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python tips

Table of Content

2. data structure

  • create a digit 2

  • create a var a

  • make a point to the digit

  • make b point to the same digit (SP:pass the "address" of the digit from a to b)

  • create a string abc

  • change a to point to abc instead of 2

"variable a pointing first to an int, then to a string. The variable a does not have a type, but whatever value it points to does have a type."

16dc487c 4d3b 11e6 8c1a dd896713b61a

2.1. mutable vs. non-mutable

>>> a = ['c', 'b', 'a']
>>> a.sort()
>>> a
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> b = 'abc'
>>> b.replace('a', 'A')
>>> b

2.2. constant

capital convention


2.3. numbers

  • scalar, immutable, direct access

  • integer (c long 32bit), long (no limit)

  • boolean

  • float (c double),

numeric arithmetic operators
  • +,-,,/,//,%,*

  • ~,<<,>>,&,^,|

    In [260]: digit1=10
    In [261]: digit1.
    digit1.bit_length   digit1.denominator  digit1.numerator
    digit1.conjugate    digit1.imag         digit1.real
operational built-in functions
  • abs

  • divmod

  • pow

  • round

  • coerce

numeric (conversion) factory functions
  • int

  • long

  • float

  • complex

  • bool

base representation
  • hex

  • oct

ascii conversion
  • chr

  • ord

  • unichr

related modules
  • math

    • math.pi

    • math.floor

      >>> 3/2
      >>> 3//2
      >>> 3/2.0
      >>> 3//2.0
  • decimal

  • array

  • operator

  • random

    • randint

    • randrange

    • uniform

    • random

    • choice

2.4. sequences

  • membership: in/not in

  • concatenation: +

  • repeation: *

  • slices: [],[:],[::]

    • index

    • slice

    • stride

2.4.1. strings

  • scalar, immutable, sequential access

    word = 'Python'
    >>> word[0]='p'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
  • single/double quotes are treated same

  • donations

    • r: raw

      >>> def1 = r"I'll do it\\n"
      >>> print def1
      I'll do it\n
    • u: unicode

  • use ''' for long string

  • special value: False/True/None

use bool() to test.

  • ascii/unicode/utf-8: encode

    • ascii: 1 B

    • unicode: 2 B

    • utf-8: variable length

    • encode/decode

      #u to utf-8
      >>> u'中文'.encode('utf-8')
      >>> len(u'中文')
      >>> len(u'中文'.encode('utf-8'))
      #utf-8 -> u
      >>> u'中文'.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8')
      >>> print u'中文'.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8')
      #!/usr/bin/env python
      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  • formatting with %: dfsx

    • %s will always works.

    • %% to indicate a string % instead formatter %

      >>> 'Hi, %s, you have $%d.' % ('Michael', 1000000)
      'Hi, Michael, you have $1000000.'
      >>> 'Hi, %s, you have $%d.' % 'Michael', 1000000
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
common operators
In [255]: d
Out[255]: 'abcabc123'
In [256]: d.
d.capitalize  d.expandtabs  d.isdigit     d.ljust       d.rindex      d.splitlines  d.upper      d.find        d.islower     d.lower       d.rjust       d.startswith  d.zfill
d.count       d.format      d.isspace     d.lstrip      d.rpartition  d.strip
d.decode      d.index       d.istitle     d.partition   d.rsplit      d.swapcase
d.encode      d.isalnum     d.isupper     d.replace     d.rstrip      d.title
d.endswith    d.isalpha     d.join        d.rfind       d.split       d.translate
In [90]: a="a b c"
In [91]: a.split()
Out[91]: ['a', 'b', 'c']
  • replace

  • index

  • find

  • startwith

  • endwith

  • append

  • join


"implicit join": best practice in code

In [1]: a = "This is the first line of my text, " \
...:        "which will be joined to a second."


In [3]: a = ("This is the first line of my text, "
  ...:       "which will be joined to a second.")

both will print:

In [4]: a
Out[4]: 'This is the first line of my text, which will be joined to a second.'

this will have the leading whitespaces:

In [5]: a="""This is the first line of my text \
...:         which will be joined to a second."""
In [17]: a
Out[17]: 'This is the first line of my text      which will be joined to a second.'
  • format: %

  • unicode: u

    >>> u"你好"
    >>> ur"你好"
  • raw string: r

  • standard/sequence BIF

  • string BIF

  • string BIM
  • triple quotes

    >>> a='''abc
    ... def
    ... 123
    ... '''
    >>> a
    >>> print a
    >>> 'abc' \
    ... 'def1'
    >>> a="abc"+"def"
    >>> a="abc" "def"
    >>> a
    >>> max(
    ... "abc"   #comment
    ... )
>>> "ok abc abc abc".find("abc")
>>> "ok abc abc abc".find("abc",4)
>>> "ok abc abc abc".rfind("abc")

2.4.2. list/tuple [a,b]/(a,b)

container, mutable, sequential access
  • list is mutable

    >>> a=["abc","def",[123,456]]
    >>> a[2][1]=789
    >>> a
    ['abc', 'def', [123, 789]]
  • tuple is immutable

    >>> c=("123","456")
    >>> c[1]="457"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item
  • use ('a',) to indicate 1 element tuple, ('a') means a string


In [261]: list1=['a','b','c']
In [262]: list1.
list1.append   list1.extend   list1.insert   list1.remove   list1.sort
list1.count    list1.index    list1.pop      list1.reverse
  • index


2.4.3. shadow/deep copy

  • shadow copy

    >>> a=['name',['grade','score']]
    >>> a2=a1=a
    >>> a is a1
    >>> a is a1 is a2
    >>> a[0] is a1[0] is a2[0]
    >>> a[1] is a1[1] is a2[1]
    >>> a
    ['name', ['grade', 'score']]
    >>> a[1][0]=3
    >>> a
    ['name', [3, 'score']]
    >>> a1
    ['xixi', [3, 'score']]
    >>> a1=a[:]
    >>> a1
    ['name', ['grade', 'score']]
    >>> a[0] is a1[0]
    >>> a[1] is a1[1]
    >>> a1[0]='xixi'
    >>> a1
    ['xixi', ['grade', 'score']]
    >>> a
    ['name', ['grade', 'score']]
    >>> a1[0] is a[0]
    >>> a[1] is a1[1]
    >>> a[1][0]=3
    >>> a
    ['name', [3, 'score']]
    >>> a1
    ['xixi', [3, 'score']]
  • deep copy

    >>> import copy
    >>> a=['name', ['grade', 'score']]
    >>> a2=copy.deepcopy(a)
    >>> a2 is a
    >>> a2[0] is a[0]
    >>> a2[1] is a[1]
    >>> a2[0]='jeremy'
    >>> a2
    ['jeremy', ['grade', 'score']]
    >>> a
    ['name', ['grade', 'score']]
    >>> a2[0] is a [0]
    >>> a2[1][0]='daycare'
    >>> a2
    ['jeremy', ['daycare', 'score']]
    >>> a
    ['name', ['grade', 'score']]
shadow copy illustration
  • a=['name', ['grade', 'score']]

            +---+            +------+
    a       | 0 | ---------- |'name'|
            |   |            +------+
            | 1 | -----+
            +---+      |     +---+         +-------+
                       +---> | 0 | ------> |'grade'|
                             |   |         +-------+
                             |   |
                             | 1 | ------> +-------+
                             +---+         |'score'|
  • a1=a[:]

            +---+            +------+
    a       | 0 | ---------- |'name'|
            |   |  +----->   +------+
            |   |  |
            | 1 | -+---+
            +---+  |   |     +---+         +-------+
                   |   +---> | 0 | ------> |'grade'|
                   |         |   |         +-------+
                   |         |   |
                   |         | 1 | ------> +-------+
                   |         +---+         |'score'|
                   |          ^            +-------+
            +---+  |          |
    a1      | 0 |--+          |
            |   |             |
            | 1 +-------------+
  • a1[0]='xixi'

            +---+            +------+
    a       | 0 | ---------- |'name'|
            |   |            +------+
            |   |
            | 1 | -----+
            +---+      |     +---+         +-------+
                       +---> | 0 | ------> |'grade'|
                             |   |         +-------+
                             |   |
                             | 1 | ------> +-------+
                             +---+         |'score'|
                              ^            +-------+
            +---+     +-----+ |
    a1      | 0 |---->|'xixi| |
            |   |     +-----+ |
            | 1 +-------------+
  • a1[1][0]=3

