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End node same as starting node #2

isha1990 opened this issue Mar 24, 2018 · 6 comments

End node same as starting node #2

isha1990 opened this issue Mar 24, 2018 · 6 comments


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Can you please assist as to how can I modify the code to complete the tour by making the ant come back to the starting node in the end.

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pjmattingly commented Mar 24, 2018 via email

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isha1990 commented Mar 27, 2018 via email

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Have you solve this problem?

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I have downloaded your ACO, but how to run your codes for the given test_codes as given in README, give me step by step procedure

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GoviPandu: Here's to code here, just copy-paste it :)

from threading import Thread

class ant_colony:
class ant(Thread):
def init(self, init_location, possible_locations, pheromone_map, distance_callback, alpha, beta, first_pass=False):
initialized an ant, to traverse the map
init_location -> marks where in the map that the ant starts
possible_locations -> a list of possible nodes the ant can go to
when used internally, gives a list of possible locations the ant can traverse to minus those nodes already visited
pheromone_map -> map of pheromone values for each traversal between each node
distance_callback -> is a function to calculate the distance between two nodes
alpha -> a parameter from the ACO algorithm to control the influence of the amount of pheromone when making a choice in _pick_path()
beta -> a parameters from ACO that controls the influence of the distance to the next node in _pick_path()
first_pass -> if this is a first pass on a map, then do some steps differently, noted in methods below

		route -> a list that is updated with the labels of the nodes that the ant has traversed
		pheromone_trail -> a list of pheromone amounts deposited along the ants trail, maps to each traversal in route
		distance_traveled -> total distance tranveled along the steps in route
		location -> marks where the ant currently is
		tour_complete -> flag to indicate the ant has completed its traversal
			used by get_route() and get_distance_traveled()
		self.init_location = init_location
		self.possible_locations = possible_locations			
		self.route = []
		self.distance_traveled = 0.0
		self.location = init_location
		self.pheromone_map = pheromone_map
		self.distance_callback = distance_callback
		self.alpha = alpha
		self.beta = beta
		self.first_pass = first_pass
		#append start location to route, before doing random walk
		self.tour_complete = False
	def run(self):
		until self.possible_locations is empty (the ant has visited all nodes)
			_pick_path() to find a next node to traverse to
			_traverse() to:
				_update_route() (to show latest traversal)
				_update_distance_traveled() (after traversal)
		return the ants route and its distance, for use in ant_colony:
			do pheromone updates
			check for new possible optimal solution with this ants latest tour
		while self.possible_locations:
			next = self._pick_path()
			self._traverse(self.location, next)
		self.tour_complete = True
	def _pick_path(self):
		implements the path selection algorithm of ACO
		calculate the attractiveness of each possible transition from the current location
		then randomly choose a next path, based on its attractiveness
		#on the first pass (no pheromones), then we can just choice() to find the next one
		if self.first_pass:
			import random
			return random.choice(self.possible_locations)
		attractiveness = dict()
		sum_total = 0.0
		#for each possible location, find its attractiveness (it's (pheromone amount)*1/distance [tau*eta, from the algortihm])
		#sum all attrativeness amounts for calculating probability of each route in the next step
		for possible_next_location in self.possible_locations:
			#NOTE: do all calculations as float, otherwise we get integer division at times for really hard to track down bugs
			pheromone_amount = float(self.pheromone_map[self.location][possible_next_location])
			distance = float(self.distance_callback(self.location, possible_next_location))
			#tau^alpha * eta^beta
			attractiveness[possible_next_location] = pow(pheromone_amount, self.alpha)*pow(1/distance, self.beta)
			sum_total += attractiveness[possible_next_location]
		#it is possible to have small values for pheromone amount / distance, such that with rounding errors this is equal to zero
		#rare, but handle when it happens
		if sum_total == 0.0:
			#increment all zero's, such that they are the smallest non-zero values supported by the system
			def next_up(x):
				import math
				import struct
				# NaNs and positive infinity map to themselves.
				if math.isnan(x) or (math.isinf(x) and x > 0):
					return x

				# 0.0 and -0.0 both map to the smallest +ve float.
				if x == 0.0:
					x = 0.0

				n = struct.unpack('<q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
				if n >= 0:
					n += 1
					n -= 1
				return struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<q', n))[0]
			for key in attractiveness:
				attractiveness[key] = next_up(attractiveness[key])
			sum_total = next_up(sum_total)
		#cumulative probability behavior, inspired by:
		#randomly choose the next path
		import random
		toss = random.random()
		cummulative = 0
		for possible_next_location in attractiveness:
			weight = (attractiveness[possible_next_location] / sum_total)
			if toss <= weight + cummulative:
				return possible_next_location
			cummulative += weight
	def _traverse(self, start, end):
		_update_route() to show new traversal
		_update_distance_traveled() to record new distance traveled
		self.location update to new location
		called from run()
		self._update_distance_traveled(start, end)
		self.location = end
	def _update_route(self, new):
		add new node to self.route
		remove new node form self.possible_location
		called from _traverse() & __init__()
	def _update_distance_traveled(self, start, end):
		use self.distance_callback to update self.distance_traveled
		self.distance_traveled += float(self.distance_callback(start, end))

