667954}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.4108063}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.85501588}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94.94810336}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 350.2386357}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 254.956018}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.328300702}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1368.227175}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 152.987151}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.73202763}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 251473.5781}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 653735.0536}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1814.591747}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12.51989401}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 172.5578345}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27083.51373}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1814.591747}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2703.849252}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.51989401}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 97982.61947}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 48634.13547}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.60329639}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 61.24233876}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 61.24233876}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42593e-11}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.495763292}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 516.5336286}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18508.73048}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.80093307}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.21597222}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 373.5251898}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.50441822}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 134.4097828}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 206.7462211}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 206.7462211}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.84676e-20}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 206.7462211}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 206.7462211}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 820.4307545}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 243975.0192}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 411.9497193}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 820.4307545}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 243975.0192}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7944107.679}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7944107.679}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 688967.2267}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7944107.679}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 688967.2267}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83602.82745}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2984.253341}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 530.4214428}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.534613272}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2102.507808}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 402.5031791}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81.95312224}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 402.5031791}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5637.495888}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27142.89531}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27142.89531}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2102.507808}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 38370.44685}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6110.916654}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2984.253341}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 38370.44685}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1100.038327}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 159.4736929}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1100.038327}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 372.4242025}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 372.4242025}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.749747191}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.534613272}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9418.481705}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1130.909622}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 530.4214428}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2703.849252}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 155.3675579}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4384.96246}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27083.51373}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 97982.61947}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 640742.9179}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1448.384406}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.671884382}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5809.442399}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28448.1302}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 38378.53316}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 928.8046855}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 135031.4275}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4957.984372}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2703.849252}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 640742.9179}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 135031.4275}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13866.15252}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 38378.53316}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1893.703975}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 355.7691128}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.011362329}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002876394}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.011362329}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.001288171}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.011362329}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.011362329}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.233298462}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "ecotoxicity: marine", "marine aquatic ecotoxicity (MAETP inf)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.166268447}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.673347713}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.541179208}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1640.55123}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.25818735}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.87635225}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.141080873}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005770347}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.035936153}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.114144105}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.113669485}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 220265.8312}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8803e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.007368271}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.42401718}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.970646634}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.08091629}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65378751}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 860.9360739}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 232741.9688}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.844134965}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.059689858}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.805477329}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.039430536}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 390.9612721}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.140914206}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.090980765}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.003645076}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001353163}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264.0185609}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796509622}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.125470081}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002800256}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.790669499}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.402646208}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.45284229}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.661495138}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000617321}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.052923369}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.052923369}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001134192}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.032789743}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.998664245}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 440.1608248}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.008423614}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.977305823}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.348160602}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.473259118}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.052669738}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.076518676}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001724787}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.034863856}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.312514195}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.4102425}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.68754919}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.650328304}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1227.869894}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.67350198}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.150987406}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8579403.259}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13846.76932}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 566.0364618}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33052.50793}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 779565.3252}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002800786}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000795715}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2405.978834}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 173.9143878}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1367.099998}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 469829433.5}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.74475e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1105226.199}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.529975423}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059163653}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5242.324119}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20969.29648}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5435082.746}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 893429.8064}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 296410658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.304302175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081602129}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000129875}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.337578123}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.854460841}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.633649187}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40746153.29}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7048.834153}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1199665.677}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.106691015}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003840259}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.151577694}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1945254.63}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000392614}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3757791.485}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000914458}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.552763901}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.33998576}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.0189118}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.121878186}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21196061.02}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000509345}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25632232.34}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7505.452047}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000699426}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12207311.7}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 67254.71999}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13699.32049}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 419874.7663}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 271059202.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 112245.7876}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 654.3268115}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2617.307246}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2203266.179}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 119588.1103}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.011156382}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 753.3606976}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 753.3606977}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 753.3606977}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 753.3606977}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 165517.2757}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1150000.353}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1174636.474}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12706802.13}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13837686.72}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 833.5606756}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4453696.464}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7208.562045}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23737.83848}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23737.83848}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.541179208}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.129479467}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface 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"ground-"], "amount": 0.00265539}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00265539}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.015174218}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00265539}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00265539}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.114144105}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.350958141}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.114144105}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.114144105}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001358689}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.001358689}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.061621478}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001358689}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001358689}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 539484990.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 539484990.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 643371294.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 539484990.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 539484990.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 220265.8312}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1848053.818}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 220265.8312}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 220265.8312}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.794912375}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.794912375}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 29.72565952}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.794912375}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.794912375}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.058164962}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.058164962}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056452223}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.058164962}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.058164962}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3443.744296}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3443.744296}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 32873.05623}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3443.744296}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3443.744296}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 860.9360739}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8218.264057}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 860.9360739}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 860.9360739}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4384131.971}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4384131.971}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8048980.529}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4384131.971}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4384131.971}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 232741.9688}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1475564.328}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 232741.9688}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 232741.9688}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.300877436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.300877436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.269785602}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.300877436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.300877436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.081452672}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.081452672}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.09060469}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.081452672}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.081452672}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.77811e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.77811e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.002584756}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.77811e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.77811e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377217}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000377217}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019525441}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000377217}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000377217}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.336718811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.336718811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.648268219}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.336718811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.336718811}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.003334904}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.003334904}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056669202}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.003334904}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.003334904}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.627275329}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.627275329}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.736651015}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.627275329}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.627275329}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.189875093}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.189875093}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.647157935}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.189875093}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.189875093}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1109.731957}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1109.731957}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 11304.99376}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1109.731957}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1109.731957}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 214326.8839}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 214326.8839}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1875335.379}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 214326.8839}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 214326.8839}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.003539819}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.003539819}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.003244141}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.003539819}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.003539819}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.145521766}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.145521766}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111408081}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.145521766}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.145521766}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2089545.925}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2089545.925}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2620221.279}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2089545.925}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2089545.925}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002122398}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.002122398}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.141496158}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002122398}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002122398}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2249967.65}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5766615.509}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2249967.65}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2249967.65}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002508141}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.002508141}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.131442012}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002508141}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002508141}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23737.83848}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.056287221}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.056287221}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.658646236}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.056287221}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.056287221}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.052669738}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.576270043}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.052669738}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.052669738}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.076518676}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.673049608}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.076518676}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.076518676}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.001724787}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.051854268}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001724787}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001724787}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.034863856}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.480774389}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.034863856}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.034863856}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.057709568}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.057709568}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.144919185}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.057709568}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.057709568}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 25348311.37}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 25348311.37}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28720844.53}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 25348311.37}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 25348311.37}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002231707}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.002231707}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.124595041}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002231707}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002231707}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26580510.06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 26580510.06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 35584562.31}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26580510.06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26580510.06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1227.869894}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12027.03239}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1227.869894}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1227.869894}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001236583}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.001236583}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.050902141}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001236583}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001236583}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8579403.259}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18333506.76}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8579403.259}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8579403.259}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 13846.76932}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 111954.7668}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13846.76932}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13846.76932}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.619648147}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62.05496427}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30906.51545}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.281333499}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 104.431918}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 724.2192353}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.77078953}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.857365918}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.41221915}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 278.7568027}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.80881645}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 380.4114192}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2249967.65}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 47.88518145}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.042278305}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 707.743079}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.085432048}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1699.044661}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1018.752889}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1656.938866}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 118520.4269}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7276.503979}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.27368542}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4260.507702}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.026797867}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26768.50225}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9056.071685}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 435324.2829}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 867.8601037}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14519.96574}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.06087036}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3022.686823}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8306.18003}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12122.77648}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3022.686823}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3022.686823}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3022.686823}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17693.05209}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 435324.2829}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 435324.2829}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 435324.2829}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1475670.997}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14519.96574}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14519.96574}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 14519.96574}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 110121.093}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.905855614}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 44689724.99}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44689724.99}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 44689724.99}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 44689724.99}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 502939102}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5484.758202}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12122.77648}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.15710571}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.15710571}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 484.3155375}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 484.3155375}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.416176522}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.416176522}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 582.3304636}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.036252362}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.036252362}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.283757033}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4206.783074}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.061594649}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.59023e-05}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.014672826}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.014672826}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.219884162}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.219884162}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 177778.5123}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 177778.5123}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44554.55269}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 177778.5123}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002682571}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0248e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 296.6379608}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 253.7255274}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.040927385}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.271818895}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.02556258}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.23852026}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.342412195}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.677124279}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005900367}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.15710571}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2387.046086}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 171.7339388}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1080.499342}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 982.0954895}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3511.491188}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.626953421}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.752136595}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 422.9033701}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3511.491188}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 218.3898935}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.626953421}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74.38893597}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 780.1600572}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.84496147}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 148.5832596}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 148.5832596}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.92625e-11}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.912492033}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10.46793179}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2979.888479}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 199.9548986}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 413.5266606}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.487440895}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 231410.738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77078.25934}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 118560.1116}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118560.1116}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 342656.1385}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 118560.1116}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118560.1116}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1019.099725}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 212.9292696}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.453803099}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1019.099725}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 212.9292696}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10049.92574}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10049.92574}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1025.25538}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10049.92574}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1025.25538}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18975.08232}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 718.5857249}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 113.0184131}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50.6043711}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 275.1322673}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.268953866}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.4619809}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.268953866}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 30.66500492}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 143.743963}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 143.743963}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 275.1322673}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 581.7791703}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 92.65499302}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 718.5857249}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 581.7791703}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.53877309}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.107707778}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14.53877309}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39.72920839}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 39.72920839}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.973704191}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50.6043711}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54.66291684}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.844659219}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 113.0184131}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 218.3898935}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.496648719}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.157912353}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 422.9033701}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 74.38893597}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239.5760275}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.584486595}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.011156382}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.31733999}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 886.9604635}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 582.3304636}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.30813498}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4206.783074}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 484.3155375}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 218.3898935}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239.5760275}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4206.783074}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3890.877234}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 582.3304636}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.76671388}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.143568431}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.659224841}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.666362413}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.659224841}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.947615996}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.659224841}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.659224841}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18883e-05}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "ecotoxicity: terrestrial", "terrestrial ecotoxicity (TETP inf)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57851244}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.686908257}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.003851263}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4220.13516}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.44124316}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.589018491}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.972861498}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.490183413}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.594972359}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000716486}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 83.31013088}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41506e-20}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.04096702}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.107050434}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.38152623}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.50168812}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.896431354}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.677825069}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0632e-21}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 69.02741802}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.544692429}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.53865332}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.804877405}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588.2692621}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.4875777}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.66603011}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.516636803}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.745601943}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 271.483092}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.54793215}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.54811747}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.096342491}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.439093707}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.44629566}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.70611846}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.075688031}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.094486765}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.726490856}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.726490856}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.04161199}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.173846406}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.088504744}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 304.597033}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.865380501}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.25673286}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.16341161}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 251.2313155}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.56524e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26928e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00036558}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.30169e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.4248996}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.693729029}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.33138885}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.7618752}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.86268e-22}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1879.533466}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 35.16705282}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02117e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5338e-21}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.3291159}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.610706495}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.859760308}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43178e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.260630905}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.039152073}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.241153066}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1766.961648}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.32408e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 81.2492588}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.005142978}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.01912e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3031.119801}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 108.7097487}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.991272773}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11991.58892}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000178048}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64203e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.61477e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008113672}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002523741}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.939745149}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002949857}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15.66983733}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28312.6357}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012770435}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.27196e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047115}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.53812242}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.50812e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 116.0434782}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.26837e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003314907}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.030416826}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.252814177}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00150898}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53.4729737}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35979e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 339.8323841}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.36401755}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.59178e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 665.2345714}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.96305468}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.253223943}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.97088385}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3624.728815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 166.8079461}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6302.861689}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 223.0091107}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 14.35989027}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.095958223}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 32.51821421}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 55994.13828}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 36.14502748}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 238.5519273}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 238.5519274}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 238.5519274}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 238.5519274}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 109.6792964}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 698.4945098}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 29.80836303}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1367.124462}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 24.58896916}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000814222}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000814222}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.003851263}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00011682}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.003851263}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.003851263}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.65527e-20}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.65527e-20}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.95793e-20}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.65527e-20}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.65527e-20}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.08404e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.08404e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.61473e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.08404e-19}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.08404e-19}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.37489e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.37489e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71474e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.37489e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37489e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000716486}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000410059}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000716486}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000716486}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.18734e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.18734e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.03112e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.18734e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.18734e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.29791e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.29791e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.92755e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.29791e-16}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.29791e-16}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.41506e-20}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.12511e-19}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41506e-20}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41506e-20}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.004805763}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.004805763}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.001022648}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.004805763}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.004805763}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.92432e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.92432e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.91233e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.92432e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.92432e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.04903e-18}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.04903e-18}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.27196e-19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69481e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.69481e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.91636e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.69481e-18}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69481e-18}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.0632e-21}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.47671e-20}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0632e-21}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0632e-21}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000175355}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000175355}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000104507}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000175355}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000175355}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.62095e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.62095e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.02926e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.62095e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.62095e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12337e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.12337e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.93462e-14}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12337e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12337e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.56142e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.56142e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.30672e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.56142e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.56142e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.007943515}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.007943515}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.004009301}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.007943515}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.007943515}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.59242e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.59242e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.94708e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.59242e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.59242e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001757229}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.001757229}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6932e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001757229}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001757229}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.001560067}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.001560067}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.42154e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.001560067}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001560067}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.77422e-22}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.77422e-22}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.56635e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.77422e-22}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.77422e-22}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 930.3282657}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 930.3282657}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7642.71941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 930.3282657}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 930.3282657}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8969e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.8969e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.45675e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8969e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8969e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000467436}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000467436}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000358658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000467436}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000467436}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.31009e-18}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.31009e-18}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.89143e-18}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.31009e-18}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.31009e-18}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.98822e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.98822e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0799e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.98822e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.98822e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.02958e-18}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.60828e-18}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02958e-18}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02958e-18}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.16564e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.16564e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.06792e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16564e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.16564e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000814222}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.48776e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.48776e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.78042e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.48776e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.48776e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.56524e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0451e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.56524e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56524e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.26928e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.05932e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26928e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26928e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00036558}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.74435e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00036558}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00036558}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.30169e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.82537e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.30169e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.30169e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000647466}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000647466}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.80926e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000647466}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000647466}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.55254e-17}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.55254e-17}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.75745e-17}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.55254e-17}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.55254e-17}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26503e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.26503e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.71653e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26503e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26503e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.13184e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.13184e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.18247e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.13184e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.13184e-17}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.86268e-22}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.24832e-21}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.86268e-22}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.86268e-22}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41614e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.41614e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8729e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41614e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41614e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.02117e-17}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.16377e-17}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02117e-17}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02117e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.5338e-21}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.94558e-20}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5338e-21}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5338e-21}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.253138655}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.126483729}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.44037674}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.596861512}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.016707204}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.663267175}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063006827}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 80.85467582}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.689752657}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.984006513}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.046591303}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.112568797}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02958e-18}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.277859761}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.489601068}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.652796}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.314098078}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03165522}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.230183862}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.203597118}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.73408185}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.802815412}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00013547}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.019197865}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.794461775}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.390269878}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000434591}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.206463693}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.004935323}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.19698e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000491331}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.019730523}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.013964808}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002531442}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.019730523}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.019730523}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.019730523}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.004031554}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.206463693}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.206463693}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.206463693}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.087717724}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.19698e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.19698e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.19698e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.06739e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008002759}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 587.3381951}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 587.3381951}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 587.3381951}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 587.3381951}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 830.0602948}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002117132}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.002531442}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.24704e-11}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.24704e-11}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000762269}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000762269}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.58839e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.58839e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000213114}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.35214e-11}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.35214e-11}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.042760823}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00216456}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000680873}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001418673}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.07759e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.07759e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.83073e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.83073e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 26909.24466}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 26909.24466}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26972.99909}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 26909.24466}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.72388e-06}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.225852834}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89744.2628}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 634.332364}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.3452311}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 83.00538627}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.02197304}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.168548893}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86.81610585}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.8896806}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.807119009}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.24704e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.258001228}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.038407254}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.837651345}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.031755535}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.764819509}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.303757155}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22042e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.01347489}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.764819509}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.57040007}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.303757155}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.092878258}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002660134}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.312798883}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006883873}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006883873}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34791e-12}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000819184}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.04813e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.008369001}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.018210122}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.215190847}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.77051225}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1609.101123}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3335.673763}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0385e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0385e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.96079e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.0385e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0385e-17}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.78153598}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.02102326}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 83.15047122}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.78153598}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.02102326}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.78326675}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.78326675}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77600.1715}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.78326675}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77600.1715}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8917.249644}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.81889052}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.735349275}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.007067536}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.762236893}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.25695e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.096478878}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.25695e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 20.66324254}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00100887}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00100887}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.762236893}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2678e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 37.59722245}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.81889052}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2678e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.18433e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.320086974}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.18433e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.005462096}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.005462096}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.612724082}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.007067536}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.001676646}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18.56576338}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.735349275}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.57040007}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 34.34774662}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81.23108427}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01347489}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.092878258}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.021307616}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 16.98380089}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.095958223}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.413157136}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 222.8364451}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000213114}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.443547838}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00216456}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000762269}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 31.57040007}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.021307616}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00216456}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 118.9485519}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000213114}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.537701937}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.68693885}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000515628}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000529152}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000515628}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000239843}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000515628}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000515628}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.144899733}]}, {"unit": "megajoule", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "energy resources: non-renewable", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): fossil fuels"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.41}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18.01}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43.4}]}, {"unit": "kg PO4-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "eutrophication", "eutrophication (fate not incl.)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1}]}, {"unit": "kg 1,4-DCB-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "human toxicity", "human toxicity (HTP inf)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 46.95248552}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.6158398}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7065.337009}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 506.5604567}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4669.038981}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.29570277}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.96120538}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.428415284}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.08444889}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.101492617}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28.59462036}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22.89077835}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.097484578}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.96550871}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 141.1897573}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423.264744}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.176965739}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.940444523}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0522661}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.339256586}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.45949255}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.159576856}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 117.0824573}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 317.7014202}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.75174}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 168.3598988}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1269.59515}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 276.4234481}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.263478527}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5675.883451}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 71.68935956}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87.9434291}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.014873106}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 960.5245308}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 488.9721488}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 168.9280705}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.025679269}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 104.2537922}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743.5060416}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743.5060416}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.462060062}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.07942564}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.83126765}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43.32398112}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10.09682066}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 611.4515635}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.915905394}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.33104861}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.086137019}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.536966302}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.153902703}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.341172176}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.08302291}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.47340019}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 205.5657513}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.913637413}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.017319702}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.56742982}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124.8288183}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3163.049164}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.583947274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56.90600399}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6707.542439}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 756.4636536}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1899.909223}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.973210461}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3157103.03}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 409.4755204}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226630.8493}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2224.391497}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 145040.5399}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41434511}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.66010972}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 646.8397982}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3425330.245}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17470.22468}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4295.027793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1933982792}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.44430059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.807735251}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 84.3427304}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.528467685}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14074.62877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.830667251}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2850.61598}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 466.517307}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6008.157802}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 350.9998319}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975109844}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220.43152129999999}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5426.282198}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02714893}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35032.83874}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12474733}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.518172944}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95.31928284}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.079340246}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1262.37464}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 47687.15468}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.047384819}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 432190.2296}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.734086071}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.32691844}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6240.349576}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 104.4419271}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8886.17791}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2634.762665}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2634.762665}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2634.762665}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 362.7992628}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 317.9863027}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 317.9863027}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 317.9863027}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12759.74363}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7049.473022}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7049.473022}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7049.473022}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19635.29994}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 66.68443569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 66.68443569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 66.68443569}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5127.707054}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 299.8393545}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 299.8393545}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 299.8393545}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8546.178423}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 499.7322575}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 499.7322575}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 499.7322575}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2385.442004}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 59.06461831}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 59.06461831}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 59.06461831}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 93.85679802}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.254452298}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.254452298}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.254452298}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00064887}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3280.690192}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 293.3054054}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 293.3054054}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 293.3054054}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5921.154138}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1080.535201}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1080.535201}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1080.535201}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6168.303633}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3063.38868}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3063.38868}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3063.38868}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2678.846488}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 198.1619649}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 198.1619649}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 198.1619649}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28862.50761}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28079.08675}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 28079.08675}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 28079.08675}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2017113.894}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 117789.0589}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 117789.0589}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 117789.0589}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.138903}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.524726874}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.524726874}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.524726874}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18500.01247}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1696.80539}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1696.80539}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1696.80539}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 63.74466425}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.422129282}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.422129282}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.422129282}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28788.29537}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28788.29537}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7065.337009}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 50.90890083}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7065.337009}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7065.337009}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5141.476631}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5141.476631}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8635.388246}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5141.476631}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5141.476631}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 630.48373}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 630.48373}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 804.5390233}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 630.48373}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 630.48373}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1830.884085}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1830.884085}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 209.8918122}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1830.884085}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1830.884085}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.101492617}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.164478016}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.101492617}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.101492617}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.826606711}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.826606711}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.070199334}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.826606711}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.826606711}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13974.73411}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 13974.73411}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16171.15242}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13974.73411}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13974.73411}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 22.89077835}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 103.9128177}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22.89077835}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22.89077835}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.430394716}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.430394716}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.48164415}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.430394716}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.430394716}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.5243439}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 12.5243439}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.015220004}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.5243439}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.5243439}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4204435}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.4204435}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16.73299543}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4204435}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4204435}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.0522661}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.03979726}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0522661}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0522661}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 96.70201437}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 96.70201437}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 60.45069603}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 96.70201437}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.70201437}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.339256586}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.905060312}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.339256586}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.339256586}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16.24329096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 16.24329096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.64873939}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16.24329096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16.24329096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.8696181}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 27.8696181}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.451970744}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.8696181}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.8696181}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.654052646}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.654052646}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047072421}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.654052646}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.654052646}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 144.6682248}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 144.6682248}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 42.60548615}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 144.6682248}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 144.6682248}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.721910837}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.721910837}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.752523179}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.721910837}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.721910837}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33.45953481}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 33.45953481}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 14.11827287}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33.45953481}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33.45953481}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11426.26443}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 11426.26443}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 541.085742}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11426.26443}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11426.26443}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.037052116}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.037052116}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8154e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.037052116}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.037052116}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.25950173}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 12.25950173}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 78.76428612}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.25950173}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.25950173}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1425.959363}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1425.959363}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8195.224968}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1425.959363}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1425.959363}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.839853574}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.839853574}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.298493641}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.839853574}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.839853574}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 219.692705}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 219.692705}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 167.828564}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 219.692705}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 219.692705}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5513.681367}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5513.681367}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6788.946972}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5513.681367}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5513.681367}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.336783791}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.336783791}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010334512}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.336783791}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.336783791}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 331.0802679}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 746.665693}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 331.0802679}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 331.0802679}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.424561724}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.424561724}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025771414}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.424561724}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.424561724}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28788.29537}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.049158431}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.049158431}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.95894e-05}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.049158431}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.049158431}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.086137019}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000851871}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.086137019}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.086137019}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.536966302}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.003009561}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.536966302}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.536966302}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.153902703}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.008385921}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.153902703}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.153902703}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.341172176}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.28519923}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.341172176}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.341172176}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2642.980524}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2642.980524}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 15.84498715}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2642.980524}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2642.980524}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 56010.94407}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 56010.94407}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 62917.77073}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56010.94407}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56010.94407}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.085066175}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.085066175}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010186849}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.085066175}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.085066175}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 225123.8713}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 225123.8713}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 294343.489}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 225123.8713}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 225123.8713}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.017319702}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.105182287}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.017319702}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.017319702}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.302760499}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.302760499}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.038517634}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.302760499}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.302760499}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3163.049164}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6233.917231}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3163.049164}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3163.049164}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.583947274}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.19999566}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.583947274}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.583947274}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.136013664}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21.18145336}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.850360928}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.638457455}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.738320271}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52.7389661}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.210621665}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.56553774}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.057595997}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.450871169}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003098997}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.577086947}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 331.0802679}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2734.917543}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.27470602}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.7781966}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1223.050434}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.520422664}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 572399.6238}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.039195746}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22.54924968}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.553238233}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.05711587}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.05711587}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.05711587}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.05711587}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.156677578}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3351.180314}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 858267345.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 858267345.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 858267345.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 858267345.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 422342786.9}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 280468.7123}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.066237718}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.066237718}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.555788198}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.555788198}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.694817632}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.694817632}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.554356861}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.13770331}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.13770331}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.65427582}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.269386885}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.124918372}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.524656751}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.95944151}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.95944151}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.733209571}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.733209571}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10123779.93}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10123779.93}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1299184496}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 10123779.93}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34.40934674}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.080087751}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5203.22925}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 278.774953}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.968191034}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.00018312}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.380127333}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 413.0108847}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.717284771}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 51.45627099}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.149323301}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.066237718}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5649677.483}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1198.715728}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58.59259586}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.845330678}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.617587491}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 43.54358934}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.01470286}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 97.04684555}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.617587491}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18.91443696}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 43.54358934}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.310226295}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 83.44656586}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.753387639}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.689976174}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.689976174}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.636745223}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.111306559}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.37430754}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 347699.6973}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31813.03016}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1020.374027}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1020.374027}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1020.374027}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 950.6167656}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 950.6167656}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2397.031702}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 950.6167656}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 950.6167656}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.42076798}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98.18592011}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.297107111}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.42076798}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 98.18592011}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.548800031}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.548800031}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84613789}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.548800031}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84613789}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 166.431544}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.23469038}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 214.2614033}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.390622577}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33.32637426}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.466807207}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.721599071}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.466807207}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.193224878}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.736157846}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.736157846}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33.32637426}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.50851113}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.431865359}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.23469038}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.50851113}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.111216706}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.306684008}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.111216706}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.68939329}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.68939329}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.998669009}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.390622577}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 53.10208373}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.235435534}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 214.2614033}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18.91443696}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.68248084}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.252862858}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 97.04684555}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.310226295}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44.34622685}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.139274158}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00064887}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.109797211}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.693002197}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.554356861}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.875981568}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.269386885}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.555788198}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18.91443696}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 44.34622685}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.269386885}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.158518232}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.554356861}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11.44844615}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.45331682}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.854417106}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.057585321}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.854417106}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.093422131}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.854417106}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.854417106}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.838961201}]}, {"unit": "kg Sb-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "material resources: metals/minerals", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): elements (ultimate reserves)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.156577463}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000442708}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.45748e-07}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006888901}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24473e-08}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.14656e-05}, {"name": "Magnesium, 0.13% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.02016e-09}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.53988e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.51553e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.51553e-06}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603394795}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000192838}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.05816e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.66356227}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.016229792}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.671456e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.671456e-08}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44494e-06}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.671456e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24473e-08}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.56882e-05}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538067}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006338267}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.183978618}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.04204e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.156577463}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.53988e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.092226828}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.59761e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.51553e-06}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.50238e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.70121e-07}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.002974487}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.25902e-05}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.041076119}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.004271652}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52264e-07}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.006888901}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.14656e-05}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.02016e-09}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.017767381}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9348e-05}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603394795}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.194094965}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.40205e-11}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.05816e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.66356227}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.42912e-05}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.004518138}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.69217e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.56882e-05}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001398204}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.45748e-07}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09433e-09}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.07133e-07}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24473e-08}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000442708}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.78576e-08}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44494e-06}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.216820008}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5706016}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52943e-05}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52.04250371}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.001365923}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.02016e-09}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.016229792}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.024965696}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.004392025}, {"name": "Bromine, 0.23% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.004392025}, {"name": "Iodine, 0.03% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.024965696}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "ozone depletion", "ozone layer depletion (ODP steady state)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg ethylene-Eq", "name": ["CML v4.8 2016", "photochemical oxidant formation", "photochemical oxidation (high NOx)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.977}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.842}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.433}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.641}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.097}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.094}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.092}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.218}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.851}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.352}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.445}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.123}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.399}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.209}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.085}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.032}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.494}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.482}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.092}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.005}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.373}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.108}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.053}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.395}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.798}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.561}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.123}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.142}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.048}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.637}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.269}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.189}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.325}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.427}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.307}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.079}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028}]}, {"unit": "kg Si-Eq", "name": ["Crustal Scarcity Indicator 2020", "material resources: metals/minerals", "crustal scarcity potential (CSP)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.4}, {"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 460}, {"name": "Basalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2900}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3500000}, {"name": "Calcite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6600}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8100000}, {"name": "Clay, bentonite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.4}, {"name": "Clay, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 180}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4100}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.47}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 260000}, {"name": "Feldspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.5}, {"name": "Fluorspar, 92%", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 250}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 76000}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Granite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.4}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5400000}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.4}, {"name": "Kaolinite, 24% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Kieserite, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 370}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Olivine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.5}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Perlite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.7}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 650}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 650}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5800}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Pumice", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 380}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 230}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4700000000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4700000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500000000}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 74000}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Shale", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Sodium nitrate", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 840}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 670}, {"name": "Stibnite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.2}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 57000000}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 170000}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3500}, {"name": "Vermiculite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.2}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.4}, {"name": "Steatite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.2}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4700000000}, {"name": "Laterite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3500000}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.2}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 370}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9400000}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 650}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1600000}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6600}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 79000}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 130000}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 260000}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 510}, {"name": "Fluorspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 250}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 76000}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 22000}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 76000}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 370000}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5400000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7600000000}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 940000}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35000}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6900000000}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5800}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500000000}, {"name": "Rubidium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5800}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 470000000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 74000}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 57000000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 470000}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 570000}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 51000}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 280000}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15000}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 880}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.4}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 67}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190000000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4700000000}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 220000000}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 170000}, {"name": "Gangue", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 510}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 510}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: non-renewable", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.9}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.1}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9.9}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 46}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: non-renewable, biomass", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: non-renewable, fossil", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.9}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.1}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9.9}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 46}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: non-renewable, nuclear", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: renewable", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: renewable, biomass", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: renewable, geothermal", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: renewable, geothermal, solar, wind", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: renewable, solar", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: renewable, water", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "energy resources: renewable, wind", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)", "total", "energy content (HHV)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.9}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.1}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9.9}, {"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 46}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: non-renewable", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10.3}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.7}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 10.3}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37.6}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37.6}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 46.7}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: non-renewable, biomass", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1.05}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: non-renewable, fossil", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10.3}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.7}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 10.3}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37.6}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37.6}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 46.7}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: non-renewable, nuclear", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: renewable", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 0.93}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1.05}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: renewable, biomass", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1.05}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: renewable, solar", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 0.93}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: renewable, water", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "energy resources: renewable, wind", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "material resources", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.73}, {"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.06}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.2}, {"name": "Basalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.28}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8.58}, {"name": "Calcite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.25}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.43}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Clay, bentonite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Clay, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 196.14}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 101.24}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 153.21}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.84}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 142.79}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 73.15}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 33.49}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.77}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21.73}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.082}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Feldspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Fluorspar, 92%", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 346070}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 481690}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 450000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 294940}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 146510}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1285700}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94030}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 88732}, {"name": "Granite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.045}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2769.1}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Kaolinite, 24% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.63}, {"name": "Kieserite, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 87.5}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.29}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 209.05}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 456.47}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1222.4}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1447.2}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 955.25}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 890.39}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 638.61}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12.05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 45.4}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 56.06}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 60.58}, {"name": "Olivine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.78}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 48902}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12974}, {"name": "Perlite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.6}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.25}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15.75}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25144}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94774}, {"name": "Pumice", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.6}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11.91}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.31}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 54365}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 204920}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16205}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Shale", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 961.16}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10256}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5059.2}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5936.2}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8262.7}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.25}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.01}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.039}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 393750}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278.32}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 630}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 24.23}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Vermiculite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.039}, {"name": "Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, lake", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, river", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, unspecified natural origin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, well, in ground", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 161.54}, {"name": "Water, in air", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 24.23}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.04}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 58070}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16.66}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 996.09}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16.66}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 996.09}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.2}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8.58}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15.75}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.25}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21}, {"name": "Fluorspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 638.61}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2769.1}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.63}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 87.5}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16205}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 393750}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278.32}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 192.5}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.73}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.43}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 161.54}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94774}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12974}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 204920}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 60.58}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 58070}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21.73}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 630}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 63}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "material resources: metals", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.73}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8.58}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.25}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.43}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 196.14}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 101.24}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 153.21}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.84}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 142.79}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 73.15}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 33.49}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.77}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21.73}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 346070}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 481690}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 450000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 294940}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 146510}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1285700}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94030}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 88732}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2769.1}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 87.5}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.29}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 209.05}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 456.47}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1222.4}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1447.2}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 955.25}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 890.39}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 638.61}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12.05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 45.4}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 56.06}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 60.58}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 48902}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12974}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25144}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94774}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 54365}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 204920}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16205}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 961.16}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10256}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5059.2}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5936.2}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8262.7}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 393750}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278.32}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 630}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 24.23}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 161.54}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 24.23}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.04}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 58070}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16.66}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 996.09}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16.66}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 996.09}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8.58}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.25}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 638.61}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2769.1}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 87.5}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16205}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 393750}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278.32}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 192.5}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.73}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.43}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 161.54}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94774}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12974}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 204920}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 60.58}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 58070}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21.73}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 630}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "material resources: minerals", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.06}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.2}, {"name": "Basalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.28}, {"name": "Calcite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Clay, bentonite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Clay, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.082}, {"name": "Feldspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Fluorspar, 92%", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Granite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.045}, {"name": "Kaolinite, 24% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.63}, {"name": "Kieserite, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09}, {"name": "Olivine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.78}, {"name": "Perlite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.6}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.25}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15.75}, {"name": "Pumice", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.6}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11.91}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.31}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Shale", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.25}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.01}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.039}, {"name": "Vermiculite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.039}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.2}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15.75}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21}, {"name": "Fluorspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.63}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 63}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "material resources: water", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, lake", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, river", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, unspecified natural origin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, well, in ground", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, in air", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 50}]}, {"unit": "MJ-Eq", "name": ["Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD)", "total", "exergy content"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.73}, {"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.06}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.2}, {"name": "Basalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.28}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8.58}, {"name": "Calcite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.25}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.43}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Clay, bentonite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Clay, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10.3}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.7}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 196.14}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 101.24}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 153.21}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.84}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 142.79}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 73.15}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 33.49}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.77}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21.73}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.082}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Feldspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Fluorspar, 92%", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 346070}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 481690}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 450000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 294940}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 146510}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1285700}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94030}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 88732}, {"name": "Granite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.045}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2769.1}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Kaolinite, 24% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.63}, {"name": "Kieserite, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 87.5}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.29}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 209.05}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 456.47}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1222.4}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1447.2}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 955.25}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 890.39}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 638.61}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12.05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 45.4}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 56.06}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 60.58}, {"name": "Olivine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.78}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 48902}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12974}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 10.3}, {"name": "Perlite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.6}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.25}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15.75}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25144}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94774}, {"name": "Pumice", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.6}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11.91}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.31}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 54365}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 204920}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16205}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.068}, {"name": "Shale", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 961.16}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10256}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5059.2}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5936.2}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8262.7}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.25}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.35}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.01}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.039}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 393750}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278.32}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 630}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 24.23}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Vermiculite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.039}, {"name": "Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, lake", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, river", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, unspecified natural origin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Water, well, in ground", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 161.54}, {"name": "Water, in air", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 24.23}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.04}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 58070}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16.66}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 996.09}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 0.93}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16.66}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 996.09}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.2}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8.58}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.44}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15.75}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26.25}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21}, {"name": "Fluorspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.15}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 638.61}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2769.1}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.63}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 87.5}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16205}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 393750}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278.32}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 192.5}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.73}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.52}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.43}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 157.5}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 161.54}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 94774}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12974}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 204920}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 60.58}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 58070}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21.73}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 630}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37.6}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 21}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 63}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37.6}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 46.7}]}, {"unit": "square meter-year", "name": ["Ecological Footprint", "CO2", "global hectares"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -2.6722}]}, {"unit": "square meter-year", "name": ["Ecological Footprint", "land occupation", "global hectares"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, infrastructure", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}]}, {"unit": "square meter-year", "name": ["Ecological Footprint", "nuclear", "global hectares"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 109740}]}, {"unit": "square meter-year", "name": ["Ecological Footprint", "total", "global hectares"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.48}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, infrastructure", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.36}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.38}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.19}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -2.6722}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -2.6722}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 109740}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3100}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8600000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 24000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "emissions to air no LT", "air pollutants and PM no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "emissions to air no LT", "carcinogenic substances into air no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "emissions to air no LT", "heavy metals into air no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4700000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "emissions to air no LT", "radioactive substances into air no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "emissions to soil no LT", "heavy metals into soil no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 460000}, 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"8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8800000}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7100000}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700000}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250000}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": 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"amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 900000}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 590000}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6800000}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62000}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22000000}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 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"categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Cinidon-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 67000}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cloransulam-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 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"agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 180000}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 370000}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Diclofop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 68000}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37000}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimefuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 190000}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", 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660000000}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660000000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3500000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14000000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "emissions to water no LT", "radioactive substances into water no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Curium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 940}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 820}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.51}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "emissions to water no LT", "water pollutants no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27000}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 290000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.26}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "energy resources no LT", "energy resources no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 8.3}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.5}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 380}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4600000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "land use no LT", "land use no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "mineral resources no LT", "mineral resources no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.2}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 750}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.054}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.58}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 29000000}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410000}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 55000000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00012}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Stibnite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8400}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.25}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 75}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "natural resources no LT", "biotic resources no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Fish, demersal, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}, {"name": "Fish, pelagic, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "ozone depletion no LT", "ozone depletion no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "total no LT", "UBP no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8800000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7100000}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700000}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 660000000}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660000000}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6200000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6200000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6200000}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250000}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.2}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17000000}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2300000}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 750}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 900000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.054}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 590000}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6800000}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62000}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22000000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3100}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 870000}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlormequat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Chlorthal", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 280000}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 610}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 610}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 610}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Cinidon-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 67000}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cloransulam-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cupric hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Curium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin, gamma-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 180000}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 370000}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Diclofop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 68000}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37000}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimefuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 190000}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8500000}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3100000}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49000}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9300000}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5500000}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9300}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2300000}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 570000}, {"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 8.3}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.5}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2300000}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380000}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8500}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 770}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3600000}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenpropimorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fish, demersal, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}, {"name": "Fish, pelagic, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flonicamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 290000}, {"name": "Flucarbazone sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490000}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 720000}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3100}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 280000}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.58}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380000}, {"name": "Hexaconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 610000}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49000}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50000}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 370000}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4900000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 210000}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 29000000}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5600000}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21000000}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 35000}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1600000}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 45}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 930000}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510000}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 63000}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6800000}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700000}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 790000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 450000}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27000}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78000}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 380}, {"name": "Oils, non-fossil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 290000}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Organic carbon, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 6200}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 88000}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3000000}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 580000}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5700000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7900000}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3300000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8600000}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 410000}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 690000}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 470000}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 440000}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000000}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 940}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 740000}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000000}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 370}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 650000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9800000}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 68000}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Quinclorac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 740000}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1900}, {"name": "Quinoxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 820}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 55000000}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 75000}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00012}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Spinosad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15000}, {"name": "Stibnite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8400}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.25}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.51}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9300}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82000}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1600000}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tebupirimfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tebutam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4600000}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7900000}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9700}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 75}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87000}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tribenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3500000}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 650000}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3100000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78000}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4600000}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for low-active radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000000000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, underground deposit", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 230000000}, {"name": "Waste mass, total, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 24}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14000000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14000000}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "waste disposal no LT", "radioactive waste to deposit no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for low-active radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "waste disposal no LT", "waste, non radioactive no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Organic carbon, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 6200}, {"name": "Volume occupied, underground deposit", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 230000000}, {"name": "Waste mass, total, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 24}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021 no LT", "water use no LT", "water resources, evaporated no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 990}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3100}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8600000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 24000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to air", "air pollutants and PM"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to air", "carcinogenic substances into air"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to air", "heavy metals into air"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4700000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to air", "radioactive substances into air"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to soil", "heavy metals into soil"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Zinc 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"Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8800000}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7100000}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700000}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250000}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2300000}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 900000}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 590000}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6800000}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62000}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22000000}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 870000}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Chlormequat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43000}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Chlorthal", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 280000}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Cinidon-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 67000}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cloransulam-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Cupric hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin, gamma-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 180000}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], 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"categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to water", "POP into water"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 660000000}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660000000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3500000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14000000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to water", "radioactive substances into water"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Curium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 940}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 820}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.51}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "emissions to water", "water pollutants"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27000}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 290000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.26}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "energy resources", "energy resources"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 8.3}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.5}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 380}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4600000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "land use", "land use"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "mineral resources", "mineral resources"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.2}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 750}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.054}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.58}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 29000000}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410000}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 55000000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00012}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Stibnite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8400}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.25}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 75}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "natural resources", "biotic resources"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Fish, demersal, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}, {"name": "Fish, pelagic, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "ozone depletion", "ozone depletion"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "total", "UBP"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8800000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 910000}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Aerosols, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0032}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7100000}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0038}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700000}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 660000000}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660000000}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6200000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6200000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6200000}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250000}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.2}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 69000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1200000000}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2400000000}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17000000}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2300000}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 750}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 900000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6800}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 37000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0068}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.054}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 590000}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6800000}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62000}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22000000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3100}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13000000}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 870000}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlorinated solvents, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chlormequat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Chlorthal", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 280000}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 610}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 610}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 610}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7500000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 330000000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Cinidon-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 67000}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cloransulam-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00022}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00053}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.55}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 770000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cupric hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Curium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin, gamma-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 350000}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 180000}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100000000}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 370000}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44000}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9700000}, {"name": "Diclofop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 68000}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37000}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimefuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 190000}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8500000}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3100000}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49000}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9200000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3300000000}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9300000}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5500000}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9300}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2300000}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 570000}, {"name": "Energy, geothermal, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 2.8}, {"name": "Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass, primary forest", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 8.3}, {"name": "Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 2.6}, {"name": "Energy, solar, converted", "categories": ["natural resource", "in air"], "amount": 2.5}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 550000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3200000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2300000}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230000}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 270000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 760000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380000}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8500}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 770}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3600000}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenpropimorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Fish, demersal, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}, {"name": "Fish, pelagic, in ocean", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9290}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flonicamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 290000}, {"name": "Flucarbazone sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490000}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 720000}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3100}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.5}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.063}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 330}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 280000}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Gravel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.58}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380000}, {"name": "Hexaconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 610000}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5e-06}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49000}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50000}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 370000}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4900000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110000000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7700000000}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 13000}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5e-06}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 210000}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 29000000}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8700000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2800}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5600000}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21000000}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.8}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 430000}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Magnesite, 60% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.026}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 35000}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1600000}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1200}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.7}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 45}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 720000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 200000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4300000}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 930000}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510000}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 63000}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 75000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 54000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5100}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6600000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6800000}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26000}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700000}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 790000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 450000}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4100000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 120000}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27000}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36000}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78000}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1340}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1350}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1420}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 380}, {"name": "Oils, non-fossil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 290000}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Organic carbon, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 6200}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 88000}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3000000}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 580000}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5700000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7900000}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5200000}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3300000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8600000}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 410000}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 89000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 320000}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8100}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 970000}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 410000000}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 690000}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 470000}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 440000}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000000}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.035}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 940}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00078}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15000000}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 740000}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18000000}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 540000}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 370}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 650000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5100000}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1700000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96000}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9800000}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 140000000}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 68000}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1200000}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Quinclorac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 740000}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1900}, {"name": "Quinoxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 820}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, Nuclides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.37}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radioactive species, alpha emitters", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00039}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radioactive species, other beta emitters", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 160000000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 420}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 55000000}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Sand, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 28}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 75000}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00012}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1300000}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Spinosad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15000}, {"name": "Stibnite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8400}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.25}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.51}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9300}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 24000000}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5400}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82000}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "TOC, Total Organic Carbon", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9500}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1600000}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tebupirimfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tebutam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1100000}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 25000000}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4600000}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1400000}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7900000}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 300000}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9700}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.023}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 75}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.056}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6100000}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87000}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1800000}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19000000}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tribenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900000}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28000000}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Tributyltin compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.600000000000001}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3500000}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 650000}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3100000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12000000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4200}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78000}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3200}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4600000}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.051}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0043}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 460000}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.99}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for low-active radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000000000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, underground deposit", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 230000000}, {"name": "Waste mass, total, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 24}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14000000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14000000}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11000000}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4700000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61000}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 500000}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.9}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2800000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "waste disposal", "radioactive waste to deposit"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for low-active radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 680000}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 47000000000}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "waste disposal", "waste, non radioactive"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Organic carbon, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 6200}, {"name": "TOC, Total Organic Carbon", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9500}, {"name": "Volume occupied, underground deposit", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 230000000}, {"name": "Waste mass, total, placed in landfill", "categories": ["inventory indicator", "waste"], "amount": 24}]}, {"unit": "UBP", "name": ["Ecological Scarcity 2021", "water use", "water resources, evaporated"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 990}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 990}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["Ecosystem Damage Potential", "land occupation", "ecosystem damage potential"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.19}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.11}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.32}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Occupation, inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.41}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, infrastructure", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.26}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.33}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.33}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["Ecosystem Damage Potential", "land transformation", "ecosystem damage potential"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Transformation, from annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, from cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.455}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 12.75}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.25}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.1025}, {"name": "Transformation, from inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from seabed, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from seabed, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, to cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.455}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -12.75}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4.25}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.1025}, {"name": "Transformation, to inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to seabed, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to seabed, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5.3}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.175}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["Ecosystem Damage Potential", "total", "ecosystem damage potential"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.19}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.11}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.32}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.29}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Occupation, inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.52}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.42}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Occupation, river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.41}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, seabed, infrastructure", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.26}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.22}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.33}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.33}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, from cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.455}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 12.75}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.25}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, from industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.1025}, {"name": "Transformation, from inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, from river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, from seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from seabed, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from seabed, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.175}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.03}, {"name": "Transformation, to cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.455}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -12.75}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4.25}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7.75}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.095}, {"name": "Transformation, to industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.1025}, {"name": "Transformation, to inland waterbody, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to lake, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to lake, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -1.15}, {"name": "Transformation, to river, artificial", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to river, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0475}, {"name": "Transformation, to seabed, drilling and mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to seabed, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to seabed, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5.3}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.175}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0525}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.0425}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.125}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.025}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -0.14}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.61}]}, {"unit": "square meter", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "acidification no LT", "acidification no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6}]}, {"unit": "m3 water", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "ecotoxicity no LT", "acute, in water no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1250000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 32099}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26667}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13680}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.364}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 36.364}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.364}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36.364}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1250000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1250000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1250000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7142.9}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7142.9}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7142.9}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7142.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 32099}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 32099}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 32099}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6918}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6918}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6918}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6918}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4545.5}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4545.5}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4545.5}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4545.5}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 207.25}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 207.25}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 207.25}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 207.25}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59880}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 59880}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59880}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59880}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73529}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 73529}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 73529}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73529}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 26667}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26667}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26667}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 35714}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 35714}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 35714}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 35714}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 25}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 25}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 25}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 25}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Oils, 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"categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 588.24}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 588.24}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 588.24}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 588.24}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1428600}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1428600}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1428600}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1428600}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62500}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 62500}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62500}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62500}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 13680}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13680}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13680}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192310}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192310}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 192310}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192310}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}]}, {"unit": "m3 soil", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "ecotoxicity no LT", "chronic, in soil no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15232}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6933.8}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19764}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 527990}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 218820}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 101260}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1244700}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3344.7}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2082}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1508.3}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36186}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6666.7}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 180590}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 68978}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4093200}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 60.654}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 35162000}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 75.244}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4481100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15096}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 468910}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 671890}, {"name": "Fenpropimorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22489}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6452200}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 720920}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 249680}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 155300}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 591340}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 707770}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 59170}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 613750}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26698}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900600}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.375}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120870}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 254120}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32141000}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2625300}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3136.7}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4857100000}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 152620}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3121000}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24465000}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2335500}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39998}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164630}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 675480000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91431}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 189420}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2486.3}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Sulfosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 553.58}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4938.2}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113250000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17206}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2006300}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2999800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 141470}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1587500}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128430}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 155300}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17232}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 150510}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 875000000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 114680}]}, {"unit": "m3 water", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "ecotoxicity no LT", "chronic, in water no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 117650000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12500000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 320990}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.902}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23952}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 266670}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71429}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air 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"categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136800}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chromium 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2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.902}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.902}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.902}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23952}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23952}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23952}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from 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"amount": 10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1176.5}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower 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"categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower 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253.16}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 253.16}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Benzene, 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"ground-"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 119760}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": 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"ground-"], "amount": 0.29796}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.35351}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.29796}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.29796}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.101}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.101}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.45}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.196}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.196}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.186}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 32.03}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.186}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.186}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35}]}, {"unit": "kg N", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "eutrophication no LT", "separate N potential no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.51625}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.177}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.574}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.3186}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.378}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.3186}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.3186}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.27494}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.3262}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.27494}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.27494}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.6125}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.51625}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.51625}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.1357}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.161}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.1357}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.1357}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.162}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.177}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.177}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.06726}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0798}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.06726}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.06726}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3}]}, {"unit": "kg P", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "eutrophication no LT", "separate P potential no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.2904}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.2904}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.2904}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.88}]}, {"unit": "square meter", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "eutrophication no LT", "terrestrial eutrophication no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25.4}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "global warming no LT", "GWP 100a no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 296}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 296}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 296}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 296}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "global warming no LT", "GWP 20a no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 275}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 275}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 275}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 275}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "global warming no LT", "GWP 500a no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 156}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 156}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 156}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 156}]}, {"unit": "m3 air", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "human toxicity no LT", "via air no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 217390000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2544500}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27211000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Ozone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1351400000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33333000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1515200000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 204080000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1984100}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1282100}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500030000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 500000000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 500000000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or 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100000000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27211000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27211000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27211000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Ozone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban 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"Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33333000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1515200000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1515200000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1515200000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 204080000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 204080000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 204080000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban 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500030000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 500030000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 217390000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 217390000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 217390000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Cumene", 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"Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface 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"Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5000000000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5000000000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5000000000}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5000000000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8333300}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8333300}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8333300}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8333300}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 66667000}]}, {"unit": "m3 soil", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "human toxicity no LT", "via soil no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.659}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0629}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2849}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7518.3}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.039502}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.019067}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 96.154}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7664}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 335.16}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.851}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.77714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.019067}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2676}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.928}]}, {"unit": "m3 water", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "human toxicity no LT", "via surface water no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20652}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.55}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.55}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.55}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20652}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20652}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20652}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00742}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "land filling no LT", "bulk waste no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 22500}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 20000}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "land filling no LT", "hazardous waste no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Volume occupied, underground deposit", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1600}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "land filling no LT", "radioactive waste no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for low-active radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2500}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5400}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "land filling no LT", "slag and ashes no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 22500}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "aluminium no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "antimony no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Stibnite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.717}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.717}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "brown coal no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "cadmium no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "cerium no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "coal no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "cobalt no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "copper no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "gold no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "iron no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "lanthanum no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "lead no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "manganese no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.632}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "mercury no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.862}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.862}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "molybdenum no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "natural gas no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.8}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "nickel no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "oil no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "palladium no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "platinum no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "silver no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "tantalum no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "tin no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "non-renewable resources no LT", "zinc no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "person.ppm.h", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "photochemical ozone formation no LT", "impacts on human health no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01003}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01003}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01003}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}]}, {"unit": "m2.ppm.h", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "photochemical ozone formation no LT", "impacts on vegetation no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 124.1}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124.1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 124.1}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800}]}, {"unit": "cubic meter", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "renewable resources no LT", "wood no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Wood, hard, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Wood, primary forest, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Wood, soft, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Wood, unspecified, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003 no LT", "stratospheric ozone depletion no LT", "ODP total no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "square meter", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "acidification", "acidification"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23.1}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 113}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 33.2}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.5}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.6}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6}]}, {"unit": "m3 water", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "ecotoxicity", "acute, in water"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1250000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 32099}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26667}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5000000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13680}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34.483}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 126.58}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 366.