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Java Client/Servlet Example - Centralized Access Control

In the centralized access control model, the service as a principal requests its NToken from SIA Provider and then presents it to the target service which would perform an identical check with ZMS to confirm access.

Authenticated Service as Principal

The required steps to setup the environment for provider and tenant services to support centralized access control are as follows:

  • System administrator creates the provider and tenant domains.
  • Tenant Domain administrator generates a public/private key pair and registers a service in its domain.
  • Provider Domain administrator creates a role and policy that grants access to the given role with configured action and resource.
  • Provider Domain administrator adds the Tenant Service to the role to grant access.
  • Tenant Domain administrator installs the private key on the host that will be running the client/tenant service.

Required Components

To support centralized access control in your applications, you only need to install and configure the Athenz ZMS server along with the Athenz UI. Please follow these guides to make sure you have both of those components up and running in your environment:

To build the client and servlet components of this example, you need to download and install Oracle JDK 8, Apache Maven and Git client if you don't already have these available on your box:

Service Definition

Let's first define our service that needs to be Athenz protected. We have a simple recommendation service that returns either a movie or tv show for the caller. It has two endpoints:

GET /rec/v1/movie
GET /rec/v1/tvshow

So in this first release we just want to protect access to these endpoints. The traffic is very low - we only expect a couple of requests an hour so we have decided to use Athenz' centralized authorization model.

Resource Definition

Defining resources and actions the principals are authorized to execute is one of the most important tasks in the authorization process. Based on our endpoints, it's expected that we'll have 2 general resources:


The resources are referenced in their own domain namespace. So those are valid if your domain is specifically created to support this recommendation service only. But's lets assume we might add rental support later, so we need to make sure the policies are based on service specific resources. So we'll define our resources as:

Support action for these resources would be read. We can extend our authorization policies later on if we need to introduce other actions - such as write or list as we add more functionality into our service.

Athenz Management Setup

Once we have defined what our resources and actions are, we can create their respective client and server (also commonly referred as tenant and provider) roles and policies in Athenz. Go to Athenz UI and login with your account which should have system administrator access. Follow the instructions in the following guide to setup the required access control:

Code Changes

Both the client and servlet implementors need to make changes in their respective code bases to support centralized authorization checks. The client needs to make sure to submit its service identity as part of its request, while the servlet needs to carry out the authorization check based on that service identity to determine if it request should be processed or not.

Client Changes

The full client source code is available from:

Client Project Dependency Update

First you need to update your Java project pom.xml file to indicate the dependency on the Athenz auth_core Library. Checkout the Bintray Auth-Core Package Page to make sure you're using the latest release version:



Obtaining NTokens from SIA Provider

The domain administrator must have already generated a public/private key pair for the service and registered public key in Athenz. The private key must be available on the host where the client will be running.

    // the fields used in the following snippet of code
    // privateKeyPath -> includes the path to the service's private key file
    //     the corresponding public key is already registered in Athenz
    // domainName -> 'editors'
    // serviceName -> 'movie', 'tvshow' or 'site'
    // keyId -> 'v0'
    PrivateKey privateKey = Crypto.loadPrivateKey(new File(privateKeyPath));
    ServiceIdentityProvider identityProvider = new SimpleServiceIdentityProvider(domainName,
            serviceName, privateKey, keyId);
    Principal principal = identityProvider.getIdentity(domainName, serviceName);

Once we have our principal object, then the client before contacting the provider service needs to extract the service identity credentials and include them in the request as the value of Athenz principal header.

    // set our Athenz credentials. The authority in the principal provides
    // the header name (Athenz-Principal-Auth) that we must use for credentials
    // while the principal itself provides the credentials (ntoken).


Build Http Client Utility

Checkout and build the client component:

$ git clone
$ cd examples/java/centralized-use-case/client/
$ mvn clean package

Verify that the client is built successfully:

$ java -cp target/example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar
Missing required options: d, s, p, k, u
usage: http-example-client
 -d,--domain <arg>    domain name
 -k,--keyid <arg>     key identifier
 -p,--pkey <arg>      private key path
 -s,--service <arg>   service name
 -u,--url <arg>       request url

Servlet Changes

The full servlet source code is available from:

Servlet Project Dependency Update

First you need to update your Java project pom.xml file to indicate the dependency on the Athenz ZMS Java Client Library. Checkout the Bintray ZMS Client Package Page to make sure you're using the latest release version:



Authorization Checks

Before any authorization calls, we're going to check to make sure our request contains the Athenz principal token:

    static final String ATHENZ_HEADER = "Athenz-Principal-Auth";
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

        // retrieve and verify that our request contains an Athenz
        // service authentication token
        String athenzServiceToken = request.getHeader(ATHENZ_HEADER);
        if (athenzServiceToken == null) {
            response.sendError(403, "Forbidden - No Athenz ServiceToken provided in request");

Next, the most important part is to determine the resource and action based on the given http request.