	def get_route(self):
		if self.tour_complete:
			return self.route
		return None
	def get_distance_traveled(self):
		if self.tour_complete:
			return self.distance_traveled
		return None
def __init__(self, nodes, distance_callback, start=None, ant_count=50, alpha=.5, beta=1.2,  pheromone_evaporation_coefficient=.40, pheromone_constant=1000.0, iterations=80):
	initializes an ant colony (houses a number of worker ants that will traverse a map to find an optimal route as per ACO [Ant Colony Optimization])
	nodes -> is assumed to be a dict() mapping node ids to values 
		that are understandable by distance_callback
	distance_callback -> is assumed to take a pair of coordinates and return the distance between them
		populated into distance_matrix on each call to get_distance()
	start -> if set, then is assumed to be the node where all ants start their traversal
		if unset, then assumed to be the first key of nodes when sorted()
	distance_matrix -> holds values of distances calculated between nodes
		populated on demand by _get_distance()
	pheromone_map -> holds final values of pheromones
		used by ants to determine traversals
		pheromone dissipation happens to these values first, before adding pheromone values from the ants during their traversal
		(in ant_updated_pheromone_map)
	ant_updated_pheromone_map -> a matrix to hold the pheromone values that the ants lay down
		not used to dissipate, values from here are added to pheromone_map after dissipation step
		(reset for each traversal)
	alpha -> a parameter from the ACO algorithm to control the influence of the amount of pheromone when an ant makes a choice
	beta -> a parameters from ACO that controls the influence of the distance to the next node in ant choice making
	pheromone_constant -> a parameter used in depositing pheromones on the map (Q in ACO algorithm)
		used by _update_pheromone_map()
	pheromone_evaporation_coefficient -> a parameter used in removing pheromone values from the pheromone_map (rho in ACO algorithm)
		used by _update_pheromone_map()
	ants -> holds worker ants
		they traverse the map as per ACO
		notable properties:
			total distance traveled
	first_pass -> flags a first pass for the ants, which triggers unique behavior
	iterations -> how many iterations to let the ants traverse the map
	shortest_distance -> the shortest distance seen from an ant traversal
	shortets_path_seen -> the shortest path seen from a traversal (shortest_distance is the distance along this path)
	if type(nodes) is not dict:
		raise TypeError("nodes must be dict")
	if len(nodes) < 1:
		raise ValueError("there must be at least one node in dict nodes")
	#create internal mapping and mapping for return to caller
	self.id_to_key, self.nodes = self._init_nodes(nodes)
	#create matrix to hold distance calculations between nodes
	self.distance_matrix = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
	#create matrix for master pheromone map, that records pheromone amounts along routes
	self.pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
	#create a matrix for ants to add their pheromones to, before adding those to pheromone_map during the update_pheromone_map step
	self.ant_updated_pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
	if not callable(distance_callback):
		raise TypeError("distance_callback is not callable, should be method")
	self.distance_callback = distance_callback
	if start is None:
		self.start = 0
		self.start = None
		#init start to internal id of node id passed
		for key, value in self.id_to_key.items():
			if value == start:
				self.start = key
		#if we didn't find a key in the nodes passed in, then raise
		if self.start is None:
			raise KeyError("Key: " + str(start) + " not found in the nodes dict passed.")
	if type(ant_count) is not int:
		raise TypeError("ant_count must be int")
	if ant_count < 1:
		raise ValueError("ant_count must be >= 1")
	self.ant_count = ant_count
	if (type(alpha) is not int) and type(alpha) is not float:
		raise TypeError("alpha must be int or float")
	if alpha < 0:
		raise ValueError("alpha must be >= 0")
	self.alpha = float(alpha)
	if (type(beta) is not int) and type(beta) is not float:
		raise TypeError("beta must be int or float")
	if beta < 1:
		raise ValueError("beta must be >= 1")
	self.beta = float(beta)
	if (type(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient) is not int) and type(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient) is not float:
		raise TypeError("pheromone_evaporation_coefficient must be int or float")
	self.pheromone_evaporation_coefficient = float(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient)
	if (type(pheromone_constant) is not int) and type(pheromone_constant) is not float:
		raise TypeError("pheromone_constant must be int or float")
	self.pheromone_constant = float(pheromone_constant)
	if (type(iterations) is not int):
		raise TypeError("iterations must be int")
	if iterations < 0:
		raise ValueError("iterations must be >= 0")
	self.iterations = iterations
	#other internal variable init
	self.first_pass = True
	self.ants = self._init_ants(self.start)
	self.shortest_distance = None
	self.shortest_path_seen = None
def _get_distance(self, start, end):
	uses the distance_callback to return the distance between nodes
	if a distance has not been calculated before, then it is populated in distance_matrix and returned
	if a distance has been called before, then its value is returned from distance_matrix
	if not self.distance_matrix[start][end]:
		distance = self.distance_callback(self.nodes[start], self.nodes[end])
		if (type(distance) is not int) and (type(distance) is not float):
			raise TypeError("distance_callback should return either int or float, saw: "+ str(type(distance)))
		self.distance_matrix[start][end] = float(distance)
		return distance
	return self.distance_matrix[start][end]
def _init_nodes(self, nodes):
	create a mapping of internal id numbers (0 .. n) to the keys in the nodes passed 
	create a mapping of the id's to the values of nodes
	we use id_to_key to return the route in the node names the caller expects in mainloop()
	id_to_key = dict()
	id_to_values = dict()
	id = 0
	for key in sorted(nodes.keys()):
		id_to_key[id] = key
		id_to_values[id] = nodes[key]
		id += 1
	return id_to_key, id_to_values
def _init_matrix(self, size, value=0.0):
	setup a matrix NxN (where n = size)
	used in both self.distance_matrix and self.pheromone_map
	as they require identical matrixes besides which value to initialize to
	ret = []
	for row in range(size):
		ret.append([float(value) for x in range(size)])
	return ret