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 200}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 188680}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 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"ocean"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11765000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66667}, {"name": "Cobalt II", 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2003", "ecotoxicity", "chronic, in soil"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15232}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6933.8}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19764}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 527990}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 218820}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 101260}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1244700}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3344.7}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2082}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1508.3}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36186}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6666.7}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 180590}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 68978}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4093200}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 60.654}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 35162000}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 75.244}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4481100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15096}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 468910}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 671890}, {"name": "Fenpropimorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22489}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6452200}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 720920}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 249680}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 155300}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 591340}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 707770}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 59170}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 613750}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26698}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2900600}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.375}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120870}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 254120}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32141000}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2625300}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3136.7}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4857100000}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 152620}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3121000}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24465000}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2335500}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39998}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164630}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 675480000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91431}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 189420}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2486.3}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Sulfosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 553.58}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4938.2}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113250000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17206}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2006300}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2999800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 141470}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1587500}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128430}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95.515}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 461.7}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 789.88}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11482}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 782.2}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10036}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27121}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 212.76}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.976}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1777.8}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9095.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.778}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11740000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 61023}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.262}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 585.76}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 202910}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.667}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1899.6}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 97.538}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3875}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53.333}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3066.8}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10765}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 106380}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 265950}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2341}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3324.4}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17730}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8865}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 727.63}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 344.9}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3333}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 977.75}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12545}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 265.95}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2222.2}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 11370}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 22.222}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 155300}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 664.87}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13.333}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2374.5}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 66.667}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 333.29}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 132970}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 332440}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4155.4}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 22162}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 909.54}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 431.12}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.6667}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3594}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37807}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 24963}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 83.098}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7587200}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8720.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1055.9}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2464.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5333.3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 968.76}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.47}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17232}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 531.9}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 266.67}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 333.33}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 150510}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 875000000}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 492.91}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 114680}]}, {"unit": "m3 water", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "ecotoxicity", "chronic, in water"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 117650000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12500000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 320990}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.902}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23952}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 266670}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71429}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1176.5}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 52926}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136800}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.793}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50.633}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1212.1}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29412}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 377360}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8888.9}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.545}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23529000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 133330}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 555560000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0767}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, 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"Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71429}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 71429}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71429}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71429}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population 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"non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1176.5}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1176.5}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1176.5}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1176.5}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52926}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 52926}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 52926}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 52926}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 125000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 333330}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27360}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + 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"categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 732.6}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6060.6}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 147060}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1886800}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 200000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 72.727}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 72.727}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.727}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 72.727}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 72.727}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 117650000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 117650000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 117650000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 117650000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 12500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12500000}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12500000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2857.1}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800000}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 320990}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 320990}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 320990}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 320990}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29.412}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3836}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1818.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 414.51}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 119760}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, 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["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 357140}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 357140}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 357140}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 357140}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 357140}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 666670}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 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"non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 32.03}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 32.03}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 32.03}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.03}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.3479}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.3479}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3479}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.627}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.627}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.627}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.627}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.69002}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.69002}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.69002}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.69002}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.548}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4042}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.4042}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.666}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4042}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4042}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.218}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.218}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4451}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.218}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.218}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.287}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7134}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.287}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.287}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.7965}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.729}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.7965}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.7965}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.29796}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.29796}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.35351}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.29796}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.29796}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.101}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.101}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6137}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.196}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.45}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.196}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.196}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.186}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 28.186}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 32.03}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.186}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.186}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35}]}, {"unit": "kg N", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "eutrophication", "separate N potential"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.51625}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.177}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.54}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.53}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.15576}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.574}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.4838}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.3186}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.3186}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.378}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.3186}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.3186}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.27494}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.27494}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.3262}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.27494}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.27494}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.51625}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.6125}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.51625}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.51625}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.1357}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.1357}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.161}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.1357}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.1357}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.177}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.162}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.177}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.177}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.06726}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.06726}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0798}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.06726}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.06726}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.59}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3}]}, {"unit": "kg P", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "eutrophication", "separate P potential"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.2904}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0198}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.2904}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.2904}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.2904}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.88}]}, {"unit": "square meter", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "eutrophication", "terrestrial eutrophication"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 101}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25.4}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "global warming", "GWP 100a"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 120}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 620}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3400}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1700}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 210}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 550}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5700}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22200}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9800}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6000}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 296}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 296}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 296}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 296}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 296}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "global warming", "GWP 20a"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 450}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5900}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3600}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7900}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4800}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 700}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6300}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9400}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7500}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6100}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 275}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 275}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 275}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 275}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 275}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "global warming", "GWP 500a"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Aminopropanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "2-Nitrobenzoic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzal chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 400}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 740}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 190}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18000}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1100}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyl cellulose", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Isocyanic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 390}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 540}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16300}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5200}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 65}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 580}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8900}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32400}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8700}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2700}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 156}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 156}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 156}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 156}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 156}]}, {"unit": "m3 air", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "human toxicity", "via air"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 217390000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2544500}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27211000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Ozone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1351400000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33333000}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1515200000}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 204080000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1984100}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1282100}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 500030000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 116280}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3333300}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3663000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31746000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 669340000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38462000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10000000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11111000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 113640000000}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 833330}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9523800}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 571430}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28571000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1000000000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25253000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 114290}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, 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"categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500000000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1111100000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37106000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100000000000}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from 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66667000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Ozone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ozone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ozone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Ozone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50000000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1351400000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1351400000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1351400000}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1351400000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33333000}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, 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{"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 396950000}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1984100}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1984100}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1984100}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1984100}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, 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"Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18083000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2500000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80600000}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80645000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6666700000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": 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"ground-"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34483000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100000000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10277000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 141440000}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 916590}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28571}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 390620000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28571000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18622000}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1632700}, {"name": "Hexane", 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"amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6666700}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1000000}, {"name": 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"Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2000000}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8620700}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 66667000}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 66667000}]}, {"unit": "m3 soil", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "human toxicity", "via soil"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.659}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0629}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2849}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7518.3}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.039502}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.019067}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 96.154}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7664}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 335.16}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.851}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.77714}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6673}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8015}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 117.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5807}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1345}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.317}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.243}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16960}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8666}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2968.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.212}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4480.4}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1124.5}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 169.19}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0045}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14390000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.898}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75.173}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14776}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.212}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7653}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.655}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 424.01}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31426}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1544.5}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 117.54}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4912.8}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6851}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1219}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4240.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 446.38}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10389}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 375.71}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 962.28}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.536}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 39.054}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21201}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3710.1}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5600.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1405.7}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 211.48}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0056}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1220}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.019067}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 963.66}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 103.32}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 530.02}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1930.6}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 146.92}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.20766}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 55.375}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5300.2}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12986}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 469.63}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202.8}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 15.67}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14453}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46.007}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.823}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.951}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 714.17}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0173}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.10451}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3973.5}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 39.981}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.68699}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.9715}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 81295}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0048}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.067288}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 770.93}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10373}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 12966}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2676}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9893}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.928}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.928}]}, {"unit": "m3 water", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "human toxicity", "via surface water"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20652}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028465}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0074667}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6418}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032788}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0085395}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.062684}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.39053}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 63600}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.38584}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11257}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 559470}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3648.2}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4733}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3353.8}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 216660000000}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1872}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9175}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00029073}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0088551}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022148}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 52971}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2968}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.71}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1290.4}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.787}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029295}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27687}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 53}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Sodium dichromate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1448.1}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12986000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6962}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.1}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4130.5}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.14233}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.037334}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.209}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0070658}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.016394}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.042698}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9526}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 318000}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2251.6}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 270.18}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 185.5}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.56286}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2797300}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.13133}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 53.68}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18241}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16769}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 210.73}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4641}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Dichromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8782.6}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0031428}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.98564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19.587}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014537}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0020019}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 399.54}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 363.58}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.91071}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.044275}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.367}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.11074}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 336.8}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Hypochlorite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.25764}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 48.182}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 264850}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26.5}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 108710000}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.484}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 18.55}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.55}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.55}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.55}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6452.2}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46375}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34.256}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98.933}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.014648}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 138430}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 265}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 64928000}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23.481}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9848}, {"name": "Vanadium 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"categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.6364}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3710}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 365.77}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00742}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00742}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "land filling", "bulk waste"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 22500}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 16000}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 20000}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "land filling", "hazardous waste"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Volume occupied, underground deposit", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1600}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "land filling", "radioactive waste"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for low-active radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2500}, {"name": "Volume occupied, final repository for radioactive waste", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5400}]}, {"unit": "kg waste", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "land filling", "slag and ashes"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 22500}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "aluminium"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "antimony"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Stibnite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.717}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.717}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "brown coal"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "cadmium"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "cerium"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "coal"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "cobalt"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "copper"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "gold"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "iron"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "lanthanum"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "lead"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "manganese"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.632}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "mercury"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.862}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.862}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "molybdenum"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "natural gas"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.8}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.8}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "nickel"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "oil"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "palladium"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "platinum"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "silver"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "tantalum"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "tin"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kilogram", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "non-renewable resources", "zinc"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "person.ppm.h", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "photochemical ozone formation", "impacts on human health"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01003}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.04425}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0295}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02655}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02773}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0004425}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01239}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001475}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03953}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03776}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00059}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01003}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01003}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01003}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03245}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02478}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0767}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.118}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001357}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.029}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01829}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1475}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1003}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1121}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0885}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0649}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03894}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1534}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.059}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1298}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0826}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.124}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1416}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000649}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}]}, {"unit": "m2.ppm.h", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "photochemical ozone formation", "impacts on vegetation"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 124.1}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1,4-Butanediol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.9}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 547.5}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 328.5}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 343.1}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54.75}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.475}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.3}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.825}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 489.1}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 467.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124.1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 124.1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 124.1}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 401.5}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306.6}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 949}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1460}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.79}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 360}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1825}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1241}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1387}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 481.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1898}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Terpenes", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1606}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1022}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1533}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1752}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.03}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1800}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1800}]}, {"unit": "cubic meter", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "renewable resources", "wood"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Wood, hard, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Wood, primary forest, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Wood, soft, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Wood, unspecified, standing", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["EDIP 2003", "stratospheric ozone depletion", "ODP total"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.44}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.38}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.94}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "mol H+-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "acidification no LT", "accumulated exceedance (AE) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13467}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04821}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.23}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "climate change: biogenic no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "climate change: fossil no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.23}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "climate change: land use and land use change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "ecotoxicity: freshwater no LT", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.985}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.039}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17.332}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4646.7}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6713}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.77627}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.77808}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.01538}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 30.733}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025056}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031356}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0409e-05}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 112.29}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012122}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7538.2}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68612}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 736.95}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.93}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11624}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48100}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2717}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2777}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.157}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 912.29}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1368}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 500.56}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.457}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.639}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.072}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1845.1}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4860.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8802.3}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6887.1}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2139.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.503}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 325900}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 599.66}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8788}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6517}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7669.3}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 194540}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9541}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1999.7}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.64}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58369000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 189000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 189000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 188000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 187000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 409000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.43e-15}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 409000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 204500}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 883.04}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1246.7}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.283}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2245}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 487460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 43.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 43.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 43.05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.22e-19}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 557}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 556}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4030}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.27e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4030}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2015}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 557}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 556}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14855}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 424730}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 407.79}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230020}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1695600}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.432}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12815}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5130.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5171.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 228780}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3140}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.34e-16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3140}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76094}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4382.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395.82}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 894.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 839.26}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 171240}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27977}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28141}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8173300}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 35.132}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 525}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.55e-19}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 690}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 814760000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 229740000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2192.2}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5722}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.705}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3385}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4803}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019135}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11.793}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23961}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23965}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025738}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.242}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.912}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.934}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1305.4}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 204.3}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73.451}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 369.26}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.63}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 199.08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80900}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80900}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80700}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 229000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.39e-15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 229000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 114500}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3800}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.38e-15}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3800}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1900}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35.495}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35.495}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.247}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.998}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 47.27}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 47.271}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 47.271}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 47.27}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 218.37}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.00649e-45}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 218.37}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.18}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3143400}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1158.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23347}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51145}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56094}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2518800}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1705.9}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 970.45}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5964.1}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16856}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59379}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66.766}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 349.64}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088958}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 32.609}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.151}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.309}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0375e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33.571}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54902}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 794680}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196830000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 364.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 364}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 809}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.73e-21}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 809}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 404.5}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 364.5}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 364}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": 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["water"], "amount": 752.52}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4490}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4480}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6470}, {"name": "Cobalt II", 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"Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31472}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35217}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024506}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1219.5}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420.26}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5878.5}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 899.52}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 900.18}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1831.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017864}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010778}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4368.7}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13485}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.96}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50934000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88371}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1531.8}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28208000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246660}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3986800000}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 396.65}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112.74}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246470}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.48}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20349}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 691.93}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 458.02}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3233e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4759}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79258}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95236}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39861}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40242}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1234700}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1867800}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 77330000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2138.6}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.75}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.079}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41.875}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660.23}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.723}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15766000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2241.9}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 513.86}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27842}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98085}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11313}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 121.22}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 617.76}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1129700}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1864.5}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 248.51}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 25.382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3140.2}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.445}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61.443}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 890.24}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.044}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1361.3}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.4334}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.121}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62713000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73646}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 378860}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20475}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 632570}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220280}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 266380}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 985260}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1468900}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2181.7}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.625}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21877}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3010900}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5426}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 615.98}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.51}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31875}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2216.3}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 380060}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.348}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9455.9}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.203}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 955.28}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1852}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.14}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11319}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6762.8}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 168290}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121030}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 178.51}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1337.9}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2125.4}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4488}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 42.924}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010218}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1020.7}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7308.6}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 542.27}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20956}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020227}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.53}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0014233}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149.48}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 101.84}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29553}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11097}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21.086}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29.36}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44670}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 127290}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480290}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0267}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 187.68}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50.7}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50.7}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50.6}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50.5}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 134}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.44e-18}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 134}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 67}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 401.31}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 516.89}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2012700000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1117.3}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.2}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.2}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 68.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 68.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34.45}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.065}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 33.303}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 153.81}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.28295}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28582}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2957e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.58961}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 246.66}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084900}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 63.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 63.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 63.35}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 63.2}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.36e-18}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 82}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.36e-18}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 82}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1065}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2210}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.54e-18}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2210}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1105}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196520}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1281.6}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.831}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3241.7}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9582}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 413980}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 110530}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13.777}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1981.4}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 107.85}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.753}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88.346}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111700}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61309}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.95}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.59e-21}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.95}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.475}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.066}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 659.25}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10700}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10700}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10650}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 29800}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.91e-16}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 29800}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14900}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1789.6}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.80887}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.84397}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.86731}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13362}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 64.453}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1959600}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8672}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 180.7}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 182.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5871}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6107}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3621}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.038283}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039273}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040152}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0177}, {"name": "Phosphorus oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.882}, {"name": "Phosphorus pentachloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6827.4}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35497}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35532}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.486}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18660}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7569.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 371.24}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.201}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 653130}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.568}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 481.28}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50121}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 422580}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.24}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 574.61}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22357}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0402}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0618}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9044}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12579}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 230.06}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032675}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036475}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 687.99}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43518}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43825}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060614}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2417}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.369}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1146.4}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00064861}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00085836}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9302e-05}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.402}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124.24}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3067.1}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 821.48}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 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["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1230}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1760}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3530}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5e-18}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3530}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1765}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 652.71}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1238}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1030.6}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1074.9}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 92391}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46196}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2713.2}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5387.7}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18927}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18927}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 426440}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 213220}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18694}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43588}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1782.9}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6455.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 385460}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 109.68}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 272.84}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12129}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635.73}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3992.7}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 394.16}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 394.39}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 385290}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 118.5}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 118}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.75e-19}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88373}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.90049}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27237}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28227}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024537}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 486.61}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6592}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6734}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2263}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1641.4}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.11}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54.245}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2585}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6099.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2025}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4959.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067282}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012096}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 134.85}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41978}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.42062}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024456}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6657}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.25304}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 867.85}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 510.94}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 688260000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 831270}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 63.058}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4584}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.367}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.644}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1739e-20}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.263}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4769}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 403.5}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 403}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 337.41}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 504.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 503}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 730}, 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"amount": 510.15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 531.29}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 801.31}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.977}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 193.7}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.21117}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3022.8}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106500}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "ecotoxicity: freshwater, inorganics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.64}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 883.04}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1246.7}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.283}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 557}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 556}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.08}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76094}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5722}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.705}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23961}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23965}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025738}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.242}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.912}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.934}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1305.4}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56094}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5964.1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.151}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.309}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0375e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33.571}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.92045}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 899.52}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 900.18}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5426}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.203}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 101.84}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29553}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21.086}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29.36}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44670}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 187.68}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.80887}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.84397}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.86731}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 180.7}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 182.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5871}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6107}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3621}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.038283}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039273}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040152}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0177}, {"name": "Phosphorus oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.882}, {"name": "Phosphorus pentachloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6827.4}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35497}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35532}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.486}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0402}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0618}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.10719}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068067}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1903}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2136}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.867e-22}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6306}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56.438}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 57.098}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 191.8}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 191.9}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.648}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33.102}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0746}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2721}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.082379}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.082442}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 261.76}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 262.04}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2066.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2125.6}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2417.9}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6585.4}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", 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["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5e-18}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3530}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1765}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 118.5}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 118}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.75e-19}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88373}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.90049}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.367}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.644}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1739e-20}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.263}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 403.5}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 403}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 504.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 503}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1330}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.05e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1330}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 665}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6592}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0118}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "ecotoxicity: freshwater, organics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.985}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.039}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17.332}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4646.7}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6713}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.77627}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.77808}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.01538}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 30.733}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025056}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031356}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0409e-05}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 112.29}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012122}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7538.2}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68612}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 736.95}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.93}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11624}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48100}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2717}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2777}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.157}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 912.29}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1368}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 500.56}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.457}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.639}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.072}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1845.1}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4860.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8802.3}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6887.1}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2139.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.503}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 325900}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 599.66}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8788}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6517}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7669.3}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 194540}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9541}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1999.7}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58369000}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2245}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 487460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14855}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 424730}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 407.79}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230020}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1695600}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.432}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12815}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5130.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5171.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 228780}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4382.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395.82}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 894.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 839.26}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 171240}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27977}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28141}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8173300}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 35.132}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 814760000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 229740000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2192.2}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 204.3}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73.451}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 369.26}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.63}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 199.08}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3143400}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1158.7}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23347}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51145}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2518800}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1705.9}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 970.45}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16856}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59379}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66.766}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 349.64}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088958}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 32.609}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54902}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 794680}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196830000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1141}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9498}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9499}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 752.52}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 867.85}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1864.5}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 510.94}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31472}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35217}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024506}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1219.5}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420.26}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5878.5}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1831.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017864}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010778}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4368.7}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13485}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.96}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50934000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88371}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1531.8}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28208000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246660}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3986800000}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 396.65}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112.74}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246470}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.48}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20349}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 691.93}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 458.02}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3233e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4759}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79258}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95236}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39861}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40242}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1234700}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1867800}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 77330000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2138.6}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.75}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.079}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41.875}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660.23}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.723}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15766000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2241.9}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 513.86}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27842}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98085}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11313}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 121.22}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 617.76}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1129700}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1864.5}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 248.51}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 25.382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3140.2}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.445}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61.443}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 890.24}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.044}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1361.3}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.4334}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.121}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62713000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73646}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 378860}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20475}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 632570}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220280}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 266380}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 985260}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1468900}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2181.7}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.625}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21877}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3010900}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 615.98}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.51}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31875}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2216.3}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 380060}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.348}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9455.9}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 955.28}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1852}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.14}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11319}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6762.8}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 168290}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121030}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 178.51}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1337.9}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2125.4}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4488}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 42.924}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010218}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1020.7}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7308.6}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 542.27}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20956}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020227}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.53}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0014233}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149.48}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11097}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 127290}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480290}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0267}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 401.31}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 516.89}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2012700000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1117.3}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 246.66}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084900}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196520}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1281.6}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.831}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3241.7}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9582}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 413980}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 110530}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13.777}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1981.4}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 107.85}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.753}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88.346}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111700}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61309}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.066}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 659.25}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1789.6}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13362}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 64.453}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1959600}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8672}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18660}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7569.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 371.24}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.201}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 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"agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", 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"amount": 51.718}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 86.132}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120.55}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0056025}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2674.4}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.53627}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.763}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7675}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.23443}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62481}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 229.8}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16711}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1543}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1223.9}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1225}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18324}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3702.4}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2859.9}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10354}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 838.98}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 839.31}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 518980}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2138.6}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": 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"Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2186.1}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 516680}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7900.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13533}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3671.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3675}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 433890}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 225.66}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6722.1}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 385}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 115.18}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.847}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 35845}, {"name": "Siduron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3506.9}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 318.81}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33432}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37102}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64355}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 64380}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 666940}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 333470}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + 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"amount": 18927}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 426440}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 213220}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18694}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43588}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1782.9}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6455.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 385460}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27237}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28227}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024537}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 486.61}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6592}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6734}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2263}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1641.4}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.11}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54.245}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2585}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6099.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2025}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4959.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067282}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012096}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 134.85}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.25304}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 867.85}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 510.94}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 688260000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 831270}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 63.058}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4769}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 337.41}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1132.4}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5429.1}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 531.29}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 801.31}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.977}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 193.7}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.21117}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3022.8}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106500}]}, {"unit": "MJ, net calorific value", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "energy resources: non-renewable no LT", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): fossil fuels no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.41}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18.01}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43.4}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9.76}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}]}, {"unit": "kg P-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "eutrophication: freshwater no LT", "fraction of nutrients reaching freshwater end compartment (P) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.32}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "eutrophication: marine no LT", "fraction of nutrients reaching marine end compartment (N) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.596}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.389}]}, {"unit": "mol N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "eutrophication: terrestrial no LT", "accumulated exceedance (AE) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.532}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.26}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, inorganics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, metals no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, organics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1652e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.961e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0765e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2675e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5974e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5687e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2106e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6204e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7503e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9312e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1001e-07}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2081e-06}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3303e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1734e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2099e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.5387e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6728e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9773e-08}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012953}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00013055}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0001235}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1282e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5583e-05}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.1217e-13}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2906e-12}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4198e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1856e-07}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5761e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0766e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2432e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6837e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7872e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4244e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5232e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4616e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1403e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.7051e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9051e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7859e-10}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1857e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2368e-08}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3487e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3917e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3512e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017441}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017185}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053691}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002686}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9509e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0149e-06}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0201e-07}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7654e-08}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5896e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7588e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12501}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43191}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.21659}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0011404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014673}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7297e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.14e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2552e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.1284e-10}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-08}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0356e-05}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9711e-06}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6585e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.579e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2724e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5102e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2153e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5307e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3016e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.6759e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1269e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4478e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.332e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3541e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3879e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7434e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3263e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011297}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0056609}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.799e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7909e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2525e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7547e-07}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.659e-06}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4225e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9325e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8039e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5641e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1969e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1412e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.1412e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.6691e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.188e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5205e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur 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"Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6694e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.361e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8968e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9108e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.5963e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.6695e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8451e-07}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9073e-06}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6096e-07}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.8265e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7089e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00019694}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.9195e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2259e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4308e-06}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1223e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0292e-09}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, inorganics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2099e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.5387e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012953}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00013055}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0001235}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1282e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5583e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3487e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3917e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2525e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7547e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2516e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.587e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4263e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7065e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9249e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2373e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6189e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, metals no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium 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["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6837e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7872e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4244e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5232e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4616e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1403e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.7051e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9051e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7859e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017441}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017185}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053691}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, 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"Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12501}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43191}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.21659}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0011404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014673}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7297e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011297}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0056609}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.799e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7909e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1969e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1412e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.1412e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.6691e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.188e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5205e-10}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6694e-05}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2675e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5974e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5687e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2106e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6204e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7503e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9312e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1001e-07}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2081e-06}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3303e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1734e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6728e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9773e-08}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1857e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2368e-08}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3512e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.14e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2552e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.1284e-10}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-08}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0356e-05}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9711e-06}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6585e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.579e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2724e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5102e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2153e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5307e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3016e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.6759e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1269e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.659e-06}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4225e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9325e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8039e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5641e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1571e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4365e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0274e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8996e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0394e-05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8358e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2539e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3769e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.729e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5576e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.361e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8968e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9108e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.5963e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.6695e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8451e-07}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9073e-06}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6096e-07}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "kBq U235-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "ionising radiation: human health no LT", "human exposure efficiency relative to u235 no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0186}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.29e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.71e-06}]}, {"unit": "dimensionless", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "land use no LT", "soil quality index no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 39.581}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 36.405}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 51.699}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 105.24}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 18.128}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 33.964}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.459}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.488}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 21.463}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.218}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 139.1}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 38.973}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 58.117}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 17.602}, {"name": "Occupation, snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.81}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 121.55}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 161.52}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 69.262}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 28.288}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 165.22}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 116.16}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.764}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.72}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, from industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, from snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4937}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, to industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, to snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4937}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}]}, {"unit": "kg Sb-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "material resources: metals/minerals no LT", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): elements (ultimate reserves) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.545212805030338e-05}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00297}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0411}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0004841517197042984}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00427}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.343572902983674e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000673718497616036}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.544113975666994e-12}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.66249274670687e-10}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52e-07}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.594003392114496e-05}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.308918482603777e-10}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.471605694701393e-05}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.823075919490471e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0922}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.93e-05}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000103180813387238}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.194}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.5e-08}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.646069875295716e-05}, {"name": "Sodium nitrate", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.487682357320205e-08}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.358140883174752e-05}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.290510533131037e-07}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.07e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.289527155951242e-05}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.92505016360851e-10}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.43e-05}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00452}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0005695419030770708}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.7e-07}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.69e-07}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "ozone depletion no LT", "ozone depletion potential (ODP) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "disease incidence", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "particulate matter formation no LT", "impact on human health no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01757e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.94042e-07}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg NMVOC-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "photochemical oxidant formation: human health no LT", "tropospheric ozone concentration increase no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0422}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.296}]}, {"unit": "m3 world eq. deprived", "name": ["EF v3.0 no LT", "water use no LT", "user deprivation potential (deprivation-weighted water consumption) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42.95}]}, {"unit": "mol H+-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "acidification", "accumulated exceedance (AE)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13467}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04821}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.23}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "climate change: biogenic", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "climate change: fossil", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6590}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 938}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 167}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9620}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2350}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 96}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8520}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3690}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7150}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2110}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 179}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 817}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2020}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13900}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 712}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17900}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26100}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.23}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "climate change: land use and land use change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.8}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.0", "ecotoxicity: freshwater", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.985}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.039}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17.332}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4646.7}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6713}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.77627}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.77808}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.01538}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 30.733}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025056}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031356}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0409e-05}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 112.29}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012122}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7538.2}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68612}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 736.95}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.93}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11624}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48100}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2717}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2777}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.157}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 912.29}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1368}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 500.56}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.457}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.639}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.072}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1845.1}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4860.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8802.3}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6887.1}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2139.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.503}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 325900}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 599.66}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8788}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6517}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7669.3}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 194540}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9541}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1999.7}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.64}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58369000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 189000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 189000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 188000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 187000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 276000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 409000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.43e-15}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 409000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 204500}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 883.04}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1246.7}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.283}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2245}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 487460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 43.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 43.1}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 43.05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 61.9}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.22e-19}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 557}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 556}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 803}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4030}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.27e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4030}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2015}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 557}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 556}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 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"Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1090}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3140}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.34e-16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3140}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1570}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76094}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4382.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395.82}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 894.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 839.26}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 171240}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27977}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28141}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8173300}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 35.132}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 527}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 525}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 760}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.55e-19}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 690}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 814760000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 229740000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2192.2}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5722}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.705}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23961}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23965}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025738}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.242}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.912}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.934}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1305.4}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 204.3}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73.451}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 369.26}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.63}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 199.08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80900}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80900}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 80800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 80700}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 116000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 229000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.39e-15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 229000}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 114500}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3800}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.38e-15}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3800}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1900}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35.495}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35.495}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.247}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.998}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 47.27}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 47.271}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 47.271}, {"name": "Calcium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 47.27}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 218.37}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.00649e-45}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 218.37}, {"name": "Calcium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.18}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3143400}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1158.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23347}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51145}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56094}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2518800}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1705.9}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 970.45}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5964.1}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16856}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59379}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66.766}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 349.64}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 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["water"], "amount": 33.571}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54902}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 794680}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196830000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 365}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 364.5}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 364}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium 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"amount": 524}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1040}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.82e-18}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1040}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 520}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1141}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9498}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9499}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 752.52}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4500}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4490}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4480}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6470}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6470}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6470}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6470}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.43e-16}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12300}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36500}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36500}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36400}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36300}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52400}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 52400}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 52400}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 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{"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1831.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017864}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010778}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4368.7}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13485}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.96}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50934000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88371}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1531.8}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28208000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246660}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3986800000}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 396.65}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112.74}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246470}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.48}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20349}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 691.93}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 458.02}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3233e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4759}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79258}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95236}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39861}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40242}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1234700}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1867800}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 77330000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2138.6}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.75}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.079}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41.875}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660.23}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.723}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15766000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2241.9}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 513.86}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27842}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98085}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11313}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 121.22}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 617.76}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1129700}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1864.5}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 248.51}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 25.382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3140.2}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.445}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61.443}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 890.24}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.044}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1361.3}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.4334}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.121}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62713000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73646}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 378860}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20475}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 632570}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220280}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 266380}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 985260}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1468900}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2181.7}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.625}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21877}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3010900}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5426}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 615.98}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.51}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31875}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2216.3}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 380060}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.348}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9455.9}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.203}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 955.28}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1852}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.14}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11319}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6762.8}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 168290}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121030}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 178.51}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1337.9}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2125.4}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4488}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 42.924}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010218}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1020.7}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7308.6}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 542.27}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20956}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020227}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.53}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0014233}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149.48}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 101.84}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29553}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11097}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21.086}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29.36}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44670}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 127290}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480290}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0267}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 187.68}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 50.7}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 50.7}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 50.6}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 50.5}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 73.2}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 134}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.44e-18}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 134}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 67}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 401.31}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 516.89}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2012700000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1117.3}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.2}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.2}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 68.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 68.9}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 34.45}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.065}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 33.303}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 153.81}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.28295}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28582}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2957e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.58961}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 246.66}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084900}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 63.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 63.5}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 63.35}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 63.2}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 91.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.36e-18}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 82}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.36e-18}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 82}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1065}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1560}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2210}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.54e-18}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2210}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1105}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196520}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1281.6}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.831}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3241.7}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9582}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 413980}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 110530}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13.777}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1981.4}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 107.85}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.753}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88.346}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111700}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61309}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.95}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.59e-21}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.95}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.475}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.066}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 659.25}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10700}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10700}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10650}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 29800}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.91e-16}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 29800}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14900}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1789.6}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.80887}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.84397}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.86731}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13362}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 64.453}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1959600}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8672}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 180.7}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 182.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5871}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6107}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3621}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.038283}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039273}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040152}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0177}, {"name": "Phosphorus oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.882}, {"name": "Phosphorus pentachloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6827.4}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35497}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35532}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.486}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18660}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7569.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 371.24}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.201}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 653130}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.568}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 481.28}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50121}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 422580}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.24}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 574.61}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22357}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0402}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0618}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9044}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12579}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 230.06}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032675}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036475}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 687.99}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43518}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43825}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060614}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2417}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.369}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1146.4}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00064861}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00085836}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9302e-05}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.402}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124.24}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3067.1}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 821.48}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 828.44}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 148630}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.931}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 105.87}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110.4}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012978}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 452.5}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 308.16}, 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"Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46196}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2713.2}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5387.7}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18927}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18927}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 426440}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 213220}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18694}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43588}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1782.9}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6455.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 385460}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 109.68}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 272.84}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12129}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635.73}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3992.7}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 394.16}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 394.39}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 385290}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 118.5}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 118}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.75e-19}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88373}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.90049}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27237}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28227}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024537}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 486.61}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6592}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6734}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2263}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1641.4}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.11}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54.245}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2585}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6099.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2025}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4959.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067282}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012096}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 134.85}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41978}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.42062}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024456}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6657}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.25304}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 867.85}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 510.94}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 688260000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 831270}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 63.058}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4584}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.367}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.644}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1739e-20}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.263}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4769}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 403.5}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 403}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 337.41}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 504.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 503}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1330}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.05e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1330}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 665}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1132.4}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5429.1}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6592}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0118}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 531.29}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 801.31}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.977}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 193.7}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.21117}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3022.8}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106500}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.0", "ecotoxicity: freshwater, inorganics", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.64}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 883.04}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1246.7}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 52.283}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 558}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 557}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 556}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.08}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 76094}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5722}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.705}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23961}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23965}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025738}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.242}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 78.497}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.912}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.934}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1305.4}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56094}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5964.1}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.151}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.309}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0375e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33.571}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.92045}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 899.52}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 900.18}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5426}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.203}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 101.84}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29553}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21.086}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 150.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 29.36}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44670}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 187.68}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.80887}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.84397}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.86731}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 180.7}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 182.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5871}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6107}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3621}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.038283}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039273}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040152}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0177}, {"name": "Phosphorus oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.882}, {"name": "Phosphorus pentachloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6827.4}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35497}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35532}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.486}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0402}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0618}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.10719}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068067}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1903}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2136}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.867e-22}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6306}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56.438}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 57.098}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 191.8}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 191.9}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.648}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33.102}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0746}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2721}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.082379}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.082442}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 261.76}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 262.04}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2066.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2125.6}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2417.9}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6585.4}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41978}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.42062}, {"name": 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"amount": 1765}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 119}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 118.5}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 118}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 171}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.75e-19}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88373}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.90049}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.367}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.644}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1739e-20}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.263}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 404}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 403.5}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 403}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 581}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 506}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 504.5}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 503}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 730}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1330}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.05e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1330}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 665}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6592}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0118}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.0", "ecotoxicity: freshwater, organics", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.985}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.039}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17.332}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4646.7}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6713}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.77627}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.77808}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.01538}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 30.733}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025056}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031356}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0409e-05}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 112.29}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012122}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7538.2}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68612}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 736.95}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.93}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11624}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48100}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2717}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2777}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.157}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 912.29}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1368}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 500.56}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.457}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.639}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.072}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1845.1}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4860.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8802.3}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6887.1}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2139.3}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 96.503}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 325900}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 599.66}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8788}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6517}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7669.3}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 194540}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9541}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1999.7}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58369000}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2245}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 487460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14855}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 424730}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 407.79}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230020}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1695600}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.432}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12815}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5130.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5171.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 228780}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4382.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395.82}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 894.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 839.26}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 171240}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27977}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28141}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8173300}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 35.132}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 814760000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 229740000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2192.2}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 204.3}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73.451}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 369.26}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 161.63}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 199.08}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3143400}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1158.7}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23347}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51145}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2518800}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1705.9}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 970.45}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16856}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59379}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 66.766}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 349.64}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088958}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 32.609}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54902}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 794680}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196830000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1141}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9498}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9499}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 752.52}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 867.85}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1864.5}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 510.94}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31472}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35217}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024506}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1219.5}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420.26}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5878.5}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1831.5}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017864}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010778}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4368.7}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13485}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.96}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50934000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88371}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1531.8}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28208000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246660}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3986800000}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 396.65}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112.74}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246470}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.48}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20349}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 691.93}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 458.02}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3233e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4759}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79258}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95236}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39861}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40242}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1234700}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1867800}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 77330000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2138.6}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.75}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14.079}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41.875}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 660.23}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.723}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15766000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2241.9}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 513.86}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27842}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 98085}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11313}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 121.22}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3109.5}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 617.76}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1129700}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1864.5}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 248.51}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 25.382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3140.2}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.445}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61.443}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 890.24}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.044}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1361.3}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.4334}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 40.121}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62713000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 73646}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 378860}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20475}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 632570}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220280}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 266380}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 985260}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1468900}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2181.7}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.625}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21877}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3010900}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 615.98}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.51}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31875}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2216.3}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 380060}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.348}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9455.9}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 955.28}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1852}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.14}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11319}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6762.8}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 168290}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121030}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 178.51}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1337.9}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2125.4}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4488}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 42.924}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010218}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1020.7}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7308.6}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 542.27}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20956}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020227}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.53}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0014233}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 74865}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37438}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 149.48}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11097}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 127290}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 480290}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0267}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 664310}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 332160}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 401.31}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 516.89}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2012700000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1117.3}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 246.66}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084900}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196520}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1281.6}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.831}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3241.7}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9582}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 413980}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 110530}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13.777}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1981.4}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 107.85}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.753}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 88.346}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111700}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61309}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.066}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 659.25}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1789.6}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13362}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 400.44}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 119590}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 64.453}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1959600}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8672}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18660}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7569.5}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 371.24}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.201}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 653130}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.568}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 481.28}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50121}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 422580}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.24}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 574.61}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22357}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1010.1}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9044}, {"name": 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"Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120.55}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0056025}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2674.4}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.53627}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.763}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7675}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.23443}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62481}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 229.8}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16711}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1543}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1223.9}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1225}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18324}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", 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["water", "ground-"], "amount": 516680}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7900.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13533}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3671.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3675}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 433890}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 225.66}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6722.1}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 385}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2968.3}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5374.9}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", 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"amount": 6.0726}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2701}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4675}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0006804}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.339}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1534.3}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3048.5}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.662}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": 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"Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12129}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635.73}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3992.7}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 394.16}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 394.39}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 385290}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27237}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28227}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024537}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 486.61}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6592}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6734}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2263}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1641.4}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.11}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54.245}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2585}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6099.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2025}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4959.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3315.6}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067282}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012096}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 134.85}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.25304}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 867.85}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 510.94}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100920}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50458}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 688260000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 831270}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 63.058}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4769}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 337.41}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1132.4}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5429.1}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 510.15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 531.29}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 801.31}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 21.977}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 193.7}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.21117}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3022.8}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106500}]}, {"unit": "MJ, net calorific value", "name": ["EF v3.0", "energy resources: non-renewable", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): fossil fuels"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.41}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18.01}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43.4}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9.76}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}]}, {"unit": "kg P-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "eutrophication: freshwater", "fraction of nutrients reaching freshwater end compartment (P)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.32}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "eutrophication: marine", "fraction of nutrients reaching marine end compartment (N)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.596}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.389}]}, {"unit": "mol N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "eutrophication: terrestrial", "accumulated exceedance (AE)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.532}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.26}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0", "human toxicity: carcinogenic", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, inorganics", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, metals", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, organics", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1652e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.961e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0765e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2675e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5974e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5687e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2106e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6204e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7503e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9312e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1001e-07}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2081e-06}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3303e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1734e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2099e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.5387e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6728e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9773e-08}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012953}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00013055}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0001235}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1282e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5583e-05}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.1217e-13}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2906e-12}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4198e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1856e-07}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5761e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0766e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2432e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6837e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7872e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4244e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5232e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4616e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1403e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.7051e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9051e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7859e-10}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1857e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2368e-08}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3487e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3917e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3512e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017441}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017185}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053691}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002686}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9509e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0149e-06}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0201e-07}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7654e-08}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5896e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7588e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12501}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43191}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.21659}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0011404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014673}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7297e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.14e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2552e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.1284e-10}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-08}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0356e-05}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9711e-06}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6585e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.579e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2724e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5102e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2153e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5307e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3016e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.6759e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1269e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4478e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.332e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3541e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3879e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7434e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3263e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011297}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0056609}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.799e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7909e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2525e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7547e-07}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.659e-06}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4225e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9325e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8039e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5641e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1969e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1412e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.1412e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.6691e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.188e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5205e-10}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2516e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.587e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4263e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7065e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9249e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2373e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6189e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1571e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4365e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0274e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8996e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0394e-05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8358e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2539e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3769e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.729e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5576e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6694e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.361e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8968e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9108e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.5963e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.6695e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8451e-07}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9073e-06}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6096e-07}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.8265e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7089e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00019694}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.9195e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2259e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4308e-06}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1223e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0292e-09}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, inorganics", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.076e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0795e-06}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0831e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2099e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.2153e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.5387e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9008e-11}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6772e-08}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012852}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012953}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00013055}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0001235}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1282e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9884e-05}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5583e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2263e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3487e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3917e-07}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3684e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2525e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7547e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2516e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.587e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4263e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7065e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9249e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2373e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6189e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.0", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, metals", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, 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"amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002686}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9509e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0149e-06}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0201e-07}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7654e-08}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5896e-08}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7588e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to 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["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4478e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.332e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3541e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3879e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7434e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3263e-08}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, 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1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.188e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0822e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5205e-10}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6694e-05}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.8265e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7089e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00019694}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.9195e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2259e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4308e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", 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"1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from 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"categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3303e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1734e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6728e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9773e-08}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8389e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.261e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1857e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2368e-08}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5411e-06}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3512e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2076e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6882e-05}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.14e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2552e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.1284e-10}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-08}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0356e-05}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9711e-06}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6585e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.579e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2724e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5102e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2153e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5307e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3016e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.6759e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1269e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7979e-06}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0816e-06}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.659e-06}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4225e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9325e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8039e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5641e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1571e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4365e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0274e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8996e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0394e-05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8358e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2539e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3769e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.729e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5576e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.361e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8968e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9108e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.5963e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.6695e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8451e-07}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9073e-06}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6096e-07}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7828e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1591e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4424e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2255e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6306e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0634e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "kBq U235-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "ionising radiation: human health", "human exposure efficiency relative to u235"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0186}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.29e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.71e-06}]}, {"unit": "dimensionless", "name": ["EF v3.0", "land use", "soil quality index"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 39.581}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 36.405}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 51.699}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 105.24}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 18.128}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 33.964}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.459}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.488}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 21.463}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.218}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 139.1}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 38.973}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 58.117}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 17.602}, {"name": "Occupation, snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.81}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 121.55}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 161.52}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 69.262}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 28.288}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 165.22}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 116.16}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.764}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.72}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, from industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, from snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4937}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, to industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, to snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4937}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}]}, {"unit": "kg Sb-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "material resources: metals/minerals", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): elements (ultimate reserves)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.545212805030338e-05}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00297}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0411}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0004841517197042984}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00427}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.343572902983674e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000673718497616036}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.544113975666994e-12}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.66249274670687e-10}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52e-07}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.594003392114496e-05}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.308918482603777e-10}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.471605694701393e-05}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.823075919490471e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0922}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.93e-05}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000103180813387238}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.194}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.5e-08}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.646069875295716e-05}, {"name": "Sodium nitrate", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.487682357320205e-08}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.358140883174752e-05}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.290510533131037e-07}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.07e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.289527155951242e-05}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.92505016360851e-10}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.43e-05}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00452}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0005695419030770708}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.7e-07}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.69e-07}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "ozone depletion", "ozone depletion potential (ODP)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "disease incidence", "name": ["EF v3.0", "particulate matter formation", "impact on human health"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01757e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.94042e-07}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg NMVOC-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.0", "photochemical oxidant formation: human health", "tropospheric ozone concentration increase"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0422}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.296}]}, {"unit": "m3 world eq. deprived", "name": ["EF v3.0", "water use", "user deprivation potential (deprivation-weighted water consumption)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42.95}]}, {"unit": "mol H+-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "acidification no LT", "accumulated exceedance (AE) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13467}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04821}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "climate change: biogenic no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "climate change: fossil no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "climate change: land use and land use change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "ecotoxicity: freshwater no LT", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.985}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.039}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17.332}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3426}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.77627}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.77808}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.01538}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025056}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031356}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0409e-05}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012122}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7538.2}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 736.95}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.93}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23240}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48100}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2717}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2777}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1001.1}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 315487.19221037}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 554148.578559852}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 389000}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 105.28}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 116730000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2014.102352871623}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2014.102352871623}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2002.745979017675}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1991.389605163728}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.524933039988502e-17}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1766.1}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 104.57}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3936.160566162338}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3932.23811982149}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11236.40165143179}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.513617476334719e-17}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11236.40165143179}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11236.40165143179}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1196.477112278738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1194.241192336702}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.674241505374748e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1196.477112278738}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1194.241192336702}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14855}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 407.79}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230020}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1695600}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.432}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12815}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5130.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5171.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1285.034232822078}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1283.954063979948}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.099193197912493e-15}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 152190}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8762.