🔴 Assignment 1: RMarkdown Homework: About myself and some works related to R.
R-Exercises: Some basic exercises such as temperature conversion, future value, color hex-code, rock-scissors-paper, fizzbuzz, travelling salesperson etc.
🔴 Assignment 2: Electricity Market Prices: Prepared a report about July 2020’s electricity prices using RMarkdown, dplyr and ggplot2.
R-Exercises related to 'dplyr' and 'ggplot2': The data consists of hourly renewable electricity production of YEKDEM plants from different origins and license types.
Group Assignment: New York City Airbnb Open Data: Since 2008, guests and hosts have used Airbnb to expand on traveling possibilities and present more unique, personalized way of experiencing the world. This dataset describes the listing activity and metrics in NYC, NY for 2019.
- Shiny App:
shiny::runGitHub("pjournal/boun01g-data-mine-r-s", subdir ="Assignment", ref ="gh-pages")
- Shiny App:
R-Exercises related to 'shiny': Application of Movie Length and IMDB Scores.
- Shiny App:
shiny::runGitHub("pjournal/boun01-canaytore", subdir = "shiny", ref = "gh-pages")
- Shiny App:
R-Exercises related to 'join two tables': Superheroes: The data contains information about fictional characters from different graphic novels.
R-Exercises related to 'join two tables': Tennis: The data consists of all necessary information about Tennis Tournament - ATP World Tour 2017.
🔴 Assignment 3: Part 1: Esoph: The first dataset from a case-control study of Espophageal Cancer in France.
🔴 Assignment 3: Part 2: Young People Survey: The second dataset from a survey about hobbies and interests answered by students of the Statistics class at FSEV UK and their friends.
Group Project: 2020 Online Car Market of Turkey
- Preprocessing
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Model
- Presentation
- Shiny App:
shiny::runGitHub("pjournal/boun01g-data-mine-r-s", subdir = "Project", ref = "gh-pages")
Bonus Group Project: Introduction of the package 'data.table'
End of my PJournal. For more works, take a glance at my group's PJournal