def _init_ants(self, start):
	on first pass:
		create a number of ant objects
	on subsequent passes, just call __init__ on each to reset them
	by default, all ants start at the first node, 0
	as per problem description:
	#allocate new ants on the first pass
	if self.first_pass:
		return [self.ant(start, self.nodes.keys(), self.pheromone_map, self._get_distance,
			self.alpha, self.beta, first_pass=True) for x in range(self.ant_count)]
	#else, just reset them to use on another pass
	for ant in self.ants:
		ant.__init__(start, self.nodes.keys(), self.pheromone_map, self._get_distance, self.alpha, self.beta)

def _update_pheromone_map(self):
	1)	Update self.pheromone_map by decaying values contained therein via the ACO algorithm
	2)	Add pheromone_values from all ants from ant_updated_pheromone_map
	called by:
		(after all ants have traveresed)
	#always a square matrix
	for start in range(len(self.pheromone_map)):
		for end in range(len(self.pheromone_map)):
			#decay the pheromone value at this location
			#tau_xy <- (1-rho)*tau_xy	(ACO)
			self.pheromone_map[start][end] = (1-self.pheromone_evaporation_coefficient)*self.pheromone_map[start][end]
			#then add all contributions to this location for each ant that travered it
			#tau_xy <- tau_xy + delta tau_xy_k
			#	delta tau_xy_k = Q / L_k
			self.pheromone_map[start][end] += self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[start][end]

def _populate_ant_updated_pheromone_map(self, ant):
	given an ant, populate ant_updated_pheromone_map with pheromone values according to ACO
	along the ant's route
	called from:
		( before _update_pheromone_map() )
	route = ant.get_route()
	for i in range(len(route)-1):
		#find the pheromone over the route the ant traversed
		current_pheromone_value = float(self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i]][route[i+1]])
		#update the pheromone along that section of the route
		#	delta tau_xy_k = Q / L_k
		new_pheromone_value = self.pheromone_constant/ant.get_distance_traveled()
		self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i]][route[i+1]] = current_pheromone_value + new_pheromone_value
		self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i+1]][route[i]] = current_pheromone_value + new_pheromone_value
def mainloop(self):
	Runs the worker ants, collects their returns and updates the pheromone map with pheromone values from workers
	runs the simulation self.iterations times
	for _ in range(self.iterations):
		#start the multi-threaded ants, calls in a new thread
		for ant in self.ants:
		#wait until the ants are finished, before moving on to modifying shared resources
		for ant in self.ants:
		for ant in self.ants:	
			#update ant_updated_pheromone_map with this ant's constribution of pheromones along its route
			#if we haven't seen any paths yet, then populate for comparisons later
			if not self.shortest_distance:
				self.shortest_distance = ant.get_distance_traveled()
			if not self.shortest_path_seen:
				self.shortest_path_seen = ant.get_route()
			#if we see a shorter path, then save for return
			if ant.get_distance_traveled() < self.shortest_distance:
				self.shortest_distance = ant.get_distance_traveled()
				self.shortest_path_seen = ant.get_route()
		#decay current pheromone values and add all pheromone values we saw during traversal (from ant_updated_pheromone_map)
		#flag that we finished the first pass of the ants traversal
		if self.first_pass:
			self.first_pass = False
		#reset all ants to default for the next iteration
		#reset ant_updated_pheromone_map to record pheromones for ants on next pass
		self.ant_updated_pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(self.nodes), value=0)
	#translate shortest path back into callers node id's
	ret = []
	for id in self.shortest_path_seen:
	return ret

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hi,i have downloaded the code, but i cannot see the results. would you please help me with how to run the code? i will appreciate that

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