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 341750}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55563}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 618.9529355888297}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 617.3705322217661}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.526234802747784e-19}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4384.3}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5722}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.705}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3385}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4803}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019135}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23961}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23965}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025738}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.912}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.934}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 408.5}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 238177.2238474309}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 237902.7122128598}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.053900825124722e-15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.47862628024277e-15}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3453e-19}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55559.1411080776}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 70300.9604413129}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088958}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.151}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.309}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0375e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54902}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4288.011146842272}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4283.965696060551}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6164.338557818712}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6164.338557818713}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.208875862910647e-21}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4288.011146842272}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4283.965696060551}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6164.338557818712}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6164.338557818713}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.489493252663161e-17}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1141}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9498}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9499}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2014.507718479836}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2010.987520873756}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.400122046360835e-17}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.07059388633769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.07059388633769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.0387771287493}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.00696037116091}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.332001250025555e-21}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.92045}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114788.39744717}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 157664.999993603}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 31352.2268706266}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31472}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35217}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024506}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420.26}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5878.5}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 899.52}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 900.18}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017864}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010778}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4368.7}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13485}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.96}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3063.7}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28208000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246660}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3986800000}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 396.65}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112.74}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246470}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.48}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20349}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1383.9}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0036901}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036787}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3233e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79258}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95236}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39861}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40242}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1867800}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 83.707}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.193}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4483.1}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196170}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22624}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 242.45}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1233.9}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 157664.999993603}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1505}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20475}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220280}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 266380}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 985260}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1468900}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2181.7}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.625}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21877}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from 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"amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 955.28}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1852}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.14}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11319}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6762.8}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121030}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 178.51}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1337.9}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 64.3102104356947}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2041.4}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020227}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.53}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 25.8706937761006}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 101.84}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21.086}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2276.4422267126}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 795.7333426635905}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 793.8224567056676}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.574304470573605e-18}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2234.5}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.80611908286212}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.70215524027599}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.886357418817773e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.065}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 33.303}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 153.81}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.28295}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28582}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2957e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 493.32}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.94318085460731}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.88727144657841}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.286159524120895e-19}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.286159524120895e-19}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16073.77403206885}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16073.77403206885}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15972.69526442819}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15871.61649678753}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.31875727413759e-17}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393040}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3442680085561654}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3439346651696575}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.197321478927571e-21}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1318.5}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9671.490845144066}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9658.017917373805}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.452235344870308e-16}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.80887}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.84397}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.86731}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 128.91}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3919100}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 180.7}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 182.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5871}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6107}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.724}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.038283}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039273}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040152}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 63.728}, {"name": "Phosphorus pentachloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13653}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35497}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35532}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.943}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 653130}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.568}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 481.28}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50121}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 422580}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.24}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 574.61}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44637}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0402}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0618}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9044}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12579}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032675}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036475}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 687.99}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43518}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43825}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060614}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.369}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1146.4}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00064861}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00085836}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9302e-05}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124.24}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3067.1}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 821.48}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 828.44}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.931}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 105.87}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110.4}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012978}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 308.16}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 51.718}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 51.718}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 86.132}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120.55}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0056025}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.53627}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.763}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7675}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.23443}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62481}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 229.8}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16711}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1543}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1223.9}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1225}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3702.4}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2859.9}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10354}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 838.98}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 839.31}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1491.2}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9749.7}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2060600}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6444.8}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 286.6}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 286.6}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.42523}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5604.7}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 368.97}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100180}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250620}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1025.5}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1037.7}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 30124000}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 30124000}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17573000}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Quinclorac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1667.1}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 222.08}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1726.2}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4704.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2186.1}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 516680}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7900.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13533}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3671.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3675}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 225.66}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6722.1}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 385}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2968.3}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5374.9}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6935.5}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6935.5}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 381030}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 381030}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 381030}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 884}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 142.95}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54416}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.20033943698409}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.20033943698409}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30.16996657803469}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30.13959371908529}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.042628203989072e-19}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 115.18}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.847}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 35845}, {"name": "Siduron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3506.9}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.17374}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.17374}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.20893}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24411}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1768e-06}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.10719}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068067}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 318.81}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 64156.89851832929}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64156.89851832929}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 64053.54859244861}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": 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"Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 64380}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 666940}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 666940}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1903}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2136}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.867e-22}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0726}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0726}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2701}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4675}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0006804}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56.438}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 57.098}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 191.8}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 191.9}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.648}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33.102}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower 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troposphere"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2066.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2125.6}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2417.9}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1666.5}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5777.7}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2313}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2381.9}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301390}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", 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["air"], "amount": 2920300}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2288900}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2288900}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 53839000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25277}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65748}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.131}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 111.36}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], 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["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2074.525969461307}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2074.525969461307}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2074.525969461307}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.117103489229396e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 652.71}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1238}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1030.6}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1074.9}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 92391}, {"name": 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"Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6455.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 109.68}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 272.84}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635.73}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3992.7}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 394.16}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 394.39}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 204.5593640711217}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 204.5593640711217}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 203.8836811879324}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 203.2079983047431}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], 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{"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", 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"categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 101.88}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114788.39744717}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 31352.2268706266}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4584}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.367}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.644}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1739e-20}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1710.725551638173}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1708.278576231147}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 630.046518675329}, {"name": "Zinc 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"agricultural"], "amount": 1132.4}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5429.1}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6592}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0118}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl 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"Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 105.28}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2014.102352871623}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2014.102352871623}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2002.745979017675}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1991.389605163728}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.524933039988502e-17}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1766.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 104.57}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3936.160566162338}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3932.23811982149}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 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"urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1194.241192336702}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.674241505374748e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1196.477112278738}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1194.241192336702}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1285.034232822078}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1283.954063979948}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.099193197912493e-15}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 152190}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 618.9529355888297}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 617.3705322217661}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.526234802747784e-19}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 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"categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 238177.2238474309}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 237902.7122128598}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.053900825124722e-15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.47862628024277e-15}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3453e-19}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.151}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.309}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0375e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4288.011146842272}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4283.965696060551}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6164.338557818712}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6164.338557818713}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.208875862910647e-21}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4288.011146842272}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4283.965696060551}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6164.338557818712}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6164.338557818713}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.489493252663161e-17}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2014.507718479836}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2010.987520873756}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.400122046360835e-17}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.07059388633769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.07059388633769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.0387771287493}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.00696037116091}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.332001250025555e-21}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.92045}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 899.52}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 900.18}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower 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"Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 795.7333426635905}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 793.8224567056676}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.574304470573605e-18}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.80611908286212}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.70215524027599}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.886357418817773e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.065}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 33.303}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 153.81}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.28295}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28582}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2957e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.94318085460731}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.88727144657841}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.286159524120895e-19}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": 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"amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.31875727413759e-17}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3442680085561654}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3439346651696575}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.197321478927571e-21}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9671.490845144066}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9658.017917373805}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.452235344870308e-16}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.80887}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.84397}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.86731}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 180.7}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 182.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5871}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6107}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.724}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.038283}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039273}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040152}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 63.728}, {"name": "Phosphorus pentachloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13653}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35497}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35532}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.943}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0402}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0618}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.20033943698409}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.20033943698409}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30.16996657803469}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30.13959371908529}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.042628203989072e-19}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.17374}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.17374}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.20893}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24411}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1768e-06}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.10719}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068067}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 64156.89851832929}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64156.89851832929}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 64053.54859244861}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 63950.19866656793}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 177087.2896818751}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.906840719972556e-16}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 177087.2896818751}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 177087.2896818751}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1903}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2136}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.867e-22}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56.438}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 57.098}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 191.8}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 191.9}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.648}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33.102}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0746}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2721}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6323.852734658427}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6323.852734658427}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6317.818728103488}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6311.78472154855}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18073.40979134071}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.98284211011834e-16}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18073.40979134071}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18073.40979134071}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.082379}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.082442}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 261.76}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 262.04}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2066.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2125.6}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2417.9}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.131}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1443.813269434083}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1443.813269434083}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1442.57764721605}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1441.342024998017}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2074.525969461307}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2074.525969461307}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2074.525969461307}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2074.525969461307}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.117103489229396e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 204.5593640711217}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 204.5593640711217}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 203.8836811879324}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 203.2079983047431}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 513.1042026334452}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.470692433736435e-19}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 513.1042026334452}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 513.1042026334452}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88373}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.90049}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41978}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.42062}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024456}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4584}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.367}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.644}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1739e-20}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1710.725551638173}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1708.278576231147}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 630.046518675329}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 630.046518675329}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 628.4971011469244}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 626.9476836185197}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 909.1832123770035}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 909.1832123770034}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 909.1832123770034}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 909.1832123770035}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1659.512213981416}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.305118122386737e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1659.512213981416}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1659.512213981416}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6592}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0118}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "ecotoxicity: freshwater, organics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.985}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.039}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17.332}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3426}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.77627}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.77808}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.01538}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025056}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031356}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0409e-05}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012122}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7538.2}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D 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{"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1001.1}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 315487.19221037}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 554148.578559852}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 389000}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 116730000}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14855}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 407.79}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230020}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1695600}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.432}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12815}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5130.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5171.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8762.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 341750}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55563}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4384.3}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 408.5}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55559.1411080776}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 70300.9604413129}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088958}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54902}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1141}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9498}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9499}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114788.39744717}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 157664.999993603}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 31352.2268706266}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27728}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31472}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35217}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024506}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420.26}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5878.5}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017864}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010778}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4368.7}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13485}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.96}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3063.7}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28208000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246660}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3986800000}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 396.65}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112.74}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246470}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.48}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20349}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1383.9}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0036901}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036787}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3233e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79258}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95236}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39861}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40242}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1867800}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 83.707}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.193}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4483.1}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196170}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22624}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 242.45}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1233.9}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 157664.999993603}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1505}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20475}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220280}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 266380}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 985260}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1468900}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2181.7}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.625}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21877}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 615.98}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.51}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31875}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2216.3}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 380060}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.348}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9455.9}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 955.28}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1852}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.14}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11319}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6762.8}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121030}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 178.51}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1337.9}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 64.3102104356947}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2041.4}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020227}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.53}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 25.8706937761006}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2276.4422267126}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2234.5}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 493.32}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393040}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1318.5}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 128.91}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3919100}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 653130}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.568}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 481.28}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50121}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 422580}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.24}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 574.61}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44637}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9044}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12579}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032675}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 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"amount": 1223.9}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1225}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3702.4}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2859.9}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10354}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 838.98}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 839.31}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", 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42.676}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1534.3}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3048.5}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.662}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22706}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26419}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.017008}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5831.4}, 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["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2584100}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2920300}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2288900}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2288900}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 53839000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25277}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65748}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 111.36}, {"name": "Terbacil", 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"agricultural"], "amount": 6099.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2025}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4959.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067282}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012096}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 101.88}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114788.39744717}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 31352.2268706266}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1132.4}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5429.1}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 193.7}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.21117}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106500}]}, {"unit": "MJ, net calorific value", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "energy resources: non-renewable no LT", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): fossil fuels no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.41}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18.01}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43.4}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9.76}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}]}, {"unit": "kg P-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "eutrophication: freshwater no LT", "fraction of nutrients reaching freshwater end compartment (P) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.32}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "eutrophication: marine no LT", "fraction of nutrients reaching marine end compartment (N) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.596}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.389}]}, {"unit": "mol N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "eutrophication: terrestrial no LT", "accumulated exceedance (AE) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.532}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.26}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1867e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, inorganics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, organics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1867e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1652e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.961e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0765e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2675e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5974e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5687e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2106e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6204e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7503e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9312e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1001e-07}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2081e-06}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.80160167313958e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000472506721099211}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.50356882299721e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53019085248595e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.1217e-13}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2906e-12}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4198e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1856e-07}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5761e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0766e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2432e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6837e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7872e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4244e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5232e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4616e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1403e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.7051e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9051e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7859e-10}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3238e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.1964e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.18650289222135e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.59587362857198e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57199659305063e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017441}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017185}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053691}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002686}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9509e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0149e-06}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0201e-07}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7654e-08}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5896e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7588e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12501}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43191}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.21659}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0011404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014673}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7297e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, 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3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface 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"categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4478e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.332e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3541e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3879e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7434e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3263e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011297}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0056609}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.799e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7909e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2516e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.587e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4263e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7065e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9249e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2373e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6189e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1571e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4365e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0274e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8996e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0394e-05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8358e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2539e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3769e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.729e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5576e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface 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{"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.8265e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7089e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00019694}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.9195e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2259e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4308e-06}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1223e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0292e-09}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, inorganics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.1217e-13}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2906e-12}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4198e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1856e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5761e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0766e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2432e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6837e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7872e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4244e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5232e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4616e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1403e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.7051e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9051e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7859e-10}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017441}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017185}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053691}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002686}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9509e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0149e-06}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0201e-07}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7654e-08}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5896e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7588e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12501}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43191}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.21659}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0011404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014673}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7297e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4478e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.332e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3541e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3879e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7434e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3263e-08}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011297}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0056609}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.799e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7909e-05}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2525e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7547e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2516e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.587e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4263e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7065e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9249e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2373e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6189e-09}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6694e-05}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.8265e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7089e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00019694}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.9195e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2259e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4308e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1223e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0292e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, organics no LT", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1652e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.961e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0765e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2675e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5974e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5687e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2106e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6204e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7503e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9312e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1001e-07}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2081e-06}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.80160167313958e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000472506721099211}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.50356882299721e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53019085248595e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3238e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.1964e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.18650289222135e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.59587362857198e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57199659305063e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.14e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2552e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.1284e-10}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-08}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0356e-05}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9711e-06}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6585e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.579e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2724e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5102e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2153e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5307e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3016e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.6759e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1269e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.659e-06}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4225e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9325e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8039e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5641e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1571e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4365e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0274e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8996e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0394e-05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8358e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2539e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3769e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.729e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5576e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.361e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8968e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9108e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.5963e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.6695e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8451e-07}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9073e-06}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6096e-07}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "kBq U235-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "ionising radiation: human health no LT", "human exposure efficiency relative to u235 no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0186}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.29e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.71e-06}]}, {"unit": "dimensionless", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "land use no LT", "soil quality index no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 39.581}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 36.405}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 51.699}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 105.24}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 18.128}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 33.964}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.459}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.488}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 21.463}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.218}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 139.1}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 38.973}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 58.117}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 17.602}, {"name": "Occupation, snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.81}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 121.55}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 161.52}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 69.262}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 28.288}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 165.22}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 116.16}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.764}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.72}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, from industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, from snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4937}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, to industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, to snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4937}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}]}, {"unit": "kg Sb-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "material resources: metals/minerals no LT", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): elements (ultimate reserves) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.545212805030338e-05}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00297}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0411}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0004841517197042984}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00427}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.343572902983674e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000673718497616036}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.544113975666994e-12}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.66249274670687e-10}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52e-07}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.594003392114496e-05}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.308918482603777e-10}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.471605694701393e-05}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.823075919490471e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0922}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.93e-05}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000103180813387238}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.194}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.5e-08}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.646069875295716e-05}, {"name": "Sodium nitrate", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.487682357320205e-08}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.358140883174752e-05}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.290510533131037e-07}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.07e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.289527155951242e-05}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.92505016360851e-10}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.43e-05}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00452}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0005695419030770708}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.7e-07}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.69e-07}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "ozone depletion no LT", "ozone depletion potential (ODP) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "disease incidence", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "particulate matter formation no LT", "impact on human health no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01757e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.94042e-07}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg NMVOC-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "photochemical oxidant formation: human health no LT", "tropospheric ozone concentration increase no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0422}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.296}]}, {"unit": "m3 world eq. deprived", "name": ["EF v3.1 no LT", "water use no LT", "user deprivation potential (deprivation-weighted water consumption) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42.95}]}, {"unit": "mol H+-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "acidification", "accumulated exceedance (AE)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13467}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04821}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04821}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "climate change: biogenic", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "climate change: fossil", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "climate change: land use and land use change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.1", "ecotoxicity: freshwater", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.93}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.985}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.039}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 17.332}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9276}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3426}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.77446}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.77627}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.77808}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.01538}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 61.45}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018756}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025056}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031356}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0409e-05}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 224.58}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012122}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7538.2}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10976}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 137220}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 736.95}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.93}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23240}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48100}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2717}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2777}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1001.1}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 315487.19221037}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 554148.578559852}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 389000}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 105.28}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 116730000}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2014.102352871623}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2014.102352871623}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2002.745979017675}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1991.389605163728}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2935.196064320285}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.524933039988502e-17}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4351.936148782046}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1766.1}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 104.57}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3936.160566162338}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3932.23811982149}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11236.40165143179}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.513617476334719e-17}, {"name": "Antimony 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4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.674241505374748e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1196.477112278738}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1194.241192336702}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14855}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 407.79}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230020}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1695600}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.432}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12815}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5130.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5171.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1285.034232822078}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1283.954063979948}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.099193197912493e-15}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 152190}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8762.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 341750}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55563}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 618.9529355888297}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 617.3705322217661}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.526234802747784e-19}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4384.3}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5722}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.705}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3385}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4803}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019135}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23961}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23965}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025738}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.912}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.934}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 408.5}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 238177.2238474309}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 237902.7122128598}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.053900825124722e-15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.47862628024277e-15}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3453e-19}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55559.1411080776}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 70300.9604413129}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088958}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower 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"forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4288.011146842272}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4283.965696060551}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6164.338557818712}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6164.338557818713}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 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"categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.489493252663161e-17}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1141}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9498}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9499}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2014.507718479836}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2010.987520873756}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt 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24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.332001250025555e-21}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.92045}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114788.39744717}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 157664.999993603}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 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5878.5}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 899.52}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 900.18}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to 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"categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 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"non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1383.9}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0036901}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036787}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene 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{"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 83.707}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.193}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4483.1}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196170}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22624}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 242.45}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1233.9}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 157664.999993603}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1505}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 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"Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 615.98}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.51}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31875}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2216.3}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 380060}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.348}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9455.9}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 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"categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 64.3102104356947}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2041.4}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air 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["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 101.84}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21.086}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2276.4422267126}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 795.7333426635905}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 793.8224567056676}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.574304470573605e-18}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2234.5}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.80611908286212}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.70215524027599}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.886357418817773e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.065}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 33.303}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 153.81}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.28295}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28582}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2957e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 493.32}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.94318085460731}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.88727144657841}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.286159524120895e-19}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.286159524120895e-19}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16073.77403206885}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16073.77403206885}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15972.69526442819}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15871.61649678753}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.31875727413759e-17}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393040}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3442680085561654}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3439346651696575}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.197321478927571e-21}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1318.5}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9671.490845144066}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9658.017917373805}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 13934.09356054746}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.452235344870308e-16}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27049.47608091963}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.80887}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.84397}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.86731}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 128.91}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3919100}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 179.34}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 180.7}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 182.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5634}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5871}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6107}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 10.724}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.037293}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.038283}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039273}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0043676}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040152}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0314}, {"name": "Phosphorus oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 63.728}, {"name": "Phosphorus pentachloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13653}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35462}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.35497}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.35532}, {"name": "Phosphorus trichloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.943}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 653130}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.568}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 481.28}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50121}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 422580}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.24}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 574.61}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44637}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0186}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0402}, {"name": "Potassium chloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0618}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9044}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12579}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032675}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036475}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 687.99}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43518}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43825}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060614}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.369}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1146.4}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00064861}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00085836}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9302e-05}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124.24}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3067.1}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 821.48}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 828.44}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.931}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 105.87}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110.4}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012978}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 308.16}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 51.718}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 51.718}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 86.132}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120.55}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0056025}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.53627}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.763}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7675}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.23443}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62481}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 229.8}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16711}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1543}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1223.9}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1225}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3702.4}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2859.9}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10354}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 838.98}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 839.31}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraclostrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1038000}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1491.2}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9749.7}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2060600}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6444.8}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 286.6}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 286.6}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.42523}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5604.7}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 368.97}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100180}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250620}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1025.5}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1037.7}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 30124000}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 30124000}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17573000}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Quinclorac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1667.1}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 222.08}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1726.2}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4704.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2186.1}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 516680}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7900.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13533}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3671.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3675}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 225.66}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6722.1}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 385}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2968.3}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5374.9}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6935.5}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6935.5}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 381030}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 381030}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 381030}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 884}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 142.95}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54416}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.20033943698409}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.20033943698409}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30.16996657803469}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30.13959371908529}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 43.33602618374838}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.042628203989072e-19}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 86.08008602421901}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 115.18}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.847}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 35845}, {"name": "Siduron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3506.9}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.17374}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.17374}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.20893}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24411}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0050755}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1768e-06}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6927}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.10719}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068067}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 318.81}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 64156.89851832929}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64156.89851832929}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 64053.54859244861}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 63950.19866656793}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 92141.3463001262}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 177087.2896818751}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.906840719972556e-16}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 177087.2896818751}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 177087.2896818751}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33432}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37102}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64355}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 64380}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 666940}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 666940}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.167}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1903}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2136}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.867e-22}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.261}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0726}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0726}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2701}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4675}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0006804}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55.779}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56.438}, {"name": "Sodium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 57.098}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 191.7}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 191.8}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 191.9}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30.195}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 31.648}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 33.102}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8771}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0746}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2721}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1534.3}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3048.5}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.662}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6323.852734658427}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6323.852734658427}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6317.818728103488}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6311.78472154855}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9088.908871018328}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18073.40979134071}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.98284211011834e-16}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18073.40979134071}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18073.40979134071}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22706}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26419}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.017008}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5831.4}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 420180}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18157}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38066}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 38066}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 159670}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 159670}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9943}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15325}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.082316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.082379}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.082442}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 261.48}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 261.76}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 262.04}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2006.8}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2066.2}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2125.6}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2417.9}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13171}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1666.5}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5777.7}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2313}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2381.9}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301390}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301390}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301390}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19787}, {"name": 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"categories": ["water"], "amount": 53839000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25277}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65748}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.131}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 111.36}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10489}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 402790}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81970}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4009}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1542}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1542}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1557}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1571}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1260.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.55345}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1260.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1260.2}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 326.57}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.117103489229396e-17}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4147.520198066774}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 652.71}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1238}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1030.6}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1074.9}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 92391}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 92391}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 109.68}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 272.84}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635.73}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3992.7}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 394.16}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 394.39}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 204.5593640711217}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 204.5593640711217}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 203.8836811879324}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 203.2079983047431}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 295.368440375196}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 513.1042026334452}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.470692433736435e-19}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 513.1042026334452}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 513.1042026334452}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.86698}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88373}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.90049}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.047}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27237}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28227}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024537}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6592}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6734}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2263}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.11}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54.245}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2585}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6099.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2025}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4959.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067282}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012096}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41894}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41978}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.42062}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024456}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15.307}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 101.88}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114788.39744717}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 31352.2268706266}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4584}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.089}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.367}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.644}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 17.432}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1739e-20}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 80.527}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1710.725551638173}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1708.278576231147}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 630.046518675329}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 630.046518675329}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 628.4971011469244}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 626.9476836185197}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 909.1832123770035}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 909.1832123770034}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 909.1832123770034}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 909.1832123770035}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1659.512213981416}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.305118122386737e-17}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1659.512213981416}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1659.512213981416}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1132.4}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5429.1}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3066}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6592}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0118}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 193.7}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.21117}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106500}]}, {"unit": "CTUe", "name": ["EF v3.1", "ecotoxicity: freshwater, inorganics", "comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 105.28}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2014.102352871623}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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["water"], "amount": 1766.1}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 116.25}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 134.42}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 152.59}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 30.109}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.066737}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2493.2}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7416}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4789}, {"name": "Ammonium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2161}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 104.57}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3940.083012503185}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3936.160566162338}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3932.23811982149}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5657.187703140008}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11236.40165143179}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.513617476334719e-17}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11236.40165143179}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11236.40165143179}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1196.477112278738}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1194.241192336702}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1725.896653140423}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.674241505374748e-17}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4740.144065793249}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1198.713032220774}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1196.477112278738}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1194.241192336702}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3567e-19}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 322.16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1286.114401664207}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1285.034232822078}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1283.954063979948}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1848.895316685864}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.099193197912493e-15}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3697.562482913057}, {"name": "Barium sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 152190}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 620.5353389558935}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 618.9529355888297}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 617.3705322217661}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 893.8117049484323}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 893.8117049484325}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.526234802747784e-19}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1626.068806336683}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4394}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5722}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.705}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1967}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3385}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4803}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.9884}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019135}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23.585}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23957}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23961}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23965}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.025738}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Boron carbide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.458}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9549e-11}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 156.99}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.891}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.912}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.934}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 199.75}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2386}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2607.6}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 238451.7354820019}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 238177.2238474309}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 237902.7122128598}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 342796.2330722301}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 342796.23307223}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.053900825124722e-15}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674494.7621301207}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.47862628024277e-15}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4470.250219771267}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2647}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.33004}, {"name": "Calcium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.39538}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022828}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022833}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022837}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7678.7}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7714.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7750.8}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 883.16}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 111310}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3453e-19}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chlorate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7248}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.1714}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.156e-09}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 121.33}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 121.34}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 121.35}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 181.44}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 10.652}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 11918}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.992}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.151}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.309}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0375e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 67.142}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4288.011146842272}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4283.965696060551}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6164.338557818712}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6164.338557818713}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.208875862910647e-21}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 952.2972968312423}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4292.056597623994}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4288.011146842272}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4283.965696060551}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6164.338557818712}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6164.338557818714}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6164.338557818713}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.489493252663161e-17}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12274.01347021746}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2018.027916085916}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2014.507718479836}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2010.987520873756}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2905.457742306401}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.400122046360835e-17}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5530.110188853351}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.07059388633769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.07059388633769}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.0387771287493}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.00696037116091}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 24.53395145313178}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.332001250025555e-21}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46.47592828149169}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.92045}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 898.87}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 899.52}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 900.18}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 353.9}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26453}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8366}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6115e-11}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0851}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2573}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.044974}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20.361}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 101.84}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 59003}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.687}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21.086}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.036}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 301.44}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3481}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34838}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34865}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6982}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.087}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4758}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4495e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 58.72}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14667}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15051}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15435}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0441e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 89339}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 77.524}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.047639}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 375.32}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2320.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2427.5}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2534.5}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 797.6442286215132}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 795.7333426635905}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 793.8224567056676}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1148.396476615286}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.574304470573605e-18}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Iron ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 158.0383373682407}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.91008292544825}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.80611908286212}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.70215524027599}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 40.34680171844823}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.886357418817773e-21}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 68.25546277139645}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26.065}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 33.303}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 153.81}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.202}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.538}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.875}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.28008}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.28295}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28582}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.36597}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2957e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1792}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.99909026263621}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.94318085460731}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.88727144657841}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 28.88491274661666}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.286159524120895e-19}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.286159524120895e-19}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Manganese-55", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 51.67528014780824}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16073.77403206885}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16073.77403206885}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15972.69526442819}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15871.61649678753}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 23429.21784559528}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.31875727413759e-17}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33175.97305971487}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12693}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12694}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3446013519426732}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3442680085561654}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3439346651696575}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.494284909023302}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.4942849090233019}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.197321478927571e-21}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.9841866365016807}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9684.963772914325}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 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["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1713.1725270452}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1710.725551638173}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1708.278576231147}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2464.904813447571}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 630.046518675329}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 630.046518675329}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 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"non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1829.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1835.7}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3308.3}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8181}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 736.95}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 380.93}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 46914}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23240}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48100}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2656}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2717}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2777}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021021}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.294}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010332}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028631}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004693}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00010347}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1824.6}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22431}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22562}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22694}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0033968}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2702}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1001.1}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.67931}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67996}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6806}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014366}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 62.9}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012782}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 43.266}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.089771}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.089599}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.089428}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060959}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.139}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7466}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080732}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3689.2}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 315487.19221037}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 554148.578559852}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6274}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.042}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.456}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2067}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 13773}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 171.62}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 294.78}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 294.77}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4278.6}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1357}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1185}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1012}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.074925}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192.93}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7693}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6306}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5677.2}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9710.3}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23604}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 23610}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 651800}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.268}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.182}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.097}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00047038}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1199.3}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 843.26}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.67}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 842.09}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139020}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23884}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23934}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23985}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.010637}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7469}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43235}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43335}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43435}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021088}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2823}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1245}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15337}, {"name": "Acibenzolar-S-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4462.8}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17005}, {"name": "Acrinathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106770}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1189}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1168.3}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1147.6}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 389000}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.058143}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 19082}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1230.6}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1325.2}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1419.7}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49.604}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 49.522}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 49.44}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 18.015}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3981.3}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2281.9}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4596.8}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.8222}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.85916}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83787}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2063.6}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2001.8}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6230.5}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 787630}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430400}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15828}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 116730000}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23662}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 859.26}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1911.7}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.058747}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.48}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.031919}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.080692}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12947}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4569e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 18.449}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2258.6}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 460.31}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 974460}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.046}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 51.924}, {"name": "Anthranilic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 59.802}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 158.18}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38.369}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10782}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14841}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 14855}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 849450}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 407.79}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 230020}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1695600}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.432}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12815}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5130.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5171.1}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 457560}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 519.24}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.455}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 76.946}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.4}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13222}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 110010}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 139.64}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.621}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62.688}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1470.3}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3066}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23527}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4512700}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 72.814}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 72.532}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 72.251}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8762.3}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.82114}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.82904}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.83695}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.080062}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 791.57}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.532}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1787.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.2163}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2518}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2873}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.019642}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1678.5}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1759.8}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1763}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1766.3}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 341750}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 922.54}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 924.46}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 926.39}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55563}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 182.28}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 428.02}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 673.77}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 56281}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.99338}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 289870}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 281180}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16347000}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.45}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.015}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0019318}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 70.262}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23679000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 81566}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1629500000}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11571}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4040200}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6560400}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 398190}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 398140}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459480000}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4384.3}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.515}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2613.8}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12827}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2263}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 408.5}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 178.25}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1951}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 647.61}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54863}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 199.84}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4071.2}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3420.6}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 421.32}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071149}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011246}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015377}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44220}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011832}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015644}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019456}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6325}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6492}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6658}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.04008}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 146.86}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011207}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0026384}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0041561}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2721e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 738.53}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 792.8}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2025.5}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3293}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3289}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.10084}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 323.15}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1921.6}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 306440}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.872}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.004}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.137}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073473}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Butyrolactone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 398.15}, {"name": "Calcium cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 695.92}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 487.78}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18666}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22917}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1459300}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 53033}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91215}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 462450}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 451770}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6286700}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.23}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 345720}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.096}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.154}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.213}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8996}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2314.6}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 490.37}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 167.8}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 493.17}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 58.372}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 46693}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2972.9}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1948.4}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 102290}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 561320}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 583850}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 701440}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 701450}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5037700}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 981.95}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 574.51}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16626}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1036}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 55559.1411080776}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 70300.9604413129}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344.92}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3946.5}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4131.8}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4317}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9261e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 33711}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 142.3}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 118620}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061329}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0063829}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0066328}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00063168}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 133.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6203}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6212}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6222}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3016}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 696.98}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 221030}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017851}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017887}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017923}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0088958}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 65.209}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 49314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 54902}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1211}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1588300}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 525030}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 236310}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393650000}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 605.16}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10109}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.5}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.305}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1141}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9498}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9499}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1505}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10843}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50.524}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 215.9}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 61.106}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5991}, {"name": "Clothianidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14362}, {"name": "Copper 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["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2439}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 420.26}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5878.5}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 177.02}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183.92}, {"name": "Cyanoacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 190.82}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12754}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8467.4}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.027897}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.043746}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0026863}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3663.1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.059595}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017864}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010778}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4368.7}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13485}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.96}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 101870000}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3653}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4787.9}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4469.3}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4555.1}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176740}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2350.6}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4109.1}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3704.8}, {"name": "DSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 667}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9334}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.618}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3063.7}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28208000}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246660}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3986800000}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 396.65}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 112.74}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 246470}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 226.48}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 20349}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1503}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 76.769}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 984.13}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 164.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.075}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36.505}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1409.4}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.535}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3237.8}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5863}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6085.9}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4843.7}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 149.75}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1383.9}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 630.4}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037015}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0036901}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036787}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7456}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.844}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.942}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00043103}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 916.03}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.35934}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.37056}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.38178}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3233e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.9517}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79258}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 95236}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39861}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 40242}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2469400}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1867800}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19890}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 154660000}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44818}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 216450}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.031275}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 293.47}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 544.69}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5344.6}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 37401}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 256680}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 62792}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 75677}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 439390}, {"name": "Dimethenamid-P", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3015500}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7871.9}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1021.2}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 73221}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33.176}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.67381}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.068639}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.068568}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.068497}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0072549}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 28.15}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexanediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 83.707}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.241}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26.685}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.129}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4907}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.093}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.695}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00085992}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1320.5}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3294}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.193}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1614.9}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13032}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 721510}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 799680}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 877860}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1202800}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 53255}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31479000}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4483.1}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8649}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.773}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.68}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044169}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16215}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3682.9}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3872.1}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13361}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 55683}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91829}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9059.7}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7836.1}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8999.4}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 13191}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 196170}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22624}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 120.58}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4736}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 242.45}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0612}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2214}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6247}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 598.12}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 135091.200409584}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4420.3}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 48.381}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.618}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.737}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.857}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1233.9}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40824}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 56481}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10408}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 10465}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2259400}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10171000}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8453500}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 157664.999993603}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 607.63}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2793.6}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 859450}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013668}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.014055}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.014443}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18266}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.17566}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16866}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49227}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49235}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49244}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3159}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3169}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3179}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1491}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 495.88}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1505}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.53754}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.53762}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.53771}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.40613}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.40641}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.4067}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.077861}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 50.686}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.55284}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.55287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5529}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6381}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6387}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6393}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 21.976}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6258.5}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.078766}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.078853}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.078941}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31781}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31783}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.31785}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0709}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1261}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1812}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.011559}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 36.878}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 31.416}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 41.094}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 175.93}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 829.63}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 581.67}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1983.3}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7838}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7835}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7833}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12449}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122.76}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.936}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.319}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 43.701}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0077002}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1780.5}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00078838}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094698}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011056}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7039e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 136.09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.942}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.562}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 61.182}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0493e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2722.6}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.59013}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.62092}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65171}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00052512}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 12.866}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2068}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2094}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2119}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.18823}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 80.053}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024624}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024785}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024945}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233.5}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7720.6}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 594.46}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2905.7}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 425.06}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.316}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.23819}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.11}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4107}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16602}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 95.742}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 663.61}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 172.93}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12131}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 170970}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.34}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 810.73}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 588610}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3039.2}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 590110}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1418100}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 809740}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 809750}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 125430000}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 91590}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 116510}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 698.58}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 147.45}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 147.49}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 147290}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20775}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26631}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 874.39}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 874.41}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 757720}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12843}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20475}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 33289}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1265100}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220280}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 266380}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 985260}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1468900}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2181.7}, {"name": "Flumiclorac-pentyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.625}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 21877}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 130060}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6021800}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6736.5}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 615.98}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 842.51}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31875}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2216.3}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 380060}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.348}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9455.9}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9967100}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3421100}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38684}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40386}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 755.22}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 955.28}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1852}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 507.14}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11319}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6762.8}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1077.3}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 336590}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121030}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 178.51}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 232.3}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1337.9}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 113940}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 105.37}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161.17}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 179.86}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 198.55}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14815}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4250.7}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1923}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2156}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.239}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0006e-06}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8977}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4786}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0955}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7125}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00044416}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 85.847}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010384}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.743}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 64.3102104356947}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 198.9}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014832}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01626}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017689}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.886}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 64.272}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.939}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 42.281}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2041.4}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.173}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6446}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1144.2}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.030051}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 14617}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.692}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 257.31}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 108.54}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1084.5}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3276400}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-P-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 40.416}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 835.83}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1114.6}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 41912}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00045749}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0012401}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0020227}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.53}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 25.8706937761006}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1834.4}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2325}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2815.6}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023372}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089543}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015571}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2373e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 298.96}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 87431}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2161.5}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3426}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 80.706}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 151.54}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 208.89}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.098056}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 22194}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017905}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 121.51}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.776}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 24485}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30874}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 149450}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 321.13}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.376}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9272}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25554}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 33760}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 24212}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 254580}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28922}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34527}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29575}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29586}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 960570}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4843.1}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9053}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 184.99}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2276.4422267126}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 57290282.9638445}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1512500}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 478.52}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 86440}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.643}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017331}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015282}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030029}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0044775}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9014}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.065}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.228}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0028671}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 802.63}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5985.1}, {"name": "Isoxadifen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.869}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1083.5}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53540}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164.34}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 166.99}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 169.63}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0021549}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1033.8}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 124350}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 56927}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15837000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 250950}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 250940}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4025200000}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 48.78}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2234.5}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 437900}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 237430}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28703}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4288.6}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 230.57}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 418.35}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6268.4}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26.199}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 32.134}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1658}, {"name": "MSMA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 228.41}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4137.1}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 493.32}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.008}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 41585}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 55580}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3946}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3829}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2169700}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.596}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3485.7}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 52.782}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 502.95}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021688}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39139}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76554}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 77707}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 98396}, {"name": "Mesotrione", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 393040}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 561.76}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 150.62}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 159.53}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 603.44}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2563.2}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8218.8}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 463.59}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1423}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 518.4}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 742.72}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 339.06}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 33996}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2622.4}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2118.1}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.616}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.624}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.632}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26439}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2644}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26442}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.78047}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.78144}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7824}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.056786}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 141.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03564}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.035655}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03567}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18734}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18743}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18753}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.31936}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.31974}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 91.914}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 91.959}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 92.003}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 23.87}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6459.6}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.41515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.41521}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.41527}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 188.44}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 193.85}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 199.26}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.34172}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.34485}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.34798}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0031028}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.9133}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 668380}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21420}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38273}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49164}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 49163}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 827960}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3596}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5512.3}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6823.6}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6127.1}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6127.2}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 221060}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68856}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68923}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.6899}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.048171}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 27.506}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.23}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.119}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.008}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0929}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3961.6}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3964}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4278}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4591}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.13431}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 215.57}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18902}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18917}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.18932}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.2233}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.64372}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.64425}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.64479}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.055431}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 31.451}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4556}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6164}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7772}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 139520}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 94395}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5475}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6778}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8082}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00019921}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 176.69}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5052.1}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1741}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4066.5}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 223410}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4580.6}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9148.9}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17616}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 374670}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26697}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26983}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36861}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 36859}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 122620}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1022700}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9591}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2934.2}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13751}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13759}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13766}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.07313}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 140.06}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 264500}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.425}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.73}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 31.035}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1318.5}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6154.2}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30671}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1467}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7204}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6069}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4933}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 102830}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7495}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4522.1}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 146.5}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2235.1}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771.44}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 778.12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1182.3}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3579.2}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1027.7}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1033}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1038.3}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 28.924}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 26696}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 175.48}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5037.5}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 861.51}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.50794}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.50793}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001306}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 800.87}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 557.39}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 834.13}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 364.7}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9580.6}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1461.5}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 128.03}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 537.76}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 599.5}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1137.1}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1674.8}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 396.4}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 49.959}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 239130}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1095}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 495.46}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 351910}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 303.71}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1089.3}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7637.7}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7428.8}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1525100}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8028.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6051.6}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 618260}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019751}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042515}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065278}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 128.91}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19067}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 911.66}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3919100}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 357.66}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 54744}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 200.32}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.94}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 336.11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 407.28}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.14501}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 17344}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 926.4}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 983.59}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1040.8}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14825}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16974}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19122}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 10124}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1209500}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7240.6}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 233450}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.54915}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 37320}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.15552}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 15139}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.021456}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 742.46}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00061687}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 100.4}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1332.5}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 653120}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 653130}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 92.568}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 481.28}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 50121}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 422580}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 477.88}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.24}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 574.61}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 44637}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 82523}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 44.051}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30059}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64.33}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 28970}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1480.8}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39466}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.033096}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 49.027}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9761}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9402}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9044}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.12579}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 459.99}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028874}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0032675}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036475}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 687.99}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43211}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43518}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43825}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060614}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 16.477}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 72.369}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1146.4}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00043885}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00064861}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00085836}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9302e-05}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 192.8}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124.24}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3067.1}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 821.48}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 828.44}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 297260}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 14.931}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 101.35}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 105.87}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110.4}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012978}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 904.99}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 308.16}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 51.718}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 51.718}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 86.132}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 120.55}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0056025}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5348.7}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.53627}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7584}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.763}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7675}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.23443}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 125.14}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 62481}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 229.8}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16711}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1543}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1223.9}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1225}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 36647}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 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["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1491.2}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9749.7}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2060600}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6444.8}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 286.6}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 286.6}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.42523}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5604.7}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 368.97}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 100180}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 250620}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1025.5}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1037.7}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 30124000}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 30124000}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17573000}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 62679.1081635172}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 70308.776830483}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1258024.37413318}, {"name": "Quinclorac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1667.1}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 222.08}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1726.2}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4704.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2186.1}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 516680}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7900.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13533}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3671.6}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3675}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 867770}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 225.66}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6722.1}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 385}, {"name": "S-Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high 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"categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 115.18}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.847}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 35845}, {"name": "Siduron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3506.9}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 318.81}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 33432}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37102}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 64355}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 64380}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 666940}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 666940}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0726}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0726}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2701}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4675}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0006804}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 42.676}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1534.3}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3048.5}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 30.662}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.18993}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22706}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26419}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.017008}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2645.2}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5831.4}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 420180}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18157}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 38066}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 38066}, {"name": 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["water"], "amount": 53839000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25277}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65748}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 116590000}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tembotrione", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1479700}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 111.36}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10489}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 402790}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 81970}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4009}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1542}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1542}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1557}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1571}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1260.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.55345}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1260.2}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1260.2}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 326.57}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 326.57}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 377.5}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 428.43}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 652.71}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1238}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1030.6}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1074.9}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 92391}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 92391}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2713.2}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5387.7}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18927}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18927}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 426440}, {"name": "Thiamethoxam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 426440}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18694}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 43588}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1782.9}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6455.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 397.54}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 770900}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 109.68}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 272.84}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 19.038}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 24258}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 635.73}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3992.7}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 394.16}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 394.39}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 770570}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26246}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27237}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.28227}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.024537}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 973.2}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6449}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6592}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6734}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2263}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3281.6}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 620.11}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 54.245}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2585}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6099.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2025}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4959.4}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 548260}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 36563}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 134083.424359273}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1613}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2893}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 79.204}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 235.77}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 743790}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.065716}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.066499}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.067282}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.012096}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 269.69}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2160.4}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 101.88}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1921e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.50608}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 114788.39744717}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 31352.2268706266}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6397025.32127929}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6397024.94181671}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6848.6}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13217000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 21834000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 17296000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1376500000}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2873.