diff --git a/inst/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml b/inst/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml
index 82c85a4..6c47ff6 100644
--- a/inst/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml
+++ b/inst/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ template:
base_font: {google: "Roboto Condensed"}
heading_font: {google: "Playfair Display"}
code_font: {google: "Roboto Mono"}
+ math-rendering: katex
Poisson Consulting:
diff --git a/vignettes/rendering.Rmd b/vignettes/rendering.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78c8ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/rendering.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+title: "Output Rendering"
+subtitle: "Subtitle is skipped from the TOC"
+author: "Author is skipped from the TOC"
+date: "Date is skipped from the TOC"
+# all from https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/blob/bbf246ea0e115fa39486bee5be80f91903c0081b/vignettes/test/rendering.Rmd#L1
+#| include: FALSE
+knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")
+This vignette tests pkgdown output rendering for several use cases.
+## Footnotes
+[^footnote]: Including **footnotes**! 😁
+## Figures
+#| fig.alt: Test plot
+## Details tag
+This should only be shown when required
+Multiple paragraphs
+First paragraph
+Second paragraph
+Some R code
+1 + 2
+## Tables
+| col 1 | col 2 | col 3 | col 4 |
+| Brightness | Total brightness, total reflectance, spectral intensity | $$y = x^2$$ | test |
+## Math
+$$f(x) = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} e^{-\frac{(x-\mu^2)}{2\sigma^2}}$$
+Inline equations: $y=x^2$
+## Code
+### Line width
+cat(rep("x ", 100), sep = "")
+cat(rep("xy", 100), sep = "")
+### Should be highlighted
+Valid R code in `\preformatted{}`:
+mean(a + 1)
+R code in `R` block:
+mean(a + 1)
+R code in `r` block:
+mean(a + 1)
+yaml: [a, 1]
+### Shouldn't be highlighted
+Non-R code in `\preformatted{}`
+yaml: [a, b, c]
+### Crayon
+cat(cli::col_red("This is red"), "\n")
+cat(cli::col_blue("This is blue\n"), "\n")
+message(cli::col_green("This is green"))
+warning(cli::style_bold("This is bold"))
+Some text
+#| error: TRUE
+stop(cli::style_italic("This is italic"))
+Some more text
+## Quoted text
+> Single-line quote about something miscellaneous.
+| Flush
+| 1 space indent
+| 2 space indent
+| 3 space indent
+## This section is unnumbered {-}
+There should however be no bug here!
+## Tabsets
+### Tabset with pills {.tabset .tabset-pills}
+#### Tab 1
+1 + 1
+Should be "cool" heading below
+##### cool
+#### Tab 2
+### Tabset without pills {.tabset}
+#### Tab 1
+something nice
+#| fig.alt: Another test plot
+#### Tab 2 {.active}
+This tab should be active
+### Fading tabset {.tabset .tabset-fade}
+#### English
+#### French
+#### German
+Guten tag.
+## Deep headings
+### Heading 3
+#### Heading 4
+##### Heading 5
+## Very long words
+This word should be broken across multiple lines on mobile, rather than making the page scroll horizontally: