+Attaching package: 'dplyr'
+The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
+ filter, lag
+The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
+ intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
+# Using read.csv()
+= read.csv("/Users/gozde.ugur/Downloads/archive (3)/amazon_products.csv")
+ myData <- myData %>%
+ en_cok_satanlar arrange(desc(boughtInLastMonth)) %>% # satisadedi sütununa göre azalan sırada sırala
+ head(5) # İlk 5 kaydı getirilk_5_kayit
+ # Show only selected columns
+<- en_cok_satanlar[, c("title","stars", "price" ,"boughtInLastMonth")]
+ top_5 print(top_5)
+ title
+1 Bounty Quick Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Family Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls
+2 Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, 158 Sheet Huge Roll, 12 Rolls (2 Packs of 6), Equivalent to 38 Regular Rolls, White
+3 Stardrops - The Pink Stuff - The Miracle All Purpose Cleaning Paste
+4 Amazon Basics 2-Ply Paper Towels, Flex-Sheets, 150 Sheets per Roll, 12 Rolls (2 Packs of 6), White
+5 Hismile v34 Colour Corrector, Tooth Stain Removal, Teeth Whitening Booster, Purple Toothpaste, Colour Correcting, Hismile V34, Hismile Colour Corrector, Tooth Colour Corrector
+ stars price boughtInLastMonth
+1 4.8 24.42 100000
+2 4.7 28.28 100000
+3 4.4 4.99 100000
+4 4.2 22.86 100000
+5 3.4 20.69 100000