PLATINE FRAMEWORK uses PHPUnit for it's Unit Testing needs. It must be installed for the tests to run.
NOTE: No code will be accepted without tests written.
Running the unit tests is as simple as navigating to the root folder and running in command line the following:
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
$ composer test
That's it! You can also tell it specific groups (which we will get into in minute) to run. For example to run only some group of tests:
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --group=core
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --group=common
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --group=core,database
All tests are to go in the tests/Platine folders.
The Test class names should be in the form of RealClassNameTest. The Test method names should be in the form of testMethodNameWithHumanReadableDescription.
All tests inside the core folder must be in the core group. A classes test's should also be grouped together under the name of the class.
Here is an example of a core class test with proper DocBlocks:
* Form class tests
* @group core
* @group form
class FormTest extends PlatineTestCase {
* Tests Form::open()
public function testOpen() {
// Test code here
All tests should extend the Platine\Test\PlatineTestCase (tests/PlatineTestCase.php) class.