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Symfony Hello world with assets


To start this example, you need a S3 Bucket and a CloudFront distribution. There is nothing Bref specific about these so feel free to google your best resource or read this guide from AWS. The guide even have links to easily set things up.

Example CloudFront domain: Example S3 Bucket name: cf-simple-s3-origin-cloudfrontfors3-403367587399

To install

composer install
npm install

Add your cloudfront domain name at the bottom of webpack.config.js to tell Symfony where your assets will be.


Now it is time to deploy.

# Create a .env.local.php with dev values
composer dump-env prod
./node_modules/.bin/encore production
aws s3 sync ./public/build s3://cf-simple-s3-origin-cloudfrontfors3-403367587399/bref-demo-assets/build --cache-control max-age=31449600,immutable
composer install --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
bin/console cache:warm --env=prod --no-debug

# Create an empty .env.local.php to force using environement variables
echo "<?php return ['APP_ENV'=>'prod'];" > .env.local.php
serverless deploy

Note that CloudFront may need up to 24 hours to properly get initialized.