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

        switch (reqUri) {
            case "/movie":
                responseText = "Name: Slap Shot; Director: George Roy Hill";
                athenzResource = "";
                athenzAction = "read";
            case "/tvshow":
                responseText = "Name: Middle; Channel: ABC";
                athenzResource = "rec.tvshow";
                athenzAction = "read";
                response.sendError(404, "Unknown endpoint");

Once we have those two values determined, then all that is left is to contact ZMS for the authorization check.

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

        // carry out the authorization check with the expected resource
        // and action values
        try (ZMSAuthorizer authorizer = new ZMSAuthorizer(zmsUrl, "recommend")) {
            boolean authorized = authorizer.access(athenzAction, athenzResource,
                    athenzServiceToken, null);
            if (!authorized) {
                response.sendError(403, "Forbidden - Athenz Authorization Rejected");

Build Servlet

Checkout and build the servlet component:

$ git clone
$ cd examples/java/centralized-use-case/servlet/
$ mvn clean package

Deploying Example Servlet

  • Download and install latest Jetty 9.3.x container
  • Copy the athenz-control.war from the servlet/target directory to the Jetty distribution's webapps directory
  • Configure ZMS Server's URL in the expected environment variable:
export ZMS_SERVER_URL=https://<zms-server-hostname>:4443/zms/v1
  • If the ZMS Server is running with a self-signed certificate, we need to generate a truststore for the java http client to use when communicating with the ZMS Server. From your ZMS Server installation, copy the zms_cert.pem file from the athenz-zms-X.Y/var/zms_server/certs directory to the jetty's etc subdirectory and execute the following commands:
$ keytool -importcert -noprompt -alias zms -keystore zms_truststore.jks -file zms_cert.pem -storepass athenz
$ export<full-path-to-jetty-basedir>/etc/zms_truststore.jks
  • Start the Jetty server by running the following command from Jetty's distribution base directory:
bin/ start

Test Cases

Run the following test cases to verify authorization access for specific services. We're running jetty server on the local box so we're using localhost as the hostname.

  • Copy the example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar file from the client/target directory to the directory that includes the private keys for the test services we created in the section Athenz Management Setup above.

Invalid Access Without ServiceToken

For this test case we'll just use the curl client directly:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/athenz-control/rec/v1/movie
<title>Error 403 Forbidden - No Athenz ServiceToken provided in request</title>

Movie Editor Access

Movie service can successfully access /rec/v1/movie endpoint:

$ java -cp ./example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar -d editors -s movie -p ./movie_private.pem -k v0 -u http://localhost:8080/athenz-control/rec/v1/movie

Successful response:
Name: Slap Shot; Director: George Roy Hill

Movie service does not have access to /rec/v1/tvshow endpoint:

$ java -cp ./example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar -d editors -s movie -p ./movie_private.pem -k v0 -u http://localhost:8080/athenz-control/rec/v1/tvshow

Request was forbidden - not authorized

TvShow Editor Access

TvShow service can successfully access /rec/v1/tvshow endpoint:

$ java -cp ./example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar -d editors -s tvshow -p ./tvshow_private.pem -k v0 -u http://localhost:8080/athenz-control/rec/v1/tvshow

Successful response:
Name: Middle; Channel: ABC

TvShow service does not have access to /rec/v1/movie endpoint:

$ java -cp ./example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar -d editors -s tvshow -p ./tvshow_private.pem -k v0 -u http://localhost:8080/athenz-control/rec/v1/movie

Request was forbidden - not authorized

Site Editor Access

Site service has access to both /rec/v1/tvshow and /rec/v1/movie endpoints:

$ java -cp ./example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar -d editors -s site -p ./site_private.pem -k v0 -u http://localhost:8080/athenz-control/rec/v1/movie

Successful response:
Name: Slap Shot; Director: George Roy Hill

$ java -cp ./example-java-client-ntoken-1.0.jar -d editors -s site -p ./site_private.pem -k v0 -u http://localhost:8080/athenz-control/rec/v1/tvshow

Successful response:
Name: Middle; Channel: ABC

Other Test Cases

Now you can modify the movie_editos, tvshow_editors, and site_editors roles in the recommend domain to add and remove the defined services and then run the corresponding test cases to verify your access change.