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5038.2}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1661800}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 512.64}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 455.12}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.80112}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6172}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4332}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0034074}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 126.11}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 423.57}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10957}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2685e-09}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9538}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9173}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.039524}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 361.96}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7501}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 616.46}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.069182}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074368}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079554}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0062652}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 674.82}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 716390}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 19340}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1132.4}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5429.1}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 31264.9425780874}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.066884}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.081635}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096385}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0060516}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1062.6}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 71.045}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 71.514}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 71.982}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16365}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.18686}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.21007}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.014817}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1602.6}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14887}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14879}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14871}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.013122}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 43.94}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 112.52}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 153.11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 193.7}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.21117}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6045.4}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 106500}]}, {"unit": "MJ, net calorific value", "name": ["EF v3.1", "energy resources: non-renewable", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): fossil fuels"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.41}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 18.01}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 36}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 43.4}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 9.76}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 560000}]}, {"unit": "kg P-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "eutrophication: freshwater", "fraction of nutrients reaching freshwater end compartment (P)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.32}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "kg N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "eutrophication: marine", "fraction of nutrients reaching marine end compartment (N)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.092}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.778}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.028}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.226}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.596}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrite", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.304}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.389}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.389}]}, {"unit": "mol N-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "eutrophication: terrestrial", "accumulated exceedance (AE)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.47}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.16065}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.532}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.26}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.26}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1", "human toxicity: carcinogenic", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1867e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, inorganics", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5031e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3981e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2931e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6899e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.8035e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.7467e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0293e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4101e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8565e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5713e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1995e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1442e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.649e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.2638e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1861e-28}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7249e-28}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8382e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1768e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5154e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0016e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.8764e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5452e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0865e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7466e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.276e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.632e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8078e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9836e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.091e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.9738e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.0324e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3076e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.9035e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2671e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1471e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2158e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0946e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0447e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9718e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8988e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5305e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.4838e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.657e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8366e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4352e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.5945e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010997}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010781}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010564}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036487}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0704e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0018297}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6342e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5157e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2395e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9545e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9757e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9969e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8605e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.1262e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7366e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.1247e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1893e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2525e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1", "human toxicity: carcinogenic, organics", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8862e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6982e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0727e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5376e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1306e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7076e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1034e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1637e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6598e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2595e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5127e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5678e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7191e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7082e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4795e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5407e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4492e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8044e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.0872e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8213e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4411e-08}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.365e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4563e-07}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3601e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1633e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2025e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9484e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4766e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5744e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5804e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3689e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9366e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2282e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7751e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.478e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.9172e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5239e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2624e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.518e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6721e-05}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016431}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010052}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9763e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.191e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4708e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3951e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9978e-07}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00039781}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00074723}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.108e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.382e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3269e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.605e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3774e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5205e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9663e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0308e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9552e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.105e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5301e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.666e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2547e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0428e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3408e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.004e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2191e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.813e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1706e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5281e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00049005}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036372}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0040765}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0045159}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027748}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0018127}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00094942}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0070628}, {"name": "Benzo(b)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0039079}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.238e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(ghi)perylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3604e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00043293}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00029709}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0030155}, {"name": "Benzo(k)fluoranthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016563}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6214e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7089e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1256e-06}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0734e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9396e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3574e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1696e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8825e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6747e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9611e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4732e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5071e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7589e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3995e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0834e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7673e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4667e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8874e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.317e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8516e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4608e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8448e-10}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3403e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8919e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6622e-05}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010971}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8551e-06}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3095e-09}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0054479}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012547}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8749e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1684e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4448e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9611e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4773e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7235e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7011e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3508e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34.558}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.175}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.793}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 26.643}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.464}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 21.053}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 72.863}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 145.27}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 109.07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0162e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2944e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5725e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3509e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1263e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1728e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2193e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1867e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9054e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1699e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4343e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7046e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4246e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1446e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9829e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5655e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0268e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4893e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0761e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.663e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.4866e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1259e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4373e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2661e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0213e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.516e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5131e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6676e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.837e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6039e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4914e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0379e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3053e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.579e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0104e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2782e-06}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7169e-05}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.589e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1038e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1092e-08}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2484e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1743e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0326e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1967e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3216e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5235e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.111e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1682e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8966e-08}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5443e-13}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3297e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2039e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2749e-05}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.595e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5746e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5796e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7585e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5422e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9896e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0719e-09}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041862}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00031052}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016924}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010015}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4331e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8126e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3482e-07}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9513e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3245e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6043e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6158e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2689e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5192e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7695e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4066e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4643e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3525e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0473e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1784e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3094e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0508e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7169e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3839e-05}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8569e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2242e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5902e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9562e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3832e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2263e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4323e-08}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9134e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9536e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7348e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2513e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6974e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4143e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1202e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0596e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.354e-07}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.426e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4015e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1434e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.337e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5306e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4545e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.6378e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7795e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8088e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9333e-08}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2294e-07}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3043e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5907e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8772e-05}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014988}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1557e-06}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4437e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6116e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2145e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6678e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9196e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8607e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.955e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1162e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5361e-05}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6072e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6106e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1149e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0069e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4343e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2612e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0233e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7818e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.813e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8443e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1693e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0707e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4853e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4707e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.6283e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0023e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0493e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8836e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7517e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.815e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2348e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0901e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1568e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7784e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8789e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2797e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0909e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3012e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4501e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7052e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9653e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1664e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2082e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2624e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0431e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8116e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6851e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6569e-06}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6288e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9568e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1669e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4903e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.0349e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1652e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.961e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0765e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2675e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5974e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5687e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2106e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6204e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7503e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9312e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1001e-07}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2081e-06}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.80160167313958e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000472506721099211}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.50356882299721e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53019085248595e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.1217e-13}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2906e-12}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4198e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1856e-07}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5761e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0766e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2432e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6837e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7872e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4244e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5232e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4616e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1403e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.7051e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9051e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7859e-10}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3238e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.1964e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.18650289222135e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.59587362857198e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57199659305063e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017441}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017185}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053691}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002686}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9509e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0149e-06}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0201e-07}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7654e-08}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5896e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7588e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12501}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43191}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.21659}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0011404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014673}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7297e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.14e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2552e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.1284e-10}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-08}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0356e-05}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9711e-06}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6585e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.579e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2724e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5102e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2153e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5307e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3016e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.6759e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1269e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4478e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.332e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3541e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3879e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7434e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3263e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011297}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0056609}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.799e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7909e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2525e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7547e-07}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.659e-06}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4225e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9325e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8039e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5641e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2516e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.587e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4263e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7065e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9249e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2373e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6189e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1571e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4365e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0274e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8996e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0394e-05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8358e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2539e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3769e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.729e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5576e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6694e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.361e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8968e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9108e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.5963e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.6695e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8451e-07}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9073e-06}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6096e-07}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.8265e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7089e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00019694}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.9195e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2259e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4308e-06}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1223e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0292e-09}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, inorganics", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8977e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.194e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0848e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3502e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7386e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3489e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0367e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0016e-13}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.546e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7315e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium hydroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7651e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5269e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3262e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4997e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.7487e-11}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5509e-12}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9313e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9664e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium sulfate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2371e-10}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.304e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4099e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5158e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9464e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7745e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.3604e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6748e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4909e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8292e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0042147}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013359}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0027753}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00022439}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.002526}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0013752}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0024761}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0024884}, {"name": "Arsine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0025007}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1144e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1359e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1574e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.0923e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.0965e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7773e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4184e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4805e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071315}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0045963}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0084794}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6993e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3877e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.8566e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0825e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5246e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4164e-08}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7149e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2177e-07}, {"name": "Boric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7206e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7763e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7133e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6503e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3805e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3259e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3532e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4382e-08}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4269e-07}, {"name": "Bromine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8537e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0074234}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0072841}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071449}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024151}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00023815}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9149e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00046859}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00024887}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8786e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5047e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1307e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3799e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3833e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2085e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.1217e-13}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.069e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2906e-12}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1364e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4896e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.146e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.1196e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.1328e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4198e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2292e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1856e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0755e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5761e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0766e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2432e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2428e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6837e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7872e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8461e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4244e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5847e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5232e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4616e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1403e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.2145e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.7051e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9051e-10}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7859e-10}, {"name": "Copper oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8827e-11}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2875e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3486e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4098e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.0239e-08}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4193e-07}, {"name": "Cyanide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6086e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen tetroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7021e-05}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9968e-12}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4901e-08}, {"name": "Fluoboric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2453e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2542e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.6857e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.9699e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9114e-08}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Fluoride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7628e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6344e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.051e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7106e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8605e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9225e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2707e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8492e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9554e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0405e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.1839e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0462e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5235e-09}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7326e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6868e-07}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6411e-07}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6828e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0353e-08}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3878e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017697}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017441}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017185}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053691}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.9761e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002686}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9509e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0348e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0149e-06}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0201e-07}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7654e-08}, {"name": "Lithium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5896e-08}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5025e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.524e-07}, {"name": "Lithium carbonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5455e-07}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7157e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7588e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.802e-09}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8052e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.04e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4226e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.2435e-14}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2881e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6444e-10}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13017}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12759}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12501}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43191}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001267}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.21659}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0011404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017941}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014673}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6052e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6155e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6258e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7746e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7297e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6848e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6565e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.0624e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.3535e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9682e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.008e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1883e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0999e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1118e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1237e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6097e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4474e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.7722e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4465e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6923e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5185e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.975e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7498e-07}, {"name": "Nitric acid", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0523e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5684e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5132e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4581e-06}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9565e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9775e-05}, {"name": "Phosphine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9986e-05}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2096e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3704e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1108e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.1021e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.1064e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.366e-10}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9831e-09}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1098e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5759e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4478e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.332e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3541e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.2164e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3879e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7434e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8648e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3263e-08}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.704e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0473e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6243e-09}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9643e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5102e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.2373e-13}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6521e-14}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9982e-10}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9941e-11}, {"name": "Silicon dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9793e-10}, {"name": "Silicon tetrachloride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7193e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035855}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035239}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0034623}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011297}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4464e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0056609}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.799e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7018e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7909e-05}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5322e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6243e-08}, {"name": "Sodium hypochlorite", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2716e-07}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3054e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1876e-06}, {"name": "Sodium perchlorate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7503e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2525e-07}, {"name": "Sodium tetrahydridoborate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7547e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1615e-12}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2516e-11}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.587e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4607e-06}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4263e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7065e-05}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9249e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2373e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6189e-09}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2543e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8673e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9692e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0711e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1655e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.146e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.1558e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0529e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016286}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6694e-05}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0091e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9956e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9822e-10}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9963e-11}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.3018e-13}, {"name": "Titanium ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.5447e-11}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6786e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3443e-09}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.101e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6724e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9385e-08}, {"name": "Trichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9826e-08}, {"name": "Trisodium phosphate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9882e-09}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3384e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3532e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.368e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7469e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.2928e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3381e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9442e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.8265e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7089e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00019694}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4458e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.9195e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2259e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6391e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4308e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2154e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1223e-09}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0292e-09}]}, {"unit": "CTUh", "name": ["EF v3.1", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic, organics", "comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3694e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1652e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.961e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.0765e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5555e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2316e-07}, {"name": "1,3-Dioxolan-2-one", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6627e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5798e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3235e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.289e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7269e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3775e-09}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7274e-09}, {"name": "2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0736e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2675e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5974e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5687e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2106e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6204e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7503e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9312e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0824e-06}, {"name": "2,4-di-tert-butylphenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1001e-07}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2081e-06}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8215e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5044e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0266e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3996e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9908e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.9659e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4829e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9132e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7816e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.9573e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0945e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.077e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0013e-06}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2336e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8458e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4579e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3296e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4924e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7484e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1306e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.259e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2049e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9604e-10}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0075e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5385e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9349e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3085e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5622e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5749e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0969e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0363e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1163e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5957e-09}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0663e-11}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4882e-09}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.448e-07}, {"name": "AOX, Adsorbable Organic Halogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3273e-07}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.80160167313958e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000472506721099211}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Abamectin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7232e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8557e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4391e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.9995e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.0407e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2203e-08}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00071546}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010363}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.7596e-05}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00069086}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00034549}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3835e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8498e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2612e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1243e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5275e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2794e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3615e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4564e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5586e-07}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9899e-08}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9225e-06}, {"name": "Acetamiprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.6491e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1109e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0702e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0294e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.7749e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9652e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8283e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5854e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.525e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4645e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0962e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9303e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3529e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7755e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.8955e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6041e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3465e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3516e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3813e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1411e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7337e-10}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4188e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2181e-08}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.833e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1404e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00072772}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001404}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3724e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7936e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2439e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2211e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4769e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9424e-07}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4372e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4363e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8174e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2912e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2103e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1369e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6736e-07}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1693e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0072e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7223e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0856e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002194}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0865e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3949e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6206e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5959e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.787e-06}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6618e-06}, {"name": "Amidosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.998e-08}, {"name": "Amine oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012599}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7112e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5042e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3736e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9947e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6616e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4295e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0647e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0336e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.3975e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2733e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0172e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2226e-08}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.749e-09}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0302e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.291e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6991e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8643e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6173e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1122e-07}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4975e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.076e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0448e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.2451e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6497e-07}, {"name": "Benalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8323e-07}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6447e-06}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6063e-08}, {"name": "Benoxacor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3695e-06}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3357e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8446e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2506e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3545e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3348e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3127e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0158e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8002e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3119e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9738e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5518e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6063e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6204e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.006e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0361e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7914e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.8776e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6284e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6931e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0807e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.992e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8444e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6506e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4175e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3323e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4547e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5771e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016776}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4183e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5668e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7153e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6765e-05}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3702e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6265e-06}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4814e-07}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0238e-05}, {"name": "Benzovindiflupyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0409e-05}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9327e-11}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2401e-08}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.121e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6376e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.051e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1451e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4164e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6811e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5723e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2179e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0802e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4717e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1858e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012724}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4311e-05}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0909e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9532e-07}, {"name": "Boscalid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6066e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3586e-08}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.495e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.09e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6086e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2426e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9811e-08}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0419e-06}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7776e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8645e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0821e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2301e-09}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4194e-09}, {"name": "Butafenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5718e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.782e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3545e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2927e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5756e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.8883e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3307e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.732e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8692e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6924e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3512e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5332e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9221e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2832e-09}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1562e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6895e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.242e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9151e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.0793e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4569e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.325e-09}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.485e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0564e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9937e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2468e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.582e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9607e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.737e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3426e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6515e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3269e-07}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5531e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.573e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9074e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2277e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5481e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.8921e-06}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1141e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7517e-05}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.288e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7332e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2592e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3319e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.653e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3219e-05}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.619e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6296e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2524e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4726e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6592e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8373e-06}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7928e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6376e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5665e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.9904e-09}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.3022e-08}, {"name": "Chlorantraniliprole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1709e-08}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020929}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8855e-07}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.50356882299721e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53019085248595e-06}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6122e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9392e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1052e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3271e-06}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.5077e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7733e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8681e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2375e-07}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4889e-05}, {"name": "Chloroacetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7556e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3459e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2599e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7174e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3582e-08}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.448e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2358e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3098e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9401e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6256e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5061e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5658e-07}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2296e-05}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3091e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.829e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3489e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7373e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6844e-08}, {"name": "Chlorosilane, trimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.2909e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4622e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6413e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6458e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.5739e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0397e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0771e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011309}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7886e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1738e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0025928}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2145e-06}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1865e-08}, {"name": "Chlozolinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Choline chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6174e-08}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Chrysene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3817e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.167e-07}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0463e-08}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.208e-06}, {"name": "Clethodim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.127e-06}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0812e-05}, {"name": "Clofentezine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5427e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2367e-07}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8165e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2422e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6913e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.414e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7424e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7521e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5132e-08}, {"name": "Cyanamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.114e-07}, {"name": "Cyazofamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7232e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6694e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2499e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.057e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4976e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9665e-09}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3979e-10}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2517e-09}, {"name": "Cycluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6947e-07}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4475e-07}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4105e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.6011e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3656e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.6557e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3594e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.104e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3553e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6446e-07}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0245e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1806e-06}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7462e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7629e-08}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6795e-09}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.326e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00076968}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4186e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0733e-05}, {"name": "Demeton-S-methylsulfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diafenthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8082e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.177e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.651e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8873e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3298e-06}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0209e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1128e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6446e-07}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5105e-06}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.722e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002019}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2677e-05}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3261e-06}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1516e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5118e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3238e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.1964e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3218e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9646e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6607e-07}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4504e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0216e-06}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0111e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8825e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9861e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2839e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.7317e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9822e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4915e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6004e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0115e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9484e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1242e-06}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0003758}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00019501}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.41e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0902e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0096e-10}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5554e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9374e-07}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Diflufenzopyr-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4844e-07}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5088e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1997e-09}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1274e-09}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0692e-08}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.092e-07}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4616e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7071e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9076e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027827}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0153e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00012487}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1952e-09}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0587e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3083e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5681e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8279e-11}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6083e-12}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7374e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3767e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl hexynediol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9156e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3828e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl malonate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3741e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9612e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyldichlorosilane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9373e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6045e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.609e-08}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4002e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3166e-05}, {"name": "Diofenolan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Diphenylether compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2156e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4082e-09}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9323e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8206e-07}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.559e-11}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.4955e-08}, {"name": "Dipropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0627e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.6499e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0461e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7519e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8054e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.524e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7627e-06}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1064e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8971e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4082e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5051e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4789e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.7773e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7809e-06}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6413e-08}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3791e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6729e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.1287e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7883e-07}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8028e-07}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.16224045369996e-06}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Emamectin benzoate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3013e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3165e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4356e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5791e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7226e-07}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2284e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9248e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.998e-05}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3953e-06}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1658e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001093}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6638e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1455e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0263e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.66927809541128e-05}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Ethaboxam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0162e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8405e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6648e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.068e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0959e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1511e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7668e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9633e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1599e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4942e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6249e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7557e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0308e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7061e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0546e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025564}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.323e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7028e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0826e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7919e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0924e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3929e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3589e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9325e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.506e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4758e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3039e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3757e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2376e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7784e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3192e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.1958e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6112e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7654e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7165e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7201e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7237e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3336e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3502e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3667e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5002e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9768e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5037e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3679e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3194e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1624e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9593e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2008e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4093e-07}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6461e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7141e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5071e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1897e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3895e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5893e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.4713e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8507e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9677e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.428e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5652e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2288e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.695e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2187e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6178e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.709e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1645e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.262e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.7062e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5023e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2515e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4446e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9223e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.4096e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8747e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3769e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0796e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0352e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1625e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.2842e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.9968e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5398e-07}, {"name": "Etoxazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0008e-06}, {"name": "Famoxadone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.226e-07}, {"name": "Fenamidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6043e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9816e-07}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8245e-07}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5952e-08}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Fenhexamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1577e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3062e-07}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2358e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.715e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5044e-07}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6509e-06}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6745e-06}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4922e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5755e-08}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00020391}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011748}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001783}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8654e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0028889}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014809}, {"name": "Flazasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3171e-05}, {"name": "Florasulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9912e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4317e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6966e-06}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0061e-07}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7521e-05}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9293e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4032e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0449e-05}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1262e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3151e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0872e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7399e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2183e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7105e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2188e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.0468e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.0578e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5678e-06}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6048e-08}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8862e-08}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2819e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3612e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.1643e-07}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.9863e-06}, {"name": "Flumioxazin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5227e-06}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9203e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.605e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7684e-05}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fluopyram", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4768e-05}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.614e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.317e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8697e-08}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0134e-07}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8988e-06}, {"name": "Flupyrsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1608e-05}, {"name": "Fluquinconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.511e-05}, {"name": "Flurenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6083e-07}, {"name": "Flurtamone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1604e-08}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0919e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5943e-07}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0137e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0028e-06}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3872e-07}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3272e-08}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3513e-05}, {"name": "Fluxapyroxad", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0394e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8093e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4992e-06}, {"name": "Foramsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1981e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7715e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6359e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5947e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2872e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.236e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6187e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4963e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9236e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.351e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.3561e-11}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4899e-07}, {"name": "Formamide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2452e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9982e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2024e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3405e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4317e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2423e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2131e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2618e-13}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6306e-08}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.18650289222135e-06}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Fungicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4829e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5731e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9979e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1697e-06}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3692e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6033e-08}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0783e-09}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6876e-10}, {"name": "Gibberellic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0977e-08}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4459e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0242e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6967e-11}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1423e-07}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7131e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7226e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9373e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2642e-08}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4795e-11}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7499e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9518e-10}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.59587362857198e-07}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Herbicides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2569295714806e-05}, {"name": "Hexaflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.532e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.559e-09}, {"name": "Hexamethyldisilizane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.586e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3035e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3928e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0986e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7073e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4586e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7369e-07}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7829e-06}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2956e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3179e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3402e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6117e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9829e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9221e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4486e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4116e-08}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3788e-08}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5165e-07}, {"name": "Imazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5434e-09}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3437e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5074e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9926e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0952e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0485e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2462e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4738e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.099e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3117e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.56e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57199659305063e-05}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000377412284590839}, {"name": "Insecticides, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000196564965167404}, {"name": "Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2133e-06}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.2803e-07}, {"name": "Iprovalicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9525e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3021e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0535e-10}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9917e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8781e-09}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.889e-07}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2899e-07}, {"name": "Kaolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2731e-08}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010537}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7621e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034606}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6708e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.1163e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6083e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-05}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1546e-08}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9163e-08}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2874e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022605}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1915e-06}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3092e-07}, {"name": "Lufenuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0837e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2812e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4663e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5218e-05}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4501e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.892e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7093e-06}, {"name": "Magnesium phosphide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9482e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1613e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8568e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0894e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2981e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5689e-12}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6476e-06}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.2425e-07}, {"name": "Mandipropamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8401e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0915e-08}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mefenpyr-diethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6507e-07}, {"name": "Mepanipyrim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9758e-12}, {"name": "Mepronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Mesosulfuron-methyl (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.777e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1744e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1049e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1198e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2644e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.6067e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.8054e-07}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8666e-07}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7549e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4166e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.2121e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010008}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0147e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0533e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0919e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8228e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4574e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0919e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8017e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3855e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0314e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.42e-10}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8085e-10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5531e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9896e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4261e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7001e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8548e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0095e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8354e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0891e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3428e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.0336e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1713e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6024e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9521e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7182e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4842e-08}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3748e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.339e-06}, {"name": "Methanesulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3032e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4341e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9861e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5382e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5397e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5506e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.7659e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6337e-05}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0011e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8038e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7939e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.2256e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2167e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0847e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5282e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4605e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7585e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9824e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2615e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.5511e-06}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.323e-06}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4978e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7057e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6616e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7314e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8246e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4409e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8166e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6631e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0445e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0019e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0382e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0241e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1991e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3551e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5111e-08}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.836e-10}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.757e-07}, {"name": "Methyl borate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3804e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2436e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8919e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.154e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.527e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0431e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0677e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1092e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8116e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1808e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6045e-07}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2524e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2931e-06}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9833e-08}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9761e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7539e-07}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2737e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5302e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7667e-09}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8022e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6935e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7405e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.2606e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2331e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2077e-07}, {"name": "Metosulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4261e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1888e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8876e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.2497e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4409e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5163e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9572e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9538e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4998e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2521e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6092e-06}, {"name": "Mineral oil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.882e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4747e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8996e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1334e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.3672e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5276e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6678e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.0977e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2597e-05}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7956e-08}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9971e-07}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7615e-06}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6386e-08}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7798e-06}, {"name": "N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1077e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4112e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2186e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1026e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5796e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5403e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3668e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9952e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.1876e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026e-07}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8341e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7266e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2272e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6141e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1413e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7628e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3843e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2266e-08}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.974e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5081e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7156e-07}, {"name": "Novaluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7464e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9907e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.7526e-10}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3536e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5961e-09}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6238e-08}, {"name": "Oils, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9604e-08}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6437e-07}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.1802e-07}, {"name": "Oxasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5132e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4773e-08}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7769e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0201e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1047e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1074e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.3937e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.0817e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.087e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8976e-07}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6031e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3932e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1834e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0686e-06}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3838e-05}, {"name": "Paraffins", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.4532e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.558e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7402e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8427e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7597e-06}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6666e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8624e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7949e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.1207e-07}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5159e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3573e-06}, {"name": "Penflufen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1546e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9403e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4938e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4936e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5211e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2757e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0251e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9473e-07}, {"name": "Pethoxamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4906e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7102e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2024e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1339e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5473e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.757e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7899e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5482e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0535e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5587e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7754e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8176e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8598e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1712e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.6652e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0094e-05}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1003e-07}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4324e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.843e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8896e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.489e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6867e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2885e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1877e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.6209e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0179e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0097e-08}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2758e-07}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2241e-06}, {"name": "Picoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3465e-07}, {"name": "Pinoxaden", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1197e-07}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2021e-07}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8947e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3623e-08}, {"name": "Primisulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0674e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4333e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1462e-07}, {"name": "Prohexadione-calcium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.292e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4557e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6059e-06}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5006e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5487e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6002e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.222e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.284e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8158e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0707e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3624e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7694e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3711e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3973e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6693e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.924e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1867e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.681e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2773e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1013e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5129e-09}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2352e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4322e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3233e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2883e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4443e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7116e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4263e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1803e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2545e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.805e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5864e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.2855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.536e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8581e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2426e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.101e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7692e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2282e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4145e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9602e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4808e-09}, {"name": "Propoxycarbazone-sodium (prop)", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3742e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6061e-09}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3843e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6725e-07}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3953e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5614e-08}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8098e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7282e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.14e-09}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2552e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.1284e-10}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0122e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-08}, {"name": "Proquinazid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0356e-05}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9711e-06}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2746e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5969e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.945e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9716e-07}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8982e-06}, {"name": "Prothioconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9737e-06}, {"name": "Pydiflumetofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4535e-07}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyraflufen-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6585e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.579e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2724e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0214e-08}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5102e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2153e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5307e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3016e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.6759e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1269e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0841e-07}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Pyroxasulfone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1542e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5706e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8204e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.0228e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0219e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4708e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8293e-06}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.754e-08}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0275e-05}, {"name": "Quizalofop-p-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0248e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.796e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.286e-07}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68620958252485e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35694148106096e-05}, {"name": "Saflufenacil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.41788465186914e-05}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1712e-07}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9862e-08}, {"name": "Sedaxane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4136e-06}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.0109e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0416e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2625e-06}, {"name": "Silthiofam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3828e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7888e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9719e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.237e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.8692e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9628e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4849e-05}, {"name": "Sodium fluorosilicate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2064e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8654e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.5244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4886e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.244e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2216e-09}, {"name": "Spirodiclofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.659e-06}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4225e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1034e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9325e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8039e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5641e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.476e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8162e-09}, {"name": "Sulcotrione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016618}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5622e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8789e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1571e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4365e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0274e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.6256e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8996e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0394e-05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8358e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2539e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3769e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.729e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5576e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5031e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5195e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012462}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012801}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020081}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.8437e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010638}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2866e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5608e-06}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.135e-05}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1231e-06}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022573}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1646e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5106e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7476e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0662e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4577e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6539e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1448e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.5507e-07}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6446e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.043e-05}, {"name": "Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4415e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.361e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8968e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9108e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.5963e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.6695e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8451e-07}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9073e-06}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6096e-07}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6886e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4695e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0849e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3059e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6554e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2975e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5968e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9496e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3525e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7223e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6144e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9104e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9549e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0458e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9622e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3714e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6877e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4362e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0997e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8557e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1726e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.0149e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1161e-09}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1007e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.141e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2652e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6263e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5764e-07}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7558e-09}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2467e-06}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5591e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1756e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7972e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.291e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1251e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.564e-07}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47679060505127e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.998e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3192e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4569e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7659e-05}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3424e-07}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0621e-06}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.2284e-11}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3086e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5439e-08}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35929889034342e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.12114946005992e-07}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24002309297171e-05}, {"name": "Trifloxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.67934699764337e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9519e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3601e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3721e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3518e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6618e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3686e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3743e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.141e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.743e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3098e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0598e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3684e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7283e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3838e-09}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.865e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6662e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.2138e-11}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1764e-07}, {"name": "Trimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0886e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7951e-08}, {"name": "Triticonazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4598e-07}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1084e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.5297e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8513e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2522e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8884e-07}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5445e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0224e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0937e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0852e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.453e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9315e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0384e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3806e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8822e-08}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8287e-08}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8734e-07}, {"name": "Zoxamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83530836414533e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.8181e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0813e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1781e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.5507e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1376e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.0655e-09}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9147e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7509e-07}, {"name": "o-Nitrotoluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6587e-06}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0731e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4957e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2384e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.287e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2851e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.8897e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8836e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1143e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3402e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3789e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.7054e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3596e-08}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3318e-06}]}, {"unit": "kBq U235-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "ionising radiation: human health", "human exposure efficiency relative to u235"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0007}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.564}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.79}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.636}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00371}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.86}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0557}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00193}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.786}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0186}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000679}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.29e-06}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.3}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.8}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.71}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00714}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.64e-06}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.14}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0714}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0429}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00607}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00679}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0236}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.14}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.57}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.386}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.71e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.71e-06}]}, {"unit": "dimensionless", "name": ["EF v3.1", "land use", "soil quality index"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 39.581}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 36.405}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.946}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conservation tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, conventional tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, arable, reduced tillage (obsolete)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 51.699}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 105.24}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 18.128}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 33.964}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.459}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 11.488}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 21.463}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 35.641}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.218}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 139.1}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 110.79}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 54.923}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 38.973}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 58.117}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 46.211}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 50.191}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 17.602}, {"name": "Occupation, snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 85.576}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.81}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 121.55}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 161.52}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 69.262}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 28.288}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 165.22}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 116.16}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 48.764}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 138.72}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Occupation, wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -17.458}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, from arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, from industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, from pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, from permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, from snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, from unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -4937}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, from urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 395.81}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 364.05}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 509.46}, {"name": "Transformation, to arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to bare area (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 516.99}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, inert material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, residual material landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, sanitary landfill", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to dump site, slag compartment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4472.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 181.28}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 339.64}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.59}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 114.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 214.63}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 356.41}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 482.18}, {"name": "Transformation, to industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5911.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4708.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 549.23}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 389.73}, {"name": "Transformation, to pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 581.17}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 462.11}, {"name": "Transformation, to permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 501.91}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 176.02}, {"name": "Transformation, to snow and ice (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 855.76}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5899.2}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5165.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6864.8}, {"name": "Transformation, to unknown", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2943.6}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 282.88}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7021.9}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4937}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2072.5}, {"name": "Transformation, to urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 5895.4}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, coastal (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -174.58}]}, {"unit": "kg Sb-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "material resources: metals/minerals", "abiotic depletion potential (ADP): elements (ultimate reserves)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Anhydrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.545212805030338e-05}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00297}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0411}, {"name": "Borax", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0004841517197042984}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00427}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.157}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000443}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.343572902983674e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Colemanite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000673718497616036}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00137}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.544113975666994e-12}, {"name": "Dolomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.66249274670687e-10}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.52e-07}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 52}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.594003392114496e-05}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00689}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.24e-08}, {"name": "Kaolinite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.308918482603777e-10}, {"name": "Kieserite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.471605694701393e-05}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00634}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.823075919490471e-10}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.54e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0922}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0178}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.53e-05}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.93e-05}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.571}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Potassium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Pyrite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000103180813387238}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.603}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.194}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Sodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.5e-08}, {"name": "Sodium chloride", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.646069875295716e-05}, {"name": "Sodium nitrate", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.487682357320205e-08}, {"name": "Sodium sulphate, various forms", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.358140883174752e-05}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.290510533131037e-07}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.07e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000193}, {"name": "Sylvite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.289527155951242e-05}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.92505016360851e-10}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.06e-05}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40.7}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.43e-05}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.674e-08}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0162}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00452}, {"name": "Ulexite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0005695419030770708}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.7e-07}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.69e-07}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000538}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg CFC-11-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "ozone depletion", "ozone depletion potential (ODP)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.81}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.102}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.057}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15.2}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.034}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.73}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.72}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}]}, {"unit": "disease incidence", "name": ["EF v3.1", "particulate matter formation", "impact on human health"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01757e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000238497}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.94042e-07}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, > 2.5 um and < 10um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.48544e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8e-06}]}, {"unit": "kg NMVOC-Eq", "name": ["EF v3.1", "photochemical oxidant formation: human health", "tropospheric ozone concentration increase"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.608}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.709}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.731}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.828}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.164}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -0.155}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.368}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.23}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.595}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.05}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0389}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.845}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.49}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.752}, {"name": "Dimethyl carbonate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0422}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.208}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0152}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.674}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.353}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.652}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.144}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.877}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0541}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.814}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.519}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.115}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00845}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0101}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.236}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0997}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.63}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0456}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.667}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.297}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.948}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.253}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0811}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.049}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.549}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.78}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.296}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.296}]}, {"unit": "m3 world eq. deprived", "name": ["EF v3.1", "water use", "user deprivation potential (deprivation-weighted water consumption)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 42.95}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 42.95}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d no LT", "emissions to air no LT", "monetary impact value no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 232}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d no LT", "emissions to soil no LT", "monetary impact value no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.7}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.9}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.238}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.271}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.191}, {"name": "Diclofop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.467}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.5}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.887}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.543}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.8}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.01}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.228}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.68}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10.7}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.85}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 187}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 208}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.981}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.955}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.6}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.64}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.474}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.274}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.488}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.3}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.479}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.9}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53.3}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.91}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.232}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Tebupirimfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 247}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.3}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.273}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.346}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.359}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.496}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.193}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.1}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.217}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.396}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Furathiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.541}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.239}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.471}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.349}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.575}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.76}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.457}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.344}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.25}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.6}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.33}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65.4}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.95}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.24}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Cupric hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 85.6}, {"name": "Tetraconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.324}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.714}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.714}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d no LT", "emissions to water no LT", "monetary impact value no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00545}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7300}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d no LT", "energy resources: non-renewable, fossil no LT", "monetary impact value no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.076}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.727}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d no LT", "land use no LT", "monetary impact value no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00026}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00138}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.45}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.568}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.57}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d no LT", "material resources: metals no LT", "monetary impact value no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 78200}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 49.1}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40300}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.09}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2280}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3270}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 903}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6550}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238000000}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16400}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000000}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175000000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 374}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 45.5}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8180}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1870}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15900}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2380}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 489}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.181}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.909}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 709}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d no LT", "total no LT", "monetary impact value no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.7}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.9}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.238}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.076}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.271}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.191}, {"name": "Diclofop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.467}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.5}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.887}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.543}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.8}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.01}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.228}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.68}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10.7}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.85}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 187}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 208}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.981}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.955}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.6}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.64}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.474}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.274}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.488}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.479}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.9}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00026}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00138}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.45}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.568}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.57}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53.3}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.91}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.232}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Tebupirimfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 247}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.3}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.273}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.346}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.359}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.496}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00545}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.193}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.1}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.217}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.396}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Furathiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.541}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.239}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.471}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.349}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.575}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.76}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.457}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.344}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.25}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.6}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.33}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65.4}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.95}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.24}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 78200}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 49.1}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40300}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.09}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2280}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3270}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 903}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6550}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238000000}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16400}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000000}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175000000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 374}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 45.5}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8180}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1870}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15900}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2380}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 489}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.181}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.909}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Cupric hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 85.6}, {"name": "Tetraconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 709}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.324}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.714}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.714}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.727}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 232}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d", "emissions to air", "monetary impact value"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 232}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d", "emissions to soil", "monetary impact value"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.7}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.9}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.238}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.271}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.191}, {"name": "Diclofop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.467}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.5}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.887}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.543}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.8}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.01}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.228}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.68}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10.7}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.85}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 187}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 208}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.981}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.955}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.6}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.64}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.474}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.274}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.488}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.3}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.479}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.9}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53.3}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.91}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.232}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Tebupirimfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 247}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.3}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.273}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.346}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.359}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.496}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.193}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.1}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.217}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.396}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Furathiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.541}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.239}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.471}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.349}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.575}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.76}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.457}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.344}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.25}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.6}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.33}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65.4}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.95}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.24}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Cupric hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 85.6}, {"name": "Tetraconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.324}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.714}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.714}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d", "emissions to water", "monetary impact value"], "exchanges": [{"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00545}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7300}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d", "energy resources: non-renewable, fossil", "monetary impact value"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.076}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.727}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d", "land use", "monetary impact value"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00026}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00138}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.45}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.568}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.57}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d", "material resources: metals", "monetary impact value"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 78200}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 49.1}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40300}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.09}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2280}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3270}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 903}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6550}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238000000}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16400}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000000}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175000000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 374}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 45.5}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8180}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1870}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15900}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2380}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 489}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.181}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.909}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 709}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}]}, {"unit": "EUR 2018", "name": ["EPS 2020d", "total", "monetary impact value"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 344}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 20.7}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.319}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 39.9}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.238}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.076}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.271}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.191}, {"name": "Diclofop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.57}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.467}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.5}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.887}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.543}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.8}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.01}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.228}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.68}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 10.7}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Europium, 0.06% in bastnasite, 0.006% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.85}, {"name": "Fenpropidin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 187}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 208}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.981}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.955}, {"name": "Gadolinium, 0.15% in bastnasite, 0.015% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 21.6}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Lanthanum, 7.2% in bastnasite, 0.72% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.64}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.474}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.348}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.274}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.258}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Metconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.488}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 12.3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.479}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.9}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35}, {"name": "Neodymium, 4% in bastnasite, 0.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}, {"name": "Occupation, field margin/hedgerow", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00026}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.00138}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.45}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.568}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000231}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.000742}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.56}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 0.959}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 9.57}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.61}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.6}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.176}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 53.3}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.91}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 25.4}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Praseodymium, 0.42% in bastnasite, 0.042% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.232}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Samarium, 0.3% in bastnasite, 0.03% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Spiroxamine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.643}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.182}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Tebupirimfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 247}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 16.3}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.273}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Tralkoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.346}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.359}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.454}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.496}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Zirconia, as baddeleyite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Zirconium, 50% in zircon, 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.98}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.29}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.82}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.26}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.17}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.749}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -43.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 38.4}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.5}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.8}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.62}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.22}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.93}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.64}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 343}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 444}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1580}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 271}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 47.9}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.936}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 674}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 183}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2450}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3580}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1060}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.36}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.16}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.387}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.64}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -19.7}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000514}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 749}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 605}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 201}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4450}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3330}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 52.2}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 234}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 595}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1810}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1550}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3970}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.62}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.61}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.89}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.44}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.46}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5130}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.7}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.56}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000128}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.13}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.49}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.983}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.93e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7480}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00385}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 39.3}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0008990000000000001}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 23800}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 395}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00545}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00218}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0414}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.193}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 22.1}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.217}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.396}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 11}, {"name": "Furathiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.5454}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56}, {"name": "Tebufenpyrad", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.541}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -8.45}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.35}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.288}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.461}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.204}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.239}, {"name": "Alanycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.471}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.349}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Butralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.309}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 197}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.575}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.76}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.33}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63}, {"name": "Fenazaquin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Fenpyroximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31}, {"name": "Fluoroglycofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.457}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.344}, {"name": "Guazatine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.25}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 13.6}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.33}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 65.4}, {"name": "Thiacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.834}, {"name": "Thiocyclam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13}, {"name": "Triazamate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.28}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.95}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.24}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 41.8}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Barium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 53400}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.09}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 78200}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 7.45}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 49.1}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 40300}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9.09}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 81.8}, {"name": "Dysprosium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1500}, {"name": "Erbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2280}, {"name": "Europium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5950}, {"name": "Fluorine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Gadolinium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1380}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3270}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 903}, {"name": "Holmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6550}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000}, {"name": "Iridium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238000000}, {"name": "Lanthanum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.55}, {"name": "Lutetium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 16400}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3490}, {"name": "Neodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 202}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Osmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 105000000}, {"name": "Praseodymium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 737}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 13100000}, {"name": "Ruthenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 175000000}, {"name": "Samarium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1160}, {"name": "Scandium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 374}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 45.5}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240000}, {"name": "Terbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8180}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thorium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1870}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5240}, {"name": "Thulium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 15900}, {"name": "Ytterbium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2380}, {"name": "Yttrium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 238}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 205}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 489}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 308}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.181}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 39.1}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.909}, {"name": "Zirconium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 27.3}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 8730000}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 9880000}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 291000000}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 124}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2910000}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 131}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 635}, {"name": "Chlorfenapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Cupric hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 85.6}, {"name": "Tetraconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 709}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2780}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1910}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.01}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.324}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7300}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Flutriafol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.973}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.318}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 29.3}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.89}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.91}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.4}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.55}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.224}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.28}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.05}, {"name": "Copper oxychloride", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 78.3}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.526}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.856}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.672}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.214}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 18.8}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.192}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.05}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.714}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.714}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.45}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 76.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -26.4}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.56875}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.727}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 232}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 232}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "climate change", "climate change"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015678}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "climate change", "total"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00015779}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00090452}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.040201}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0042211}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022111}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037186}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074372}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0036181}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.019095}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.99497}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.809}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.11055}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.039196}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.054271}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6382}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00030151}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.52261}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0065327}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017085}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00070352}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00050251}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.058291}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.89447}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1608}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.005}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2563}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001005}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.87437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.27136}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.015678}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015678}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "ecosystem quality", "aquatic ecotoxicity"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0085e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9351e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3083e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6403e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4229e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5008e-10}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3426e-06}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7622e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3033e-06}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8409e-06}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00038132}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.003553}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001808}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00017757}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4297e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010865}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0852e-14}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0037402}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00027003}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.008e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.1558e-05}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5789e-05}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1584e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4066e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.939e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0591e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0154e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9129e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.1442e-05}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0626e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6831e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012984}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9002e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.3302e-12}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3641e-11}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0015668}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0182e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.703e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00059259}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.094e-06}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9189e-05}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016817}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.9517e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2654e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2414e-05}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.1536e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00024571}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0334e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0019835}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.010777}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00011954}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7757e-06}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5334e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5158e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7567e-07}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8414e-05}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5039e-05}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7323e-13}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0049896}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2091e-05}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5648e-07}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7736e-07}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0319e-06}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2839e-05}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.4602e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.115e-06}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1991e-05}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0956e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00024365}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0884e-06}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9732e-09}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0046077}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0014421}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012948}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2527e-05}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0258e-06}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7738e-08}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3885e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5263e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0763e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.3045e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3258e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.818e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6945e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8962e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8346e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5096e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.0727e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.637e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.793e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7852e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.9872e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4669e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7377e-10}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0845e-07}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.493e-06}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010835}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6947e-11}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012209}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7842e-06}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.798e-05}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00093343}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00036819}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4544e-06}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1155e-05}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8786e-06}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1013e-05}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.743e-06}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8584e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1055e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5951e-06}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9077e-05}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1077e-14}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2921e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2183e-05}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.6326e-07}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.731e-05}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00024}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2311e-05}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3331e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00017598}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014683}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0020458}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0784e-05}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0039e-06}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6617e-07}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.2936e-06}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2001e-06}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7963e-07}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1853e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0028818}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1905e-07}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6036e-07}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.0125e-06}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00028476}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1053e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4124e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3737e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.692e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4335e-11}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3964e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.8539e-10}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0826e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5136e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1425e-09}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5908e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1433e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4363e-10}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2435e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7857e-10}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7422e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0029173}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.129e-10}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00025942}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2966e-08}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8868e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4661e-10}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6434e-05}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.451e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00065491}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7067e-05}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2662e-05}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9525e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.328e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7604e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2189e-05}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8864e-05}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1475e-06}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3465e-06}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2153e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5811e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.135e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9198e-05}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7303e-06}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4446e-05}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00018133}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00039845}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1412e-06}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.8829e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7906e-11}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0646e-06}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2621e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3019e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012518}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8238e-05}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6719e-07}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0686e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8876e-08}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7729e-06}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.7279e-05}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5706e-05}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0017501}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0488e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3549e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7074e-10}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.2541e-05}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6638e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2268e-09}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00038016}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3183e-07}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6107e-05}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7601e-06}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011308}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3741e-06}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00031999}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2249e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00069504}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9687e-10}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7956e-07}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.0261e-07}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.794e-05}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1545e-06}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00015614}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0458e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.98e-06}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9835e-07}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2683e-06}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5208e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2566e-10}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00074758}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9351e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.9351e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9351e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6403e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6403e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6403e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4229e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4229e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4229e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5008e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5008e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5008e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7622e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.7622e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7622e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3033e-06}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.3033e-06}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3033e-06}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001808}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001808}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001808}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4297e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4297e-08}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4297e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010865}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0010865}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010865}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.1558e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.1558e-05}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1558e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.939e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.939e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.939e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0591e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0591e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0591e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0154e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.0154e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0154e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9129e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9129e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9129e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1442e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.1442e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1442e-05}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3302e-12}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.3302e-12}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3302e-12}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3641e-11}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.3641e-11}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3641e-11}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0015668}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0015668}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0015668}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.2654e-09}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.2654e-09}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2654e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00024571}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00024571}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00024571}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0019835}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0019835}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0019835}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.010777}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.010777}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.010777}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9732e-09}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.9732e-09}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9732e-09}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0014421}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0014421}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0014421}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5263e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.5263e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5263e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0763e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.0763e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0763e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.3045e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.3045e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.3045e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3258e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.3258e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3258e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.7704e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.818e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.818e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.818e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6945e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.6945e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6945e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.8962e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.8962e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.8962e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8346e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.8346e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8346e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.5096e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.5096e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5096e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.0727e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.0727e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0727e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.637e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.637e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.637e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.793e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.793e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.793e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.7852e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.7852e-12}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.9872e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.9872e-11}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.9872e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.4669e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.4669e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4669e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7377e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.7377e-10}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6947e-11}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6947e-11}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6947e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1055e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.1055e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1055e-09}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1077e-14}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.1077e-14}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1077e-14}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2921e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.2921e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2921e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014683}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014683}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014683}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028818}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0028818}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028818}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4124e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.4124e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4124e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3737e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.3737e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3737e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.692e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.692e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.692e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4335e-11}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.4335e-11}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4335e-11}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3964e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3964e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3964e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8539e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.8539e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.8539e-10}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0826e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.0826e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0826e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5136e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5136e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5136e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1425e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.1425e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1425e-09}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5908e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.5908e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5908e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1433e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1433e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1433e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4363e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4363e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4363e-10}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2435e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2435e-08}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2435e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7857e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.7857e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7857e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.129e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.129e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.129e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4661e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4661e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4661e-10}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00065491}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00065491}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00065491}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7604e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.7604e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.7604e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2121e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8819e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5811e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.5811e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5811e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.135e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.135e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.135e-05}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8829e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.8829e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8829e-10}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7906e-11}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7906e-11}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7906e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3019e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3019e-12}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3019e-12}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0017501}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0017501}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0017501}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7074e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7074e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7074e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2268e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2268e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2268e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9687e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9687e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9687e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2566e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.2566e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2566e-10}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00074758}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00074758}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00074758}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.012813}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.012813}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.012813}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012813}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0077026}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0077026}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0077026}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0077026}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00029499}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00029499}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00029499}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00029499}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010677}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.010677}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.010677}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.010677}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001645}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.001645}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.001645}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.001645}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.014062}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.014062}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.014062}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.014062}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.074913}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.074913}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.074913}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.074913}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.5951e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0009664}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0009664}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0009664}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0009664}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.057877}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.057877}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.057877}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.057877}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.004633}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.004633}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.004633}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.004633}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.012431}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.012431}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.012431}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.012431}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0051158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0051158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0051158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0051158}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0005446}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0005446}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4018e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4018e-05}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.3772e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.3772e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4043e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4043e-07}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1599e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1599e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.013181}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.013181}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0077083}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0077083}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00029513}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00029513}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9653e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9653e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00011207}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00011207}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7782e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7782e-05}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.226e-07}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.226e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.010687}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.010687}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3557e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3557e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016604}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016604}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.014162}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.014162}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0753086147582}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0753086147582}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6401e-06}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6401e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2901e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2901e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.6839e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.6839e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00041527}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00041527}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5935e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5935e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8306e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8306e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.3579e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3579e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.8113e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8113e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1408e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1408e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3946e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3946e-06}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2848e-05}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2848e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.3548e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3548e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00025329}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00025329}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0035468}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0035468}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00096644}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00096644}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.057882}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.057882}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7254e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7254e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7159e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7159e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.583e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.583e-05}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7446e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7446e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.658e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.658e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00466}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00466}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4991e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4991e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0035468}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0035468}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.258e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.258e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00012479}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00012479}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00015576}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00015576}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3635e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3635e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.1561e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.1561e-05}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4848e-06}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4848e-06}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.3341e-06}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3341e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012471}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.012471}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1849e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1849e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5602e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5602e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0919e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0919e-05}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6649e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.6649e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0189e-05}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0189e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00514}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00514}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2001e-05}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3199e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.7704e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7704e-07}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9514e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7704e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.7756e-06}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.7756e-06}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9618e-12}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.9618e-12}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9618e-12}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9618e-12}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000201}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5671e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0014201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0014201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0014201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0014201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014221}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0014221}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.031e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.547e-05}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2616e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8309e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3322e-05}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4452e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4452e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.4452e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4452e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00014446}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00014446}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7133e-07}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "ecosystem quality", "land occupation"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.4465e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.4465e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.2495e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.0085e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.0085e-05}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "ecosystem quality", "terrestrial acidification & nutrification"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011365}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011365}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0011365}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011365}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011365}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041701}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "ecosystem quality", "terrestrial ecotoxicity"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8876e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.8208e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3626e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1087e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.702e-08}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00077259}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9759e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1063e-05}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00029563}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.13595}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.17077}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072988}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001034}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.6563e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.011625}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9812e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0022932}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.14922}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011813}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0002902}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0052167}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9045e-05}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5115e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7247e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1841e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9691e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.7242e-06}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3986e-05}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8716e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00014842}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010597}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010614}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0658e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1555e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.52613}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.01027}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0069265}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.04945}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0022099}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.020646}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0052571}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010471}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9934e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053725}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00028722}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22028}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00044883}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12212}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.68301}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036821}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0017767}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0063614}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0013154}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010668}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8596e-05}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001268}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1278e-07}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0054069}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00028418}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7847e-05}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1559e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.823e-05}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.01596}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.4999e-05}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00073678}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0053602}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0013456}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.061976}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012188}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.5855e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0031769}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014952}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010214}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00057699}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001546}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9184e-06}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6277e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8942e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3895e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3438e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6379e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3349e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5355e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.614e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.97e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5748e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5678e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.3527e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6597e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2323e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6062e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2596e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4579e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00076496}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016479}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016334}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7139e-09}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00028176}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00056881}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012569}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.012916}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0092599}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00014887}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011824}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010989}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0025173}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001595}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0025e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4649e-06}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0023555}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.025557}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.7149e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.1654e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0039993}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00072313}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4721e-05}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0095307}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0039452}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00048591}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00056586}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.07538}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.014918}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0020986}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00065517}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022337}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0092629}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.5292e-06}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8085e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0028923}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2161}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00011568}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00023469}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002173}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0076356}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011984}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4996e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.058e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3404e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0692e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6807e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.606e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8649e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2985e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9348e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3691e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.2405e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0427e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5067e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5796e-08}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00014902}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.10337}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3441e-08}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.017585}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5669e-06}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022369}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1551e-09}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.029504}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2786e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3247}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021128}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.016737}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00097732}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00015525}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8353e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011198}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002383}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2659e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1474e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7417e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9829e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9031e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.0174e-06}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005717}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010347}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0045301}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6529e-05}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00071912}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00015578}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3882e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.5883e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00021137}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5617e-05}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.264e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012358}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00014278}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00045015}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1157e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5494e-06}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016859}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00058047}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.014252}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00538}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4726e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010055}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1631e-09}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011237}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0040554}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.02e-08}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0025693}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9519e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00015954}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00044865}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.003793}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00067945}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.034824}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4811e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.13853}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3994e-09}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4907e-05}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.8832e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0061144}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1667e-06}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.084938}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4511e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1767e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1886e-05}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00033946}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00026589}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9359e-10}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.58377}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8208e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.8208e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8208e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3626e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.3626e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3626e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1087e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1087e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1087e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.702e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.702e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.702e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.9759e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.9759e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9759e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1063e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.1063e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1063e-05}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072988}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.072988}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072988}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6563e-06}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.6563e-06}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6563e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.011625}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.011625}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011625}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0002902}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0002902}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0002902}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7247e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.7247e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7247e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1841e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.1841e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1841e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9691e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9691e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9691e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.7242e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.7242e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7242e-06}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3986e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3986e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3986e-05}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.0658e-10}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.0658e-10}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0658e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1555e-09}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.1555e-09}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1555e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.52613}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.52613}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.52613}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9934e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.9934e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9934e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22028}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.22028}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22028}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12212}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12212}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12212}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.68301}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.68301}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.68301}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.5855e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.5855e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.5855e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014952}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014952}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014952}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8942e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.8942e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8942e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3895e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.3895e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3895e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3438e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3438e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3438e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6379e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.6379e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6379e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.0379e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3349e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3349e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3349e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5355e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.5355e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5355e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.614e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.614e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.614e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.97e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.97e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.97e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5748e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.5748e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5748e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5678e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5678e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5678e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.3527e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.3527e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.3527e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6597e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.6597e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6597e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2323e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.2323e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.6062e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.6062e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6062e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2596e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2596e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2596e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4579e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4579e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7139e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.7139e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.7139e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4649e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4649e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4649e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7149e-13}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.7149e-13}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.7149e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1654e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.1654e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1654e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.07538}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.07538}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.07538}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2161}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.2161}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2161}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4996e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.4996e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4996e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.058e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.058e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.058e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3404e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.3404e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3404e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0692e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.0692e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0692e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6807e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.6807e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6807e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.606e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.606e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.606e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8649e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.8649e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8649e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2985e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.2985e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2985e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9348e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9348e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9348e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3691e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3691e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3691e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.2405e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.2405e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2405e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0427e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.0427e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0427e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5067e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5067e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5067e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5796e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.5796e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5796e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3441e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3441e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3441e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1551e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.1551e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1551e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3247}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.3247}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3247}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8353e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.8353e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8353e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3922e-06}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1474e-09}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.1474e-09}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1474e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9031e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9031e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9031e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.0174e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.0174e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0174e-06}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3882e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3882e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3882e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.5883e-09}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.5883e-09}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.5883e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.264e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.264e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.264e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00538}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00538}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00538}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1631e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1631e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1631e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.02e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.02e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.02e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3994e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.3994e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3994e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.9359e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.9359e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9359e-10}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.58377}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.58377}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.58377}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43756}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.43756}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.43756}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.43756}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.067289}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.067289}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.067289}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.067289}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016781}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0016781}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0016781}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0016781}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0475}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.0475}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.0475}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.0475}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2964}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2964}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2964}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2964}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.71639}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.71639}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.71639}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.71639}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9959}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.9959}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.9959}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.9959}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0023555}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.43496}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.43496}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.43496}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.43496}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.317}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.317}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.317}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 15.317}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9026}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.9026}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.9026}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.9026}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.031343}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.031343}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.031343}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.031343}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4118}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4118}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4118}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.4118}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8877e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8877e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8912e-10}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8912e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9395e-09}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9395e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5128e-11}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5128e-11}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.709e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.709e-10}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3114e-14}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3114e-14}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0456e-16}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0456e-16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.8183e-17}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.8183e-17}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9066e-10}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9066e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1422e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1422e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.046e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.046e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2024e-09}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2024e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7907e-16}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7907e-16}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.341e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.341e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6805e-16}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6805e-16}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.391e-09}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.391e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7544e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7544e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7478e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7478e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2913e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2913e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3621e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3621e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3296e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3296e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1323e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1323e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8057e-08}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8057e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6081e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6081e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4297e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4297e-09}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9404e-08}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9404e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1181e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1181e-12}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5951e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5951e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4255e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4255e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.999e-14}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.999e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.746e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.746e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5236e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5236e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5571e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5571e-07}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8261e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8261e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6928e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6928e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5865e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5865e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4255e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4255e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9953e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.9953e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4769e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4769e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5976e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5976e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7345e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7345e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1498e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1498e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.845e-10}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.845e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.8363e-11}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8363e-11}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5455e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5455e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0397e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0397e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1029e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1029e-10}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2214e-14}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2214e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4383e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4383e-10}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00058656}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5709e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0379e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.0379e-05}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.92e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.0379e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7874e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7874e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1126e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.1126e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1126e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1126e-10}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.24159}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.4991e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.24159}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.24159}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.24159}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4032}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4032}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4032}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.4032}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00036786}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001507}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6526e-05}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6751e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00040141}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6765e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.6765e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.6765e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6765e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.0902e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0902e-07}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020812}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "ecosystem quality", "total"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.967685e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27559e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002163083}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.52663e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1101229e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.717008e-08}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0007799326}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.25212e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.43663e-05}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002984709}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.13633132}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.174323}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.074796}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00121157}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001142170597}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0127115}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9812010852e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0060334}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.14949003}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001184308}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000331758}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005232489}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.926084e-05}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.65216e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.81409e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.59001e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9845e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.88532e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000105428}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.97786e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001501031}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00023581}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010713002}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.129102e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.179141e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.5276968}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0102740182}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00695353}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.05004259}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002213994}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.020725189}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00542527}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000104789517}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.086054e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005404914}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002933736}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.22052571}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0004528634}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.1241035}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.693787}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00380164}, {"name": "Cyclanilide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0017864757}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.006376734}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001350558}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00010765567}, {"name": "Cyprodinil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00012701}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000141839}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1278047323e-07}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0103965}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000296271}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.870348e-05}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.173636e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.62619e-05}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.015972839}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.574502e-05}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000743895}, {"name": "Dimethenamid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005402191}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0013466956}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.06221965}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001229684}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.615232e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0077846}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00159162}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.01034348}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000589517}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001556258}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.986138e-06}, {"name": "Ethalfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.711585e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.919463e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.59713e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34463045e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.07048e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36308e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5431945e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.712962e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9728346e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.629896e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5748727e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.37907e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.139e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2390852e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.666072e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.304269e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.515277e-08}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00076556845}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000166283}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00174175}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.730847e-09}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00040385}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0005755942}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016367}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.01384943}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00962809}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001503244}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001193555}, {"name": "Flumetsulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011077786}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002538313}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001600743}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.031084e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4710055e-06}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0023600951}, {"name": "Halosulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.025616077}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.02567e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.39461e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "Imazamox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.004011483}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00072379326}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2031e-05}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0097707}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.003977511}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0004872431}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00074184}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.07552683}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0169638}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002129384}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0006561739}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00022353617}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0092721936}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7293e-06}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.28813e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0028944853}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2189818}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00011589905}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00023515036}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021790125}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00792036}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0119931053}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.523724e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.081737e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.343092e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06954335e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.694664e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.60678539e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.895726e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.313636e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.956225e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36935908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.35483e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.04284363e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.519135e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.617457e-08}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000149057422}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.1062873}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39539e-08}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.01784442}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.629866e-06}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002255768}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.90171e-09}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.029580434}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.282051e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32535491}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002129867}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.4465e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.4465e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.2495e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.0305e-06}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.1324e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.0085e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.3955e-05}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 7.0085e-05}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.016759662}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0009812725}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016853}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.61134e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011220189}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.002441864}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38065e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.176219e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.97635e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9841153e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9066811e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.83674e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.005756198}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010374303}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.004554546}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000267859}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00111757}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001599212}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.457029e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.606206e-09}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002134346}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.604321e-05}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.277019e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00024876}, {"name": "Prosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000241018}, {"name": "Pymetrozine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00045051719}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.22256e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.578276e-06}, {"name": "Pyrithiobac sodium salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016906729}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000657749}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.014287706}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0071301}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69606e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.001029049}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.33384e-09}, {"name": "Sulfentrazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011279541}, {"name": "Sulfosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.004072038}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.14268e-08}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00294946}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.005083e-05}, {"name": "Tefluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000195647}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0004534101}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0049238}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0006808241}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.03514399}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.513349e-05}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.13922504}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.59627e-09}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.558656e-05}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.973461e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00614234}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3212e-06}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.08509414}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4531458e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8747e-05}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.238435e-05}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0003407283}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002684108}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.11925e-09}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.58451758}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27559e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.27559e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27559e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.52663e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.52663e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.52663e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1101229e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1101229e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1101229e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.717008e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.717008e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid, trifluoro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.717008e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.25212e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.25212e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.25212e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.43663e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.43663e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.43663e-05}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.074796}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.074796}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.074796}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001142170597}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001142170597}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011365}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001142170597}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0127115}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0127115}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0127115}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000331758}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000331758}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000331758}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.81409e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.81409e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.81409e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.59001e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.59001e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.59001e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9845e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.9845e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9845e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.88532e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.88532e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.88532e-05}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000105428}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000105428}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000105428}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.129102e-10}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.129102e-10}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.129102e-10}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.179141e-09}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.179141e-09}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.179141e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.5276968}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.5276968}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.5276968}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.086054e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.086054e-07}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.086054e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.22052571}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.22052571}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.22052571}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.1241035}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.1241035}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.1241035}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.693787}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.693787}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.693787}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.615232e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.615232e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.615232e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00159162}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00159162}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00159162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.919463e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.919463e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.919463e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.59713e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.59713e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.59713e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.34463045e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.34463045e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34463045e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.07048e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.07048e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.07048e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.115604e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36308e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.36308e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36308e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5431945e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.5431945e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5431945e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.712962e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.712962e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.712962e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9728346e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.9728346e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9728346e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.629896e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.629896e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.629896e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5748727e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5748727e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5748727e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.37907e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.37907e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.37907e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.139e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.139e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.139e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.2390852e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.2390852e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.666072e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.666072e-09}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.666072e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.304269e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.304269e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.304269e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.515277e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.515277e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.730847e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.730847e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.730847e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4710055e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4710055e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4710055e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.02567e-13}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.02567e-13}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.02567e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.39461e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.39461e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.39461e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.07552683}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.07552683}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.07552683}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2189818}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.2189818}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2189818}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.523724e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.523724e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.523724e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.081737e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.081737e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.081737e-07}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.343092e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.343092e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.343092e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06954335e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.06954335e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06954335e-07}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.694664e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.694664e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.694664e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.60678539e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.60678539e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.60678539e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.895726e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.895726e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.895726e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.313636e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.313636e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.313636e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.956225e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.956225e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.956225e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36935908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.36935908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36935908e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.35483e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.35483e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.35483e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.04284363e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.04284363e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.04284363e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.519135e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.519135e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.519135e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.617457e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.617457e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.617457e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.39539e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.39539e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39539e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.90171e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.90171e-09}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.90171e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.32535491}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.32535491}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.32535491}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.61134e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.61134e-09}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.61134e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.65132e-05}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.176219e-09}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.176219e-09}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.176219e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9066811e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9066811e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9066811e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.83674e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.83674e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83674e-05}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.457029e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.457029e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.457029e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.606206e-09}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.606206e-09}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.606206e-09}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.277019e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.277019e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.277019e-10}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0071301}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0071301}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0071301}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.33384e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.33384e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.33384e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5985e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.14268e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.14268e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.14268e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.59627e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.59627e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.59627e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.11925e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.11925e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.11925e-09}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.58451758}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.58451758}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.58451758}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.450373}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.450373}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.450373}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.450373}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0749916}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0749916}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0749916}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0749916}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00197309}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00197309}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00197309}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00197309}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.058177}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.058177}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.058177}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.058177}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.298045}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.298045}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.298045}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.298045}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.730452}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.730452}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.730452}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.730452}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.070813}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.070813}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.070813}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.070813}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0023600951}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.4359264}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.4359264}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.4359264}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.4359264}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 15.374877}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 15.374877}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 15.374877}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 15.374877}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.907233}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.907233}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.907233}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.907233}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.043774}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.043774}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.043774}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.043774}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4169158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.4169158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.4169158}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.4169158}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00054478877}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00054478877}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.401858912e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.401858912e-05}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.396595e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.396595e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.40455128e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.40455128e-07}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.20699e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.20699e-08}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.013181}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.013181}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0077083}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0077083}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00029513}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00029513}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.96569066e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.96569066e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00011218422}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00011218422}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7783046e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7783046e-05}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.238024e-07}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.238024e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.010687}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.010687}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.37911e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37911e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016604}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016604}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.014162}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.014162}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0753086147582}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0753086147582}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.643491e-06}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.643491e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.347644e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.347644e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.95868e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.95868e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0004175613}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0004175613}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.607121e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.607121e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.8319296e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.8319296e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.3610323e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3610323e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.8151057e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.8151057e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14126081e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14126081e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3970297e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3970297e-06}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2887404e-05}, {"name": "Glutaraldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2887404e-05}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.3548031181e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3548031181e-06}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00025354951}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00025354951}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00354704255}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00354704255}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00096644}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00096644}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.057882}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.057882}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.761136e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.761136e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.618571e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.618571e-05}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.782861e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.782861e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.65816928e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.65816928e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00466}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00466}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.49925865e-05}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.49925865e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00354704255}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00354704255}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.2629953e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2629953e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0001247924769}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0001247924769}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0001557635976}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0001557635976}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3662345e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3662345e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.156181498e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.156181498e-05}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4853845e-06}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4853845e-06}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.334178363e-06}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.334178363e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012471}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.012471}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.184915455e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.184915455e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.580597e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.580597e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.091981029e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.091981029e-05}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.664922214e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.664922214e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.018924383e-05}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.018924383e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00514}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00514}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0752e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000618561}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.68908e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.115604e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.115604e-05}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9239514e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.115604e-05}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.775657874e-06}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.775657874e-06}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.162218e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.162218e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.162218e-10}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.162218e-10}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.241791}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.524771e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.241791}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.241791}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.241791}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4046201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4046201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.4046201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.4046201}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014221}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0014221}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000371891}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00157247}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.675216e-05}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.95819e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000434732}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.42102e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.42102e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.42102e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.42102e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00014466902}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00014466902}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00041701}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00020849133}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "human health", "human toxicity"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00023413}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9152e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011806}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3147e-05}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3772e-06}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00024595}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5468e-06}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00015503}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0072443}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4999}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00079932}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0161e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0551e-11}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0082718}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0038197}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7901e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7047e-05}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029289}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.851e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010069}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00042394}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1593e-05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7556e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00034343}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024367}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016167}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1993e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00089314}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00048079}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5635e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1146e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016767}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6268e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.068699}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0033791}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8377e-10}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.055e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5223e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.18748}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.15919}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0027758}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00077694}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9784e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3209e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9849e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7121e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2585e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.057e-05}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3741e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9582e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00083282}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00043527}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00071454}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3437e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0016478}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1862e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1696e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5478e-05}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0657e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.11494}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.028358}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2373e-05}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.121e-07}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1328e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00025489}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0677e-06}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00023977}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.47e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3022e-05}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0049473}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0087252}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1922e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.4578e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4293e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9255e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.015386}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2639e-07}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6738e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00084231}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4136e-08}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9448e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0723e-05}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036591}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00056611}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5387e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.36e-05}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00014099}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0038714}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0602e-05}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016103}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9162e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9611e-13}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00059605}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9589e-05}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0097183}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00025318}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0064285}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00074339}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7148e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7925e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0078483}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7684e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00034582}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2221e-07}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00013375}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021539}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3076e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.342e-06}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4054e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000406}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011956}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0018767}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.7233e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0070213}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016395}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3177e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9152e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9152e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9152e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3147e-05}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.3147e-05}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3147e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.5468e-06}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.5468e-06}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5468e-06}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0161e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.0161e-05}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0161e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029289}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029289}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029289}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.851e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.851e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.851e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1593e-05}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1593e-05}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1593e-05}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7556e-07}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7556e-07}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7556e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00089314}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00089314}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00089314}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1146e-07}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1146e-07}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1146e-07}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8377e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.8377e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.8377e-10}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.3644e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9849e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.9849e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9849e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7121e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.7121e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7121e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2585e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.2585e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2585e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.057e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.057e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9582e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9582e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9582e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0016478}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0016478}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0016478}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1696e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1696e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1696e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0087252}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0087252}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0087252}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1922e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.1922e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1922e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4578e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.4578e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.4578e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.4293e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.4293e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4293e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.9255e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.9255e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9255e-08}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.015386}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.015386}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015386}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2639e-07}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2639e-07}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2639e-07}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6738e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6738e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6738e-06}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.4136e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.4136e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4136e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.036468}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2221e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.2221e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2221e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.342e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.342e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.342e-06}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3177e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.3177e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3177e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0038216}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0014447}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0014447}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0014447}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0782}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.47882}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.47882}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.47882}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.022224}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.020054}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.020054}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.020054}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011294}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0068685}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0068685}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0068685}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0824}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7411}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7411}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7411}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0045247}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.002233}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.002233}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002233}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0026678}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013166}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013166}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0013166}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024165}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0064154}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0064154}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0064154}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.1862e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.013768}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0062447}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0062447}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0062447}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.51408}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.35507}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.35507}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.35507}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2471.4}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 538.58}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 538.58}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 538.58}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.047193}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.013495}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.013495}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.013495}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.75044}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.4172}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.4172}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.4172}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2117}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.29426}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.29426}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.29426}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5458e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5458e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4516e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4516e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.9015e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9015e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4734e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4734e-06}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5824e-06}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5824e-06}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9481e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9481e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0008591}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0008591}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00080984}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00080984}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00010504}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010504}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00058246}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00058246}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016815}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016815}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.746e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.746e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063253}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063253}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9921e-06}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9921e-06}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6831e-07}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6831e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.28194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.28194}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5756e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5756e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00064196}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00064196}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010504}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010504}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017815}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0017815}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016305}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016305}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.1579e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1579e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0744e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0744e-06}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3095e-06}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3095e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.005082}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.005082}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0026575}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0026575}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.483e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.483e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0034243}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0034243}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00038382}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00038382}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.4522e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.4522e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9572e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9572e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00020736}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00020736}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1879e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1879e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9742e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9742e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0032731}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0032731}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.535e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.535e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0042432}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0042432}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31395}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00018212}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00018212}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012829}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.012829}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2495e-07}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2495e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4114}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4114}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1147e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1147e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0043219}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0043219}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0064276}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0064276}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0323e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0323e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.131e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.131e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6059e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6059e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00013057}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00013057}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00052324}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00052324}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.36927}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.36927}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1546e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1546e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3638e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3638e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2085e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2085e-05}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.565e-05}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.565e-05}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3748e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3748e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.052684}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.052684}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00013914}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011046}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3836e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3836e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3644e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3644e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3644e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 185.34}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 43.795}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 43.795}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 43.795}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4677}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4677}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0558e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010192}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0343e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.037163}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1779e-05}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1779e-05}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8712e-06}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "human health", "ionising radiation"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Antimony-122", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-122", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7746e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7746e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.338e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.338e-11}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0423e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0423e-08}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.3662e-08}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3662e-08}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1831e-08}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1831e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.3803e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3803e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9718e-05}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9718e-05}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3944e-05}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3944e-05}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "human health", "ozone layer depletion"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.010352}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.056197}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0073944}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.10796}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.010352}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.010352}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.010352}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.010352}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.056197}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.056197}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.056197}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.056197}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0073944}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0073944}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0073944}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0073944}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.10796}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.10796}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.10796}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14789}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "human health", "photochemical oxidation"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8732e-05}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5915e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00021549}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00026338}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0003831}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.9577e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7606e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7465e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.831e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0423e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5634e-06}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9577e-05}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6761e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031127}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8732e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.8732e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8732e-05}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.5915e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.5915e-05}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5915e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00021549}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00021549}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00021549}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00026338}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00026338}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00026338}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0003831}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0003831}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0003831}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9577e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.9577e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9577e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7606e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.7606e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7606e-06}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.7465e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.7465e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.7465e-06}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.831e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.831e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011746}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.0423e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.0423e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0423e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5634e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.5634e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5634e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9577e-05}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.9577e-05}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9577e-05}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011394}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00029577}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6761e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.6761e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6761e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019155}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00031127}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00031127}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00031127}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00034789}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00034789}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034789}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00034789}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "human health", "respiratory effects (inorganics)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.011972}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.011972}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.011972}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011972}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.098592}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.098592}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.098592}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.098592}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "human health", "total"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00023413}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011413152}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011806}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000224697}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3772e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00024595}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32788e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00015503}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0072443}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4999}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00079932}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.011992161}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0551e-11}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0082718}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0038197}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7901e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7047e-05}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002994815}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00021557851}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.010069}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00042394}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000274973}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00038357556}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00034343}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024367}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016167}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Chlorimuron-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1993e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0009000977}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00048079}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5635e-05}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00015645146}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0016767}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.6268e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.068699}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0033791}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014366088377}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.055e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5223e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.18748}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.15919}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0027758}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00077694}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9784e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3209e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0177487606}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01035249849}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011773121}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.13315e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011888}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3741e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001194182}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00083282}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00043527}, {"name": "Flusilazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00071454}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3437e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00180414}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1862e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0001448296}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5478e-05}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Lactofen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0657e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.11494}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.028358}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2373e-05}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.121e-07}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.1328e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00025489}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.0677e-06}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00023977}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.47e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3022e-05}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0049473}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0649222}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0073975922}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.003042278}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000114716}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.147890089255}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0029592634}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.123346}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.14789012639}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.12508e-05}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00084231}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000114034136}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9448e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0723e-05}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0036591}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00056611}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5387e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.36e-05}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00014099}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0038714}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0602e-05}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016103}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9162e-05}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9611e-13}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00059605}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9589e-05}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0097183}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00025318}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0064285}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00074339}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7148e-06}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7925e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0078483}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.7684e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00034582}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.728321e-05}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00013375}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0021539}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3076e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000192892}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4054e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000406}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011956}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0018767}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.7233e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0070213}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00016395}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0003145877}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011413152}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011413152}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011413152}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00025211}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1972e-05}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014366}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0492e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000224697}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000224697}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000224697}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.32788e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.32788e-05}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32788e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7376e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.010733}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00040399}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019718}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019202}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.011992161}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.011992161}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011992161}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00061335}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.063893}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029812}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1964e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002994815}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002994815}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002994815}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00021557851}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00021557851}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00021557851}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.795}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029555}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.972}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.024088}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000274973}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000274973}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000274973}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010662}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00038357556}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00038357556}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00038357556}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.23054}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6146e-05}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010296}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9577e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0009000977}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0009000977}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0009000977}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.055147}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.049225}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0563e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00080644}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00015645146}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00015645146}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00015645146}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.7465e-05}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014366088377}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00014366088377}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014366088377}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.0193e-05}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6134e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4114700}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0028291}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.7183e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4257e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0177487606}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0177487606}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0177487606}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042411}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.147890023644}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.017746}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6153e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00098621}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01035249849}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01035249849}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.010352}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01035249849}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.06507}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011773121}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011773121}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011773121}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0003}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00042348}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.13315e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.13315e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.13315e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011888}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011888}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3099e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001194182}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001194182}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001194182}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00098862}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6338e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00180414}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00180414}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00180414}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.7042e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.0591e-06}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00015634}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001448296}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0001448296}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0001448296}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010563}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9296e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9255e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00012035}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9718e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00013239}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2535e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3239e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010281}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.15066}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0649222}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0649222}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.056197}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0649222}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.88732}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7746}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0073975922}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0073975922}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0073944}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0073975922}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.003042278}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.003042278}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.003042278}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000114716}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000114716}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000114716}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.147890089255}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.147890089255}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.147890089255}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0059155}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8028e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0029592634}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0029592634}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0029577}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0029592634}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.123346}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.123346}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.123346}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.14789012639}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.14789012639}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.14789012639}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.12508e-05}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.12508e-05}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.12508e-05}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4366e-05}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000114034136}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000114034136}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000114034136}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.007e-05}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 65.318}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.363e-05}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0035042}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7857e-05}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00018028}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00032394}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03676377}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011986}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.4356e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037131}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.062879}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5256e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.4366e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.169e-05}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1127e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00023944}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3944e-05}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00016761}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00033521}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00047093}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2817e-07}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3803e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.071131}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.2587e-05}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0076901}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.728321e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.728321e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.728321e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000192892}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000192892}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000192892}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.6699e-07}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3662e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9577e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1549e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9718e-11}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0003145877}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0003145877}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0003145877}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Zinc-65", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03663}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0038216}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0014447}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0014447}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0014447}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0782}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.47882}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.47882}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.47882}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.022224}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.020054}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.020054}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.020054}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.011294}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0068685}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0068685}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0068685}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0824}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.7411}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.7411}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.7411}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0045247}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.002233}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.002233}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.002233}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0026678}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0013166}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0013166}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0013166}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.024165}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0064154}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0064154}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0064154}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.1862e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.013768}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0062447}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0062447}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0062447}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.51408}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.35507}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.35507}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.35507}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2471.4}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 538.58}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 538.58}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 538.58}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.047193}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.013495}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.013495}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.013495}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.75044}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.4172}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.4172}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.4172}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2117}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.29426}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.29426}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.29426}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.5458e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.5458e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4516e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4516e-05}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.9015e-06}, {"name": "Acenaphthylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9015e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4734e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4734e-06}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5824e-06}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5824e-06}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9481e-05}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9481e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0008591}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0008591}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00080984}, {"name": "Aluminium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00080984}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00010504}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00010504}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-122", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-122", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31389}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Barium-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.019702}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00058246}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00058246}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00016815}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00016815}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.746e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.746e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0063253}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0063253}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9921e-06}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9921e-06}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6831e-07}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6831e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.28194}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.28194}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5756e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5756e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00064196}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00064196}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0010504}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0010504}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0017815}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0017815}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7746e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7746e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0016305}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0016305}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.1579e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1579e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0744e-06}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0744e-06}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3095e-06}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3095e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.005082}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.005082}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0026575}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0026575}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.483e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.483e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0034243}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0034243}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00038382}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00038382}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.4522e-05}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.4522e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9572e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9572e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00020736}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00020736}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1879e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1879e-06}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9742e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9742e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0032731}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0032731}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.769e-07}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.535e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.535e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.338e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.338e-11}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.0423e-08}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.0423e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0042432}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0042432}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.3662e-08}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.3662e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.31395}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.31395}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00018212}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00018212}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.012829}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.012829}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2495e-07}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2495e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4114}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4114}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1147e-05}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1147e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0043219}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0043219}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0064276}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0064276}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0027477}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.0323e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.0323e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.131e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.131e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.6059e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.6059e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00013057}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00013057}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00052324}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00052324}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.831e-08}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.36927}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.36927}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1831e-08}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1831e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1546e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1546e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3638e-05}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3638e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2085e-05}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2085e-05}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.565e-05}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.565e-05}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.3803e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3803e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2394e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3748e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3748e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.052684}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.052684}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0061549}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00013914}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0011046}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.3836e-07}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.3836e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.147890023644}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.14789}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.147890023644}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.13901}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.147890023644}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00034789}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00034789}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00034789}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00034789}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4232}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 185.34}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 43.795}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 43.795}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 43.795}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4677}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4677}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0558e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0010192}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.0343e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.037163}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2537e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1779e-05}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1779e-05}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6901e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.831e-06}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9718e-05}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9718e-05}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3944e-05}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3944e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.012549}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8712e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.098592}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.098592}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.098592}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.098592}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "resources", "mineral extraction"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.5658e-05}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.0296e-06}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0010888}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.3553e-07}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8355e-05}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.0592e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.0592e-06}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0039474}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2401e-05}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8355e-05}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2401e-05}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2401e-05}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8355e-05}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.0592e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0010888}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.5658e-05}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.3553e-07}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.0296e-06}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0039474}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "resources", "non-renewable energy"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.5132e-05}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00012566}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 6.5132e-05}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.6842}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026513}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026513}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00030132}]}, {"unit": "points", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Endpoint)", "resources", "total"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.5658e-05}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.0296e-06}, {"name": "Cinnabar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0010888}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.5132e-05}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00012566}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.3553e-07}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8355e-05}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.0592e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 6.5132e-05}, {"name": "Pyrolusite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.0592e-06}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0039474}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2401e-05}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8355e-05}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2401e-05}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2401e-05}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.8355e-05}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.0592e-06}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0010888}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026974}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.6842}, {"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.5658e-05}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.3553e-07}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.0296e-06}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00010737}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00024145}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0039474}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026513}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00026513}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00030132}]}, {"unit": "kg SO2-Eq", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Midpoint)", "ecosystem quality", "aquatic acidification"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.98}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.65}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Hydrochloric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.88}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Hydrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.98}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.98}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.98}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.98}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.65}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.65}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.65}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.65}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.65}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Hydrogen sulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.88}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.7}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.7}]}, {"unit": "kg PO4-Eq", "name": ["IMPACT 2002+ (Midpoint)", "ecosystem quality", "aquatic eutrophication"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.97}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.06}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.06}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10284.28180003}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -2.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.66}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 234.2}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 234.2}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 234.2}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 234.2}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6856.19412664}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -86.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 276.9}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 276.9}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 276.9}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 276.9}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8546.70453046}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -10.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 264.8}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.8}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.8}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 264.8}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6345.34933827}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 263.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 263.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 263.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 263.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013", "climate change", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26099103}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 200.74820021}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.33931669}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2504.54117161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 111.36886022}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.01534578}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.12375371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 355.70904262}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.96555186}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 73.67421685}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8977.01466873}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13455.63285373}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 967.40161765}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.32489627}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 296.86626879}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4167.51900477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 261.70622477}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15922.81568973}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22891799}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8448.35132681}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.42224025}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 94.49366841}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68197775}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 479.24856328}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8038.40372143}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2335.19186209}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12708.85603515}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18118.78539979}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28214.80930274}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10284.28180003}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.699999999999999}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -2.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8553.18565655}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4473.62844371}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.66}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 234.2}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 234.2}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 234.2}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 234.2}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 234.2}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013", "climate change", "global temperature change potential (GTP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.9}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18.24837414}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3052.69963023}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 316.60550853}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6957.14306684}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1853.06008034}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 174.39608796}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.9747162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4393.45390921}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 98.08200817}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1115.61822832}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6314.35359241}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8876.75317735}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5797.34335077}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 67.5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.73872249}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3949.60813155}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7986.04106265}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4196.41323495}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11683.35721739}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.90392379}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11266.32205517}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 192.19782135}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1361.718525}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.51076012}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3278.12858556}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5272.10470425}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6889.13353303}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11523.75388112}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13722.57941308}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18904.21083067}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6856.19412664}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.4714}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 68.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -86.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8186.32416562}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6731.10248487}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 276.9}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 276.9}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 276.9}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 276.9}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 276.9}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.40180896}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1301.27019996}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160.09863099}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4804.43907777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 782.03725986}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 137.56020393}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.89826217}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1982.03546266}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.36717675}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 526.54777691}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7665.36131656}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11123.49391992}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3169.25517622}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 28.5}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3545465}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1746.48198701}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6291.62957595}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1764.62950881}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13893.35260104}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.9151946}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10239.23459918}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 147.66224518}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 676.80778461}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12.18322764}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1728.47068126}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6625.78042077}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4662.93699438}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12397.60343847}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16069.99763401}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 23506.81999316}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8546.70453046}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -10.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8592.20208449}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5823.72618701}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 264.8}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 264.8}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 264.8}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 264.8}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 264.8}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2013", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 60.29647382}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3710.4788196}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 577.77621224}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6941.44823395}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2548.00975967}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 505.69920794}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.30219927}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5023.56183413}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 291.77024983}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1870.43870156}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5859.04711178}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8211.20366114}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6094.03667874}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 83.9}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.65580448}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4589.80812159}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7800.9561974}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5280.10704552}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10863.17056314}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 32.7741165}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10794.23514189}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 542.83301944}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2434.93685948}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 44.78808811}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3484.29927629}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4875.44842707}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6898.42980647}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10826.80979255}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12778.94210066}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17499.90776451}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6345.34933827}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 84.60000000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7711.95410637}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6489.97806239}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 263.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 263.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 263.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 263.7}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 263.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP50) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9580}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 290}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change no LT", "global warming potential (GWP500) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 130}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP50) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.4}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic no LT", "global warming potential (GWP500) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic, including SLCFs no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic, including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: biogenic, including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP50) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9580}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 290}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil no LT", "global warming potential (GWP500) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 130}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil, including SLCFs no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -2.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.66}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil, including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -10.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: fossil, including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.7}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: including SLCFs no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -2.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.66}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -10.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.7}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP50) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use no LT", "global warming potential (GWP500) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use, including SLCFs no LT", "global temperature change potential (GTP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use, including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP100) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021 no LT", "climate change: land use, including SLCFs no LT", "global warming potential (GWP20) no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change", "global temperature change potential (GTP50)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9580}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 290}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change", "global warming potential (GWP500)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 130}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic", "global temperature change potential (GTP50)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10.4}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10.4}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic", "global warming potential (GWP500)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.2}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.2}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic, including SLCFs", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic, including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: biogenic, including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil", "global temperature change potential (GTP50)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.53}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.096}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 733}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 37.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 269}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 36.5}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.285}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1430}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 143}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10100}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12900}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.535}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1070}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 785}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17000}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.46}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13300}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 35.5}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 181}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1990}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7660}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6350}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.105}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 26200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9580}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.011}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9990}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6910}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 290}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 290}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil", "global warming potential (GWP500)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.87}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.125}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 436}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1940}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 246}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 46.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.371}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 170}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9880}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1110}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.692}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 552}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2750}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 560}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.6}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17500}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.18}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5710}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 45.6}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 220}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 658}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10600}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2090}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10500}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.137}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18200}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 34100}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.013}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.015}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6150}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2830}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 130}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 130}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil, including SLCFs", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -2.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.66}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil, including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -10.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: fossil, including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.7}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: including SLCFs", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.3864}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.079}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 306}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.7}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3250}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 162}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.234}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 514}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 110}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11000}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15200}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1300}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.438}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 406}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5060}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 379}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18800}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10400}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9050}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3540}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 15100}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.087}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20000}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.004}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 30600}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11200}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.008}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -2.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.009}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9410}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5210}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.66}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 233}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 233}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.491}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 20.6}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1530}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5810}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2300}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 90.4}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 597}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9600}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.34}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 27}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1930}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1960}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.4}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16200}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 11.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12500}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 160}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 771}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.54}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2200}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7380}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6230}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14600}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.481}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 17400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 25200}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9220}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -10.8}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.052}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9430}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6520}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 74.2}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4140}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 567}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7840}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2710}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 591}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5510}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 325}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2070}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7410}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8940}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6740}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 22.8}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 79.7}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4920}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5690}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 286}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 40.2}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12700}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 575}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2690}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 19.9}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3810}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5300}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8320}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 12400}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13400}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.072}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 18300}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6680}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.158}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 16.7}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.188}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8260}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6860}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 14}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 273}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 273}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use", "global temperature change potential (GTP50)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 13.2}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use", "global warming potential (GWP500)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 10}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use, including SLCFs", "global temperature change potential (GTP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9578}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use, including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP100)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.0624}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 29.8}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "kg CO2-Eq", "name": ["IPCC 2021", "climate change: land use, including SLCFs", "global warming potential (GWP20)"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon monoxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.221400000000001}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 82.5}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": -1}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": -1}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "acidification: terrestrial no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.17e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.38e-07}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.38e-07}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "climate change: freshwater ecosystems no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.83e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.83e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.61e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.61e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.93e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.93e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.97e-10}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.97e-10}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.76e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.34e-08}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "climate change: terrestrial ecosystems no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.84e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.84e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.7e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.52e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.52e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.27e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.27e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.76e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.76e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.93e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.93e-08}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.73e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.73e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.77e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.77e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.11e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.11e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.19e-05}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.19e-05}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000321}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000859}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000859}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000859}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000859}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "ecotoxicity: freshwater no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.52e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.52e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.43e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.43e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.81e-10}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.63e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.81e-10}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.81e-10}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.86e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.86e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.83e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.83e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.86e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.73e-15}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.86e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.86e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.33e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.09e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.09e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.48e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.51e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.97e-09}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.97e-09}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.73e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7e-15}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.73e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.73e-11}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.94e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.94e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.27e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.27e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.32e-12}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.07e-15}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.32e-12}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.32e-12}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.57e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.27e-14}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.68e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.68e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.54e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.38e-20}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.54e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.54e-11}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.38e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.77e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.61e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.96e-10}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.19e-10}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.19e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.41e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.41e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.39e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.39e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.93e-14}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.71e-13}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.58e-11}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.58e-11}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.05e-18}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.92e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.92e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.01e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.01e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-12}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.21e-15}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.51e-12}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.07e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.03e-14}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.07e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.07e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.26e-13}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.54e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.94e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.94e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.84e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.84e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.82e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.17e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.35e-18}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.17e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.17e-11}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.75e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.16e-13}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23e-09}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.92e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.16e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.16e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-11}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58e-11}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.74e-08}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.37e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.64e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.75e-05}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-08}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-09}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.74e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.79e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.79e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.33e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.47e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.33e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.33e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.37e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.34e-11}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-10}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.84e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.84e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.85e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.36e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.57e-26}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.36e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.36e-07}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.47e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.32e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.69e-27}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.32e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.32e-08}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.44e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.93e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.25e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.25e-07}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.18e-10}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-07}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-10}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.56e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.89e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.37e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.37e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.16e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.75e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.75e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.75e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.61e-27}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.59e-11}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.99e-11}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.73e-10}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.73e-10}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.11e-06}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.35e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.35e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.17e-10}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.54e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.54e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.03e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.03e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.03e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.2e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.8e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.47e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.78e-15}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.73e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.73e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.78e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.78e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.79e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.79e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.35e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.35e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.86e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.86e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.34e-08}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.34e-08}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.42e-11}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.35e-11}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89e-12}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9e-15}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.31e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.54e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.54e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.54e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.62e-27}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.74e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.97e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.81e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.54e-10}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.67e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.46e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.45e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.45e-06}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.31e-10}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.95e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.52e-14}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.96e-11}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-09}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.12e-09}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.52e-09}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.97e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.97e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.33e-15}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.36e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.04e-14}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.61e-09}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.08e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.41e-28}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.17e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.06e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.06e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.79e-09}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-09}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.83e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9e-10}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83e-08}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.42e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9e-14}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.42e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.42e-10}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.88e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.92e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.59e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.59e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.59e-11}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4e-19}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.59e-11}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.59e-11}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.41e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.87e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.87e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.87e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.74e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.74e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.75e-21}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.51e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-07}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.54e-09}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.41e-08}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-10}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.26e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.02e-19}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.26e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.26e-09}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.92e-14}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.29e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.29e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.59e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.59e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.25e-13}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.68e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.68e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.29e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.24e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.35e-08}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6e-09}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.08e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.08e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.21e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.87e-29}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.96e-09}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.96e-09}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.29e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.29e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.02e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.37e-26}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.02e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.02e-08}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.76e-10}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6e-10}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.84e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.03e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.03e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.51e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.51e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.44e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.99e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.99e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.99e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.43e-29}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.84e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.84e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.88e-27}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.02e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.36e-15}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.15e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.82e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.06e-17}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95e-18}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.34e-11}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-08}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-12}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.81e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.84e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.9e-09}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.11e-10}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.04e-09}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-11}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53e-09}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.76e-09}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.39e-06}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.63e-11}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.39e-10}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-08}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-11}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.93e-09}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-10}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.42e-11}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.97e-11}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.63e-11}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.38e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.38e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.55e-10}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.01e-09}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.06e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.54e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.09e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.09e-15}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.18e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.18e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.21e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.34e-15}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.21e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.21e-10}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.05e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.05e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-19}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.92e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.49e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.62e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.62e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.31e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.38e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.38e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.08e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.33e-10}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.72e-14}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.33e-10}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.33e-10}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.34e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.97e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-08}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.14e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.33e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.33e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.46e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.46e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.77e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.52e-14}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.77e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.77e-10}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.18e-11}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.21e-09}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.92e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.57e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.72e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.36e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.05e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39e-09}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.76e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.45e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.82e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-08}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.44e-10}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5e-10}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-10}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8e-11}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.75e-09}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.99e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.99e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.24e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.24e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.09e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.49e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.57e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.85e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.95e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.71e-13}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.71e-13}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.85e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.89e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.85e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.85e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.59e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.37e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.56e-15}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.37e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.37e-12}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.26e-11}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.55e-10}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.11e-10}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.49e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.49e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.18e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.18e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.02e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.09e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.81e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.81e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.58e-15}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.71e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.71e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.96e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.43e-18}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.96e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.96e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.88e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.88e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.87e-09}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.51e-09}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4e-08}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.25e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.18e-09}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.95e-09}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2e-09}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.03e-08}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2e-09}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.44e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.43e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.11e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.11e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.77e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01e-07}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.17e-07}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.57e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.57e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.57e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.55e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.47e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.85e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.91e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.91e-07}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.48e-08}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.84e-08}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.46e-10}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.05e-10}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.17e-12}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.95e-09}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.85e-09}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-08}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.78e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.78e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.19e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.19e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.31e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.25e-14}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.31e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.31e-10}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.93e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.07e-19}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.93e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.93e-11}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.93e-10}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.03e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.02e-16}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.02e-16}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.88e-12}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.09e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.97e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.44e-10}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.98e-09}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.23e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.23e-08}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.56e-18}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.56e-18}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.54e-18}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.54e-18}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.5e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.93e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.93e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.19e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.19e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.81e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.13e-18}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.81e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.81e-11}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3e-10}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.21e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.49e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.49e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.49e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.04e-15}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.29e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.64e-15}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.54e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.54e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-12}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-09}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.07e-10}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.83e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.37e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.37e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.88e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.36e-08}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.24e-09}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.26e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.26e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-17}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.67e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.67e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6e-11}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6e-11}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.25e-15}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.38e-09}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.22e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.79e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.94e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.35e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.35e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.35e-05}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.03e-12}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.22e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.22e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.29e-31}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.74e-10}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-10}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-11}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-10}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-10}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.17e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.17e-09}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.43e-09}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.14e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.82e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.41e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.94e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.61e-09}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.34e-10}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.27e-16}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-10}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.27e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.27e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.27e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.46e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.25e-29}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.46e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.46e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.18e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.32e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.32e-09}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-11}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-08}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-09}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.99e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.26e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.01e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.35e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.35e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.17e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.17e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.42e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.74e-15}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.42e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.42e-12}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.71e-09}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.98e-09}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-10}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.69e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.62e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.62e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.96e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.59e-14}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.54e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.37e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.67e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.67e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.42e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.42e-12}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.23e-10}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.38e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.38e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.29e-15}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.51e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.54e-09}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.03e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.37e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.62e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.08e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.52e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.52e-06}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.71e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.24e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.25e-11}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.25e-11}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.29e-11}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.85e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.01e-29}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.85e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.85e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.34e-10}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.11e-10}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.47e-10}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.71e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.58e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.18e-27}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.68e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.86e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-09}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.92e-12}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.92e-12}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.4e-13}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.08e-11}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.95e-10}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.69e-10}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.46e-11}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.06e-09}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.29e-10}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.47e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.17e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.04e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.37e-12}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.04e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.04e-09}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.29e-11}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.94e-12}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.65e-08}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.67e-10}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.81e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.83e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.91e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.91e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.37e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.37e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.99e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.24e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.53e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.99e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.47e-11}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.96e-08}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.03e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.03e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.58e-15}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.54e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.54e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.42e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.42e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.66e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.66e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.33e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.33e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.84e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.14e-08}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.17e-09}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.21e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.75e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.59e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.65e-14}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.02e-15}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.04e-10}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-09}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-10}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-08}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-08}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.19e-09}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.98e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.74e-09}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.24e-09}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.8e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.55e-14}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.98e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.51e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.51e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.13e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.13e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.54e-12}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.67e-15}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.54e-12}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.54e-12}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.19e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.33e-09}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.21e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.21e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.21e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.22e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.22e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-11}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-11}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19e-18}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.64e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.64e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.51e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.51e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.05e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.29e-15}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.05e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.05e-11}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.53e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.68e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.68e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.69e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.69e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.49e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.9e-11}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.33e-09}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.73e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.18e-10}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-09}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.49e-11}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6e-09}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.65e-10}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.97e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.63e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-10}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.69e-09}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.82e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.61e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.61e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.61e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.06e-28}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.68e-11}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.86e-10}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.15e-09}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-08}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.05e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.05e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.05e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.71e-27}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.54e-09}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.25e-09}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.93e-09}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.11e-13}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.11e-13}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.71e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.89e-35}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.71e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.71e-12}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.68e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.93e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.43e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.43e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.94e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.07e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.81e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.81e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.81e-08}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.02e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.72e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.72e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.8e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.59e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.51e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.76e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.63e-06}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3e-10}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.05e-08}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-09}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.54e-08}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.52e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7e-14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.52e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.52e-10}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.32e-09}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.32e-09}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.46e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.46e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.68e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.78e-26}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.68e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.68e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.74e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.79e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.12e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.59e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.57e-10}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.28e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.48e-18}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.28e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.28e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.78e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.64e-10}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.33e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.22e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.11e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.25e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.25e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.11e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.11e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.32e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.45e-29}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.32e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.32e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.67e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.28e-15}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.67e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.67e-11}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.93e-14}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.54e-08}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.97e-07}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2e-09}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.04e-08}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-07}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-07}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.05e-08}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.52e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.44e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.75e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.63e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.63e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.67e-15}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-09}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.78e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.23e-13}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.41e-20}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.23e-13}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.23e-13}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.36e-09}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.24e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.76e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.83e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.72e-11}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.05e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.51e-09}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-08}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.99e-10}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.17e-10}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.22e-11}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.18e-20}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.22e-11}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.22e-11}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.12e-11}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.24e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.44e-26}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.79e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.24e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.24e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.18e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.81e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.94e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.94e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.24e-09}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.33e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.33e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.33e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.48e-25}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.67e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.16e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.16e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6e-15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.6e-15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.42e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06e-15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.42e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.42e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.93e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.93e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.38e-15}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.73e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.73e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.94e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.94e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.65e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.51e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.65e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.65e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.83e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.83e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.21e-14}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.62e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "ecotoxicity: marine no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.48e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.73e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.48e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.48e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.32e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.69e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.32e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.32e-13}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.52e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.09e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.52e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.52e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.46e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.27e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.27e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.46e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.63e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.27e-12}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.33e-13}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.48e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.48e-11}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.47e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.38e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.38e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.67e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.67e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.95e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.95e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.05e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.38e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.38e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.73e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.73e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.35e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.46e-13}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.61e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.22e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.61e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.61e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68e-12}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.35e-13}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.15e-12}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.17e-12}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.17e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.91e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.52e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.91e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.91e-13}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.48e-14}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.08e-15}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.36e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.36e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.77e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.32e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.32e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.25e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.25e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.28e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.39e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.28e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.28e-14}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.51e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.07e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.51e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.51e-13}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.95e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.95e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.95e-12}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.64e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.41e-10}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.95e-13}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.37e-12}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.95e-13}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.95e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.18e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.18e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.57e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.57e-13}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.37e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.37e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.46e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.67e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.46e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.46e-12}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.09e-10}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.06e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.06e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-10}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.85e-10}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.75e-10}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.74e-13}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.21e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.19e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.71e-06}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.08e-10}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.97e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.12e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.46e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.88e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.22e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-12}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.03e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.03e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.37e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.37e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.22e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.9e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.9e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.66e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00016}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.66e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.66e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.79e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.79e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.41e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.41e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.41e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.64e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.63e-12}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.44e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.94e-12}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5e-11}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37e-09}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-12}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3e-11}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.36e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.36e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.89e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.89e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.91e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.91e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.17e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.18e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.03e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.18e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.18e-06}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-13}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.09e-12}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.51e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1e-09}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.59e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.62e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.62e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.45e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.45e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.15e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.58e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.58e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.47e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.47e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.34e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.73e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.03e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.03e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.79e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.79e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.91e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.86e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.91e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.91e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.16e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.79e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.79e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.83e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.83e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-13}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.26e-14}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.34e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.34e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.34e-13}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.87e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.87e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.91e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.89e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.91e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.91e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.36e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.36e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.32e-09}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-11}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.65e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.89e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.59e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.62e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.62e-07}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.61e-10}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.79e-12}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.73e-13}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-10}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.45e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.71e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.7e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.7e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13e-11}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.24e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.17e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.17e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.12e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.12e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.85e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.85e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.85e-14}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.77e-10}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.48e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.48e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.86e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.86e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.74e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.74e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.74e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.25e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.85e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.25e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.25e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.26e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.36e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.18e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.62e-11}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.53e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1e-12}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.77e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.59e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.33e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.02e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-10}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.88e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-13}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.89e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.46e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.34e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.75e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.75e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.42e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.42e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.42e-10}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.34e-11}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.34e-12}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.08e-10}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.68e-13}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.82e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.82e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.25e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.01e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.25e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.25e-11}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.69e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.69e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.92e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.85e-11}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.92e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.92e-12}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.07e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.41e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.41e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.01e-12}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.01e-12}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.01e-12}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.95e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.91e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.48e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.53e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.04e-10}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.52e-11}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.39e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.12e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.88e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.88e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.25e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.64e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.25e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.25e-05}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.02e-10}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.29e-12}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.43e-12}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.06e-12}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.79e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.79e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.41e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.41e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.84e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.61e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.61e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.61e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.69e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.18e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.18e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.61e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.61e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.48e-11}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.26e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.26e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.91e-14}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6e-12}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.91e-14}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.91e-14}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-16}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.27e-17}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.63e-13}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.58e-08}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.68e-12}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-14}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.32e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.43e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-11}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.12e-10}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.15e-12}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.21e-11}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-13}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-11}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.49e-12}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.94e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.47e-09}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.19e-13}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-12}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32e-10}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5e-11}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.96e-11}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.71e-13}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.66e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.66e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.87e-10}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.19e-12}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.35e-13}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-12}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.39e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.39e-15}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.25e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.25e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.16e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.21e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.16e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.06e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.06e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.53e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.53e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.82e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4e-15}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.24e-10}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.59e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.71e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.71e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.15e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.03e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.8e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8e-08}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.62e-13}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.13e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.62e-13}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.62e-13}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.74e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.68e-11}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.7e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.44e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.44e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.44e-12}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.48e-13}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.91e-11}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.24e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.42e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.94e-13}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.32e-11}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-11}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.82e-12}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.06e-11}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.96e-11}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.99e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.82e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.7e-10}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.29e-09}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.08e-11}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18e-12}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.06e-12}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7e-13}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.75e-12}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.03e-08}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.15e-13}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.45e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.35e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.69e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.69e-09}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.88e-07}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-08}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.22e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.22e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.24e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.24e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.23e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.23e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.86e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.62e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.62e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.59e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.59e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.86e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.86e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.47e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.08e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.08e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.08e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.56e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.56e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.36e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.46e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.36e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.36e-14}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-12}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-13}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.22e-12}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.03e-12}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.94e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.91e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.91e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.75e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.75e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.77e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.26e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.77e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.77e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.27e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.78e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.04e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.04e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.03e-11}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.79e-11}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.39e-12}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-10}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8200000000000003e-11}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.62e-11}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48e-08}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.36e-11}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.33e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-11}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.48e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.51e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.71e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.09e-10}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4e-09}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.31e-09}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.46e-10}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.53e-09}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.08e-09}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.72e-11}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.45e-11}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7e-11}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.42e-12}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.07e-12}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.56e-10}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.46e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.89e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.89e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.62e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.62e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.48e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.09e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.48e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.48e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.09e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.09e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.11e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.11e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26e-13}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.41e-14}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-12}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.61e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.61e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.67e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.67e-15}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.15e-13}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63e-13}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.53e-11}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63e-13}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.69e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.77e-13}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.05e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.05e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.97e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.97e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.97e-12}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.34e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.47e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.47e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.32e-17}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.32e-17}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05e-17}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.05e-17}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.77e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.24e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7e-13}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.54e-11}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.94e-12}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.42e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.81e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8e-11}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.81e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.81e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.96e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.96e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.89e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.11e-11}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.89e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.89e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.53e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.53e-12}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-14}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.41e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.81e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.85e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.05e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.98e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.98e-11}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.53e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8e-11}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.91e-10}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.55e-11}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.08e-11}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-16}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-16}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.94e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.94e-17}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.76e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.76e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.39e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.97e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.39e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.39e-13}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.82e-11}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.87e-10}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.76e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.98e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.81e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.84e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.84e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.15e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.81e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.81e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.81e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-12}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37e-08}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-12}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.61e-12}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.33e-13}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.08e-12}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.08e-12}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.33e-11}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-11}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.31e-13}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.68e-14}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.08e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.94e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.19e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.29e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.53e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.53e-10}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-11}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.97e-12}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.33e-18}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.02e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.02e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.31e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-11}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.97e-13}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6e-11}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-11}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.52e-12}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.23e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.56e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.56e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.55e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.55e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.23e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.23e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.45e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.87e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.87e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.86e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.86e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.64e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.64e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.64e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.74e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.74e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.34e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.49e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.34e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.34e-14}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-11}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.24e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-11}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.19e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.82e-11}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.64e-11}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.85e-10}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.9e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.9e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.79e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.79e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.04e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.67e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.04e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.04e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.04e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.14e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.04e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.04e-12}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.92e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.58e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.58e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.03e-14}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.17e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.17e-13}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.02e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.49e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.49e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.26e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.26e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.29e-13}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.28e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.29e-13}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.29e-13}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-12}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.09e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.29e-11}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.4e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.35e-10}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.88e-11}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.63e-10}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.15e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.05e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.53e-09}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.61e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.42e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.42e-08}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.77e-10}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6e-12}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.24e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.24e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.69e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.82e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.19e-13}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.98e-12}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-12}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-10}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.15e-11}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.93e-12}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.23e-10}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.26e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.26e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.76e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.76e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.81e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.66e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.66e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.66e-06}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.04e-12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.63e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.63e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37e-14}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35e-11}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.69e-12}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-13}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.89e-11}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.93e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.99e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.99e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.67e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.16e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.97e-11}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.51e-14}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.59e-10}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.58e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.78e-11}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.58e-12}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.23e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.01e-08}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6e-10}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.72e-10}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.19e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.21e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.21e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.22e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.22e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.12e-10}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91e-11}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.75e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.17e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.39e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.05e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.39e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.39e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.59e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.97e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.59e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.59e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.31e-12}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-11}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-12}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.44e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.76e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.76e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.13e-09}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-10}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1e-09}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.89e-11}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-13}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.32e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.32e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.62e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.18e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.62e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.62e-13}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.24e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.24e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-11}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.08e-13}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.56e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-11}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.53e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.53e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.53e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.45e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.45e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.22e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.22e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.32e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.63e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.32e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.32e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-15}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.19e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.19e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.88e-11}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.25e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.64e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.95e-11}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.97e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.57e-10}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.45e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.38e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.38e-08}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-12}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.99e-10}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.38e-11}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8e-13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.73e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.22e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.22e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.22e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.11e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.73e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.11e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.11e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-11}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-12}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.31e-11}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.84e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.84e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.11e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.11e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000134}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.02e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.63e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.96e-11}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.88e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.02e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.02e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.03e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.03e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.65e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.56e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.34e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.96e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.96e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.56e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5e-11}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.56e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.56e-13}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-10}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.69e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.16e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.16e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.56e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.56e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.23e-13}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.34e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.53e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.53e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.53e-10}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.32e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.66e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.35e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.89e-09}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.77e-12}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.68e-10}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.88e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.88e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.84e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.84e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.94e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.94e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.81e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.81e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.07e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.53e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.53e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.53e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.21e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.05e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.14e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.16e-12}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-11}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.13e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.23e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.96e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.96e-10}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.55e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.88e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.06e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.31e-10}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.31e-10}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6e-10}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.45e-11}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.16e-10}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.73e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.73e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.78e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.78e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.09e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.09e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.31e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.22e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.22e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.99e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.82e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.82e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.48e-10}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-11}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.43e-11}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.13e-10}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.66e-09}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.31e-09}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.42e-08}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-12}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.82e-11}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.24e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.67e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71e-11}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.67e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.67e-13}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.54e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.32e-15}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.49e-14}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.32e-15}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.32e-15}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.36e-08}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.87e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.48e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.48e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-11}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.84e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.84e-10}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-12}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.98e-14}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.59e-13}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.98e-14}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.98e-14}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.95e-13}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.24e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.24e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.05e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.05e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.6e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.6e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.52e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000165}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.52e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.52e-05}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91e-12}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.07e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.78e-12}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.07e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.07e-13}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.32e-09}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000212}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000212}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000238}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000238}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000297}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.000297}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.000297}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000326}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000368}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000326}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000326}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-11}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.08e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.92e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.92e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.34e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.11e-11}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.34e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.34e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.87e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.87e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.32e-11}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.35e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.23e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.35e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.35e-14}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.81e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.81e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8e-12}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.07e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "ecotoxicity: terrestrial no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.01e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.14e-12}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.01e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.01e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-08}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-13}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.35e-14}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.16e-15}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.16e-15}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.14e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-18}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.32e-20}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.32e-20}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.14e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-18}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.32e-20}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92e-10}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.42e-13}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.42e-13}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.1e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.75e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.1e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1e-12}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.15e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.21e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.21e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.14e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.21e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.14e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.14e-13}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.21e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.49e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.49e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1e-15}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.96e-18}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1e-15}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1e-15}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.69e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.53e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.53e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.84e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.38e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.84e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.84e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.27e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.66e-14}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6e-15}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.01e-16}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.01e-16}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.64e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.64e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.94e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.94e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.44e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.04e-11}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.72e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.92e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.92e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.63e-14}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.86e-16}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.63e-14}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.63e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.07e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.43e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.43e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.48e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.94e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.48e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.48e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22e-11}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.64e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.64e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.82e-09}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.85e-14}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.45e-16}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.85e-14}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.85e-14}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.15e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.15e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.61e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.61e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.88e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.64e-08}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.32e-11}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.32e-11}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-09}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.34e-10}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.97e-13}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.19e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.14e-08}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-10}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.75e-11}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.08e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.08e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.67e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.97e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.11e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.28e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.11e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.11e-10}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-11}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.29e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.72e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.72e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.72e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.24e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-23}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.24e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.24e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.63e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.63e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-25}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.83e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-13}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.07e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.59e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.64e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3e-13}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63e-16}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-09}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.77e-16}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.34e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-15}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.56e-15}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.94e-16}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.94e-16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.78e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.78e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.86e-26}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.25e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.25e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.25e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.39e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.92e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.39e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.39e-25}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-18}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.88e-12}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.19e-15}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.42e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.06e-10}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.28e-13}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.08e-13}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.08e-13}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.94e-09}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.13e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.66e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.66e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.52e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.52e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.63e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.93e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.93e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.87e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.12e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.53e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.53e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.85e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.47e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.85e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.85e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.71e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.71e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.65e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.65e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.52e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.97e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.97e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.78e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.78e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.07e-12}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.07e-12}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.12e-14}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8e-13}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.44e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06e-14}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.44e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.44e-13}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.27e-26}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.86e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.86e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.86e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.32e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.02e-24}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.32e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.32e-25}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.51e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.51e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.12e-10}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.49e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.59e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.13e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.13e-09}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3e-14}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.14e-16}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.57e-18}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.31e-09}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.83e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.77e-14}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.59e-15}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.59e-15}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-11}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.94e-11}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.83e-12}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.34e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.34e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.99e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.99e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.12e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.12e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.12e-13}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.66e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.36e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.36e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.01e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.2e-12}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.41e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.41e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.48e-27}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.21e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.21e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.21e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.66e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.49e-25}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.66e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.66e-26}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.58e-11}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.58e-11}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.48e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-12}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.95e-13}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-12}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.24e-09}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.72e-12}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.12e-12}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.72e-12}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.72e-12}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.54e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.87e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.36e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.26e-12}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.76e-12}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.76e-12}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.81e-14}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.12e-17}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.81e-14}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.81e-14}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.86e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.02e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.02e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.72e-17}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.98e-18}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.72e-17}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.72e-17}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.34e-10}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-12}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-08}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.06e-12}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-16}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.75e-15}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2e-17}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.75e-15}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.75e-15}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.62e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.62e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.89e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.89e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.35e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.35e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.83e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.71e-12}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.83e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.83e-11}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.49e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.01e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.01e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.05e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.88e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.96e-09}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.18e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.18e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.86e-09}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.15e-17}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.44e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.44e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.15e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.15e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.21e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.11e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.11e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.11e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.78e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.84e-26}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.78e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.78e-27}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.52e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.52e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.74e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.74e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.44e-25}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.61e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.61e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.61e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.67e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9e-24}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.51e-10}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.75e-13}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.27e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.27e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.04e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.04e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.61e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.61e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.61e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.88e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71e-25}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.88e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.88e-26}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.96e-26}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.72e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.72e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.72e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.32e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4e-24}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.32e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.32e-25}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.09e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.09e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.31e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.31e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.31e-13}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.89e-12}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.32e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.32e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.54e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.54e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.36e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.31e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.36e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.36e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.54e-15}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.25e-16}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.73e-16}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-08}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7e-19}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-06}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.9e-12}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.33e-16}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.78e-10}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-12}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-13}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.22e-08}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04e-22}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6e-12}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-10}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.27e-11}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-14}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-08}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.38e-12}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.64e-16}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.64e-16}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.21e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.92e-15}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.91e-17}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.91e-17}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.94e-09}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-09}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.77e-17}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.98e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.98e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.73e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.73e-14}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.76e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.76e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.74e-13}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22e-13}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.74e-13}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.74e-13}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.48e-17}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7e-15}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.89e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.15e-13}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.46e-13}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.73e-13}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.73e-13}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.57e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.89e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.89e-09}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.45e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.8e-13}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.29e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.68e-08}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.57e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.64e-12}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.98e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.84e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.98e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.98e-12}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-15}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3e-11}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.62e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.62e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.36e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.76e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.76e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.76e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.39e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.39e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.39e-06}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-14}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-17}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.94e-17}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.52e-18}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.52e-18}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.03e-10}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-12}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.23e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.31e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9100000000000002e-11}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.69e-11}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.45e-12}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.83e-16}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.49e-19}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.34e-09}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-21}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.49e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.49e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.23e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.71e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.71e-10}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.27e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.66e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.66e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.41e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.41e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.41e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.05e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.49e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.05e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.05e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.37e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.37e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.99e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.99e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.99e-13}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.15e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4e-17}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.88e-22}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.88e-22}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-11}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-10}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.73e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.51e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.51e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.63e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.17e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.63e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.63e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.92e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.92e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.56e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.56e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.21e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.21e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.57e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.57e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.57e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.79e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.19e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.79e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.79e-11}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53e-09}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.71e-16}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.57e-18}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-12}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.27e-09}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.54e-11}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.51e-12}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-11}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.31e-09}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.35e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.95e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.31e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.08e-07}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.43e-09}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.61e-11}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.13e-10}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.07e-11}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.37e-11}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-09}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.35e-17}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.01e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.01e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.01e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.62e-10}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.62e-10}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-14}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.22e-17}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-14}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-14}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.58e-20}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.07e-14}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-12}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.92e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.92e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-20}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.53e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-20}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.44e-21}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.99e-16}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.45e-21}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.45e-21}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.73e-22}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.73e-22}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.73e-22}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.78e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.11e-14}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.11e-14}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-16}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.69e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.69e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.23e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.23e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.21e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.98e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.21e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-15}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.23e-14}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-12}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.86e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.18e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.06e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.17e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.17e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.42e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.42e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.41e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.41e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.41e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.03e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.03e-12}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.95e-15}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49e-11}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.79e-15}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.99e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.83e-17}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.03e-21}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.26e-21}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.26e-21}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.79e-08}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-13}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01e-15}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01e-15}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.29e-16}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.29e-16}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.95e-12}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-12}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-10}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.56e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.28e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.43e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.87e-12}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.76e-14}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-29}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.78e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.78e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.78e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.54e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.02e-26}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.54e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.54e-28}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.48e-18}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.81e-08}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.33e-18}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.14e-09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.51e-16}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-16}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.25e-16}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.09e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-15}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.35e-21}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.48e-16}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.06e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.17e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.63e-15}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.09e-16}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-16}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-16}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9e-15}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-13}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.33e-15}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-24}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.86e-27}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.89e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.89e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.89e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.88e-25}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.34e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-26}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.29e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.19e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.35e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.19e-10}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-15}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18e-15}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.08e-12}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.51e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.51e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.61e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.74e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.74e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19e-12}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.47e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.47e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.81e-13}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.48e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.81e-13}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.81e-13}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-10}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-09}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.71e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-12}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.35e-12}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.73e-13}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.73e-13}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.73e-13}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.18e-11}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.81e-13}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.56e-13}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.89e-13}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.89e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.62e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.62e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.45e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.06e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.06e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.51e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.51e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.19e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.19e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.19e-11}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.85e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.85e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.72e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.72e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.27e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.16e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.16e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.36e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.36e-10}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.45e-09}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.61e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.53e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.53e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.48e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.48e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.27e-12}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.79e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.56e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.66e-11}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.76e-12}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-15}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.39e-16}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-16}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-16}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.03e-10}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.59e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.59e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.79e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.79e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.47e-28}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.62e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.62e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.62e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.22e-26}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-13}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.13e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.13e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.87e-14}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-10}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.62e-11}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.13e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.66e-12}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.91e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.71e-26}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.34e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.34e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.34e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.59e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2e-24}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.59e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.59e-25}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.35e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.05e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3e-19}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.78e-19}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-19}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.25e-19}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.51e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.51e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.39e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-09}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.35e-14}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-10}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.63e-16}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.69e-15}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.94e-10}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-12}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-10}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.84e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.01e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.01e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.69e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.69e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.34e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.54e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.53e-10}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.35e-19}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-09}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.05e-11}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.34e-16}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.59e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.23e-13}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.57e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.32e-08}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.22e-10}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-17}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.84e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.84e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3e-14}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.7e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.7e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-12}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.38e-10}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1e-09}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.13e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.24e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.87e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.37e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.56e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.37e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.37e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.74e-14}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.73e-15}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.88e-10}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.31e-12}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.75e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.18e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.18e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.81e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.81e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.27e-10}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.22e-10}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.29e-10}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.49e-16}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.62e-17}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.39e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.86e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.75e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.75e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.44e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.42e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.44e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.44e-13}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-14}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.61e-11}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31e-11}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.63e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.11e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.55e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.55e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.55e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.55e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.55e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.33e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-15}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.33e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.33e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.68e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.68e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.86e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.86e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.65e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.76e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.65e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.65e-13}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.42e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.42e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-10}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.64e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-10}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-10}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89e-15}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-09}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.21e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.09e-15}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.66e-10}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.04e-10}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.64e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.64e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.22e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.22e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.22e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.68e-25}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8e-26}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.77e-13}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.59e-13}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.19e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.19e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-25}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.91e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.53e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.91e-11}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.48e-11}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.48e-11}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.76e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.76e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.19e-32}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5e-32}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.19e-32}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.19e-32}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.83e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.83e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.77e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.02e-14}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.38e-15}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-21}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-21}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.68e-11}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.21e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-12}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.01e-12}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.55e-13}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.55e-13}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.55e-13}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.65e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.43e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.43e-11}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.93e-11}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.97e-11}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-14}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.26e-09}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.45e-10}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.81e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.81e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.76e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.76e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.48e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.57e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.48e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.48e-12}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.15e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.15e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.16e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.53e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.55e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.82e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-24}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.24e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.41e-14}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-14}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.08e-15}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.59e-10}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.31e-15}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.97e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.16e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.34e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.68e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.22e-11}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.43e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.45e-12}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.09e-11}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-11}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.85e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.85e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.57e-28}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-26}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.38e-26}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-26}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-26}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.43e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.43e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.01e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.83e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.83e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.82e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-12}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.93e-09}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-10}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-14}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.36e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.14e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.07e-10}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.53e-13}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.55e-14}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.1e-14}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.44e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.44e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.93e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.93e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.03e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.82e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.03e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.03e-13}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-11}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.05e-16}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.09e-17}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.05e-16}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.05e-16}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-10}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.67e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.52e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.58e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.68e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.84e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.5e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.63e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.63e-10}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.01e-15}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89e-12}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.82e-18}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.26e-15}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.16e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.67e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.67e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.67e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.48e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.45e-23}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.48e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.48e-24}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-11}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.38e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.28e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-06}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.41e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.41e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.66e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.66e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.66e-24}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.41e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.41e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.41e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.64e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.98e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.64e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.64e-23}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.61e-10}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.48e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.04e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.04e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.04e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.06e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.06e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.13e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.43e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.43e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.88e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.14e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.88e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.88e-13}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.38e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.38e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.58e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.62e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.58e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.58e-12}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "eutrophication: freshwater no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.71e-07}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "eutrophication: marine no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.84e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "land use no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "photochemical oxidant formation: terrestrial ecosystems no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.15e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.15e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.79e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.79e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.52e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.52e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.07e-08}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.07e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -1.43e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -1.43e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -7.54e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -7.54e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.39e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.39e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.53e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.53e-09}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.29e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.29e-09}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.97e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -3.77e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -3.77e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.43e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.43e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.77e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.77e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.19e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.48e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.48e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.88e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.88e-08}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "water use: aquatic ecosystems no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.04e-13}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT", "water use: terrestrial ecosystems no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35e-08}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "climate change: human health no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.42e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.42e-05}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00272}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00272}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000335}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000335}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0176}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0176}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000166}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000166}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.46e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.46e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.93e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.93e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0339}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0339}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.55e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.55e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "human toxicity: carcinogenic no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.16e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.73e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.16e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.26e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.26e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.08e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.62e-06}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000114}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000165}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.23e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.23e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.17e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.48e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.48e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000137}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000137}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.87e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.13e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.13e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0745}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0745}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0694}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0694}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00574}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0536}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0536}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0536}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0586}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.134}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0586}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0586}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-05}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.48e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.44e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.15e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.15e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.54e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.54e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.56e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.79e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.79e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.17e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.24e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.17e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.17e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.82e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.82e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.82e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.53e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.53e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.28e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.28e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.19e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.43e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.19e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.19e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000235}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000235}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000312}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000312}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00381}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000439}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000439}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000121}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.91e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.91e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000889}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000889}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.18e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.88e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.61e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.88e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.88e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.76e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.76e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.42e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.42e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00112}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.18e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.18e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.18e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.29e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000262}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.29e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.29e-05}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.27e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.28e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.28e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.37e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.37e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.29e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.73e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.29e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.29e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.19e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.19e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.86e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.86e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.86e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.03e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.22e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.22e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.21}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.21}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.66}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.66}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.66}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.82}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.82}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0008}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.11e-07}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000266}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000133}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.64e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.01e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.11e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 359}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 359}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 331}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 331}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 263}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.49e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.49e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.96e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.96e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.33e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.24e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.24e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.07e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.07e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.52e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.52e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.1e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.76e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.76e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.46e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.46e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.16e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.42e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.42e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.45e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.45e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.45e-05}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.61e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.61e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.34e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.34e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.55e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.55e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-06}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000172}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.14e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.55e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.08e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.55e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.55e-07}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.62e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.62e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000315}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000315}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.63e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.81e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.44e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.81e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.81e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.74e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.74e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.71e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.71e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.77e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.61e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.61e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-06}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.23e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.23e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.26e-07}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.26e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.8e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.78e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.54e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.78e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.78e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.15e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.37e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0103}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0103}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000544}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0252}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.09e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.09e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.17e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.17e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.93e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000819}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000819}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000848}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000848}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000782}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000448}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000782}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000782}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.25e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.94e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.94e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.87e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.87e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.69e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.98e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00389}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00389}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00301}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00301}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000698}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00118}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00118}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00118}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000828}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00396}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000828}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000828}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.82e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000104}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000104}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000112}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000112}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.97e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.27e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.97e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.97e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.74e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-06}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000389}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000389}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000378}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000378}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.017}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-05}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.94e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.12e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.12e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.95e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.21e-06}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.24e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.42e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.42e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.77e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.73e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.77e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.77e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.04e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.04e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.44e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.44e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.97e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.97e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.08e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.35e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.77e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.77e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.62e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.86e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.62e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.62e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.64e-06}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.99e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.35e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.13e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.79e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.69e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.35e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39e-08}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.47e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.47e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.35e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.11e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.11e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.07e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.07e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.89e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0044}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00376}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000141}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000176}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000176}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.22e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.22e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.53e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.53e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.28e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.29e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.94e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.94e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2e-07}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2e-07}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.65e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.07e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.07e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00216}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00216}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.7e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.97e-12}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.03e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.03e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.09e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.09e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.21e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.34e-05}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-05}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.93e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.23e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.23e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.42e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.35e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00969}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00969}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00235}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0149}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.933}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.933}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.933}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.35}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.77e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.66e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00228}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-08}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-09}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.35e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.44e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.44e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.57e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.57e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.38e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.38e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.96e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.44e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.07e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.44e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.44e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.88e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.88e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000306}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.12e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.12e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.87e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.87e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000114}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00629}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00629}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.146}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.146}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.99e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.58e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.58e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.58e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.08e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.48e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.76e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.64e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.63e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000449}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000449}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.32e-07}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.56e-07}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.81e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08e-05}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.21e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.21e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.76e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.64e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.37e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.37e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.73e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.73e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.83e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.83e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.24e-10}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0342}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0342}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0244}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0244}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0707}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00326}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00326}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00326}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0165}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00207}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00207}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.78e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.68e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.64e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.89e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.89e-06}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.18e-06}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.73e-06}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.39e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.17e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.17e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000171}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000171}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000188}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000188}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000152}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000152}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000152}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.45e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.68e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.95e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.67e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.67e-07}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.47e-09}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.03e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.47e-09}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.47e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.69e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.69e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.94e-12}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00021}, {"name": "Chlormequat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.48e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.48e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.78e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.78e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.25e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.96e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.25e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.25e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.01e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.97e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.97e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.36e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.6e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.86e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.97e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.48e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.28e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.28e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.53e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.82e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000636}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000636}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-05}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.69e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.69e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.89e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00136}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00136}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000321}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000878}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.000878}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.000878}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000962}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00223}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000962}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000962}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.53e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.53e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.54e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.72e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.54e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.54e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.69e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.69e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.1e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.22e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.22e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.99e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.35e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.99e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.99e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.22e-08}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-06}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.75e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.92e-06}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.92e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.42e-07}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.38e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5e-06}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.65e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.77e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.66e-06}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.42e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.91e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.91e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4e-08}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000197}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.6e-06}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.18e-08}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.18e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.85e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.94e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.55e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.55e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.63e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.77e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.76e-06}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.74e-08}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.35e-06}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.89e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.81e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.91e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.02e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.79e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.63e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.22e-06}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.76e-06}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-09}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-07}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.63e-08}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.95e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.95e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.37e-05}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.37e-05}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.8e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.66e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.66e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.32e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.32e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.41e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.72e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.41e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.41e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.08e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.08e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000126}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.23e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000126}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000126}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.99e-05}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-06}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.25e-06}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.06e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.06e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.06e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.92e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.92e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.57e-10}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.99e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.99e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.39e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.39e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.26e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.56e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.78e-08}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.22e-07}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00508}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-06}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.19e-07}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.67e-06}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000442}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000347}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.85e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00014}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000358}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000358}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.21e-08}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.72e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.96e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-08}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.51e-06}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.55e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.05e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.79e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.79e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.09e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-10}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.22e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22e-07}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.09e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.09e-06}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.63e-06}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-05}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.05e-07}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.55e-06}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-07}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.08e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.08e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.02e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.02e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.08e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.49e-08}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00125}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.24e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.24e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.24e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.24e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.97e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.79e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.79e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.37e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.57e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.37e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.37e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.43e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.43e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.28e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.28e-06}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22e-06}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.81e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.49e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.77e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.77e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44e-05}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.72e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.22e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.22e-07}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00978}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00978}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00725}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00725}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00129}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00188}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00188}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00188}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000394}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00456}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000394}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000394}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000113}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.49e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.75e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.19e-06}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.07e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.68e-08}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.69e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14e-05}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08e-05}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.54e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.54e-07}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.02e-07}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.67e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.39}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.39}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.287}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.287}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0151}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0677}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.702}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0677}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0677}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.72e-06}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000349}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000349}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.65e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.65e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.64e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.17e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.17e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.21e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.21e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000648}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000648}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000668}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000668}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000618}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000353}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000618}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000618}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.55e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.55e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.64e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.64e-06}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.38e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.38e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.56e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.56e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.42e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.52e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.42e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.42e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.42e-06}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000104}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.13e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.51e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.51e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.51e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.83e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.64e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.64e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.51e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.51e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.72e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.68e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.68e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.68e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.09e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.52e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.17e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.35e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-05}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.16e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00149}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00149}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000714}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000431}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.000431}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.000431}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00109}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.15e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.15e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.86e-10}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.86e-05}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.26e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.51e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.35e-07}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.15e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.15e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.97e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.97e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.23e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.24e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.85e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.85e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.63e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.63e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.74e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.24e-06}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.65e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.65e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.37e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.37e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.15e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.39e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.39e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.39e-07}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.05e-06}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.69e-08}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01e-06}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-06}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.58e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.97e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000158}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000158}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000167}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000167}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.53e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.53e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.63e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.63e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.85e-07}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.89e-06}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.49e-06}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.06e-06}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000138}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.13e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.13e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.13e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.26e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.29e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.29e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.29e-06}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.19e-06}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.76e-08}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-06}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.15e-06}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-06}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.78e-08}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-08}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.26e-07}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.53e-09}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.86e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.76e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.34e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.37e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.25e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.37e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.37e-06}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.69e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.25e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.09e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.09e-06}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.16e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.49e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0294}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0294}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0211}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0211}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0424}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00347}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00347}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00347}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000921}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00771}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000921}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000921}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.53e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.84e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.94e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.4e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.64e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.64e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.92e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.92e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.95e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.95e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.81e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.05e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.81e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.81e-09}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.22e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.26e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.22e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.06e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.56e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.85e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.35e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000356}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-05}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.38e-05}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000219}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-08}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.54e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.54e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.71e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.71e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.71e-06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.255}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.255}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.249}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.249}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.422}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.59e-06}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.11e-06}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.13e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.92e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.48e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.48e-07}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.94e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.09e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.06e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.63e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.63e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.03e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.35e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.35e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.67e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.54e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.53e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.53e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.63e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.63e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.63e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.78e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.78e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.25e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.15e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.28e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.06e-07}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.08e-06}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6e-06}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.47e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.18e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.12e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.69e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.06e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0144}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0144}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0141}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0141}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00208}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0134}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0134}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0134}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0148}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0253}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0148}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0148}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.6e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.58e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.15e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.58e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.58e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.449}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.449}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0777}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.547}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.547}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.547}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.602}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.677}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.602}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.602}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.88e-06}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.43e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.43e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.06e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.06e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.16e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.16e-09}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.16e-09}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "ionising radiation no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.45e-12}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.75e-10}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.25e-11}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.62e-11}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.15e-11}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.82e-10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Curium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.83e-08}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.67e-14}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.23e-08}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.53e-11}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.95e-10}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.37e-12}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.95e-10}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.95e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.53e-12}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.53e-12}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.17e-11}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9e-11}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.03e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.84e-11}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.17e-11}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2e-13}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-13}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-13}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-13}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "ozone depletion no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000777}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.04e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.04e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.04e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.04e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000764}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000764}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000764}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000764}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.87e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.87e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000884}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000884}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0106}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0106}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0106}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0106}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0213}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0213}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0213}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0213}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.68e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.68e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00134}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00134}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "particulate matter formation no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000107}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.92e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.92e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.92e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.92e-05}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000145}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000145}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000145}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000145}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "photochemical oxidant formation: human health no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.72e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.72e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.97e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.97e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.98e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.98e-08}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.78e-07}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.78e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -6.27e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -6.27e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.94e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.94e-07}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.72e-07}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.72e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.58e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.58e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-07}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.24e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.24e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.24e-08}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -3.3e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -3.3e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.27e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.27e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.32e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.42e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.42e-08}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.24e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.76e-07}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.76e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3e-09}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06e-07}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.73e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.73e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.73e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.73e-07}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.1e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.1e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.32e-07}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -1.65e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -1.65e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.38e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.38e-07}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.57e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.57e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-07}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "human health no LT", "water use: human health no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.22e-06}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22e-06}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.22e-06}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.22e-06}]}, {"unit": "USD 2013", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "natural resources no LT", "energy resources: non-renewable, fossil no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0341}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0341}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.301}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.301}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.457}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 0.0341}]}, {"unit": "USD 2013", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "natural resources no LT", "material resources: metals/minerals no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0391}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0391}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.132}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0303}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00527}, {"name": "Basalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0267}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.074}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.074}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2730}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2730}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2730}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0705}, {"name": "Clay, bentonite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0025}, {"name": "Clay, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00241}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.52}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.52}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0113}, {"name": "Feldspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00356}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.4}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.4}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 73.4}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0443}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000654}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 22.3}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Iodine, 0.03% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0143}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0143}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0143}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.12}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.12}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Magnesium, 0.13% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.019}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.019}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Perlite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00212}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Pumice", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00133}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.099}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.12}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0202}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00874}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12.2}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12.2}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.32}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.32}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.16}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.16}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.83}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.918}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "total: ecosystem quality no LT", "ecosystem quality no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5152e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5152e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4643e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4643e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.158999999999999e-10}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.680299999999999e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.158999999999999e-10}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.158999999999999e-10}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7344e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7344e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2396e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2396e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.6652e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.48373e-12}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.6652e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.6652e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.83562e-08}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.52564e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3411235e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.83520616e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.83520616e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7236e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.083400011e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.492700000532001e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.492700000532001e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7236e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1363e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.083400011e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.492700000532001e-10}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.522999999999999e-10}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6019e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.995342e-09}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.995342e-09}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.80725e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7342e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7342e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7113922e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7113922e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6551e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5517e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6551e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6551e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01482e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.999e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.999e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36004267e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36004267e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.5654e-12}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2917e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.5654e-12}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.5654e-12}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9949e-09}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7649e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1337e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7649e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7649e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.530180000000001e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.530180000000001e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.9679973e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.9679973e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.55641e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.350059938e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.55641e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.55641e-11}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.16136e-10}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.001e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.001e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.311e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.311e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.8545e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.22876e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.8545e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8545e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.320779999999999e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.87616e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.001556000000001e-10}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.24170901e-10}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.24170901e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.828999999999999e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.828999999999999e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.1503717e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.1503717e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04851e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.5333e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04851e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04851e-10}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.05858e-11}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.5908e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.438444e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.438444e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.808436e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.808436e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.183263e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.77038805e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.183263e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.183263e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.444e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.444e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.5204406e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.5204406e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8318e-12}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4881e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8318e-12}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8318e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.878e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.878e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.862e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.862e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.801e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1213e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.801e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.801e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8295e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.8726e-11}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8295e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8295e-10}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7464e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.972400000000001e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.972400000000001e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.416940000000001e-08}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.416940000000001e-08}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.3361e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.194350000000001e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.37024635e-12}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.194350000000001e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.194350000000001e-11}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.26068e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.26068e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.37757e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.37757e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.862e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.862e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.232e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.232e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4716e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6996e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4716e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4716e-10}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.783900000000001e-08}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.863e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3722e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3722e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.630105e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.630105e-08}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8867e-08}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.347e-09}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0935e-08}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15771e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.647e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.428e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.273e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.093999999999999e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.925140000000001e-05}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5279e-08}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3014e-09}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.82132e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.734e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.734e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.982e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.982e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4279e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.50817e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4279e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4279e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.022e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.49851e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.26214e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.49851e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.49851e-07}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7676e-10}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.79831e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.79831e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.90784e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.90784e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.22685e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9213e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.9213e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.9213e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.683600000000001e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00016}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.683600000000001e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.683600000000001e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.123386e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.123386e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.90447e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.90447e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43398e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.41392e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.41392e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.41392e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56432e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.64e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56432e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56432e-05}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.17828e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1346e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0689e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.0208e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26675e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26675e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26675e-07}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1857e-10}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.330007629999999e-10}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6535e-07}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39150577e-10}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.698e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.42000164e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.913800156e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.10360000694e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.10360000694e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.930437e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.930437e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.938571e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.938571e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.178159999999999e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.96175e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.96175e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.96175e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.18194e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.03e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.18194e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.18194e-06}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.606500196e-11}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.489e-11}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14409719e-09}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.087e-10}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.2491e-10}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9148e-11}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.772679999999999e-10}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.772679999999999e-10}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.148e-08}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12803e-06}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.563e-11}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.563e-11}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -1.428916e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -1.428916e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2778e-10}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3234e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3234e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.541264500000001e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.541264500000001e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.178899999999999e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.8389e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.178899999999999e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.178899999999999e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.344599999999999e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.053e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.344599999999999e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.344599999999999e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.312999999999999e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.312999999999999e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47005026e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47005026e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.05076e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.875178e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.05076e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.05076e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6184e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6184e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6023e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6023e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8812e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2148e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2148e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2029e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2029e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.377e-08}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.715000000000001e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.715000000000001e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.994e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.994e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.468506999999999e-08}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.468506999999999e-08}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.44142e-11}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4232e-11}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1476e-12}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.99278e-10}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4135e-12}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.99278e-10}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.99278e-10}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.571314e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.571314e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.17031e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.17031e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8138e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6854e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.6854e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.6854e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9489e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.89e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9489e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9489e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.594e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.834e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.0444e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.523951e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.523951e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.752e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.794e-10}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.587e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.31e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.512e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.178e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.72113e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.72113e-06}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.1461073e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.38790514e-10}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.077300857e-11}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.151109e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1492e-12}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.086200000000001e-11}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.465e-09}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.907349999999999e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24030377e-08}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1697000759e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1697000759e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.120000000000001e-09}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.2437e-09}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5907e-09}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9354e-11}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.197000000000001e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.197000000000001e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.92005599e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.92005599e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.29705e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3043e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.29705e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.29705e-11}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.29266e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.781999999999999e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.781999999999999e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9604911e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9604911e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.812e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.921400000000001e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.812e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.812e-11}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5287e-08}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.1259e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.891379999999999e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.891379999999999e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2242e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2242e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0938e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.845e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.845e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.845e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.367e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.85e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.367e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.367e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.81297e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.11696e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5588e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.133979999999999e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.133979999999999e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19026e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.9898e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16777e-09}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.8453995e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2267475e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2267475e-08}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9602e-10}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2783e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5000682e-08}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6842e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6842e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6843e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6843e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6612e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.0889e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6612e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6612e-10}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5213e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.9713e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6626e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.61089e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.67546e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.825376e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.825376e-08}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.60581e-11}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.8809164e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.60581e-11}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.60581e-11}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9851e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.719e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.1687e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9548e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9548e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9548e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.031175e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.031175e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.528189e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.528189e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.515420000372e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.44000000198675e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.515420000372e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.515420000372e-07}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9074e-09}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.811e-10}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.390799999999999e-08}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8217e-10}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.22681e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.02712e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.02712e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.41839e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.41839e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.28250775e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.01000042202e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.28250775e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.28250775e-09}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0443e-11}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0443e-11}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.8412273e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.8412273e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2319e-10}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.10592e-11}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2319e-10}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2319e-10}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.36e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.36e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.039e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.039e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.32431e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.7535e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.32431e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.32431e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.862e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.846e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3288e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.323e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.893e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.893e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.97e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.588e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.28426e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05138e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05138e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6864e-08}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6952000815e-09}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01023e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.058238e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.058238e-06}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.48608e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.48608e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.8321e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.064e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.064e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.064e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.62e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.12e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.62e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.62e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.552896000000001e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.552896000000001e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.05629e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.05629e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06196e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.92542e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.92542e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.92542e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.25602e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.64e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.25602e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.25602e-05}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0517e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.9229e-10}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.144300000000001e-10}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.88435e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.737403e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.737403e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.28451e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.28451e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9144e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.6099e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.6099e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.6099e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.884e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.884e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.884e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.55101e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.55101e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32384e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32384e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.946e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.712e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.712e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.712e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.302e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.69e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.302e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.302e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.153e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.153e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41005783e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41005783e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.89631e-10}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.496336e-11}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.89631e-10}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.89631e-10}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.30289e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.128e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.128e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1100007179e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1100007179e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.810646e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6023606e-12}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.810646e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.810646e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1100007179e-08}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.6665e-16}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.3763373e-11}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.07e-08}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0723e-10}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.42870047e-12}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.036e-06}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.752e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.188000000000001e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.53323e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.53323e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4299e-09}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.0219e-09}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.16150233e-10}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.970099999999999e-09}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.73918e-11}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.54408e-09}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.11462e-09}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.946e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.193e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.507600000000001e-06}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7119000000104e-11}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.5234e-10}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1811e-08}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.753e-10}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.985034300000001e-09}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73316e-08}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3729e-10}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.633600264e-09}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.633600264e-09}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.548e-10}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3362e-08}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.243e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.677892000000001e-11}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.416600291e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.416600291e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4928e-08}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.129e-09}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1337e-08}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.29869e-09}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.056e-09}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.112350677e-10}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.5216e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.634e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.634e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.470005178e-08}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.470005178e-08}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.78405e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.78405e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.17928e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.17928e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.23034e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.635339999999999e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.23034e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.23034e-10}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.745556e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.745556e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.125253e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.125253e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8857e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.8284957e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8857e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8857e-12}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4135e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0617e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.944815e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6190746e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66710573e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.66710573e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.7484e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2825e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.4422e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.48589e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.48589e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.096e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.37102e-10}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.9372e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.37102e-10}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37102e-10}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.594e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.91574e-08}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.07e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.699944e-08}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2347e-10}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35581e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35581e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.025e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.025e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.874200000000001e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.48552e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.874200000000001e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.874200000000001e-10}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9700538e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9700538e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.9700538e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.9700538e-06}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.244924e-11}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3321e-09}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3362e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3362e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.0618e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.0618e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0532e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.102e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.102e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.102e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.593e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.97657e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.593e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.593e-05}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.656187e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09252e-08}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.0432e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.438200645e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.1006000494e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.371400000752e-08}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.371400000752e-08}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7426e-09}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4012e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3505e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5858e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06405e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.88131e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.563191e-07}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.57777e-08}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.486299999999999e-10}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.530607829999999e-10}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21470000249e-10}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.755e-11}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.039e-08}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9541500000117e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7879e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7879e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7474e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7474e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.047e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2333e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.5985e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.402999999999999e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.0565e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.056100000000001e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.056100000000001e-08}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8228e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.372e-07}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7891e-11}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7891e-11}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.642e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.642e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.440147999999999e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.440147999999999e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.607199999999999e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.607199999999999e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.692738872000001e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.692738872000001e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.310999999999999e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.99014e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.310999999999999e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.310999999999999e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2800623e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2800623e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2800623e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2800623e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5615e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5615e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5485e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5485e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.5200961e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.5200961e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2700893e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2700893e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.750157e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.750157e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.750157e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.750157e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.688999999999999e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.688999999999999e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.766732e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.766732e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.485000000000001e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.6189e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.485000000000001e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.485000000000001e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.730238e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.730238e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.730238e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.730238e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.310227e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.310227e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.310227e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.310227e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3200906e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3200906e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2000601e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2000601e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2000601e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2000601e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00021400585}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00021400585}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00021400585}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00021400585}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.483e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.30259e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.483e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.483e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0004450121}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0004450121}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0004450121}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0004450121}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3700373e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3700373e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3700373e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3700373e-05}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0506e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0506e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.56009424e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.56009424e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.6926e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1756e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.6926e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.6926e-12}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.16852e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2872064e-11}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.29910000000288e-10}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.29910000000288e-10}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7672e-10}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7903e-10}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.50894e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.8959e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.8959e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43055768e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43055768e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6307e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1162e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6307e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6307e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.45192e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.45192e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.94897e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.94897e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41234e-10}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.62358e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41234e-10}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41234e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.58283e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.58283e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.26866e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.26866e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9706257e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.78123343e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9706257e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9706257e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3138e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3138e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3132e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3132e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.327e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.713000000000001e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.327e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.327e-11}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4403e-09}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.547900471e-09}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.528000000757e-08}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3141e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.4086e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2763e-09}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.01371e-09}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3682e-09}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.599999999999999e-08}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2464e-09}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.539800000000001e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.956e-09}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7608e-09}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2454e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.2177e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.2177e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4466e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8758e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.938000000000001e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.451e-07}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6259e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6259e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6259e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5126e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1734e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5634e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.91221e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.934165e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.934165e-07}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.2711e-07}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.3676e-08}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.027999999999999e-10}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.265e-09}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.35993e-07}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.607e-11}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0082e-09}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.117e-09}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.154200235e-10}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6626e-10}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16056e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.606e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.8667e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8667e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.483852e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.483852e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.4358e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.15095e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.4358e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.4358e-10}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.084709e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.084709e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.036011e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.036011e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.943639999999999e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.900524070000001e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.943639999999999e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.943639999999999e-11}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.314100085799999e-12}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.955606999999999e-10}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4224e-10}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.784e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.784e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1472e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.1472e-14}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.86695e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.127630000202e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.9543e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.127630000202e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.98070000000144e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.732769e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.44877699e-10}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13405000000145e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.13405000000145e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.665970000000373e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.665970000000373e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.665970000000373e-09}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8926e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.489e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.29470911e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.29470911e-08}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1676e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1676e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.640000025104e-08}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.640000025104e-08}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05077e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8633e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8633e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02000023749e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02000023749e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.827221e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.60050713e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.827221e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.827221e-11}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0654423e-09}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0826e-10}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.249e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.063800000000001e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.2557e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.063800000000001e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.063800000000001e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5408e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5408e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05070137e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05070137e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.5408e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.5408e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05070137e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05070137e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.11671e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.809164e-11}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.11671e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.11671e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.795e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.795e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.39003934e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.39003934e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0883e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.126764e-11}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0883e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0883e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.904e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.904e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.483915199999999e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.483915199999999e-08}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.34455e-12}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6047e-09}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.37410479e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.04271e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.049849999999999e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.184000683e-10}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.89050000000703e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.44980000000226e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.44980000000226e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.541e-08}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.971e-08}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.081e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4405e-08}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.275617e-09}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.46424e-09}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.1896e-15}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1896e-15}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.600000047030001e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.600000047030001e-08}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.419524e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.419524e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.026676e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.026676e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24899e-10}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.16725e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24899e-10}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24899e-10}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.40115e-09}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.42488e-09}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2617e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.736e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.605e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.164e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4843e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4843e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4843e-05}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.784e-11}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0121676e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.460321999999999e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.460321999999999e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.885420000000001e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.885420000000001e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.314e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0198e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0198e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0198e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1121e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1121e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1121e-08}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7714000448e-10}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.89e-08}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.5313000233e-10}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.213709999999999e-09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21433751e-10}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.144080125e-09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.144080125e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2503e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3310671e-10}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.204910100000001e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.204910100000001e-09}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.951499999999999e-09}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0373100000135e-10}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1477148e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.10228e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.27494e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.47190963e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.972900040900001e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.4653000108e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.4653000108e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6736099e-09}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.41742e-10}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0789933e-10}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.303300021e-16}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.192228e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.192228e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.21119e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.21119e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3772e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0067e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.0067e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.0067e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0646e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.31e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0646e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0646e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8765e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.133500000000001e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6209e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5905e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.40095e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.34336e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.34336e-09}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.67097e-10}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.565600314e-08}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4050618e-10}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.552e-09}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.885999999999999e-10}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.035899999999999e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3261e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3261e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.982679e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.982679e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.3302e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3302e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3302e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3302e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3600915e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3600915e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3600915e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3600915e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.400202e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.400202e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00031700865}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00031700865}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00031700865}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00031700865}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.064e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.064e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.956307e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.956307e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.231e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.0236e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.231e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.231e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.770185e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.770185e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.160168e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.160168e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.160168e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.160168e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8300772e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8300772e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8300772e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.8300772e-06}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2200334e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2200334e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2200334e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2200334e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.723e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.723e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.18562603e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.18562603e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1900325e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.3968e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3968e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.400275968e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.400275968e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.435e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.04391e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.435e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.435e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00027500751}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00027500751}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00027500751}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00027500751}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.1900597e-05}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.1900597e-05}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00014200386}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00014200386}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00014200386}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00014200386}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.5935e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5935e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.8015291e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8015291e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9244e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1144e-13}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9244e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9244e-12}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.894100000000001e-09}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.0765e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.74674e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.00631e-09}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.322135e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.479677299999999e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.479677299999999e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.479677299999999e-08}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.38e-10}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8735e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6234e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.787081e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5285656e-08}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.70110589e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.70110589e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7352e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7352e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.297143e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.297143e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4104e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.1759e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4104e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4104e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.481000000000001e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.481000000000001e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.8277e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.8277e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.5594e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.5654e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5594e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.5594e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.964e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.964e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41003796e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41003796e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6673e-12}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.179369999999999e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.179369999999999e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.416369999999999e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.416369999999999e-10}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.142e-09}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9012e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.54789e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.54789e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.52506e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.52506e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.06189e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.47429e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.06189e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.06189e-10}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3719e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9329e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.8029e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3719e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.03409e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.03409e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.03409e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.63375e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07254e-08}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0387276e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.26365e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07675e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6653000124e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.106100000739e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.56420000032e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.56420000032e-06}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.767999999999999e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.336e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.157425e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.157425e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.0409e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.0409e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21929e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.3557e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.3557e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.3557e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7285e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.69e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7285e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7285e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.29e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.29e-09}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17798e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.14563e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.14563e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.4087e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.4087e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.007877e-10}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.25798e-09}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.4494e-10}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3103e-08}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.302e-12}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6425e-09}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.5681e-10}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4533e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.059327e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.059327e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.0712e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.0712e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8558e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4289e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4289e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4289e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.692e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.692e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.692e-06}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.4485e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.2896e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6504000083e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.971000003780001e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.316300000125e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.316300000125e-09}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.527e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.527e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.527e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.527e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.84e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7902e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7902e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.774e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.774e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.094000000000001e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.884e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.094000000000001e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.094000000000001e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00032000874}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00032000874}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00032000874}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00032000874}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.053e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.053e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.053e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.053e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.436e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.08772e-11}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1555e-09}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.78690663e-10}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.498169e-11}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.305e-09}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.11911e-09}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.179e-10}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.703e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.581e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.581e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.409e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.409e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.171e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.189100000000001e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.17877e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.189100000000001e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.189100000000001e-09}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.956e-10}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.015100535000001e-12}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0009e-08}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.975e-10}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28060734e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.429e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1088e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24349e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24349e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.8761e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8761e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.020025237e-08}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.020025237e-08}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.998803000000001e-09}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00032100876}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.017e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.002e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.0333e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.117e-10}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.0794e-08}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.461900645e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.41e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.41e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -3.749579e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -3.749579e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.7761e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.167158e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.7761e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.7761e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.834e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.834e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.562e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.562e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0687e-07}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0687e-07}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.472000000000001e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.472000000000001e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.95232e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.231355e-08}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.757099999999999e-09}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6404e-08}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.9875e-08}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0975e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.19505e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0975e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0975e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.82659e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.12529e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.82659e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82659e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0829e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.15565e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0829e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0829e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.68484e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.402442000000001e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.68484e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.68484e-10}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1031573e-10}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5872e-09}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2429e-10}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6319e-08}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.898e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.898e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.777e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.777e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4957e-08}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0084e-08}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.317e-10}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.413e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0294e-08}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3839e-09}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2356e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4117449e-11}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.11750462e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2712e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2712e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.4307464e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.4307464e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.1562e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.6055e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.1562e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.1562e-11}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.0292e-09}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.475000000000001e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.475000000000001e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.62007158e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.62007158e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.9418e-12}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.3687e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.9418e-12}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9418e-12}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.561343199999999e-09}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6402e-10}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32608e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8246e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.36551e-09}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11407e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.275855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.275855e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.275855e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.07065e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.07065e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0376822e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0376822e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09465e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.63119919e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09465e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09465e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.742230000000001e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.742230000000001e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.01583e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.01583e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.115500000000002e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.47729e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.115500000000002e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.115500000000002e-11}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9125e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7158e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7158e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6519e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6519e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.074e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.679e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.074e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.074e-11}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3538e-09}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.9068e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.448e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.278e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7413e-07}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.389e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.389e-09}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.511389e-11}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.0395e-09}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8366e-10}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.887e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.211e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2767e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.6849e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9144e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9144e-06}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2705209e-10}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.167e-09}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1445e-08}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.8868e-09}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.85901e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57122e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57122e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7278e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7278e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7502e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.316100000000001e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.316100000000001e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.316100000000001e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.217e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.73e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.217e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.217e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.904e-09}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.88237e-10}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.193859000000001e-09}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001874323}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001874323}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000133116}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000133116}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6198e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2405e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.2405e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.2405e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3737e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000134}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.3737e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3737e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55942e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.15613e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.0866e-09}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.33571e-08}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.06368e-08}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.06368e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.144413e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.144413e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.771265e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.771265e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.7221e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.56e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.7221e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.7221e-12}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5114e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.222e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.222e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.77007198e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.77007198e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.75914e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.505038e-11}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.75914e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.75914e-10}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.52090902e-08}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14369e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0008590233999999999}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0008590233999999999}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0008590233999999999}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0008590233999999999}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.068046e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.068046e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5520356e-07}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.5520356e-07}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4553038e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.06381000000196e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06381000000196e-09}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.003208e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3431e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28703e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.185009999999999e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8453955e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8453955e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8453955e-08}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7556e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14932e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.172099999999999e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7515e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.593736e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.742943e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.742943e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.1146e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7225e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.709199999999999e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.898993e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6774897e-06}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.378371e-10}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.4728e-08}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.303e-09}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7316e-08}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4875e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4875e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.687849999999999e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.687849999999999e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.7108e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.53667e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7108e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7108e-10}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.043632000000001e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.043632000000001e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.88296e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.88296e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.07152e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.53331e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.53331e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.53331e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.03368e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.21e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.03368e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.03368e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58345e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34304e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.138841e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.6029404e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05376318e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05376318e-08}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6416708e-10}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.0562e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.302843e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.0200131648e-10}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.302843e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.302843e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8483e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.2836e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.6623e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.11236e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.11236e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.03395e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.36888e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4302e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.3474e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.06432e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06432e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.531e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.15e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.89795e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.391784e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.277509e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.277509e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.663257e-06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.663257e-06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19211e-06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19211e-06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.458e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3204e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.3204e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.3204e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4432e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4432e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4432e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.443e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.443e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32003648e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32003648e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.7333e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.099279999999999e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.7333e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.7333e-11}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.005e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.005e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.764e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.764e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4476e-10}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.62693e-11}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4476e-10}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4476e-10}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.5878e-08}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.11706e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2151177e-09}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.55e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4183e-09}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.202e-08}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.29660853e-07}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87331e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.15100855e-08}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.144200041e-06}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7988e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.508216400000001e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.855e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.855e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.19007233e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.19007233e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1927e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.738967e-11}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1927e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1927e-10}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7237e-09}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9184e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.26525e-13}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.49109341e-14}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.26525e-13}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.26525e-13}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.895e-09}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.7987e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.869e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7716e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.0785e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5978e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5978e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.932e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.985e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.763e-09}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5447e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5447e-08}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.8260301e-10}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.10713e-10}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2304e-10}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.2279947e-11}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.590078418e-13}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.2279947e-11}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.2279947e-11}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.179726e-11}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.57424e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.57424e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.2843e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.2843e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3117e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6112e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.6112e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.6112e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.5324e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000165}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.5324e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.5324e-05}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1061e-10}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7224e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7224e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.81e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08516e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.84498e-12}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.08516e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08516e-10}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.036e-06}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.752e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000214422}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000214422}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0002397094}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0002397094}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.060924e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000297133}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.000297133}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.000297133}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000326146}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000368}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000326146}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000326146}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.7856e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.953e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.953e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.48002128e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.48002128e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.43238e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.119496e-11}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43238e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.43238e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.219e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.219e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.880061599999999e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.880061599999999e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.66747e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.342038e-11}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.66747e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.66747e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8843e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8843e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4114e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4114e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.0815e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.3951e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.0815e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.0815e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.44411e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.44411e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.27268e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.27268e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.9038e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.72521e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.9038e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.9038e-10}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.782e-09}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "total: human health no LT", "human health no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.35e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.13e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.79e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.69e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.35e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39e-08}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.47e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.47e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.619e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.619e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35e-07}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.495e-09}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.45e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.11e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.11e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8007e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.8007e-07}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.89e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00440673}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00376575}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000141216}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000176269}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000176269}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.148e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.148e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.012e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.012e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.28e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.36e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.28e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.28e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.62e-06}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.97e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.97e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.98e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.98e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.29e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.94e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.94e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2e-07}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2e-07}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.65e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000114}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000165}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.07e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.07e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.002160178}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.002160178}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.7e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.97e-12}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.73e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.73e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.26e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.26e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.92e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.139e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.92e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.92e-06}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.45e-12}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Actinides, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.645e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.645e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000137924}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000137924}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.21e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001721}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-05}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.93e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.77e-07}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.75e-10}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Americium-241", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000151}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.943e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.943e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.317e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.317e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0133e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.543e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0133e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0133e-06}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.35e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00969}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00969}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00235}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0149}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-124", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.87e-10}, {"name": "Antimony-125", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.25e-11}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3745}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3745}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2494}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2494}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.10574}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.9866}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.9866}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.9866}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.0786}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.484}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.0786}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.0786}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.227e-05}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.206e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.106e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.5e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.5e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.5e-06}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00228}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-08}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-09}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.35e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.494e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.494e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.67e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.67e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.640000000000001e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1638e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1638e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.101e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.101e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.2386e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.546e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.2386e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.2386e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.97e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.536e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.97e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.97e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.5528e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.5528e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.452600000000001e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.452600000000001e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.434e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5207e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.434e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.434e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0002538}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0002538}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0003369}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0003369}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.004116}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.12e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.12e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.87e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.87e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000114}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000439}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000439}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000121}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0063691}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0063691}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.146889}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.146889}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.17e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.6e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.6e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.6e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.018e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.69e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.018e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.018e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.48e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.76e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.64e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.63e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000449}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000449}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.32e-07}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.56e-07}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.81e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08e-05}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.21e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.21e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.76e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.64e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.313e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.313e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.234e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.234e-06}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.73e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.73e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.703e-07}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.703e-07}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.24e-10}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.58e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.58e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.034769}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.034769}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.02543}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.02543}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.07182}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0033118}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0033118}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0033118}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0021029}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.016762}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0021029}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0021029}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.62e-11}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-134", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.15e-11}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "Caesium-137", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.498e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.838e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.784e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.279e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.279e-05}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.18e-06}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.73e-06}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.39e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.17e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.17e-07}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000171}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000171}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000188}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000188}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000152}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.9e-05}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000152}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000152}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.81e-07}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.82e-10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Carbon-14", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.45e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8e-06}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.68e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.95e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.67e-07}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.67e-07}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.47e-09}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.03e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.47e-09}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.47e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.69e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.69e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.92e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.94e-12}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00021}, {"name": "Chlormequat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.928e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.928e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.748e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.748e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.54e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.169e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.54e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.54e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.71e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.71e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.336e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.336e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.780000000000001e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.59e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.780000000000001e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.780000000000001e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.096e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.125e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.673e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.679999999999999e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.602e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.602e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.53e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.82e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.71e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000636}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000636}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-05}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.69e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.69e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.89e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47136}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47136}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.21244}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.21244}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.610321}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.660878}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.660878}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.660878}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.820962}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22223}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.820962}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.820962}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-58", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.43e-11}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.3e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt-60", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.53e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.53e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.54e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.72e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.54e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.54e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.69e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.69e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.47e-07}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-07}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.09e-09}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Curium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.83e-08}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0008}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.346e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.346e-07}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.99e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.35e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.99e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.99e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.346e-07}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-06}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.75e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.92e-06}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.92e-06}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.42e-07}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.748e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5e-06}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.65e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.14e-06}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.77e-05}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.66e-06}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000266}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000133}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-05}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.42e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.91e-07}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.91e-07}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4e-08}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.62e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0002871}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.6e-06}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.738e-07}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.738e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.11e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.85e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.94e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.55e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.55e-06}, {"name": "Dimethipin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-05}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.63e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.77e-06}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.76e-06}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.94e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0010078}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0010078}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0010078}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0010078}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.74e-08}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.35e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 359}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 359}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 331}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 331}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 263}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.89e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.81e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.91e-06}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-05}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.02e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.79e-05}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.63e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.22e-06}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.76e-06}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-09}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-07}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-06}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.63e-08}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.344e-05}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.344e-05}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.166e-05}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.166e-05}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.98e-05}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.32e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.32e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0027202428}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0027202428}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.66e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.66e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0005490699}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0005490699}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.41e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.72e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.41e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.41e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.215e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.215e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.89e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.89e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01874161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01874161}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.52e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.52e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00180181}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00180181}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.76e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.76e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.034e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.034e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.16e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.044477}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.044477}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.044477}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.044477}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0042404}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0042404}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0042404}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0042404}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000180142}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000180142}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011268}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011268}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011268}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011268}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.107764}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.107764}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.107764}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.107764}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0001705}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0001115}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0001705}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0001705}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.61e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.61e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.454e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.454e-07}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.99e-05}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-06}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.25e-06}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.06e-05}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.06e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.06e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.57e-10}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.99e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.99e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.61e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.61e-07}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.26e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.55e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.55e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.78e-08}, {"name": "Fenbuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.22e-07}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00508}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-06}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.19e-07}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-07}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.67e-06}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000442}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000347}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.85e-05}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00014}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000358}, {"name": "Fipronil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000358}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.21e-08}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.72e-06}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.96e-07}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-08}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.83e-06}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000172}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.14e-05}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.55e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.395e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.395e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000190631}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000190631}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.57e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1509e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.57e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.57e-07}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.412e-09}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.842000000000001e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.842000000000001e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00032309}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00032309}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.593e-06}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-05}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-07}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.05e-07}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.55e-06}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-07}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.08e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.08e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.427e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.427e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8881e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1144e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8881e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8881e-07}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.49e-08}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00125}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.319e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.319e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.319e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.319e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.97e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.24e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.24e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.98e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.98e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.077e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.527e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.077e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.077e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.004e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.004e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.03142e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.03142e-05}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-11}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.67e-14}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Hydrogen-3, Tritium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22e-06}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.81e-07}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.49e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.77e-08}, {"name": "Imazethapyr", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.77e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44e-05}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-06}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.72e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.22e-07}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.22e-07}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-129", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.17e-06}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-131", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Iodine-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.9e-12}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.24e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.23e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.23e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.019999999999999e-07}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.019999999999999e-07}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-08}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Krypton-85", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.009899}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.009899}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.007338000000000001}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.007338000000000001}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0013057}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0019028}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0019028}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0019028}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00039878}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0046154}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00039878}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00039878}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Lead-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0001545}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.49e-08}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.75e-05}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.19e-06}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.07e-06}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.68e-08}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.69e-07}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.2e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.14e-05}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08e-05}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.54e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.54e-07}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.339e-06}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Manganese-54", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-06}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.67e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.2973}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.2973}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.015644}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.07251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.07251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.07251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.07014}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.7272}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.07014}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.07014}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.72e-06}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00123793}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00123793}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.01427}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.01427}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01427}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01427}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.03809999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.03809999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03809999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03809999999999999}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.09e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.09e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037536365}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037536365}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.227e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.227e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.27399e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.27399e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.239e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.057e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.239e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.239e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.17e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.17e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.03509209999999999}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.03509209999999999}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.44233e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.44233e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.001467}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.001467}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.006316}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.006316}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0014}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0008010000000000001}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0014}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0014}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.55e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.55e-06}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.01224764}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.01224764}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.38e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.38e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.85e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.85e-08}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.42e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.52e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.42e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.42e-09}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.67e-06}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000104}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.13e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.51e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.51e-06}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.51e-06}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.83e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.64e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.64e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0851e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0851e-07}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9e-09}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-05}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.72e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.68e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.68e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.68e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.09e-06}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.52e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.17e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.35e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-05}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.16e-06}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00149}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00149}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00114}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000714}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000431}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.000431}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.000431}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00109}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000258}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.9566e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.9566e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.274499999999999e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.274499999999999e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.8356e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.7386e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.8356e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.8356e-07}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.86e-05}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-07}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.26e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.049e-05}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.235e-06}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0039415}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0039415}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0030497}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0030497}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0007072300000000001}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0011956}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0011956}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0011956}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000839}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0040124}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000839}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000839}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.0973e-05}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.0973e-05}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.0973e-05}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.0973e-05}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00010839}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.35e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.35e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.07e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.07e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.06e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.14e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.06e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.06e-06}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.011e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.011e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.011e-05}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.011e-05}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Noble gases, radioactive, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Norflurazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0001040565}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0001040565}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00011337}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00011337}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.15e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.209e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.662e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.209e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.209e-06}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.05e-06}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Particulate Matter, < 2.5 um", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000629}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.9e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.69e-08}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.32e-07}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01e-06}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-06}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.58e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.4e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.4e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.97e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000158}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000158}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000167}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000167}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.043e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.043e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.963e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.963e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.905e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.329e-05}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.49e-06}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.06e-06}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000138}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.623e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.843e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.623e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.623e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.26e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.46e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.19e-06}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1176e-06}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-06}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.6e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7e-08}, {"name": "Plutonium-alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.23e-08}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Polonium-210", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000389}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000389}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000378}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000378}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.017}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.685e-05}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.1e-08}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-06}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-07}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.818e-07}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.38e-07}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.38e-07}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.62e-08}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-07}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.26e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.86e-07}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.53e-09}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.15e-05}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.86e-07}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.76e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.34e-06}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-06}, {"name": "Propineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3e-07}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.112e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.112e-05}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.58e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.200000000000001e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.58e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.58e-06}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-06}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42e-07}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.69e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.8e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.25e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.09e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.09e-06}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.54e-06}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.37e-07}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.63e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radium-226", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Radon-222", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39e-07}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.53e-11}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Ruthenium-106", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.16e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.49e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0294}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0294}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0211}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0211}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0424}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00347}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00347}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00347}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000921}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00771}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000921}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000921}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Silver-110", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.2e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.53e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.84e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.94e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.4e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.64e-06}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.64e-06}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.43e-08}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.95e-10}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.37e-12}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.95e-10}, {"name": "Strontium-90", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.95e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.0392e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.0392e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4615e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4615e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.3781e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.345e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.3781e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.3781e-07}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.22e-06}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000182}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000145}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000145}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000145}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000145}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-07}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.26e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9e-06}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.22e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.06e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.56e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.85e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.35e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.53e-12}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.53e-12}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Technetium-99m", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000356}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-05}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.38e-05}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000219}, {"name": "Terbacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-08}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8e-05}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-05}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.79e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.79e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.9633e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.9633e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.48e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.13e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.48e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.48e-06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.255}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.255}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.249}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.249}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.235}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.422}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.26}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.59e-06}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.11e-06}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.13e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.92e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.48e-07}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.48e-07}, {"name": "Thifensulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.94e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.09e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.06e-06}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.63e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.63e-06}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.03e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.35e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.35e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.67e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.54e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-06}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-06}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Thorium-230", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.82e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.934e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.934e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.854e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.854e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.381e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.33e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.381e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.381e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.78e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.78e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.25e-08}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.6e-07}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.15e-06}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.28e-05}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.06e-07}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.08e-06}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.6e-06}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.927e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.927e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.85e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.688e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.47e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.18e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.18e-05}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.69e-08}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.17e-11}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium alpha", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.15e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.9e-11}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.03e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-234", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.84e-11}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-235", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.17e-11}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "Uranium-238", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.9e-09}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64e-07}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.06e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0144}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0144}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0141}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0141}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00208}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0134}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0134}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0134}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0148}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0253}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0148}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0148}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.22e-06}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22e-06}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.22e-06}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.22e-06}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2e-13}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-13}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-13}, {"name": "Xenon-133", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.87e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.87e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.277e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.277e-07}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.342e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.036e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.342e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.342e-08}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-05}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.404}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.449}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.449}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0777}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.547}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.547}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.547}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.602}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.677}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.602}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.602}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.52e-06}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.159e-06}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2843e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2843e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.0806e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.0806e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1816e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.341e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1816e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1816e-07}]}, {"unit": "USD 2013", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E) no LT", "total: natural resources no LT", "natural resources no LT"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Aluminium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0391}, {"name": "Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0391}, {"name": "Antimony", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.132}, {"name": "Arsenic", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0303}, {"name": "Barite, 15% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00527}, {"name": "Basalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Beryllium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 17.7}, {"name": "Bismuth", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.74}, {"name": "Boron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0267}, {"name": "Cadmium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.074}, {"name": "Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.074}, {"name": "Caesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2730}, {"name": "Cerium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2730}, {"name": "Cerium, 24% in bastnasite, 2.4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2730}, {"name": "Chromium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Chromium, 25.5% in chromite, 11.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.022}, {"name": "Chrysotile", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0705}, {"name": "Clay, bentonite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0025}, {"name": "Clay, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00241}, {"name": "Coal, brown", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0341}, {"name": "Coal, hard, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0341}, {"name": "Cobalt", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.52}, {"name": "Cobalt, Co 5.0E-2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.52}, {"name": "Copper", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.52% in sulfide, Cu 0.27% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.59% in sulfide, Cu 0.22% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.97% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 4.1E-2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.13% in sulfide, Cu 0.76% and Ni 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.18% in sulfide, Cu 0.39% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.25% in sulfide, Cu 0.24% and Zn 0,1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 1.42% in sulfide, Cu 0.81% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, 2.19% in sulfide, Cu 1.83% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.2%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 0.38%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Copper, Cu 6.8E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 3.2E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.231}, {"name": "Diatomite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0113}, {"name": "Feldspar", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00356}, {"name": "Gallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.4}, {"name": "Gallium, 0.014% in bauxite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 19.4}, {"name": "Gas, mine, off-gas, process, coal mining", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.301}, {"name": "Gas, natural", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.301}, {"name": "Germanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 73.4}, {"name": "Gold", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.0E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 1.8E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 5.4E-4%, Ag 1.5E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 6.8E-4%, Ag 1.5E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Gold, Au 9.7E-5%, Ag 7.6E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 863}, {"name": "Graphite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0443}, {"name": "Gypsum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.000654}, {"name": "Hafnium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 22.3}, {"name": "Indium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 23.7}, {"name": "Iodine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Iodine, 0.03% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 1.64}, {"name": "Iron", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0143}, {"name": "Iron, 46% in ore, 25% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0143}, {"name": "Iron, 72% in magnetite, 14% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0143}, {"name": "Lead", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 0.014%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lead, Pb 3.6E-1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.113}, {"name": "Lithium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.12}, {"name": "Lithium, 0.15% in brine", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.12}, {"name": "Magnesite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Magnesium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Magnesium, 0.13% in water", "categories": ["natural resource", "in water"], "amount": 0.183}, {"name": "Manganese", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.019}, {"name": "Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary deposit, 14.2% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.019}, {"name": "Mercury", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2.07}, {"name": "Molybdenum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.010% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 1.83% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.014% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.81% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.016% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.27% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.22% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.022% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.025% in sulfide, Mo 8.2E-3% and Cu 0.39% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide, Mo 4.1E-2% and Cu 0.36% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 6.75}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 2.3E+0%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel, 1.98% in silicates, 1.04% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Nickel, Ni 2.5E+0%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.668}, {"name": "Niobium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.2}, {"name": "Oil, crude", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.457}, {"name": "Palladium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Palladium, Pd 1.6E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Pd, Pd 7.3E-4%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 988}, {"name": "Peat", "categories": ["natural resource", "biotic"], "amount": 0.0341}, {"name": "Perlite", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00212}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 12% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Phosphorus, 18% in apatite, 4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0386}, {"name": "Platinum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Platinum, Pt 4.7E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Rh 2.0E-5%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 2030}, {"name": "Pumice", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00133}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.0E-5%, Pt 2.5E-4%, Pd 7.3E-4%, Ni 2.3E+0%, Cu 3.2E+0% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E-2% in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Rhenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Rhenium, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 122}, {"name": "Rhodium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Rhodium, Rh 1.6E-7%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1470}, {"name": "Selenium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 3.07}, {"name": "Silicon", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.099}, {"name": "Silver", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, 0.007% in sulfide, Ag 0.004%, Pb, Zn, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, 0.01% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-4%, Au 6.8E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.5E-5%, Au 5.4E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 1.8E-6%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 5.4E-3%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 7.6E-5%, Au 9.7E-5%, in ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 35.4}, {"name": "Spodumene", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.12}, {"name": "Strontium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0202}, {"name": "Talc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.00874}, {"name": "Tantalum", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12.2}, {"name": "Tantalum, 81.9% in tantalite, 1.6E-4% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 12.2}, {"name": "Tellurium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.32}, {"name": "Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide, Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 4.32}, {"name": "Thallium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 278}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 18% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "TiO2, 54% in ilmenite, 2.6% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "TiO2, 95% in rutile, 0.40% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Tin", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.16}, {"name": "Tin, 79% in cassiterite, 0.1% in crude ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.16}, {"name": "Titanium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.203}, {"name": "Tungsten", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 1.8}, {"name": "Uranium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 5.83}, {"name": "Vanadium", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.918}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Zinc", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}, {"name": "Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb, Ag, Cd, In", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 0.63%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}, {"name": "Zinc, Zn 3.1%, in mixed ore", "categories": ["natural resource", "in ground"], "amount": 0.0355}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "acidification: terrestrial"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Ammonia", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.72e-08}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.17e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.63e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur dioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfur trioxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.38e-07}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.38e-07}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "climate change: freshwater ecosystems"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.82e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.83e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.83e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.23e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.61e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.61e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.93e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.93e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.01e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.73e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.15e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.65e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.34e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.25e-12}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.02e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.97e-10}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.97e-10}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.76e-09}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.34e-08}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "climate change: terrestrial ecosystems"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.84e-08}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.84e-08}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.97e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.44e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.7e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.7e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.52e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.52e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.27e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.27e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.75e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.76e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.76e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.73e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.31e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.2e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000214}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000445}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.37e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.93e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.93e-08}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.85e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.33e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.36e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000317}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.73e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.73e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.77e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.77e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.16e-07}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.83e-06}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.11e-08}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.11e-08}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.4e-06}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000275}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.19e-05}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.19e-05}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000142}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00032}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000321}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000859}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000859}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000859}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000859}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000859}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "ecotoxicity: freshwater"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.52e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.52e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.52e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.43e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.43e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.81e-10}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.81e-10}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.63e-13}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.81e-10}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.81e-10}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.86e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.86e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.86e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.83e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.83e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.86e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.86e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.73e-15}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.86e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.86e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.5e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.33e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.09e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.09e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.48e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.51e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.97e-09}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.97e-09}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.69e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.73e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.73e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7e-15}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.73e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.73e-11}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.94e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.94e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.94e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.27e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.27e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.32e-12}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.32e-12}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.07e-15}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.32e-12}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.32e-12}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.57e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.27e-14}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.68e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.68e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.68e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.54e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.54e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.38e-20}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.54e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.54e-11}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.38e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.77e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.61e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.96e-10}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.19e-10}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.19e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.41e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.41e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.41e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.39e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.39e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.93e-14}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.71e-13}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.58e-11}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.58e-11}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.05e-18}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.92e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.92e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.92e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.01e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.01e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-12}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.51e-12}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.21e-15}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.51e-12}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.34e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.07e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.07e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.03e-14}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.07e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.07e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.26e-13}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.54e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.94e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.94e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.94e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.84e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.84e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.82e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.17e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.17e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.35e-18}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.17e-11}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.17e-11}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.75e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.75e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.16e-13}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23e-09}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.92e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.16e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.16e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.16e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-11}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58e-11}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.74e-08}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15e-10}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.37e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.64e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.75e-05}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-08}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-09}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.74e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.79e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.79e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.33e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.33e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.47e-14}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.33e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.33e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.37e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.34e-11}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-07}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-10}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.84e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.84e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.85e-08}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.36e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.36e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.57e-26}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.36e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.36e-07}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-09}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.47e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.32e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.32e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.69e-27}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.32e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.32e-08}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.44e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.93e-08}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.25e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.25e-07}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-10}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.18e-10}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-07}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-10}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.56e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.89e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.37e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.37e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.37e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.16e-10}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.75e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.75e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.75e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.61e-27}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-09}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.59e-11}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.99e-11}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.73e-10}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.73e-10}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.11e-06}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.35e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.35e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.35e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.17e-10}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.54e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.54e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.54e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.03e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.03e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-14}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.03e-11}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.03e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.2e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.2e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.2e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.2e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.8e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.8e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.47e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.78e-15}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.73e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.73e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.78e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.78e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.78e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.79e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.79e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.35e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.35e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.35e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.86e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.86e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.34e-08}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.34e-08}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.42e-11}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.35e-11}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89e-12}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.9e-15}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.14e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.31e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.31e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.54e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.54e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.54e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.62e-27}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.89e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.74e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6e-08}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.97e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.81e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.54e-10}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.67e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.8e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.46e-08}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.45e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.45e-06}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.12e-08}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.31e-10}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.95e-09}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.52e-14}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.96e-11}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-09}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.87e-09}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.12e-09}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.52e-09}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.9e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.97e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.97e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.33e-15}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.36e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.36e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.04e-14}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.61e-09}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.08e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.2e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.2e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.41e-28}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.17e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-09}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.06e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.06e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.79e-09}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-09}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.83e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9e-10}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.83e-08}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.42e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.42e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.9e-14}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.42e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.42e-10}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.88e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.92e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.59e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.59e-09}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.59e-11}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.59e-11}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4e-19}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.59e-11}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.59e-11}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.41e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5e-07}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.87e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.87e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.87e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.74e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.74e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.51e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.75e-21}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.51e-07}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-07}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.54e-09}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.41e-08}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-10}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.33e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.26e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.26e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.02e-19}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.26e-09}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.26e-09}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.33e-13}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.92e-14}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.29e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.29e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.29e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.59e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.59e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.25e-13}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.68e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.68e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.29e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.24e-06}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.35e-08}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.6e-09}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.08e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.08e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.21e-10}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.44e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.87e-29}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.96e-09}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.96e-09}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.96e-09}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.29e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.29e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.02e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.02e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.37e-26}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.02e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.02e-08}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.76e-10}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.6e-10}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.84e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.03e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.03e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.03e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.51e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.51e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.44e-10}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.99e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.99e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.99e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.4e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.43e-29}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.4e-09}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4e-09}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.84e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.84e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.88e-27}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.45e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.02e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.36e-15}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.15e-09}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.82e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.82e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.06e-17}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95e-18}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.34e-11}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-08}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-12}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.81e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.84e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.4e-05}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.4e-05}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.9e-09}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.11e-10}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.04e-09}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-11}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53e-09}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.1e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.76e-09}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.39e-06}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.63e-11}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.39e-10}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-08}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-11}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.93e-09}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.19e-10}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.42e-11}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.97e-11}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.63e-11}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.38e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.38e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.55e-10}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.01e-09}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.06e-10}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.54e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.54e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.09e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.09e-15}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.18e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.18e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.18e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.21e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.21e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.34e-15}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.21e-10}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.21e-10}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.05e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.05e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.05e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-19}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.92e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.49e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.62e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.62e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.31e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.08e-07}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.38e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.38e-06}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.08e-11}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.33e-10}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.33e-10}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.72e-14}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.33e-10}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.33e-10}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.26e-10}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.34e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.97e-09}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-08}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.14e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.33e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.33e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.33e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.46e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.46e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.77e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.77e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.52e-14}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.77e-10}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.77e-10}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.18e-11}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.21e-09}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.52e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.92e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.32e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.57e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.72e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.72e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.36e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.05e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39e-09}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.76e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.45e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.82e-08}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.55e-07}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-08}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.44e-10}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.5e-10}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-10}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.8e-11}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.75e-09}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.99e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.99e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.99e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.24e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.24e-12}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.09e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.49e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.74e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.57e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.85e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.82e-08}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.95e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.71e-13}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.71e-13}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.71e-13}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.72e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.95e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.85e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.85e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.89e-14}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.85e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.85e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.59e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.8e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.8e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.8e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.37e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.37e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.56e-15}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.37e-12}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.37e-12}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.26e-11}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.55e-10}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.11e-10}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-09}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.49e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.49e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.49e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.18e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.18e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.02e-14}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.09e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.09e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.81e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.81e-11}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.58e-15}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.71e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.71e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.96e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.96e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.43e-18}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.96e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.96e-10}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.88e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.88e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.88e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.87e-09}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.51e-09}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.4e-08}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.25e-10}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.18e-09}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.95e-09}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.2e-09}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.03e-08}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2e-09}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.44e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.43e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.11e-08}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.11e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.77e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01e-07}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.3e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.17e-07}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.57e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.57e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.57e-06}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.55e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.55e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.47e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.85e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.91e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.91e-07}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.48e-08}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.84e-08}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.46e-10}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.05e-10}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.17e-12}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.95e-09}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.85e-09}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-08}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.78e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.78e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.78e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.19e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.19e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.31e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.31e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.25e-14}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.31e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.31e-10}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.3e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.93e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.93e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.07e-19}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.93e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.93e-11}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.93e-10}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.03e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.03e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.02e-16}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.02e-16}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.88e-12}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.44e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.09e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.97e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.44e-10}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.98e-09}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.23e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.23e-08}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.56e-18}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.56e-18}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.56e-18}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.54e-18}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.54e-18}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.5e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.93e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.93e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.93e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.19e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.19e-17}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.81e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.81e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.13e-18}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.81e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.81e-11}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3e-10}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.21e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.49e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.49e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-11}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.49e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.49e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.79e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.28e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.04e-15}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.29e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.29e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.64e-15}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.54e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.54e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.54e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-12}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-09}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.07e-10}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.83e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.37e-09}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.37e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.88e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.36e-08}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.24e-09}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.26e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.26e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.26e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-17}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.67e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.67e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.67e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.6e-11}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.6e-11}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.25e-15}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.38e-09}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.22e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.16e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.79e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.94e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.35e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.35e-05}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.35e-05}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.03e-12}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.22e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.22e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.22e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.42e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.42e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.88e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.29e-31}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.74e-10}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-10}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-11}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-10}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-10}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.17e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.17e-09}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.43e-09}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.14e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.82e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.41e-09}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.94e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.42e-08}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.61e-09}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.34e-10}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.27e-16}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-10}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.27e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.27e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.27e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.46e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.46e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.25e-29}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.46e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.46e-08}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.18e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-10}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.32e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.32e-09}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-11}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-08}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-09}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.99e-09}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.7e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.26e-14}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03e-14}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.68e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.01e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.35e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.35e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.35e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.17e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.17e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.42e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.42e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.74e-15}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.42e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.42e-12}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.71e-09}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.35e-09}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.98e-09}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-10}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.85e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.5e-08}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.69e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.62e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.62e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.62e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.96e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.96e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.59e-14}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.54e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5e-10}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5e-10}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.37e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.67e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.67e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.67e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.42e-12}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.42e-12}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.23e-10}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.4e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.38e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.38e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.29e-15}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.51e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.3e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.54e-09}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.03e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.37e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.62e-07}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.08e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.52e-06}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.52e-06}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.71e-08}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.24e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.25e-11}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.25e-11}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.25e-11}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.29e-11}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.85e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.85e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.01e-29}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.85e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.85e-10}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2e-10}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.34e-10}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.11e-10}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.47e-10}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.71e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.12e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.58e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.18e-27}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.68e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.86e-10}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-09}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.92e-12}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.92e-12}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.92e-12}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.4e-13}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.08e-11}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.95e-10}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.69e-10}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.46e-11}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.06e-09}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.29e-10}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.47e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.17e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.04e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.04e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.37e-12}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.04e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.04e-09}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.29e-11}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.94e-12}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.65e-08}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.67e-10}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.81e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.83e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.22e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.91e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.91e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.91e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.37e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.37e-15}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.99e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.24e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.53e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.99e-06}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.47e-11}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.96e-08}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.4e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.03e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.03e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.58e-15}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.54e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.54e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.54e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.42e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.42e-11}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.66e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.66e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.66e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.33e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.33e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.84e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.14e-08}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.17e-09}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.31e-08}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.21e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.09e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.75e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.59e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.81e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.65e-14}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.23e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.02e-15}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.04e-10}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-09}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-10}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-08}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-08}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.19e-09}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.98e-07}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.74e-09}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.24e-09}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.8e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.8e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.22e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.22e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.55e-14}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.1e-11}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.98e-10}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.51e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.51e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.51e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.13e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.13e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.54e-12}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.54e-12}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.67e-15}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.54e-12}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.54e-12}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-10}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.19e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.33e-09}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.21e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.21e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.21e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.22e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.22e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.22e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-11}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-11}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19e-18}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.64e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.64e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.64e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.51e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.51e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.05e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.05e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.29e-15}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.05e-11}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.05e-11}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.53e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.68e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.68e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.68e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.69e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.69e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.9e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.9e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.49e-13}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.9e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.9e-11}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.33e-09}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.73e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.18e-10}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26e-06}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7e-07}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.95e-09}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.49e-11}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6e-09}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.65e-10}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.8e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.12e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.97e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.63e-07}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-10}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.69e-09}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.82e-11}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.22e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.22e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.22e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.8e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.61e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.61e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.61e-09}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.06e-28}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.68e-11}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.86e-10}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.15e-09}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.16e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-08}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.05e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.05e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.05e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.71e-27}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.54e-09}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.25e-09}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.93e-09}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.11e-13}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.11e-13}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.11e-13}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.71e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.71e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.89e-35}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.71e-12}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.71e-12}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.02e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.72e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.72e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.68e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.75e-10}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5e-08}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.93e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.43e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.43e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.43e-11}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.94e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.07e-09}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.81e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.81e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.81e-08}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.02e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-08}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.58e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.72e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.72e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.8e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.59e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.51e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.76e-07}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.63e-06}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.3e-10}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.05e-08}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-09}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.54e-08}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.85e-13}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.52e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.52e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.7e-14}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.52e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.52e-10}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.32e-09}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.32e-09}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.32e-09}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.46e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.46e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.68e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.68e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.78e-26}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.68e-08}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.68e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.74e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.74e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.79e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.12e-10}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.59e-09}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.57e-10}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.28e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.28e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.48e-18}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.28e-09}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.28e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.78e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.5e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02e-07}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.64e-10}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.02e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.33e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.22e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.71e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.11e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.25e-07}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.25e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-10}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.11e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.11e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.32e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.32e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.45e-29}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.32e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.32e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.67e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.67e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.28e-15}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.67e-11}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.67e-11}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.93e-14}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4e-10}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.54e-08}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.97e-07}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.2e-09}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.19e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.04e-08}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-07}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.15e-08}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-07}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.05e-08}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.52e-10}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.44e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.75e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.75e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.63e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.63e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.67e-15}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.18e-10}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-09}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.78e-07}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.23e-13}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.23e-13}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.41e-20}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.23e-13}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.23e-13}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.36e-09}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.24e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.76e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.83e-06}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.72e-11}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.05e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.51e-09}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-08}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-08}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.99e-10}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.17e-10}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.22e-11}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.22e-11}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.18e-20}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.22e-11}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.22e-11}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.12e-11}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.24e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.3e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.3e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.44e-26}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.79e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.24e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.24e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.24e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.7e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.7e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.18e-15}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-10}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.81e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.2e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.2e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.94e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.94e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.24e-09}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.33e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.33e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.33e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.48e-25}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.67e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.16e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.16e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.16e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.6e-15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.6e-15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.42e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.42e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06e-15}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.42e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.42e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.93e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.93e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.38e-15}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.73e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.73e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.73e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.94e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.94e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.65e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.65e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.51e-15}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.65e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.65e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.83e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.83e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.83e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.21e-14}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.78e-10}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.62e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "ecotoxicity: marine"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.27e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.48e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.48e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.73e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.48e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.48e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.32e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.32e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.69e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.32e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.32e-13}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.52e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.09e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.52e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.52e-11}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.46e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.27e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.27e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.46e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.63e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.27e-12}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.33e-13}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.48e-11}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.48e-11}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.47e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.73e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.38e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.38e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.67e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.67e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.95e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.95e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.95e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.3e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.3e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.05e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.14e-14}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.38e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.38e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.38e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.73e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.73e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.35e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.46e-13}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.61e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.61e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.22e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.61e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.61e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.68e-12}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.35e-13}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.15e-12}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.17e-12}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.17e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.91e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.91e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.52e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.91e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.91e-13}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.48e-14}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.08e-15}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.36e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.36e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.77e-12}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.5e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.32e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.32e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.32e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.25e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.25e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.28e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.28e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.39e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.28e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.28e-14}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.98e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.51e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.51e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.07e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.51e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.51e-13}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.95e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.95e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.59e-11}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.95e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.95e-12}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.64e-11}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.41e-10}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.95e-13}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.95e-13}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.37e-12}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.95e-13}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.95e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.18e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.18e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.18e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.57e-13}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.57e-13}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.37e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.37e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.37e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.46e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.46e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.67e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.46e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.46e-12}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.09e-10}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.06e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.06e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.06e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-10}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.85e-10}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.75e-10}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.74e-13}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.21e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.19e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.71e-06}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.08e-10}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.97e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.2e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.2e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.2e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.12e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.12e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.46e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.88e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.22e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-12}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.03e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.03e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.03e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.37e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.37e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.22e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.9e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.9e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.9e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.66e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.66e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00016}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.66e-05}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.66e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.96e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.79e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.79e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.41e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.41e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.41e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.64e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-05}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.63e-12}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.44e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.94e-12}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.5e-11}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37e-09}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-12}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3e-11}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.36e-09}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.36e-09}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.89e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.89e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.89e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.91e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.91e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.17e-07}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.18e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.18e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.03e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.18e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.18e-06}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-13}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.09e-12}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.38e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.51e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1e-09}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.59e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.62e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.62e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.62e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.45e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.45e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.15e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.58e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.58e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.58e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.47e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.47e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.34e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.1e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.73e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.03e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.03e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.03e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.79e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.79e-14}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.91e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.91e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.86e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.91e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.91e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.16e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.3e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.79e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.79e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.79e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.83e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.83e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.23e-13}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.26e-14}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.34e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.34e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.34e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.34e-13}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.87e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.87e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.87e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.79e-07}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.65e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.91e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.91e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.89e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.91e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.91e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.3e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.3e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.36e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.36e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.32e-09}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-11}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.65e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.89e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.59e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.62e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.62e-07}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.61e-10}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.79e-12}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.73e-13}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-10}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.45e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.71e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.65e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.7e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.7e-10}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13e-11}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.24e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.17e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.17e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.17e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.12e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.12e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.85e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.85e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.85e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.85e-14}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.42e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.1e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.77e-10}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.48e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.48e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.48e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.86e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.86e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.74e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.74e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.74e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.25e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.25e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.85e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.25e-07}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.25e-07}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.26e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.38e-11}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.74e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.36e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.18e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.62e-11}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.53e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.67e-10}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1e-12}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.77e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.44e-11}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.59e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.33e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.02e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.51e-10}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.51e-10}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.4e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.88e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-13}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-13}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.1e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.89e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.46e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.34e-08}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-08}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.75e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.75e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.75e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.42e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.42e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.42e-10}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.42e-10}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.34e-11}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.34e-12}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.08e-10}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.68e-13}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.82e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.82e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.82e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.25e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.25e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.01e-10}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.25e-11}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.25e-11}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.69e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.69e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.69e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.92e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.92e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.85e-11}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.92e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.92e-12}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.07e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.41e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.41e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.41e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.01e-12}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.01e-12}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.01e-12}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.01e-12}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.95e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.91e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.48e-09}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.03e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.03e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.85e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.53e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.04e-10}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.52e-11}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.39e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.14e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.78e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.12e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.46e-08}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.3e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.3e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.3e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.88e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.88e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.25e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.25e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.64e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.25e-05}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.25e-05}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.02e-10}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.29e-12}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.43e-12}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.06e-12}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.79e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.79e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-08}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.84e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.41e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.41e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.41e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.84e-07}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.61e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.61e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.61e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.69e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.18e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.18e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.18e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.61e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.61e-14}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.48e-11}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49e-10}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.26e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.26e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.26e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-16}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.91e-14}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.91e-14}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.6e-12}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.91e-14}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.91e-14}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-16}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.27e-17}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.63e-13}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.58e-08}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.68e-12}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-14}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.32e-09}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.43e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-11}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.12e-10}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.15e-12}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.21e-11}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.34e-13}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-11}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.49e-12}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.19e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.94e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.47e-09}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.19e-13}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-12}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-10}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.32e-10}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.5e-11}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.96e-11}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-10}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.3e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.71e-13}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.66e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.66e-12}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.28e-10}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.87e-10}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.19e-12}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.35e-13}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-12}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.39e-15}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.39e-15}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.25e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.25e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.25e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.16e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.16e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.21e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.16e-12}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.16e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.06e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.06e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.06e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.53e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.53e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.82e-14}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4e-15}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.43e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.24e-10}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.59e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.71e-09}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.71e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.15e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.03e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.8e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.8e-08}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.62e-13}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.62e-13}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.13e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.62e-13}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.62e-13}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.03e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.74e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.68e-11}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.7e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.8e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.8e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.8e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.44e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.44e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.44e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.44e-12}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.48e-13}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.91e-11}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.81e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.24e-07}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.01e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.42e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.94e-13}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.32e-11}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.32e-11}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-11}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.82e-12}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.06e-11}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.96e-11}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.99e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.08e-09}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.82e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.7e-10}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.29e-09}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.08e-11}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18e-12}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.06e-12}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.7e-13}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.75e-12}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.03e-08}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.15e-13}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.4e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.45e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.35e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.69e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.69e-09}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.88e-07}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-08}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.22e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.22e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.22e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.24e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.24e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.24e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.23e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.23e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.86e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.62e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.62e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.62e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.59e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.59e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.86e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.86e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.47e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.08e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.08e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.15e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.08e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.08e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.56e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.56e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.56e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.36e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.36e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.46e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.36e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.36e-14}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-12}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-13}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.91e-12}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.22e-12}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.03e-12}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.94e-11}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.91e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.91e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.91e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.75e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.75e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.77e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.77e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.26e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.77e-13}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.77e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.02e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.27e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.73e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.56e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.56e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.78e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.04e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.04e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.4e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.87e-12}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.03e-11}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.79e-11}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.39e-12}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-10}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.09e-11}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.8200000000000003e-11}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.62e-11}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.48e-08}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.36e-11}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.33e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-11}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.71e-10}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.89e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.48e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.51e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.56e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.71e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.71e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.09e-10}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.4e-09}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.4e-09}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.31e-09}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.46e-10}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.53e-09}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.08e-09}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.72e-11}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.45e-11}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.7e-11}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.42e-12}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.07e-12}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.56e-10}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.46e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.89e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.89e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.89e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.62e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.62e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.48e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.48e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.09e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.48e-12}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.48e-12}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.09e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.09e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.09e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.11e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.11e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.26e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.9e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26e-13}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26e-13}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.41e-14}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-12}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.61e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.61e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.61e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.67e-15}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.67e-15}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.15e-13}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63e-13}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.82e-11}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.53e-11}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63e-13}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.69e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.77e-13}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.05e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.05e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.97e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.97e-12}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.97e-12}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.34e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.1e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.47e-10}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.47e-10}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.32e-17}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.32e-17}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.32e-17}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05e-17}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.05e-17}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.77e-11}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.24e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.03e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.03e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.7e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.6e-12}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7e-13}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7e-13}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.54e-11}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.94e-12}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.42e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.38e-10}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.57e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.81e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.81e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.8e-11}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.81e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.81e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.96e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.96e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.96e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.07e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.89e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.89e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.11e-11}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.89e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.89e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.53e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.53e-12}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-14}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.41e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.81e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.81e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.85e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.05e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.98e-11}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.98e-11}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.53e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.9e-09}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8e-11}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.91e-10}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.55e-11}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.08e-11}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.37e-16}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-16}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-16}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.94e-17}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.94e-17}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.54e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.76e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.76e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.39e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.39e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.97e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.39e-13}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.39e-13}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.82e-11}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.87e-10}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.76e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.98e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.81e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.84e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.84e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.15e-10}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.81e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.81e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.81e-09}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.07e-08}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-12}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.37e-08}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-12}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.61e-12}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.33e-13}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.08e-12}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.08e-12}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.33e-11}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-11}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.31e-13}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.68e-14}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.08e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.94e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.19e-11}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.29e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.53e-10}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.53e-10}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.36e-11}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.97e-12}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.33e-18}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.02e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.02e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.02e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.1e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.1e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-08}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.74e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.31e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.55e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-11}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.97e-13}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.6e-11}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.04e-13}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-11}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.52e-12}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.23e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.56e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.56e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.56e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.55e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.55e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.23e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.23e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.45e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.87e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.87e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.87e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.86e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.86e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.67e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.64e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.64e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.5e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.64e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.64e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.74e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.74e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.34e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.34e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.49e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.34e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.34e-14}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-11}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.65e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.24e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-11}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.19e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-10}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.82e-11}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.5e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.34e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.64e-11}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.85e-10}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.11e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.9e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.9e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.9e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.79e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.79e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.04e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.04e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.67e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.04e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.04e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.11e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.04e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.04e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.14e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.04e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.04e-12}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.92e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.92e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.58e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.58e-14}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.03e-14}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.67e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.17e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.17e-13}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.02e-11}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.49e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.49e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.49e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.26e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.26e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.29e-13}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.29e-13}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.28e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.29e-13}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.29e-13}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-12}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.09e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.29e-11}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.4e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.28e-09}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.35e-10}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.88e-11}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.63e-10}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.15e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.05e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.53e-09}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.61e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.42e-08}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.42e-08}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.77e-10}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6e-12}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.24e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.24e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.69e-07}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.82e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.23e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-12}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.19e-13}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.98e-12}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.74e-12}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-10}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.15e-11}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.93e-12}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.23e-10}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.26e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.26e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.26e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.76e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.76e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.81e-07}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.4e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.4e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.4e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.66e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.66e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.66e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.66e-06}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.04e-12}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.63e-11}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.63e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37e-14}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.35e-11}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.69e-12}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-13}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.1e-11}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.89e-11}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.93e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.64e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.64e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.64e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.99e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.99e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.67e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.16e-09}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.97e-11}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.51e-14}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.59e-10}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-12}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.58e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.78e-11}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.56e-09}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.37e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-14}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.58e-12}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.23e-08}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.01e-08}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.6e-10}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.72e-10}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.19e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.49e-12}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.21e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.21e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.21e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.22e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.22e-09}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 9.12e-10}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91e-11}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.04e-10}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.75e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.17e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.26e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.39e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.39e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.05e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.39e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.39e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.59e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.59e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.97e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.59e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.59e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.4e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.38e-12}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.31e-12}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-11}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-12}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.44e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.84e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.76e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.76e-09}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.13e-09}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-10}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.1e-09}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.25e-10}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.89e-11}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-13}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.75e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.32e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.32e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.32e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.52e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.62e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.62e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.18e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.62e-13}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.62e-13}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.24e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.24e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.24e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.99e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.13e-11}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.08e-13}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.56e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-11}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.53e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.53e-10}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.53e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.45e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.45e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.45e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.22e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.22e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.32e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.32e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.63e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.32e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.32e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.83e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.3e-12}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-15}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.19e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.19e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.19e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.15e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.14e-11}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.88e-11}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.25e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.64e-08}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.95e-11}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.97e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.57e-10}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.45e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.38e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.38e-08}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-12}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.99e-10}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-10}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.38e-11}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8e-13}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.47e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.73e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.22e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.22e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.22e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.11e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.11e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.73e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.11e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.11e-07}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-11}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-12}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.31e-11}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.84e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.84e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.84e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.11e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.11e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.21e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000134}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.34e-05}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.02e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.63e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.96e-11}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.88e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.02e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.02e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.03e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.03e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.03e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.65e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.56e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-14}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.34e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.1e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.1e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.1e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.96e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.96e-15}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.56e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.56e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5e-11}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.56e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.56e-13}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-10}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.69e-10}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.16e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.16e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.16e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.56e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.56e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.23e-13}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.81e-12}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.34e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.71e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.53e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.53e-10}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.53e-10}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.22e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.01e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-10}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.32e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.66e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.35e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.89e-09}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.38e-08}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.77e-12}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.68e-10}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8e-11}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.88e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.88e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.88e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.84e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.84e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.94e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.94e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.94e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.81e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.81e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.07e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.53e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.53e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.53e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.21e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.03e-05}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.05e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.05e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.14e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.29e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.76e-11}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.16e-12}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.72e-11}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.26e-11}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.13e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.56e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.23e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.96e-10}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.96e-10}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.55e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.88e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.06e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.31e-10}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.31e-10}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.6e-10}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.45e-11}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.16e-10}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.73e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.73e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.78e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.78e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.78e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.09e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.09e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.31e-09}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-06}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.41e-07}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.22e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.22e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.22e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-14}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.99e-12}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.82e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.82e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.82e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.27e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.49e-11}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.94e-12}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.48e-10}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-08}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.51e-11}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.33e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.05e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.43e-11}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.13e-10}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.66e-09}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.93e-09}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.31e-09}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-09}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.42e-08}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.38e-12}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.82e-11}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.24e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.67e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.67e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71e-11}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.67e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.67e-13}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.35e-11}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.54e-09}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.32e-15}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.32e-15}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.49e-14}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.32e-15}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.32e-15}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.43e-10}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.36e-08}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.87e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.48e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.48e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-11}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.03e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.84e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.84e-10}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.16e-11}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-12}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.98e-14}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.98e-14}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.59e-13}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.98e-14}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.98e-14}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.95e-13}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.24e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.24e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.24e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.05e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.05e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.6e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.6e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.6e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.52e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.52e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000165}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.52e-05}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.52e-05}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.91e-12}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.6e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.6e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.6e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.73e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.07e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.07e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.78e-12}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.07e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.07e-13}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.32e-09}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000212}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000212}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000212}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000238}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000238}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-05}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000297}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.000297}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.000297}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000326}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000326}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000368}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000326}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000326}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-11}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.08e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.92e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.92e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.34e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.34e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.11e-11}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.34e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.34e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.8e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.8e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.8e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.87e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.87e-14}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.32e-11}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.22e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.35e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.35e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.23e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.35e-14}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.35e-14}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.81e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.81e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.81e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.68e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.68e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.8e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.8e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.26e-11}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.8e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.8e-12}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.07e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "ecotoxicity: terrestrial"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.14e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.01e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.01e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.14e-12}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.01e-11}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.01e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "1-Pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.92e-12}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-08}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-13}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.35e-14}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.16e-15}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.16e-15}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.14e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-18}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.32e-20}, {"name": "2,4-D amines", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.32e-20}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.14e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.8e-10}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-18}, {"name": "2,4-D dimethylamine salt", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.32e-20}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.92e-10}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.86e-13}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.42e-13}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.42e-13}, {"name": "2-Amino-3-chloro-1,4-naphthoquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.7e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.1e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.1e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.75e-13}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.1e-12}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.1e-12}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.15e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.21e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.21e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.21e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.51e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.14e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.14e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.21e-14}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.14e-13}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.14e-13}, {"name": "2-chlorobenzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.9e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.21e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.49e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.49e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.49e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.69e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.1e-15}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.1e-15}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.96e-18}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1e-15}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.1e-15}, {"name": "8-Quinolinol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.69e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.53e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.53e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.84e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.84e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.38e-12}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.84e-11}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.84e-11}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.27e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.66e-14}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.6e-15}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.01e-16}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.01e-16}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.64e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.64e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.64e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.94e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.94e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.44e-13}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.86e-12}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.04e-11}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.72e-13}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.43e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.43e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.43e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.92e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.92e-10}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.63e-14}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.63e-14}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.86e-16}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.63e-14}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.63e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.07e-14}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.45e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.43e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.43e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.48e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.48e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.94e-13}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.48e-12}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.48e-12}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22e-11}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Acetyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.78e-10}, {"name": "Aclonifen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-10}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.64e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.64e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.64e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.27e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.82e-09}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.85e-14}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.85e-14}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.45e-16}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.85e-14}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.85e-14}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.21e-10}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.15e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.15e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.15e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.61e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.61e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.88e-12}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.64e-08}, {"name": "Alachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-09}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-10}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.32e-11}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.32e-11}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-09}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.34e-10}, {"name": "Allethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.66e-09}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.97e-13}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.4e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.19e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.14e-08}, {"name": "Ametryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-10}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.75e-11}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.57e-11}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.08e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.08e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.67e-13}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.97e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.11e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.11e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.28e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.11e-10}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.11e-10}, {"name": "Anthraquinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-11}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.65e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.29e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.29e-06}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.72e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.72e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.72e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.24e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.24e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-23}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.24e-24}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.24e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.63e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.63e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.63e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-25}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.83e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-13}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.07e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.59e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.64e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Azaconazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.3e-13}, {"name": "Azadirachtin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.63e-16}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-09}, {"name": "Aziprotryne", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.77e-16}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.34e-08}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-15}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.56e-15}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.94e-16}, {"name": "Azoxystrobin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.94e-16}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.01e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.78e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.78e-08}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.86e-26}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.25e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.25e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.25e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.39e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.39e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.92e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.39e-25}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.39e-25}, {"name": "Benazolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.96e-18}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.88e-12}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.19e-15}, {"name": "Bensultap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.42e-12}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.06e-10}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.28e-13}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.08e-13}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.08e-13}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.94e-09}, {"name": "Benz(a)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.13e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.66e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.66e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.66e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.52e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.52e-12}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.63e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.04e-12}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.93e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.93e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.87e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.12e-12}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.53e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.53e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.53e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.4e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.4e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.85e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.85e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.47e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.85e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.85e-13}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.71e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.71e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.71e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.65e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.65e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.52e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.97e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.97e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.97e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.95e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.95e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.7e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.49e-09}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.78e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.78e-10}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.07e-12}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.07e-12}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.12e-14}, {"name": "Benzoximate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.8e-13}, {"name": "Benzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.44e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.44e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06e-14}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.44e-13}, {"name": "Benzyl alcohol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.44e-13}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.04e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.27e-26}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.86e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.86e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.86e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.32e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.32e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.02e-24}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.32e-25}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.32e-25}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.14e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.51e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.51e-09}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Bifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.12e-10}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.57e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.49e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.53e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.59e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.13e-09}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.13e-09}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3e-14}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.14e-16}, {"name": "Bromacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.57e-18}, {"name": "Bromofenoxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.09e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.79e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.91e-13}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.31e-09}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.83e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.77e-14}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.59e-15}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.59e-15}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-09}, {"name": "Bromuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-11}, {"name": "Bupirimate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.94e-11}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.83e-12}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.34e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.34e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.34e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.99e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.99e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.12e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.12e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71e-14}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.12e-13}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.12e-13}, {"name": "Butoxycarboxim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.66e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.36e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.36e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.36e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.55e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.2e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.2e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.01e-13}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.2e-12}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.2e-12}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.31e-08}, {"name": "Butylcarbamate, iodopropynyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-09}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.41e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.41e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.41e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.48e-27}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.21e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 4.21e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.21e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.66e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.66e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.49e-25}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.66e-26}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.66e-26}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08e-07}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-10}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.58e-11}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.58e-11}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-07}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.48e-08}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-12}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.95e-13}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Carbendazim", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Carbetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-12}, {"name": "Carbofuran", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.24e-09}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.72e-12}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.72e-12}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.12e-12}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.72e-12}, {"name": "Carbon disulfide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.72e-12}, {"name": "Carbosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.54e-11}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.87e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.36e-08}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.59e-12}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.26e-12}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.76e-12}, {"name": "Carboxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.76e-12}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.81e-14}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.81e-14}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.12e-17}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.81e-14}, {"name": "Carboxylic acids, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.81e-14}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.86e-06}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.27e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Carfentrazone-ethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.4e-09}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.02e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.02e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.02e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.72e-17}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.72e-17}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.98e-18}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.72e-17}, {"name": "Chloramine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.72e-17}, {"name": "Chlorbromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.34e-10}, {"name": "Chlorbufam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-12}, {"name": "Chlorfenvinphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-08}, {"name": "Chloridazon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.06e-12}, {"name": "Chlormequat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1e-16}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.98e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.3e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.3e-08}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.75e-15}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.75e-15}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.2e-17}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.75e-15}, {"name": "Chloroacetic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.75e-15}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.62e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.62e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.62e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.6e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.5e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.27e-12}, {"name": "Chloropicrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-09}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.89e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.89e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.89e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.35e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.35e-10}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.83e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.83e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.71e-12}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.83e-11}, {"name": "Chlorosulfonic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.83e-11}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.55e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.49e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.06e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.01e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.01e-07}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.05e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.88e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.96e-09}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.18e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.18e-08}, {"name": "Chlorpyrifos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.86e-09}, {"name": "Chlorsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.15e-17}, {"name": "Chlortoluron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.44e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.44e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.44e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.15e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.15e-07}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.21e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.11e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.11e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.11e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.78e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.78e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.84e-26}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.78e-27}, {"name": "Chromium III", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.78e-27}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.52e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.52e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.52e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.74e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.74e-06}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.44e-25}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.61e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.61e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.61e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.9e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.9e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.67e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.9e-24}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9e-24}, {"name": "Clodinafop-propargyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Clomazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-10}, {"name": "Clopyralid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.51e-10}, {"name": "Cloquintocet-mexyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.75e-13}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.27e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.27e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.27e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.04e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.04e-07}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.61e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.61e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.61e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.88e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.88e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.71e-25}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.88e-26}, {"name": "Cobalt II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.88e-26}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.96e-26}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.72e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.72e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.72e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.32e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.32e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4e-24}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.32e-25}, {"name": "Copper ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.32e-25}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.09e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.09e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.09e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.92e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.31e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.31e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.57e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.31e-13}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.31e-13}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.89e-12}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.32e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.32e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.32e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.54e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.54e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.36e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.36e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.31e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.36e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.36e-15}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.54e-15}, {"name": "Cyclopentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.25e-16}, {"name": "Cycloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.73e-16}, {"name": "Cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.98e-08}, {"name": "Cyhexatin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Cymoxanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.7e-19}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-06}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.05e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.23e-08}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Cyproconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.9e-12}, {"name": "Cyromazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.33e-16}, {"name": "DNOC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.78e-10}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.78e-14}, {"name": "Dazomet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-12}, {"name": "Decanoic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-13}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.23e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-07}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-08}, {"name": "Deltamethrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.22e-08}, {"name": "Desmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.04e-22}, {"name": "Dialifor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.6e-12}, {"name": "Diazinon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.11e-10}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.27e-11}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-14}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-08}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.38e-12}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.64e-16}, {"name": "Dicamba", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.64e-16}, {"name": "Dichlobenil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.21e-10}, {"name": "Dichlofluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.21e-09}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.92e-15}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.91e-17}, {"name": "Dichlorprop", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.91e-17}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-08}, {"name": "Diclofop-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.71e-10}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.94e-09}, {"name": "Dicrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.05e-11}, {"name": "Dienochlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-09}, {"name": "Diethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.77e-17}, {"name": "Diethofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.98e-11}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.98e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.98e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.98e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.73e-14}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.73e-14}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.76e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.76e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.76e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.74e-13}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.74e-13}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22e-13}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.74e-13}, {"name": "Diethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.74e-13}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.74e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.7e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.7e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.48e-17}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.7e-15}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.7e-15}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.89e-07}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.15e-13}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.46e-13}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.73e-13}, {"name": "Difenoconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.73e-13}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.57e-06}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.19e-08}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.89e-09}, {"name": "Diflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.89e-09}, {"name": "Diflufenican", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.45e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.8e-13}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Diisobutyl ketone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Dimethachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.29e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.68e-08}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.57e-11}, {"name": "Dimethoate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.64e-12}, {"name": "Dimethomorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.98e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.98e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.84e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.98e-12}, {"name": "Dimethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.98e-12}, {"name": "Dinocap", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-15}, {"name": "Dinoseb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.3e-11}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.84e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.62e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.62e-05}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.36e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.76e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 3.76e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 3.76e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.39e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.39e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.52e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.39e-06}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.39e-06}, {"name": "Diquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-14}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.83e-09}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-17}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.94e-17}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.52e-18}, {"name": "Diquat dibromide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.52e-18}, {"name": "Disulfoton", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.03e-10}, {"name": "Dithianon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.3e-12}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.33e-07}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.23e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.31e-11}, {"name": "Diuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.9100000000000002e-11}, {"name": "Dodecanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.69e-11}, {"name": "Dodemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.45e-12}, {"name": "Dodine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.83e-16}, {"name": "EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.49e-19}, {"name": "EPTC", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.68e-11}, {"name": "Endosulfan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.34e-09}, {"name": "Endothall", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-21}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.49e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.49e-10}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.2e-07}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.65e-08}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.23e-09}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.71e-10}, {"name": "Epoxiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.71e-10}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Esfenvalerate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane thiol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.06e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.31e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.27e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.07e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.7e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.7e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.7e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.66e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.66e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.41e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.41e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.1e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.41e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.41e-12}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.05e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.05e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.49e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.05e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.05e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.37e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.37e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.37e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.21e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.21e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.99e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.99e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.14e-14}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.99e-13}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.99e-13}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.15e-09}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.4e-17}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.88e-22}, {"name": "Ethephon", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.88e-22}, {"name": "Ethiofencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.45e-11}, {"name": "Ethofumesate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-10}, {"name": "Ethoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.73e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.51e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.51e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.51e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.21e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.63e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.63e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.17e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.63e-12}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.63e-12}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.44e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.92e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.92e-09}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.3e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.52e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3e-13}, {"name": "Ethylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3e-13}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.56e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.56e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.56e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.21e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.21e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.57e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.57e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.57e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene diamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.57e-15}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.06e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.79e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.79e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.19e-12}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.79e-11}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.79e-11}, {"name": "Etridiazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53e-09}, {"name": "Fenamiphos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.71e-16}, {"name": "Fenbutatin oxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.57e-18}, {"name": "Fenfuram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-12}, {"name": "Fenitrothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.27e-09}, {"name": "Fenoxaprop-P ethyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.54e-11}, {"name": "Fenoxycarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.51e-12}, {"name": "Fenpiclonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Fenpropathrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "Fentin acetate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-11}, {"name": "Fentin hydroxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.65e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.31e-09}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.98e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Fluazifop-P-butyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.06e-10}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.35e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.65e-06}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.41e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.3e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Fluazinam", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.44e-07}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.95e-08}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.31e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Fludioxonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.65e-11}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.08e-07}, {"name": "Flufenacet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.43e-09}, {"name": "Fluometuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.61e-11}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Fluoranthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.13e-10}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.07e-11}, {"name": "Fluorene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.37e-11}, {"name": "Flurochloridone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.17e-09}, {"name": "Fluroxypyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.35e-17}, {"name": "Flutolanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-07}, {"name": "Fonofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.62e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.73e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.73e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.73e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.01e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.01e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.77e-13}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.01e-11}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.01e-11}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.08e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.08e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.62e-10}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.62e-10}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-14}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.04e-14}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.22e-17}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-14}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-14}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.58e-20}, {"name": "Fuberidazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.07e-14}, {"name": "Furalaxyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-12}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.92e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.92e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.92e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.79e-14}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.81e-10}, {"name": "Glufosinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-20}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.38e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.53e-09}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-20}, {"name": "Glufosinate ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.44e-21}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.72e-08}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.99e-16}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.45e-21}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.45e-21}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.73e-22}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.73e-22}, {"name": "Glyphosate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.73e-22}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.78e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-08}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.11e-14}, {"name": "Haloxyfop-ethoxyethyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.11e-14}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.98e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-16}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-16}, {"name": "Heptenophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.69e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.69e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.69e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.23e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.23e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.21e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.21e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.98e-16}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.21e-15}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-15}, {"name": "Hexazinone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.23e-14}, {"name": "Hexythiazox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-12}, {"name": "Hydramethylnon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.86e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.18e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.55e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.33e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.56e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.09e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.06e-14}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.09e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.17e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.17e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.17e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.42e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.42e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.41e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.41e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.63e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.41e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.41e-13}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.05e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.03e-12}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.03e-12}, {"name": "Hymexazol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.95e-15}, {"name": "Imazalil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.49e-11}, {"name": "Imazapyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.79e-15}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.99e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.99e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.92e-08}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.83e-17}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.03e-21}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.26e-21}, {"name": "Imidacloprid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.26e-21}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.79e-08}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13e-10}, {"name": "Indoxacarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Ioxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-13}, {"name": "Iprodione", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.44e-12}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.01e-15}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.01e-15}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.01e-15}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.29e-16}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.29e-16}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.41e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1e-09}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Isopropylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Isoproturon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.95e-12}, {"name": "Isoxaflutole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.28e-12}, {"name": "Kresoxim-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-10}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.56e-06}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.28e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.43e-08}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Lambda-cyhalothrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.13e-07}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.87e-12}, {"name": "Lauric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.76e-14}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.3e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.3e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-29}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.78e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 8.78e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 8.78e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.54e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.54e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.02e-26}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.54e-28}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.54e-28}, {"name": "Lenacil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.48e-18}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.81e-08}, {"name": "Linuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.33e-18}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.14e-09}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.51e-16}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-16}, {"name": "MCPA", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.25e-16}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.09e-09}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-15}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "MCPB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Malathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.9e-10}, {"name": "Maleic anhydride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.35e-21}, {"name": "Maleic hydrazide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.48e-16}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.06e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.17e-07}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.63e-15}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.09e-16}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.08e-16}, {"name": "Mancozeb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-16}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.9e-15}, {"name": "Mecoprop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-13}, {"name": "Mecoprop-P", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.33e-15}, {"name": "Mepiquat chloride", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-24}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-05}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.86e-27}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.89e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.89e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.89e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.34e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.88e-25}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.34e-26}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-26}, {"name": "Metalaxil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.29e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.19e-09}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.35e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Metalaxyl-M", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.96e-12}, {"name": "Metaldehyde", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.19e-10}, {"name": "Metam-sodium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.14e-15}, {"name": "Metamitron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.18e-15}, {"name": "Metazachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.3e-11}, {"name": "Methabenzthiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.08e-12}, {"name": "Methamidophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.51e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.51e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.51e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.5e-11}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.5e-11}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.2e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.2e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.14e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.61e-13}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-12}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-12}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.75e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.74e-13}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.74e-13}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.69e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19e-12}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.61e-11}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.47e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.47e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.47e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.39e-12}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.81e-13}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.81e-13}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.48e-14}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.81e-13}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.81e-13}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-10}, {"name": "Methiocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-09}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.71e-07}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.81e-12}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.35e-12}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.73e-13}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.73e-13}, {"name": "Methomyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.73e-13}, {"name": "Methoprene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.18e-11}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.8e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.46e-07}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.81e-13}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.56e-13}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.89e-13}, {"name": "Methoxyfenozide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.89e-13}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.62e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.62e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.62e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.45e-12}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.37e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.06e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.06e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.06e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.51e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.51e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.19e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.19e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.19e-11}, {"name": "Methyl acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.19e-11}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.85e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.85e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.85e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.72e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.72e-13}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.27e-13}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.16e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.16e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.16e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.36e-10}, {"name": "Methyl lactate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.36e-10}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.45e-09}, {"name": "Methyl parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.61e-10}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.53e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.53e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.53e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.48e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.48e-09}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Methylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.46e-12}, {"name": "Metobromuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.27e-12}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.1e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.79e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Metolachlor", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.56e-07}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.66e-11}, {"name": "Metribuzin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.76e-12}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.24e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-15}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.39e-16}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.2e-16}, {"name": "Metsulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.2e-16}, {"name": "Mevinfos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.03e-10}, {"name": "Molinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-10}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.59e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.59e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.59e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.79e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.79e-08}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.47e-28}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.62e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.62e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.62e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.22e-26}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Molybdenum VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.91e-27}, {"name": "Monocrotophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.6e-13}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.13e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.13e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.13e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.37e-09}, {"name": "Monoethanolamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.87e-14}, {"name": "Monolinuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-10}, {"name": "Myclobutanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.62e-11}, {"name": "Naled", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.13e-09}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.66e-12}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.1e-11}, {"name": "Napropamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.88e-12}, {"name": "Neburon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.91e-09}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.71e-26}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.34e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.34e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.34e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.59e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.59e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.2e-24}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.59e-25}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.59e-25}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.35e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.05e-09}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.3e-19}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.78e-19}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.25e-19}, {"name": "Nicosulfuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.25e-19}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.51e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.51e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.39e-11}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.69e-10}, {"name": "Nitrothal-isopropyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.01e-09}, {"name": "Octanoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.35e-14}, {"name": "Orbencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.47e-10}, {"name": "Oryzalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.63e-16}, {"name": "Oxadixyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.69e-15}, {"name": "Oxamyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.94e-10}, {"name": "Oxydemeton-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-12}, {"name": "Oxyfluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.1e-10}, {"name": "P-tert-amylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.84e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.01e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.01e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.01e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.69e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.69e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 4.34e-10}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.54e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.81e-11}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.53e-10}, {"name": "Paraquat", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.35e-19}, {"name": "Parathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.15e-09}, {"name": "Penconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.05e-11}, {"name": "Pencycuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.34e-16}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.59e-09}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Pendimethalin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.89e-10}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.69e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-13}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.23e-13}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.27e-07}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.57e-09}, {"name": "Permethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.32e-08}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.57e-10}, {"name": "Phenanthrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.22e-10}, {"name": "Phenmedipham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.45e-17}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.84e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.84e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.84e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35e-11}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.3e-14}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-12}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, 2,4-dichloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.48e-10}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.7e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.7e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.7e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-08}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.32e-12}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.55e-12}, {"name": "Phorate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.38e-10}, {"name": "Phosalone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.1e-09}, {"name": "Phosmet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.74e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.24e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.24e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.13e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.24e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.24e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.87e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dibutyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.22e-10}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.37e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.37e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.56e-12}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.37e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dimethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.37e-11}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.74e-14}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-13}, {"name": "Picloram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.73e-15}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.88e-10}, {"name": "Pirimicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.31e-12}, {"name": "Pirimiphos methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.75e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.18e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.18e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.18e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.81e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.81e-10}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.27e-10}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.22e-10}, {"name": "Procymidone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.72e-11}, {"name": "Profenofos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Prometryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.29e-10}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.15e-10}, {"name": "Propachlor", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Propamocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.49e-16}, {"name": "Propamocarb HCl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.62e-17}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.21e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.09e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.39e-12}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1e-11}, {"name": "Propanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.86e-11}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.75e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.75e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.44e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.44e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.42e-14}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.44e-13}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.44e-13}, {"name": "Propaquizafop", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-14}, {"name": "Propargite", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.61e-11}, {"name": "Propham", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.31e-11}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.63e-08}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.11e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.7e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.55e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.55e-12}, {"name": "Propiconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.55e-12}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.55e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.55e-10}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.33e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.33e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.19e-15}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.33e-13}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.33e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.68e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.68e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.68e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.86e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.86e-10}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.65e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.65e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.76e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.65e-13}, {"name": "Propylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.65e-13}, {"name": "Propylene glycol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.72e-14}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.42e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.42e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.42e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.36e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.36e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.67e-12}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.98e-11}, {"name": "Prosulfocarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.24e-11}, {"name": "Pyrazophos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.28e-10}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.38e-09}, {"name": "Pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.6e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.64e-09}, {"name": "Pyrethrins", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-10}, {"name": "Pyrethrum", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.94e-10}, {"name": "Pyridate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89e-15}, {"name": "Pyrifenox", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.36e-09}, {"name": "Pyrimethanil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-11}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.21e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.6e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.41e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.04e-09}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Pyriproxyfen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Quinmerac", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.09e-15}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.66e-10}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.04e-10}, {"name": "Rimsulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.63e-10}, {"name": "Rotenone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-14}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.64e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.64e-07}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.22e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.22e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.22e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.68e-25}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8e-26}, {"name": "Selenium IV", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8e-26}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.82e-09}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.77e-13}, {"name": "Sethoxydim", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.59e-13}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.19e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.19e-05}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.47e-25}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.13e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.91e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Silver I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-24}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.53e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.07e-10}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.91e-11}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.48e-11}, {"name": "Simazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.48e-11}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.14e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.76e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.76e-10}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.19e-32}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.19e-32}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.5e-32}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.19e-32}, {"name": "Sodium formate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.19e-32}, {"name": "Starane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.8e-10}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.81e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.81e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.81e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.83e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.83e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.77e-14}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Sulfadiazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.02e-14}, {"name": "Sulfotep", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.43e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.7e-08}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.38e-15}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.96e-21}, {"name": "Sulfuric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.96e-21}, {"name": "TCMTB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.68e-11}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.21e-08}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-12}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.01e-12}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.55e-13}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.55e-13}, {"name": "Tebuconazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.55e-13}, {"name": "Tebufenozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.39e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.13e-06}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.65e-07}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.7e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.36e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.43e-11}, {"name": "Tebuthiuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.43e-11}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.03e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.54e-06}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-10}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 9.93e-11}, {"name": "Teflubenzuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.97e-11}, {"name": "Tepraloxydim", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-14}, {"name": "Terbufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.26e-09}, {"name": "Terbuthylazin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.45e-10}, {"name": "Terbutryn", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.71e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.81e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.81e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.81e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.76e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.76e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.48e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.48e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.57e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.48e-12}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.48e-12}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.03e-06}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.15e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.15e-07}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.16e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.53e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.53e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.53e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.82e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.55e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.82e-24}, {"name": "Thallium I", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-24}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.54e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.54e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.24e-08}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.41e-14}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 4.04e-14}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Thiabendazole", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.18e-14}, {"name": "Thidiazuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.08e-15}, {"name": "Thiobencarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.59e-10}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.31e-15}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Thiocyanate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.43e-13}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.68e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.39e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.11e-08}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.34e-09}, {"name": "Thiodicarb", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.34e-09}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.97e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.16e-08}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.34e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.68e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.22e-11}, {"name": "Thiophanate-methyl", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.22e-11}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-08}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.43e-09}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.45e-12}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84e-12}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.09e-11}, {"name": "Thiram", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-11}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.85e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.85e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.85e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.82e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.82e-07}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.57e-28}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-26}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-26}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.38e-26}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-26}, {"name": "Tin ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-26}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.9e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.2e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.43e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.43e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.43e-13}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.43e-13}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.01e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.01e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.01e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.83e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.83e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.82e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.82e-12}, {"name": "Toluene, 2-chloro", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-12}, {"name": "Tolylfluanid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.93e-09}, {"name": "Tralomethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.06e-10}, {"name": "Triadimenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.77e-14}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.19e-09}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.36e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.14e-10}, {"name": "Triallate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.07e-10}, {"name": "Triasulfuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.53e-13}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.11e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.73e-06}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.55e-14}, {"name": "Tribenuron-methyl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.1e-14}, {"name": "Tribufos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.55e-11}, {"name": "Trichlorfon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.64e-14}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.44e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.44e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.44e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.93e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.93e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.03e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.03e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.82e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.03e-13}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.03e-13}, {"name": "Triclopyr", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.02e-11}, {"name": "Tridemorph", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.03e-08}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.05e-16}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.05e-16}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.09e-17}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.05e-16}, {"name": "Triethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.05e-16}, {"name": "Triflumizole", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.92e-10}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.67e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.52e-05}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.58e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.68e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Triflumuron", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.3e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.84e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.29e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.5e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.63e-10}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.63e-10}, {"name": "Triflusulfuron-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.01e-15}, {"name": "Triforine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.13e-13}, {"name": "Trinexapac-ethyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.89e-12}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.82e-18}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Urea", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.47e-16}, {"name": "Vamidothion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.26e-15}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.33e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.3e-06}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.16e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 7.67e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 7.67e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 7.67e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.48e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.48e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.45e-23}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.48e-24}, {"name": "Vanadium V", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.48e-24}, {"name": "Vinclozolin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.67e-11}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.38e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.38e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.58e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.28e-14}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-13}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.09e-06}, {"name": "Zeta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.01e-08}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.41e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.41e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.41e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.66e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.66e-06}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.66e-24}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.41e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.41e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.41e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.64e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.64e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.98e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.64e-23}, {"name": "Zinc II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.64e-23}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.61e-10}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.48e-10}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.48e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.04e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.04e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.19e-14}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.04e-13}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.04e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.06e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.06e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.06e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.38e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.13e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.07e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.43e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.43e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.43e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.88e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.88e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.14e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.88e-13}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.88e-13}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.38e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.38e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.38e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.1e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.1e-09}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.58e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.58e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.62e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.58e-12}, {"name": "t-Butylamine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.58e-12}, {"name": "tau-Fluvalinate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.13e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "eutrophication: freshwater"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.21e-07}, {"name": "Phosphoric acid", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.15e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.71e-07}, {"name": "Phosphorus", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.71e-07}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "eutrophication: marine"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.32e-09}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Ammonium", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.92e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.84e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.14e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.15e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen dioxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.53e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.7e-09}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}, {"name": "Nitrogen, organic bound", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.05e-10}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "land use"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Occupation, annual crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, flooded crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, greenhouse", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, annual crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, arable land, unspecified use", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, construction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, cropland fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, dump site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, forest, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, grassland, natural, for livestock grazing", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, industrial area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, mineral extraction site", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, pasture, man made, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 4.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, extensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, permanent crop, non-irrigated, intensive", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.22e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 2.66e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, rail/road embankment", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, traffic area, road network", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, unspecified", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 8.88e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, continuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, discontinuously built", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban, green area", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Occupation, urban/industrial fallow (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 6.48e-09}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, primary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, from forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, from grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, from wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": 3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to forest, secondary (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.26e-07}, {"name": "Transformation, to grassland, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to shrub land, sclerophyllous", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to unspecified, natural (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}, {"name": "Transformation, to wetland, inland (non-use)", "categories": ["natural resource", "land"], "amount": -3.33e-08}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "photochemical oxidant formation: terrestrial ecosystems"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "1-Pentene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.16e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.71e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.71e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-2-butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.18e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Methylpentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.09e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "2-Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "3-Methyl-1-butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.15e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.15e-08}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.79e-09}, {"name": "Acetic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.79e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.52e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.52e-09}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.07e-08}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.07e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -1.43e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -1.43e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-09}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.71e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.34e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.92e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.75e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "Butyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.96e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Cumene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Cyclohexane (for all cycloalkanes)", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Diethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Dimethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.36e-08}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.03e-09}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -7.54e-10}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -7.54e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.56e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.43e-08}, {"name": "Ethyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.43e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.79e-08}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Ethyne", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.47e-08}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Formic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Heptane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.64e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, cyclic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.05e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.39e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.39e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.53e-09}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.53e-09}, {"name": "Isobutane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.11e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.6e-08}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.6e-08}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Methanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Methyl acetate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.28e-09}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Methyl ethyl ketone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.41e-08}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Methyl formate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.26e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.29e-09}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.29e-09}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitrate", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.55e-08}, {"name": "Nitric oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.97e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Nitrogen oxides", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.29e-07}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Pentane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.02e-08}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": -3.77e-09}, {"name": "Phenol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": -3.77e-09}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.43e-08}, {"name": "Propanal", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.43e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.06e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.62e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.82e-08}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Propionic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.8e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.77e-09}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.77e-09}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-10}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.32e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.19e-08}, {"name": "VOC, volatile organic compounds", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.74e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.48e-08}, {"name": "m-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.48e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.88e-08}, {"name": "o-Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.88e-08}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "water use: aquatic ecosystems"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.04e-13}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.04e-13}]}, {"unit": "species.yr", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "ecosystem quality", "water use: terrestrial ecosystems"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.35e-08}, {"name": "Water", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.35e-08}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "human health", "climate change: human health"], "exchanges": [{"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.25e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.42e-05}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.42e-05}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Dinitrogen monoxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000985}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00272}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00272}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000335}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000335}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0114}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0176}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0176}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00164}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000287}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0437}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00416}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000166}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000166}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0011}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.107}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.223}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00683}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.46e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.46e-05}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.93e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.93e-06}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00367}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0168}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.159}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.87e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.87e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0339}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0339}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, dichlorofluoro-, HCFC-21", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000308}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, difluoro-, HFC-32", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00142}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.12e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, from soil or biomass stock", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.55e-05}, {"name": "Methane, monochloro-, R-40", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.55e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, non-fossil", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.95e-05}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0037}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, tetrafluoro-, R-14", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.138}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0109}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Methane, trifluoro-, HFC-23", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0708}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Nitrogen fluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Perfluoropentane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.16}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.43}, {"name": "Sulfur hexafluoride", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.43}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "human health", "human toxicity: carcinogenic"], "exchanges": [{"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.16e-09}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.73e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.16e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.69e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.26e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.26e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.26e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.08e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.04e-07}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.62e-06}, {"name": "Acetamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.44e-06}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000114}, {"name": "Acifluorfen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000165}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.98e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.23e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.23e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.17e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.83e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.48e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.48e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.48e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000137}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000137}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.87e-05}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.13e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.13e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.13e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.07e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-10}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.03e-08}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0745}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0745}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0745}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0694}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0694}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00574}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.0536}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.0536}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.0536}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.0586}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.0586}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.134}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.0586}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.0586}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-05}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.48e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.44e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.11e-06}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.15e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.15e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.15e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.54e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.54e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.56e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.1e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.79e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.79e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.17e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.17e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.24e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.17e-06}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.17e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.82e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.82e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.82e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.82e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.53e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.53e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.53e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.28e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.28e-06}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.19e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.19e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.43e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.19e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.19e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000235}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000235}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000235}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000312}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000312}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00381}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000424}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000439}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000439}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000121}, {"name": "Benzo(a)pyrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000121}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.91e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.91e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.91e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000889}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000889}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.18e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.02e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.88e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.88e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.61e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.88e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.88e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 9.76e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 9.76e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 9.76e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.42e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.42e-06}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000569}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00103}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00112}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 5.18e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 5.18e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 5.18e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.29e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.29e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000262}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.29e-05}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.29e-05}, {"name": "Captan", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.18e-08}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.27e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.09e-05}, {"name": "Carbaryl", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.09e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.28e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.28e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.28e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.37e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.37e-05}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.29e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.29e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.73e-07}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.29e-06}, {"name": "Chloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.29e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.7e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.19e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.19e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.86e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.86e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.23e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.86e-06}, {"name": "Chloroform", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.86e-06}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.36e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.65e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.03e-08}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.2e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.22e-07}, {"name": "Chlorothalonil", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.22e-07}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.47}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.21}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.21}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.61}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.66}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 1.66}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.66}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.82}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.82}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.82}, {"name": "Chromium VI", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82}, {"name": "Cyanazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.0008}, {"name": "Daminozide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.11e-07}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000266}, {"name": "Dibenz(a,h)anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000133}, {"name": "Dichlorvos", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.64e-05}, {"name": "Dicofol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.01e-05}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.7e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.7e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.7e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.88e-07}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.11e-12}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Diethylene glycol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.63e-08}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 359}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 359}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 359}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 331}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 331}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 77.1}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 91.4}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 263}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 755}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.49e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.49e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.49e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.96e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.96e-06}, {"name": "Epichlorohydrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.33e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.24e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.24e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.07e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.07e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.07e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.68e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.52e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.52e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.52e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.1e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.1e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.76e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.76e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.76e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.46e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.46e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.16e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.96e-06}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.14e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.42e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.42e-07}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.45e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.45e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.92e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.45e-05}, {"name": "Ethane, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.45e-05}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.61e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.61e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.61e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 3.34e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 3.34e-08}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.06e-10}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.98e-09}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.55e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.55e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.55e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-05}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.4e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Ethylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.42e-06}, {"name": "Folpet", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.32e-06}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000172}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.11e-05}, {"name": "Fomesafen", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.14e-05}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.19e-06}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00019}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00019}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.55e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.55e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.08e-08}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.55e-07}, {"name": "Formaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.55e-07}, {"name": "Fosetyl-aluminium", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.62e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.62e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.62e-06}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000315}, {"name": "Furan", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000315}, {"name": "Furfural", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.63e-07}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.37e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.37e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.37e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.6e-08}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.81e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.81e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.44e-10}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.81e-09}, {"name": "Hexane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.81e-09}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.28e-07}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.4e-05}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.74e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.74e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.74e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.71e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.71e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 7.77e-08}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, aromatic", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.61e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.61e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.61e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.54e-06}, {"name": "Hydrocarbons, chlorinated", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.54e-06}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.23e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.23e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.23e-09}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.26e-07}, {"name": "Isoprene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.26e-07}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000119}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.8e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.8e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.57e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.28e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.78e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 4.78e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.54e-05}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.78e-06}, {"name": "Lead II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 4.78e-06}, {"name": "Lindane", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.15e-05}, {"name": "Maneb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.37e-07}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.014}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.014}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.014}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0103}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0103}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000544}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00251}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0252}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Mercury II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00244}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.98e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.98e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.98e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.09e-05}, {"name": "Methane, chloro-fluoro-, HCFC-31", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.09e-05}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.17e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.17e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.17e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.11e-06}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.93e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.29e-07}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000819}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000819}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000819}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000848}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000848}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000782}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000782}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.000448}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000782}, {"name": "Methane, tetrachloro-, R-10", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000782}, {"name": "Methidathion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 6.25e-06}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.94e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.94e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.94e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.87e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.87e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 5.69e-08}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Monochloroethane", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.82e-07}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.98e-06}, {"name": "Naphthalene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3e-06}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00389}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00389}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00389}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00301}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00301}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.000698}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00118}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00118}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00118}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000828}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.000828}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.00396}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.000828}, {"name": "Nickel II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000828}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.5e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.44e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.44e-05}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.82e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.82e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.4e-07}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.82e-06}, {"name": "Nitrobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.82e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000104}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000104}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000104}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000112}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000112}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.97e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.97e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.27e-07}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.97e-06}, {"name": "PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.97e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.9e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.3e-05}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-06}, {"name": "Phenol, pentachloro-", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 1.54e-05}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.12e-09}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, butyl-benzyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-07}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.74e-08}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Phthalate, dioctyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.61e-06}, {"name": "Piperonyl butoxide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.02e-06}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.000389}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.000389}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.000389}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000378}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000378}, {"name": "Polychlorinated biphenyls", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.017}, {"name": "Prochloraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.17e-05}, {"name": "Pronamide", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.94e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.12e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.12e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.95e-07}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Propylene oxide", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Quintozene", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.21e-06}, {"name": "Rabon", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.16e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.25e-06}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.24e-08}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Styrene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.19e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.42e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.42e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.77e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.77e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.73e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.77e-06}, {"name": "Tetrachloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.77e-06}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.04e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.04e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.04e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.44e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.44e-08}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.13e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Toluene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.51e-09}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.19e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.97e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.97e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.7e-08}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trichloroethylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.38e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.08e-07}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.35e-06}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Trifluralin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.26e-05}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.2e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.2e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.2e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.77e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 6.77e-08}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.62e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.62e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.86e-10}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.62e-09}, {"name": "Xylene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.62e-09}, {"name": "Zineb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.64e-06}, {"name": "Ziram", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.99e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.23e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.04e-06}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.2e-08}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}, {"name": "t-Butyl methyl ether", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.12e-07}]}, {"unit": "DALYs", "name": ["ReCiPe 2016 v1.03, endpoint (E)", "human health", "human toxicity: non-carcinogenic"], "exchanges": [{"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.4e-07}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.35e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "1,2-Dichlorobenzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.44e-08}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.13e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 4.79e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 8.69e-07}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "2,4-D", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.19e-06}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.35e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.39e-08}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "2,4-DB", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 4.29e-07}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 4.47e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 4.47e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.47e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 4.29e-08}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.6e-10}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Methyl-1-propanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 8.6e-09}, {"name": "2-Phenylphenol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.35e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.11e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.11e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.11e-10}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 8.07e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 8.07e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 8.89e-13}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "4-Methyl-2-pentanone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.55e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.55e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.55e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 5.13e-08}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 6.77e-09}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acenaphthene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.71e-07}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0044}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00376}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.000141}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000176}, {"name": "Acephate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000176}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.22e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.22e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.22e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.53e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.53e-06}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.28e-08}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.24e-07}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.96e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2e-08}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.29e-10}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetone", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.01e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.94e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.94e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.94e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2e-07}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2e-07}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.65e-09}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acetonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.99e-08}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 7.07e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 7.07e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 7.07e-05}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00216}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00216}, {"name": "Acrolein", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.7e-05}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.97e-12}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylate", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.71e-08}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 5.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Acrylic acid", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.000161}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.75e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.03e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.03e-05}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.09e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.09e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.22e-07}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.09e-06}, {"name": "Acrylonitrile", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.09e-06}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Aldehydes, unspecified", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.66e-07}, {"name": "Aldicarb", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.21e-06}, {"name": "Aldrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.34e-05}, {"name": "Allyl chloride", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 3.37e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.17e-05}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 6.93e-06}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.9e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 1.84e-07}, {"name": "Alpha-cypermethrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 5.84e-06}, {"name": "Amitraz", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.58e-06}, {"name": "Anilazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 3.76e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 8.23e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 8.23e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.23e-08}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.21e-06}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 1.42e-09}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Aniline", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 9.33e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.17e-08}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.35e-09}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Anthracene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.65e-07}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00969}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00969}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00969}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.0088}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00235}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00693}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0149}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Antimony ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00734}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.3}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.18}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.1}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.933}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.933}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.933}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.35}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Arsenic ion", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.02}, {"name": "Asulam", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.53e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 4.77e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.58e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 6.66e-07}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Atrazine", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.39e-06}, {"name": "Azinphos-methyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.69e-06}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.00479}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 0.00228}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 0.00481}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 0.0073}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Barium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.00529}, {"name": "Benfluralin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.92e-08}, {"name": "Benomyl", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-09}, {"name": "Bensulfuron methyl ester", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.7e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.35e-06}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 7.55e-08}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Bentazone", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.27e-07}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.44e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.44e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.44e-09}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 7.57e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 7.57e-08}, {"name": "Benzaldehyde", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.08e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.38e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.38e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.38e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.78e-07}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 3.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Benzene", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.86e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.96e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, chloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.15e-07}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.28e-09}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.06e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 2.44e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 2.44e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 9.07e-10}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 2.44e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, ethyl-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 2.44e-08}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 1.88e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 1.88e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.88e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.49e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, hexachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000306}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 2.12e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 2.12e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.12e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 2.87e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 2.87e-05}, {"name": "Benzene, pentachloro-", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000114}, {"name": "Benzoic acid", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.37e-08}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.00629}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.00629}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.00629}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 0.146}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 0.146}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.99e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.58e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil", "industrial"], "amount": 2.58e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["soil"], "amount": 2.58e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 4.08e-05}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Beryllium II", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 7.3e-06}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 8.48e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.27e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 2.76e-07}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cyfluthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.66e-05}, {"name": "Beta-cypermethrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.12e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 2.3e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.48e-05}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 9.64e-07}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["soil", "forestry"], "amount": 3.63e-06}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 0.000449}, {"name": "Bifenthrin", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 0.000449}, {"name": "Bisphenol A", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 6.32e-07}, {"name": "Bitertanol", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 5.56e-07}, {"name": "Bromopropylate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.81e-06}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 1.08e-05}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 2.87e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 8.21e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 8.21e-07}, {"name": "Bromoxynil octanoate", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 1.76e-07}, {"name": "Buprofezin", "categories": ["soil", "agricultural"], "amount": 8.64e-07}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 3.37e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 3.37e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 3.37e-08}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Butadiene", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 1.52e-06}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 6.73e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 6.73e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 6.73e-09}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air"], "amount": 9.83e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["air", "urban air close to ground"], "amount": 9.83e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ground-, long-term"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "ocean"], "amount": 2.24e-10}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water", "surface water"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Butanol", "categories": ["water"], "amount": 1.23e-08}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "low population density, long-term"], "amount": 0.0342}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "lower stratosphere + upper troposphere"], "amount": 0.0342}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["air", "non-urban air or from high stacks"], "amount": 0.0342}, {"name": "Cadmium II", "categories": ["a