通过 gather log命令,可以指定时间范围的来去搜集目标主机上的OceanBase日志(后续会陆续开放除OceanBase运行日志外其他信息的搜集)。
./obdiag gather log -h
usage: ./obdiag gather log [-h] [--from datetime datetime] [--to datetime datetime] [--since 'n'<m|h|d>] [--ob_install_dir ob_install_dir]
[--store_dir store_dir] [--scope scope] [--grep grep] [--encrypt encrypt]
According to the input parameters, gather the logs of the specified range (whether it is time range), compress and pack, and transmit to the specified path
of the obdiag machine.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--from datetime datetime
specify the start of the time range. format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
--to datetime datetime
specify the end of the time range. format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
--since 'n'<m|h|d> Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>. example: 1h.
--ob_install_dir ob_install_dir
the dir to ob log dir
--store_dir store_dir
the dir to store gather result, current dir by default.
--scope scope log type constrains, choices=[observer, election, rootservice, all], default=all
--grep grep specify keywords constrain
--encrypt encrypt Whether the returned results need to be encrypted, choices=[true, false], default=false
Example: ./obdiag gather log --scope observer --from 2022-06-16 18:25:00 --to 2022-06-16 18:30:00
./obdiag gather log --scope observer --from 2022-06-25 10:25:00 --to 2022-06-25 18:30:00 --grep STORAGE --encrypt true
| Node | LogSize |
| | 36.184M |
| Node | LogSize |
| | 44.176M |
Gather Ob Log Summary:
| Node | Status | Size | Password | Time | PackPath |
| | Completed | 36.762M | **************** | 19 s | gather_pack_20220701183246/ob_log_192.168.2.11_20220701183247.zip |
| | Completed | 638.200M | **************** | 718 s | gather_pack_20220701183246/ob_log_192.168.2.12_20220701183918.zip |