            +---+            +------+
    a       | 0 | ---------- |'name'|
            |   |            +------+
            |   |
            | 1 | -----+
            +---+      |     +---+         +-------+
                       +---> | 0 | ------> |  3    |
                             |   |         +-------+
                             |   |
                             | 1 | ------> +-------+
                             +---+         |'score'|
                              ^            +-------+
            +---+     +-----+ |
    a1      | 0 |---->|'xixi| |
            |   |     +-----+ |
            | 1 +-------------+
deep copy illustration
        +---+            +------+
a       | 0 | ---------- |'name'|
        |   |            +------+
        | 1 | -----+
        +---+      |     +---+         +-------+
                   +---> | 0 | ------> |'grade'|
                         |   |         +-------+
                         |   |
                         | 1 | ------> +-------+
                         +---+         |'score'|
        +---+            +------+
a1      | 0 | ---------- |'name'|
        |   |            +------+
        | 1 | -----+
        +---+      |     +---+         +-------+
                   +---> | 0 | ------> |'grade'|
                         |   |         +-------+
                         |   |
                         | 1 | ------> +-------+
                         +---+         |'score'|

2.4.4. BIFs/BIMs


return changed list

  • reversed

    >>> b=['aaa','bbb','ccc']
    >>> reversed(b)
    <listreverseiterator object at 0x7fdae5d07b50>
    >>> list(reversed(b))
    ['ccc', 'bbb', 'aaa']
    >>> type(reversed(b))
    <type 'listreverseiterator'>
  • factory function: list/tuple


for mutable object, change the original value on the fly, and return None

  • insert/append/index/sort/reverse/extend/pop/

    • append

      >>> a.append('ghi')
      >>> a
      ['abc', 'def', [123, 789], 'ghi']
    • +

      >>> a+['jkl']
      ['abc', 'def', [123, 789], 'ghi', 'jkl']
      >>> a
      ['abc', [123, 789]]
    • extend

      >>> b
      ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
      >>> a.extend(b)
      >>> a
      ['abc', [123, 789], 'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
    • multi-dimensional(nested) list

    • pop

      In [221]: b.pop??
      Type:       builtin_function_or_method
      String Form:<built-in method pop of list object at 0x7f60472c6368>
      L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default last).
      Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.
      In [222]: b
      Out[222]: ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
      In [223]: b.pop(1)
      Out[223]: 'bbb'
      In [224]: b
      Out[224]: ['aaa', 'ccc']
      In [225]: b.pop()
      Out[225]: 'ccc'
      In [226]: b
      Out[226]: ['aaa']
  • remove/delete

    >>> a.remove('ghi')
    >>> a
    ['abc', 'def', [123, 789]]
    >>> del a[1]
    >>> a
    ['abc', [123, 789]]

default data structure when dealing with a group of objects. P232

2.4.5. slice/sub-string

>>> word[0]  # character in position 0
>>> word[5]  # character in position 5
>>> word[0:2]  # characters from position 0 (included) to 2 (excluded)
>>> word[2:5]  # characters from position 2 (included) to 5 (excluded)
>>> ('Faye', 'Leanna', 'Daylen')[1]
>>> 'Faye'[1]
>>> 'python'[:2]
>>> a="012345"
>>> a[0]
>>> a[1]
stride indexing
>>> b[1:3]
['456', 'abc']
>>> b[::-1]
['AAA', 'Abc', 'abc', '456', '123']
>>> b[::-2]
['AAA', 'abc', '123']
>>> b[::2]
['123', 'abc', 'AAA']
>>> word[::-1]
>>> word[::1]
>>> word[::2]

so this will hold true forever word[:i]+word[i:]=word

>>> word[:2] + word[2:]
>>> word[:4] + word[4:]

2.4.6. List Comprehensions: []

multi-dimension indexing
>>> range(1,11)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>>> [x * x for x in range(1, 11)]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
>>> squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]
>>> squares
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
>>> a=["123","456","abc","Abc","AAA"]
>>> [ for k in a]
['   123   ', '   456   ', '   abc   ', '   Abc   ', '   AAA   ']
>>> [ int(k) for k in a if k.isdigit() ]
[123, 456]
>>> a=[123,456,"abc","Abc","AAA"]
>>> [ k + 1 for k in a if type(k)==types.IntType ]
[124, 457]
>>> [(x, y) for x in [1,2,3] for y in [3,1,4] if x != y]
[(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 1), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 4)]
>>> from math import pi
>>> [str(round(pi, i)) for i in range(1, 6)]
['3.1', '3.14', '3.142', '3.1416', '3.14159']
#core python: p315
sum([len(word) for line in file1 for word in line.split()])

2.4.7. list generator: (

  • [] → () to convert list comprehension to generator

    >>>g=(m + n for m in 'ABC' for n in 'XYZ')
    <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f698dccb690>
    for i in g
        print i
  • use function, with yield, to create a generator

    rows = [1, 2, 3, 17]
    def cols():
        yield 56
        yield 2
        yield 1
    x_product_pairs = ((i, j) for i in rows for j in cols())
    >>> for pair in x_product_pairs:
    ... print pair
    (1, 56)
    (1, 2)
    (1, 1)
    (2, 56)
    (2, 2)
    (2, 1)
    (3, 56)
    (3, 2)
    (3, 1)
    (17, 56)
    (17, 2)
    (17, 1)
usage case
v1: read a line at a time in loop, and compare
f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')
longest = 0
while True:
    linelen = len(f.readline().strip())     #<------
    if not linelen: break
    if linelen > longest:
        longest = linelen
return longest
v2: read all lines at one time into a list, then strip and compare in a loop
f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')
longest = 0
allLines = f.readlines()    #<------
for line in allLines:
    linelen = len(line.strip())
    if linelen > longest:
        longest = linelen
return longest
v3: with list comps, read/strip all lines and save into a list before compare
f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')
longest = 0
allLines = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]       #<------
for line in allLines:
    linelen = len(line)
    if linelen > longest:
        longest = linelen
return longest
v4: with list comps, read/strip all lines and save length into list
f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')
allLineLens = [len(x.strip()) for x in f]
return max(allLineLens)
v5: same as above, but use generator
f = open('/etc/motd', 'r')
longest = max(len(x.strip()) for x in f)
return longest
v6: same as v5, but also move open into generator, one liner!
return max(len(x.strip()) for x in open('/etc/motd'))

2.5. dict {k1:v1,k2:v2}

  • container, mutable, map access, fast search

  • dict(): compose diction from a list of tuples, or from a tuple of lists:

    d=dict((['sape', 4139], ['guido', 4127], ['jack', 4098]))
            --------------                                      a list
           -------------------------------------------------    a tuple
    d=dict([('sape', 4139), ('guido', 4127), ('jack', 4098)])
            --------------                                      a tuple
           -------------------------------------------------    a list
    d=dict(sape=4139, guido=4127, jack=4098)
    >>> print "%(sape)s's num:%(guido)s num"%d
    4139's num:4127 num
    >>> d
    {'sape': 4139, 'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127}
    >>> d['sape']
    In [233]: d.get('guido')
    Out[233]: 4127
    >>> d1=d
    >>> d1['sape']=4000
    >>> d
    {'sape': 4000, 'scape': 4000, 'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127}
    >>> d1
    {'sape': 4000, 'scape': 4000, 'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127}
    >>> d2=d.copy()
    >>> d['sape']=3000
    >>> d
    {'sape': 3000, 'scape': 4000, 'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127}
    >>> d2
    {'sape': 4000, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098, 'scape': 4000}
    >>> d3=dict(d)
    >>> d3
    {'sape': 3000, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098, 'scape': 4000}
    >>> d3['sape']=2000
    >>> d3
    {'sape': 2000, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098, 'scape': 4000}
    >>> d2
    {'sape': 4000, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098, 'scape': 4000}
    >>> d
    {'sape': 3000, 'scape': 4000, 'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127}
    >>> d4=dict(**d)
    >>> d4
    {'sape': 3000, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098, 'scape': 4000}
    In [267]: dict1
    Out[267]: {'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139}
    In [268]: dict1.
    dict1.clear       dict1.has_key     dict1.itervalues  dict1.setdefault  dict1.viewkeys
    dict1.copy        dict1.items       dict1.keys        dict1.update      dict1.viewvalues
    dict1.fromkeys    dict1.iteritems   dict1.pop         dict1.values
    dict1.get         dict1.iterkeys    dict1.popitem     dict1.viewitems
  • hash

  • sorted

    >>> sorted(d)
    ['guido', 'jack', 'sape', 'scape']
  • fromkeys()

  • get

    >>> d.get('sape')
    >>> d['sape1']
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    KeyError: 'sape1'
    >>> d.get('sape1', -123)
  • pop

    >>> d.pop('guido')
    >>> d
    {'sape': 4139, 'jack': 4098}
  • keys

    >>> d.keys()
    ['sape', 'jack', 'guido']
    >>> d.get('scape', 'no such key')
    'no such key'
  • values

iteration items/iteritems

this won’t work:

In [297]: for a in d:
    print a

this works:

In [293]: for a in d.items():
    print a
('sape', 4139)
('jack', 4098)
('guido', 4127)
In [294]: for a in d.iteritems():
    print a
('sape', 4139)
('jack', 4098)
('guido', 4127)


In [295]: d.items()
Out[295]: [('sape', 4139), ('jack', 4098), ('guido', 4127)]
In [296]: d.iteritems()
Out[296]: <dictionary-itemiterator at 0x7f6942be7260>


In [17]: d.items()
Out[17]: dict_items([('guido', 4127), ('sape', 4139), ('jack', 4098)])


>> d.items()
[('sape', 4139), ('jack', 4098), ('guido', 4127)]
  • update

    >>> d.update({1:10})
    >>> d
    {'sape': 3000, 1: 10, 'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127}
    >>> d.update({1.0:10})
    >>> d
    {1: 10, 'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127, 'sape': 3000}
integer 1 and 1.0 has same hash result
  • clear

  • setdefault

    In [92]: d={1:2,3:4}
    In [106]: d.setdefault('abc', 'abc')
    Out[106]: 'abc'
    In [107]: d['abc']
    Out[107]: 'abc'
    In [108]: d
    Out[108]: {1: 2, 3: 4, 'abc': 'abc'}

a tricky usage: "python for unix and linux admin" p111

this works handy for an empty dict:

In [166]: d={}
In [167]: d.setdefault('a',[]).append(10)
          if d didn't have key 'a',
          1. create 'a':[] item with
             key 'a' and
             a default value [] (empty list)
          2.return the default value - (empty) list
1. append the (empty) list with 10
2. the dict also got updated with the new list value

this doesn’t work when the key exist, with a non-list value:

In [168]: d
Out[168]: {'a': [10]}
In [173]: d={'a':1}
In [174]: d.setdefault('a',[]).append(10)
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-174-b32e148ee339> in <module>()
----> 1 d.setdefault('a',[]).append(10)
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'

because: d.setdefault('a',[]) is an 'int', which does not have append method

In [177]: d.setdefault('a',[])
Out[177]: 1
dict comprehension
{x: x**2 for x in (2, 4, 6)}
>>> {2: 4, 4: 16, 6: 36}

2.6. sets {a,b,c}

non-sequential, non-redundent set of elements

>>> a={1,2,3,3,2,1}
set([1, 2, 3])
    not indicating a list, but just to list elements
turn a list to a set
>>> set([1, 2, 3])
set([1, 2, 3])
turn a string to a set
>>> b=set('abc')
>>> b
set(['a', 'c', 'b'])
set operations: add/remove/update/-&|^
>>> a&b
In [238]: b=set('abc')
In [239]: b
Out[239]: {'a', 'b', 'c'}
In [240]: b.add('d')
In [241]: b
Out[241]: {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}
>>> b.update('1d')
>>> b
set(['a', '1', 'c', 'b', 'd'])
>>> b.update([1,'d'])
>>> b
set(['a', 1, 'c', 'b', 'd', '1'])
>>> b.remove('1')
>>> b
set(['a', 1, 'c', 'b', 'd'])
>>> b-a
set(['a', 'c', 'b', 'd'])
>>> b&a
>>> a|b
set(['a', 1, 2, 3, 'b', 'c'])
>>> b^a
set(['a', 2, 3, 'd', 'c', 'b'])
factory function
  • set

  • frozenset

  • dict

sets comprehension
a = {x for x in 'abracadabra' if x not in 'abc'}
>>> a
set(['r', 'd'])

2.7. assignment

(x, y, z) = (1, 2, 'a string')
x, y = 1, 2
x, y = y, x

2.8. str

>>> range(4)
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> str(range(4))
'[0, 1, 2, 3]'
>>> str(range(4))[0]
>>> str(range(4))[1]
>>> str(range(4))[2]
>>> range(4)[0]
>>> range(4)[1]

3. control structures

  • if-elif-else

  • .. if …​ else ..

  • for .. in .. else ..

  • while .. else ..

3.1. for .. in ..

for key in d:
    print key
for value in d.itervalues():
    print value
for k,v in d.iteritems():
    print k,v
iterate a list with index
>>> l=['a',1,'b',2,'c',3]
>>> for k,v in enumerate(l):
...   print k,v
0 a
1 1
2 b
3 2
4 c
5 3

read from stdin (when redirected from other programs)
import sys
for i, line in enumerate(sys.stdin):
    print "%s: %s" % (i, line)
# who |
1: jmjones console Jul 9 11:01
2: jmjones ttyp1 Jul 9 19:58
3: jmjones ttyp2 Jul 10 05:10
iterable or not?
>>> from collections import Iterable
>>> isinstance('abc',Iterable)
>>> isinstance('123',Iterable)
>>> isinstance(123,Iterable)

3.2. other structures

for …​ else
  • range

  • enumerate

3.3. iterate dict and strings

In [520]: d
Out[520]: {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

default: by key

In [521]: for key in d:
.....:     print key

other iterable options for dict:

In [522]: for key in d.iter
d.iteritems   d.iterkeys    d.itervalues


In [522]: for key in d.iterkeys():
.....:     print key


In [524]: for value in d.itervalues():
.....:     print value

key,value pairs (items):

In [525]: for k,v in d.iteritems():
.....:     print k,v
a 1
c 3
b 2
iterate strings
In [526]: s="string1"
In [527]: for ch in s:
.....:     print ch

3.4. iterators: iter

  • next: will be called by 'for' loop. no need to call manually

    >>> l
    ['a', 'b', 'c']
    >>> iter1=iter(l)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  • iterkeys

  • itervalues

  • iteritems

Iterable or not?
In [528]: from collections import Iterable
In [529]: isinstance(s,Iterable)
Out[529]: True
In [530]: isinstance(100,Iterable)
Out[530]: False

4. functions

def myfunc(x):
    return y

4.1. commonly used BIFs:

In [622]: __builtin__.
Display all 138 possibilities? (y or n)
__builtin__.ArithmeticError            __builtin__.complex
__builtin__.AssertionError             __builtin__.copyright
__builtin__.AttributeError             __builtin__.credits
__builtin__.BaseException              __builtin__.delattr
__builtin__.BufferError                __builtin__.dict
__builtin__.BytesWarning               __builtin__.dir
__builtin__.DeprecationWarning         __builtin__.divmod
__builtin__.EOFError                   __builtin__.dreload
__builtin__.Ellipsis                   __builtin__.enumerate
__builtin__.EnvironmentError           __builtin__.eval
__builtin__.Exception                  __builtin__.execfile
__builtin__.False                      __builtin__.file
__builtin__.FloatingPointError         __builtin__.filter
__builtin__.FutureWarning              __builtin__.float
__builtin__.GeneratorExit              __builtin__.format
__builtin__.IOError                    __builtin__.frozenset
__builtin__.ImportError                __builtin__.get_ipython
__builtin__.ImportWarning              __builtin__.getattr
__builtin__.IndentationError           __builtin__.globals
__builtin__.IndexError                 __builtin__.hasattr
__builtin__.KeyError                   __builtin__.hash
__builtin__.LookupError                __builtin__.hex
__builtin__.NameError                  __builtin__.input
__builtin__.NotImplemented             __builtin__.intern
__builtin__.NotImplementedError        __builtin__.isinstance
__builtin__.OSError                    __builtin__.issubclass
__builtin__.OverflowError              __builtin__.iter
__builtin__.PendingDeprecationWarning  __builtin__.len
__builtin__.ReferenceError             __builtin__.license
__builtin__.RuntimeError               __builtin__.list
__builtin__.RuntimeWarning             __builtin__.locals
__builtin__.StandardError              __builtin__.long
__builtin__.SyntaxError                __builtin__.max
__builtin__.SyntaxWarning              __builtin__.memoryview
__builtin__.SystemError                __builtin__.min
__builtin__.TabError                   __builtin__.object
__builtin__.True                       __builtin__.oct
__builtin__.UnboundLocalError          __builtin__.ord
__builtin__.UnicodeDecodeError         __builtin__.pow
__builtin__.UnicodeEncodeError         __builtin__.print
__builtin__.UnicodeTranslateError      __builtin__.range
__builtin__.UnicodeWarning             __builtin__.raw_input
__builtin__.UserWarning                __builtin__.reduce
__builtin__.ValueError                 __builtin__.reload
__builtin__.Warning                    __builtin__.repr
__builtin__.ZeroDivisionError          __builtin__.reversed
__builtin__.abs                        __builtin__.round
__builtin__.all                        __builtin__.set
__builtin__.any                        __builtin__.setattr
__builtin__.apply                      __builtin__.slice
__builtin__.basestring                 __builtin__.sorted
__builtin__.bin                        __builtin__.staticmethod
__builtin__.bool                       __builtin__.str
__builtin__.buffer                     __builtin__.sum
__builtin__.bytearray                  __builtin__.super
__builtin__.bytes                      __builtin__.tuple
__builtin__.callable                   __builtin__.type
__builtin__.chr                        __builtin__.unichr
__builtin__.classmethod                __builtin__.unicode
__builtin__.cmp                        __builtin__.vars
__builtin__.coerce                     __builtin__.xrange

4.2. params

return multiple values: use tuple
return x,y
no params
def nop():
default parameters
def def_func(x,y=1):
def power(x, n=2):
    s = 1
    while n > 0:
        n = n - 1
        s = s * x
    return s

Python’s default arguments are evaluated once when the function is defined, not each time the function is called (like it is in say, Ruby). This means that if you use a mutable default argument and mutate it, you will and have mutated that object for all future calls to the function as well.

variable length params

internally, "numbers" is a tuple

def def_var(*numbers):
    for n in numbers:
    return sum

it is allowed to pass one list, instead of multiple var; use *var notation to indicate this:

keyword params

internally, implemented as a dict

def person(name, age, **kw):
    print 'name:', name, 'age:', age, 'other:', kw
>>> kw = {'city': 'Beijing', 'job': 'Engineer'}
>>> person('Jack', 24, **kw)
name: Jack age: 24 other: {'city': 'Beijing', 'job': 'Engineer'}
put everything together

must with below sequence:

  • mandatory

  • default

  • variable length

  • keyword

def func(a, b, c=0, *args, **kw):
    print 'a =', a, 'b =', b, 'c =', c, 'args =', args, 'kw =', kw
different ways to call func:
>>> func(1, 2)
a = 1 b = 2 c = 0 args = () kw = {}
>>> func(1, 2, c=3)
a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 args = () kw = {}
>>> func(1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b')
a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 args = ('a', 'b') kw = {}
>>> func(1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', x=99)
a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 args = ('a', 'b') kw = {'x': 99}
>>> args = (1, 2, 3, 4)
>>> kw = {'x': 99}
>>> func(*args, **kw)
a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 args = (4,) kw = {'x': 99}
  • *args is variable params, receive a tuple.

  • **kw is keyword params, receive a dict.

4.3. namespace/scope

LEGB Rule:

Local — Names assigned in any way within a function (def or lambda)), and not declared global in that function.


Enclosing function locals — Name in the local scope of any and all enclosing functions (def or lambda), from inner to outer.


Global (module) — Names assigned at the top-level of a module file, or declared global in a def within the file.


Built-in (Python) — Names preassigned in the built-in names module : open,range,SyntaxError,…​


the 'E' rule looks quite diff than other languages like tcl…​

In [10]: a = 10
In [11]: def abc():
    ...:     print a
In [12]: abc
Out[12]: <function>
In [13]: abc()
expect [~]set a 10
expect [~]proc abc {} {
>puts $a
expect [~]abc
can't read "a": no such variable
while evaluating abc
expect [~]

4.4. recursive

change this:

def fact(n):
    if n==1:
        return 1
    return n * fact(n - 1)

to ("tail-recursion")

def fact1(n):
    return fact_iter(n, 1)
def fact_iter(num, product):
    if num == 1:
        return product
    return fact_iter(num - 1, num * product)

python no optimization.

4.5. functional programming:

4.5.1. high order func

accept func as parameter, and return another func

high order func: pass func name as a var:
>>> def add(x,y,f):
...     return f(x)+f(y)
>>> add(1,2,abs)
>>> add(1,2,'abs')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in add
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
reduce(f, [x1, x2, x3, x4]) = f(f(f(x1, x2), x3), x4)
example: convert string to digit
>>> d={'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5}
>>> d['1']
>>> def char2num(s):
 '6': return {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5,
... 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9}[s]
>>> def fn(x, y):
...   return x * 10 + y
>>> map(char2num, '13579')
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
>>> reduce(fn, map(char2num, '13579'))

4.5.2. func as return: closure

def count():
    fs = []
    for i in range(1, 4):
        def f():
            return i*i
    return fs
f1, f2, f3 = count()

4.6. lamda

lambda x: x * x

is same as:

def f(x):
    return x * x

can assign to a var:

f = lambda x: x * x

4.7. decorator

def log(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        print 'call %s():' % func.__name__
        return func(*args, **kw)
    return wrapper
def now():
    print '2016-07-05'

same as:

now = log(now)
>>> now()
call now():

4.8. partial func

it looks a good tool, to customize the func with long parameters, so some of them be filled with fixed values, so later func call (with the new func generated by partial()) become much shorter.

SP: essentially just to set args and *kw?

this looks a good feature in practice

import functools
int2 = functools.partial(int, base=2)



same as:

kw = { base: 2 }
int('10010', **kw)

so effecively:

max2 = functools.partial(max, 10)


max2(5, 6, 7)

same as:

args = (10,5,6,7)
max(10, 5, 6, 7)

4.9. closure

5. file

  • open/file

  • readlines

  • close

  • file existence

    if os.path.exists(fname):
    >>> import os
    >>> os.path.isdir('/tmp')
    >>> os.chdir('/tmp')
    >>> cwd=os.getcwd()
    >>> cwd
    >>> os.mkdir('example')
    >>> os.chdir('example')
    >>> cwd=os.getcwd()
    >>> cwd
    >>> os.listdir(cwd)

more examples P349

  • read(): read all file

  • read(size): read "size" file

  • readline(): read one line at a time

  • readlines(): read all lines and return list

    for line in f.readlines():
    print(line.strip()) # 把末尾的'\n'删掉
    In [6]: myfile=open('temp.p')
    In [7]:
    In [8]: file
    Out[8]: 'first line\nsecond line'
    In [9]:
    Out[9]: ''
    In [12]:
    Out[12]: 0
    In [13]: line1=myfile.readline()
    In [14]: line1
    Out[14]: 'first line\n'
    In [15]: line2=myfile.readline()
    In [16]: line2
    Out[16]: 'second line'
    In [17]: line3=myfile.readline()
    In [18]: line3
    Out[18]: ''
    for line in open('test.txt'):
        print line
  • write('abc')

use "context manager" with 'with .. as'
with open('/path/to/file', 'r') as f:

python keyword, using "context manager": internally encapsulated exception handling when "enter" the class, and when "exit" it. this will ensure some resources will always be releases when exiting.

  • writelines

  • writeiter

6. exceptions

    print 'try...'
    r = 10 / int('a')
    r = 10 / 0
    r = 10 / 0
    print 'result:', r
except ZeroDivisionError, e:
    print 'ZeroDivisionError:', e
except ValueError, e:
    print 'ValueError:', e
    print 'no error!'
    print 'finally...'
print 'END'

as long as "try" got executed, "finally" will always be executed.


import logging

report error, and continue to execute

7. debugging

  • print/assert

  • logging

  • pdb

  • profile/hotshot/cProfile

7.1. print/assert

good resource
  • format1:

    print "blabla %s blabla %s" %(string1, string2)
  • format2(prefered):

    'String here {var1} then also {var2}'.format(var1='something1',var2='something2')

    convert any python object to a string using two separate methods: str() and repr()


to ignore all assert:

python -O

7.2. logging (best)

useful. you can define diff level of debug info

7.3. pdb

good resources
pdb cmds:
  • l(ist) linenum

  • b(reak) [linenum|file:linenum]: list(if no args)/setup a breakpoint

  • clear bknum : clear a breakpoint

  • disable|enable bknum: tempararily disable/enable a breakpoint

  • tb

  • break EXPRESS

  • s(tep) like n, but drop into function call

  • n(ext) execute next line, don' drop into func call

  • c(ontinue) until the next breakpoint

  • until: like n, but continue until next line is reached, used to skip loop

  • a(rgs) print arugument of current func

  • p: print a var, pdb cmd

  • print print a var, python cmd

  • pp var print a var, use python pprint module

  • u(p) older "frame" (parent level, like a caller?)

  • d(own) newer "frame"

  • r(eturn) continue until return from function call

  • ! pass a var to python

  • q(uit)

  • run restart/rerun the script with args

7.4. ipdb of ipython

8. unit testing

9. module

  • import MODULE

  • from .. import MODULE

  • from .. import .. as ..

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
' a test module '
__author__ = 'Michael Liao'
import sys
def test():
    args = sys.argv
    if len(args)==1:
        print 'Hello, world!'
    elif len(args)==2:
        print 'Hello, %s!' % args[1]
        print 'Too many arguments!'

if __name__=='__main__':
from .. import ..


import .. as ..
install third party modules

python setuptools based package management tools:

  • easy_install

  • pip (recommended)

module search path

a good pratice:

start to import json first, if failed, import simplejson

    import json # python >= 2.6
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json # python <= 2.5

10. OOP

10.1. object

  • object ID

  • object type

  • object value

object ID (vs. value)
  • id() return the "pointer" or "address" of an object

  • compare ID (not value) is to compare the "address" of the object

    • not to compare the value

    • not to compare the address of the reference (pointer of pointer) either

>>> a=b=9.1
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> a is b
a --------> '9.1'
>>> a=9.1
>>> id(a)
>>> a=9.1
>>> id(a)
>>> b=9.1
>>> id(b)
>>> a is b
a --------> '9.1'
a --------> '9.1'
b --------> '9.1'
same rule for big integer
>>> id(a)
>>> a=999999999999999999999
>>> id(a)
>>> a=999999999999999999999
>>> id(a)
but, small interger is exceptional - cached
>>> a=9
>>> b=9
>>> a is b
>>> id(a)
>>> a=9
>>> id(a)
object type (vs. type object)
  • type()

  • cmp

  • repr

  • str

>>> type(42)
<type 'int'>        (1)
>>> type(type(42))
<type 'type'>       (2)
  1. type of object '42' is 'int'

  2. type of this 'int', is 'type'

in python:

  • 'type' object is implemented as an object, (not just a string as it looks like)

  • 'type' object is mothod of all other types

  • 'type' object is metaclass for all python call

  • object type of output is indicated by form of '<xxxx>', to obtain the "type name":

    >>> type(a).__name__
>>> type(None)
<type 'NoneType'>       (1)

>>> type('None')
<type 'str'>            (2)

>>> type(type('None'))
<type 'type'>           (3)

>>> type(type(None))
<type 'type'>           (4)
  1. type of object None is 'NoneType', not str or int

  2. type of object 'None' is str

  3. <4> type of both type 'str' or 'NoneType' (and all other types) is 'type'

type comparison: type or isinstance
>>> type('11') == type('12')                    (1)
>>> id(type('11'))
>>> id(type('12'))
>>> type('11') is type('12')                    (2)
>>> import types
>>> type('11') == types.StringType              (3)
>>> type('11') is types.StringType              (4)
>>> isinstance('11',str)                        (5)
>>> isinstance('11',(str,int,float,complex))    (6)
  1. compare the value of two "type object"

  2. compare ID of these two type object — they pointing to the same object

  3. compare the value with attributes 'StringType' in module 'types'

  4. compare the ID with the same

  5. use 'isinstance'

  6. provide a checklist to compare with

During runtime, there is always only one type object that represents a specific type(e.g. integer type). In other words, type(0), type(42), type(-100) are always the same object: <type 'int'> ,and this is also the same object as "types.IntType".
type factory functions
  • int/long/float/…​

  • list/tuple/dict

  • …​.

>>> a=10
>>> b=11
>>> cmp(a,b)

>>> a='abc'
>>> b='xyz'
>>> cmp(a,b)
  • string

  • representation

    >>> aa
    ' abc '
    >>> print 'aa looks', aa.strip()
    aa looks abc
    >>> print 'aa looks', `aa.strip()`
    aa looks 'abc'
object value
>>> a==b
the comparison are between the "object value", not "object"

10.2. class/instance

class FooClass(object):
    """my very first class: FooClass"""
    version = 0.1 # class (data) attribute
def __init__(self, nm='John Doe'):
    """constructor""" = nm # class instance (data) attribute
    print'Created a class instance for', nm
def showname(self):
    """display instance attribute and class name"""
    print 'Your name is',
    print 'My name is', self.__class__.__name__
def showver(self):
    """display class(static) attribute"""
    print self.version # references FooClass.version
def addMe2Me(self, x): # does not use 'self'
    """apply + operation to argument"""
    return x + x

10.2.1. special vars

private: _xxx, __xxx

not directly accessible from outside of class

class Student(object):
    def __init__(self, name, score): = name
        self.score = score
    def print_score(self):
        print '%s: %s' % (, self.score)
mystudent=Student('jeremy', 100)
print "public name is %s" %
print "private name is %s" % mystudent.__privatename
#ping@ubuntu47-3:~/Dropbox$ python
#public name is jeremy
#Traceback (most recent call last):
#  File "", line 12, in <module>
#    print mystudent.__privatename
#AttributeError: 'Student' object has no attribute '__privatename'

python replaced privatename to _studentprivatename, so this will work:

print "private name is %s" % mystudent._Student__privatename

but strongly not recommended. (otherwise what is the purpose to use private var?)

10.3. attributes/metods

  • class attributes (without refering self)

  • instance attributes

  • static method (without refering self)

  • class methods

built-in attributes/methods
  • init: constructor, call when created

  • slots

  • str: call when print

  • repr:

  • iter:

  • len: call with len()

  • del: call with del

ping: this will change the default iter , to return only "self"

class Fib(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a, self.b = 0, 1 # 初始化两个计数器 a, b
    def __iter__(self):
        return self # 实例本身就是迭代对象,故返回自己
    def next(self):
        self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a + self.b # 计算下一个值
        if self.a > 10: # 退出循环的条件
            raise StopIteration();
        return self.a # 返回下一个值
for n in Fib():
   print n
  • getitem

  • dict

    class Student(object):
        def __init__(self, name, age, score):
   = name
            self.age = age
            self.score = score
    s = Student('Bob', 20, 88)
    >>> print test.s.__dict__
    {'age': 20, 'score': 88, 'name': 'Bob'}

10.4. (multiple) inheritance(mixin)/overiding/Polymorphism

class Student(object):
    def __init__(self, name, score): = name
        self.score = score
    def print_score(self):
        print '%s\'s score is %s' % (, self.score)
jeremy=Student('jeremy', 92)
print "jeremy's name is %s" %
print "jeremy's private name is %s" % jeremy._Student__privatename
#print "private name is %s" % jeremy.__privatename
class Student_in_america(Student):
    def print_score(self):
        print '%s\'name is %s' % (, self.score * 20)
xixi=Student_in_america('xixi', 4.7)
print "xixi's name is %s" %
print "is jeremy a student?"
print "is jeremy an america student?"
print isinstance(jeremy,Student_in_america)
print "is xixi a student?"
print isinstance(xixi,Student)
print "is xixi an america student?"
print isinstance(xixi,Student_in_america)
decorator: @property

reason to have this feature:

⇒sometime you want to put some limitations/checks to member, ⇒expose member to external access will lose control ⇒use getter/setter method to return/set a value ⇒you want to simplify this

@property built-in decorator turn a method to attribute call:

class Student(object):
def __init__(self, name, score): = name
    self.score = score
@property                       #<------
def grade(self):
    return self.__grade
@grade.setter                   #<------
def grade(self, grade):
jeremy=Student('jeremy', 92)
print jeremy.grade

simplied attributes/member value getting/setting:

instead of:


now only:

print jeremy.grade

11. common func

multiple inheritance/mixin(mix-ins)
  • print

  • int

  • raw_input

  • help

  • range

  • len

  • float

  • str

  • unicode

  • bool

  • cmp

, to depress new line
>>> print "abc" + "def";print "abc"
>>> print "abc" + "def",;print "abc"
abcdef abc

12. misc features

CLI arguments
  • sys.argv : arg list

  • len(sys.argv) : arg count

  • #

  • doc string

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    'this script will do blabla'
tuple assignment
  • builtins

  • _xxx don’t import with 'from module import *'

  • __xxx system-defined name

  • xxx_


doc name


put this in the script:

if __name__ == '__main__'
  • if script is "imported", name will be 'abc'

  • if script is executed, name will be 'main'

reference counter
  • del

12.1. tab completion


export PYTHONSTARTUP=~/.pythonrc


# ~/.pythonrc
# enable syntax completion
    import readline
except ImportError:
    print("Module readline not available.")
    import rlcompleter
    readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

13. pickling/serialization/flattening

JSON 类型   Python 类型
{}          dict
[]          list
"string"    'str'或 u'unicode'
1234.56     int 或 float
true/false  True/False
null        None

14. json

15. multi-tasking

from multiprocessing import Process,Pool,Queue

16. passing args to script

import sys

17. regex

17.1. r

>>> s = 'ABC\\-001'
>>> s
>>> s = r'ABC\-001'
>>> s
>>> s = r'ABC-001'
>>> s

match start match from the beginning same , but start match from anywhere

>>> import re
>>> re.match(r'^\d{3}\-\d{3,8}$', '010-12345')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f02266243d8>
>>> re.match(r'^\d{3}-\d{3,8}$', '010-12345')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f0225d8b7e8>
>>> re.match(r'^\d{3}\d{3,8}$', '010-12345')
>>> re.match(r'^\d{3}-\d{3,8}$', '010-12345')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f02266243d8>
In [1]: import re
In [2]: re_obj = re.compile('FOO')
In [3]: search_string = ' FOO'

search get a match

In [4]:
Out[4]: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xa22f38>

match doesn’t get a match, since 1st char is ' ' , a ' xx' never match to 'FOO'

In [5]: re_obj.match(search_string)

change the "start to match" position, so set to '1' - the 2nd char 'F', so both will match

In [6]:, pos=1)
Out[6]: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xabe030>
In [7]: re_obj.match(search_string, pos=1)
Out[7]: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xabe098>

specify a "end to match' position, 'endpos=3' specify the pos 2 (3rd char) being the last position to match:

" FOO"
  |end matching
 pos: start matching

so 'endpos=3' will fail both:

In [8]:, pos=1, endpos=3)
In [9]: re_obj.match(search_string, pos=1, endpos=3)

use 'endpos=4' will make both match succeed:

In [63]:, pos=1, endpos=4)
Out[63]: <_sre.SRE_Match at 0x6fffe4cab90>
In [64]:, pos=1, endpos=4)
Out[64]: <_sre.SRE_Match at 0x6fffe4cad30>
group and groups
>>> m = re.match(r'^(\d{3})-(\d{3,8})$', '010-12345')
>>> m
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f0226682718>
>>> m.groups()
('010', '12345')
In [2]: re_obj = re.compile(r'\bt.*?e\b')
In [3]: re_obj.findall("time tame tune tint tire")
Out[3]: ['time', 'tame', 'tune', 'tint tire']
nested re
   In [20]: re_obj = re.compile(
...: r"""
...:     (A\W+\b(big|small)\b\W+\b
...:     (brown|purple)\b\W+\b(cow|dog)\b\W+\b(ran|jumped)\b\W+\b
...:     (to|down)\b\W+\b(the)\b\W+\b(street|moon).*?\.)
...: """,
...: re.VERBOSE)
   In [21]: re_obj.findall('A big brown dog ran down the street.\A small purple cow jum
...: ped to the moon.')
   [('A big brown dog ran down the street.',
   ('A small purple cow jumped to the moon.',

it looks, the \b is redundent, and can be omitted:

   In [22]: re_obj = re.compile(
...: r"""
...:     (A\W+(big|small)\W+
...:     (brown|purple)\W+(cow|dog)\W+(ran|jumped)\W+
...:     (to|down)\W+(the)\W+(street|moon).*?\.)
...: """,
...: re.VERBOSE)
In [23]: re_obj.findall('A big brown dog ran down the street.\
         A small purple cow jumped to the moon.')
[('A big brown dog ran down the street.',
('A small purple cow jumped to the moon.',

with 're.VERBOSE', comment can be added:

log_line_re = re.compile(r'''
    (?P<remote_host>\S+)  #IP ADDRESS
    \s+                   # whitespace
    \S+                   # remote logname
    \s+                   # whitespace
    \S+                   # remote user
    \s+                   # whitespace
    \[[^\[\]]+\]          # time
    \s+                   # whitespace
    "[^"]+"               # first line of request
    \s+                   # whitespace
    \s+                   # whitespace
    \s*                   # whitespace
    ''', re.VERBOSE)
named group and groupdict()
In [73]: combined_log_entry
Out[73]: ' - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 [en] (Win98; I;Nav)'
In [74]: m=log_line_re.match(combined_log_entry)
In [75]: m
Out[75]: <_sre.SRE_Match at 0x6fffce1c328>
In [77]: m.groups()
Out[77]: ('', '200', '2326')
In [78]: m.groupdict()
Out[78]: {'bytes_sent': '2326', 'remote_host': '', 'status': '200'}
>>> re.split(r'[\s\,\;]+', 'a,b;; c d')
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

>>> re.split(r'[\s,\;]+', 'a,b;; c d')
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

>>> re.split(r'[\s,;]+', 'a,b;; c d')
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> re.match(r'^(\d+)(0*)$', '102300').groups()
('102300', '')
>>> re.match(r'^(\d+?)(0*)$', '102300').groups()
('1023', '00')
compile(): much faster
>>> re_telephone = re.compile(r'^(\d{3})-(\d{3,8})$')
>>> re_telephone.match('010-12345').groups()
('010', '12345')
In [8]: inputStr = "hello crifan, nihao crifan";
...: replacedStr = re.sub(r"hello (\w+), nihao \1", "crifanli", inputStr);
                                  -----        --    --------
...: print "replacedStr=",replacedStr; #crifanli
replacedStr= crifanli
In [7]: inputStr = "hello crifan, nihao crifan";
...: replacedStr = re.sub(r"hello (\w+), nihao \1", "\g<1>", inputStr);
                                  -----        --    -----
...: print "replacedStr=",replacedStr; #crifan
replacedStr= crifan
In [9]: inputStr = "hello crifan, nihao crifan";
...: replacedStr = re.sub(r"hello (?P<name>\w+), nihao (?P=name)", "\g<name>", in
...: putStr);
...: print "replacedStr=",replacedStr; #crifan
replacedStr= crifan

18. common modules

  • builtins : system internal modules, has all internal names

  • future

  • math

  • sys

third party modules
  • PIL

  • …​

sys.argv: a list of ['myscript', 'myfirstparam', 'mysecondparam', …​]

18.1. string

18.2. collections

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
>>> p=Point(1,2)
>>> p.x
>>> p.y
>>> Point1 = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
>>> p=Point(1,2)
>>> p=Point1(1,2)
>>> p.x
>>> p.y
>>> from collections import deque
>>> q = deque(['a', 'b', 'c'])
>>> q.append('x')
>>> q.appendleft('y')
>>> q
deque(['y', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x'])
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> dd = defaultdict(lambda: 'N/A')
>>> dd['key1'] = 'abc'
>>> dd['key1']
>>> dd['key2']

18.3. base64

18.4. struct

18.5. hashlib

18.6. itertools

18.7. XML

18.8. HTMLParser

18.9. PIL

18.10. tkinter

sudo apt-get install python-tk
import Tkinter
        ^(k, not K)

18.11. numpy

18.11.1. generate an array from a ('nested') list:

In [79]: import numpy as np
In [80]: a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])
In [81]: a
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
       [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])

18.11.2. 'shape' attribute: looks "dimension"?

this looks a "matrix"

In [86]: a.shape
Out[86]: (3, 4)
In [197]: a.shape[0]
Out[197]: 3
a "non-even" matrix:
In [82]: a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11]])
In [83]: a
Out[83]: array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]], dtype=object)
In [84]: a.shape
Out[84]: (3,)

18.11.3. reshape

In [216]: arr = np.arange(50)
   In [217]: arr
   array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49])
In [218]: arr=arr.reshape((10,5))
   In [219]: arr
   array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
[ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
[15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
[20, 21, 22, 23, 24],
[25, 26, 27, 28, 29],
[30, 31, 32, 33, 34],
[35, 36, 37, 38, 39],
[40, 41, 42, 43, 44],
[45, 46, 47, 48, 49]])

18.11.4. 'arange'

In [180]: tmp=np.arange(1,10,2)
In [181]: tmp
Out[181]: array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])

18.11.5. slicing: get a "sub-matrix" out of the orignal one

slicing esentially get a diff "view" out of the same object, so changing anything in one view, will change the same object in all views.

In [85]: a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])
In [81]: a
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
       [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])

indexing with 1 integer, to specify one "row":

In [198]: a[0]      #<------one row: row 0
Out[198]: array([1, 2, 3, 4])

indexing with "row , col"

In [201]: a[0,2]    #<------row 0, col 2
Out[201]: 3

indexing with a range of row , with ':' (no comma, meaning no col specified)

In [202]: a[0:2]
array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
       [5, 6, 7, 8]])

indexing with only rows, no col (no "outer" comma delimitor), and the rows are some selected individual rows, seperated by ',' inside row slice.

In [205]: a[[0,2]]
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])

the diff between 'a[0:2]' and 'a[0,2]' and 'a[[0,2]]':


missing ',' indicating this this is about row only. ':' indicate a range, so this is about a range of rows


',' indicate seperation of row and col, a integer indicate a specific row or col

'[:2, 1:3]'

',' seperate row and col; both of row and col is a range indicated by a ':'


now, think of how to specify some selected , non-ranged (meaning non contineous), individual rows (or cols)? using ',' directly will make it look like a row and col seperator. so here using nested '[]' notation to differiciate it: use a ',' inside of nested inner '[]', to indicate seperation of individual rows.


using nested '[]' notation to indicate selected rows and cols: row 0 and 2, col 1 and 2 ⇒ row 0 col 2, and row 2 col 2.

indexing with row slice range, and col slice range:

In [89]: b = a[:2, 1:3]     #<------
               --  ---
            "row": 0(1st) and 1(2nd)
            "col": 1(2nd) and 2(3rd)
In [90]: b
array([[2, 3],
       [6, 7]])
a "tricky" part:

using one integer (no : indicating a "slice"), + slicing (:) :

In [109]: row_r1 = a[1, :]

'a[1, :]': get the 2nd row, all columns, producing a view of one dimension array, so shape is 4 (4 elments), lacking of a "col" indicating the fact that one dimonsion array don’t have/need concept of row and column.

In [110]: row_r1
Out[110]: array([5, 6, 7, 8])
In [115]: row_r1.shape
Out[115]: (4,)

vs: using slicing (:) and slicing (:)

In [111]: row_r2 = a[1:2, :]

'a[1:2, :]': get the 2nd row, all columns, producing a view of original (meaning 2) dimonsion array, so shape is (1, 4): it’s still a 2 dimonsion, but "happen to" be only 1 row, 4 columns.

In [112]: row_r2
Out[112]: array([[5, 6, 7, 8]])
In [116]: row_r2.shape
Out[116]: (1, 4)

another way of thinking this: 1:2 indicate more potential rows may follows, but we happen to not need other rows

same for column operation:

In [117]: col_r1=a[:,1]
In [118]: col_r1
Out[118]: array([ 2,  6, 10])
In [119]: col_r1.shape
Out[119]: (3,)
In [120]: col_r2=a[:,1:2]
In [122]: col_r2
array([[ 2],
    [ 6],
In [121]: col_r2.shape
Out[121]: (3, 1)
another example:
In [123]: a = np.array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
In [124]: a
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]])
In [125]:

get row 0,1,2, and col 0,1,0 respectively:

In [125]: print a[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0]]
[1 4 5]

this equals to: get row 0, col 0; row 1, col 1, raw 2, col 0

In [126]: print np.array([a[0, 0], a[1, 1], a[2, 0]])
[1 4 5]

similiarly: get row 0 and row 0, col 1 and col1 respectively:

In [128]: print a[[0, 0], [1, 1]]
[2 2]

this equals to: get row 0, col 1; row 0 and col 1:

In [129]: print np.array([a[0, 1], a[0, 1]])
[2 2]

now, a more practical matrix operation using slicing:

In [131]: a
array([[ 1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  5,  6],
       [ 7,  8,  9],
       [10, 11, 12]])

create a index array manually:

In [133]: b = np.array([0, 2, 0, 1])
In [134]: b
Out[134]: array([0, 2, 0, 1])

create another index array using arange:

In [135]: c=np.arange(4)
In [136]: c
Out[136]: array([0, 1, 2, 3])

now use the 2 index arrays to get a new matrix out of original matrix. in this case, use c as "row indice", b as "col indice":

In [137]: d=a[c,b]

the result will be: get 1 elment from each row and col indice at a time, to produce a final array:

In [138]: d
Out[138]: array([ 1,  6,  7, 11])
matrix-based math

the operators will now apply to each and every elments of the matrix, and produce a new one:

In [147]: e=a+10
In [148]: e
array([[11, 12, 13],
      [14, 15, 16],
      [17, 18, 19],
      [20, 21, 22]])
In [150]: f=d + 10
In [151]: f
Out[151]: array([21, 26, 27, 31])
changing value of an elment:
In [93]: a[0,1]
Out[93]: 2
In [94]: b[0,0]=7
In [95]: b[0,0]
Out[95]: 7
In [96]: a[0,1]
Out[96]: 7

18.11.6. create/init an array:

an all-zero array:

In [99]: a = np.zeros((3,2))
In [100]: a
array([[ 0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.],
    [ 0.,  0.]])

an all-one array:

In [101]: a = np.ones((3,2))
In [102]: a
array([[ 1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.]])

an constant array:

In [103]: a = np.full((3,2), 7)
In [104]: a
array([[ 7.,  7.],
    [ 7.,  7.],
    [ 7.,  7.]])

etc: eye, random, etc

In [105]: a = np.random.random((2,2))
In [106]: a
array([[ 0.66790622,  0.08651945],
    [ 0.8527726 ,  0.19252543]])

18.11.7. copy

a2 = a.copy()

so changing a won’t affact a2

18.11.8. transposition

T dot swapaxes transpose random randn add maximum/minimum sum mean std var any all sort unique in1d

18.11.9. where

18.11.10. I/O: save/load/savez/savetxt

In [223]: a
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
    [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
    [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])
In [226]:'array_a',a)
In [227]: cat array_a.npy
�NUMPYF{'descr': '<i8', 'fortran_order': False, 'shape': (3, 4), }
In [228]:
[1]+  Stopped                 ipython  (wd: ~)
ping@ubuntu47-3:~/python$ ls -lct | head
total 368
-rw-rw-r--  1 ping ping   176 Jan 13 11:32 array_a.npy
ping@ubuntu47-3:~/python$ file array_a.npy
array_a.npy: data
In [228]: b=np.load('array_a.npy')
In [229]: b
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
       [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])
In [231]: a
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
    [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
    [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])
In [235]: b=np.arange(101,113).reshape((3,4))
In [236]: b
array([[101, 102, 103, 104],
       [105, 106, 107, 108],
       [109, 110, 111, 112]])
In [237]: np.savez('array_zip',a,b)
ping@ubuntu47-3:~/python$ ls -lct | head
total 376
-rw-rw-r--  1 ping ping   562 Jan 13 12:22 array_zip.npz
-rw-rw-r--  1 ping ping   176 Jan 13 11:32 array_a.npy
In [238]: array_zip=np.load('array_zip.npz')

a better way:

In [246]: np.savez('array_zip',x=a,y=b)
In [251]: array_zip=np.load('array_zip.npz')
In [252]: a1=array_zip['x']
In [253]: a1
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
    [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
    [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])
In [254]: b1=array_zip['y']
In [255]: b1
array([[101, 102, 103, 104],
    [105, 106, 107, 108],
    [109, 110, 111, 112]])
In [256]: np.savetxt('array.txt',a1)
In [257]: cat array.txt
1.000000000000000000e+00 2.000000000000000000e+00 3.000000000000000000e+00 4.000000000000000000e+00
5.000000000000000000e+00 6.000000000000000000e+00 7.000000000000000000e+00 8.000000000000000000e+00
9.000000000000000000e+00 1.000000000000000000e+01 1.100000000000000000e+01 1.200000000000000000e+01
In [258]: a2=np.loadtxt('array.txt')
In [259]: a2
array([[  1.,   2.,   3.,   4.],
       [  5.,   6.,   7.,   8.],
       [  9.,  10.,  11.,  12.]])
In [260]: np.savetxt('array_comma.txt',a1,delimiter=',')
In [261]: cat array_comma.txt
In [262]: a2=np.loadtxt('array_comma.txt')
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-262-d89a735d6a68> in <module>()
----> 1 a2=np.loadtxt('array_comma.txt')
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/lib/npyio.pyc in loadtxt(fname, dtype, comments, delimiter, converters, skiprows, usecols, unpack, ndmin)
    846                 vals = [vals[i] for i in usecols]
    847             # Convert each value according to its column and store
--> 848             items = [conv(val) for (conv, val) in zip(converters, vals)]
    849             # Then pack it according to the dtype's nesting
    850             items = pack_items(items, packing)
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1.000000000000000000e+00,2.000000000000000000e+00,3.000000000000000000e+00,4.000000000000000000e+00
In [263]: a2=np.loadtxt('array_comma.txt',delimiter=',')
In [264]: a2
array([[  1.,   2.,   3.,   4.],
       [  5.,   6.,   7.,   8.],
       [  9.,  10.,  11.,  12.]])

18.12. pandas

In [267]: import pandas as pd
In [268]: from pandas import Series, DataFrame

generate a Series object from (1-d) list

#Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional
In [270]: obj=Series([3,6,9,12])
In [271]: obj
0     3
1     6
2     9
3    12
dtype: int64
In [272]: obj.values
Out[272]: array([ 3,  6,  9, 12])
In [273]: obj.index
Out[273]: RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)
In [274]:

generate a dict-like object with data list and index list

In [274]: c=Series([10,20,30],index=['a', 'b', 'c'])
In [275]: c
a    10
b    20
c    30
dtype: int64

use index like dict

In [277]: c['a']
Out[277]: 10

use an expression as index:

In [278]: c[c > 10]
b    20
c    30
dtype: int64
In [279]: 'a' in c
Out[279]: True

convert between dict: to_dict

In [280]: c_dict=c.to_dict()
In [281]: c_dict
Out[281]: {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}
In [282]: c1=Series(c_dict)
In [283]: c1
a    10
b    20
c    30
dtype: int64
In [284]: c1 is c
Out[284]: False
In [285]: c1 == c
a    True
b    True
c    True
dtype: bool
In [286]:

18.13. StringIO

return a file-like object - a "memory file"

import string, os, sys
import StringIO
   def writedata(fd, msg):
f = open('aaa.txt', 'w')

write to file:

writedata(f, "xxxxxxxxxxxx")

write to StringIO object:

s = StringIO.StringIO()
writedata(s, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

now, read/write to this "memory file" as usual

In [40]:
Out[40]: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
In [42]:
Out[42]: ''
In [45]: s.readlines()
Out[45]: []
In [43]: s.getvalue()
Out[43]: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
In [44]: s.len
Out[44]: 14
a good practice:
    import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError: # 导入失败会捕获到 ImportError
    import StringIO

if import correct (cStringIO supported, existing), import cStringIO (faster, may not exist in old release), it as StringIO if not, will trigger a ImportError, then import old StringIO

18.14. urllib

In [76]: urllib.*?
urllib.ContentTooShortError     urllib.FancyURLopener urllib.MAXFTPCACHE
urllib.URLopener                urllib.__all__        urllib.__builtins__
urllib.__doc__                  urllib.__file__       urllib.__name__
urllib.__package__              urllib.__version__    urllib.addbase
urllib.addclosehook             urllib.addinfo        urllib.addinfourl
urllib.always_safe              urllib.base64         urllib.basejoin
urllib.c                        urllib.ftpcache       urllib.ftperrors
urllib.ftpwrapper               urllib.getproxies
urllib.getproxies_environment   urllib.i
urllib.localhost                urllib.noheaders      urllib.os
urllib.pathname2url             urllib.proxy_bypass
urllib.proxy_bypass_environment urllib.quote          urllib.quote_plus                       urllib.reporthook     urllib.socket
urllib.splitattr                urllib.splithost      urllib.splitnport
urllib.splitpasswd              urllib.splitport      urllib.splitquery
urllib.splittag                 urllib.splittype      urllib.splituser
urllib.splitvalue               urllib.ssl            urllib.string
urllib.sys                      urllib.test1          urllib.thishost
urllib.time                     urllib.toBytes        urllib.unquote
urllib.unquote_plus             urllib.unwrap
urllib.url2pathname             urllib.urlcleanup     urllib.urlencode
urllib.urlopen                  urllib.urlretrieve
url_file = urllib.urlopen("")
In [78]: url_file.*?
url_file.headers       #<------
url_file.readline   #<------
url_file.readlines  #<------
In [82]: urllib_docs =
In [84]: len(urllib_docs)
Out[84]: 10100
In [85]: urllib_docs[:80]
Out[85]: '<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="" lang="en"'

18.15. unittest

19. socket

20. email

the simplest method seems to be:

SENDMAIL = '/usr/sbin/sendemail'
p=os.popen("%s -t" % SENDMAIL, 'w')
p.write("From: [email protected]\n")
p.write("To: [email protected]\n")
p.write("Subject: test from python\n")
p.write("content: test from python")
if status:
    raise Exception(status)

other method:

python for unix and linux admin: ch4

21. GUI

22. web

>>> import urlparse
>>> urlparse.urlparse('')
ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='/doc/FAQ.html', params='', query='', fragment='')
>>> host = parsed.netloc.split('@')[-1].split(':')[0]
>>> host
>>> filepath = '%s%s' % (host, parsed.path)
>>> filepath
>>> os.path.splitext(parsed.path)
('/home/index', '.html')
>>> os.path.splitext(parsed.path)[1]
>>> filepath
>>> os.path.dirname(filepath)
>>> url=''
>>> urllib.urlretrieve(url, 'temp.txt')
('temp.txt', <httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x7fc8d34fb3f8>)
>>> retval=urllib.urlretrieve(url, 'temp.txt')
>>> retval
('temp.txt', <httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x7fc8d2a4a128>)
>>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as BS
>>> f=open('python/pycon.html')
>>> bs=BS(f)
>>> type(bs)
<class 'BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup'>
>>> tags=bs.findAll('a')
>>> len(tags)
>>> tag=tags[0]
>>> tag
<a class="gb1" href=";tab=wi">Images</a>
>>> type(tag)
<class 'BeautifulSoup.Tag'>
>>> tag['href']
>>> type(tag['href'])
<type 'unicode'>
>>> tags
[<a class="gb1" href=";tab=wi">Images</a>, <a class="gb1" href=";tab=wl">Maps</a>, <a class="gb1" href=";tab=w8">Play</a>, <a class="gb1" href="">YouTube</a>, <a class="gb1" href=";tab=wn">News</a>, <a class="gb1" href="">Gmail</a>, <a class="gb1" href="">Drive</a>, <a class="gb1" style="text-decoration:none" href=""><u>More</u> &raquo;</a>, <a href="" class="gb4">Web History</a>, <a href="/preferences?hl=en" class="gb4">Settings</a>, <a target="_top" id="gb_70" href=";passive=true&amp;continue=" class="gb4">Sign in</a>, <a href="/advanced_search?hl=en&amp;authuser=0">Advanced search</a>, <a href="/language_tools?hl=en&amp;authuser=0">Language tools</a>, <a href="/intl/en/ads/">Advertising Programs</a>, <a href="/services/">Business Solutions</a>, <a href="" rel="publisher">+Google</a>, <a href="/intl/en/about.html">About Google</a>, <a href="/intl/en/policies/privacy/">Privacy</a>, <a href="/intl/en/policies/terms/">Terms</a>]

23. ipython"df -h", shell=True)

23.1. pending issue

In [2]: for i in range(10):
...:     !date > ${i}.txt
/bin/bash: /bin/bash.txt: Permission denied

error when run -d with script args:

In [54]: run -d ./ testre.txt "local2:80" "/tmp"

23.2. config file

ping@ubuntu47-3:~/.ipython$ ipython profile create
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/ UserWarning: Ignoring ~/.config/ipython in favour of ~/.ie
'get rid of this message').format(cu(xdg_ipdir), cu(ipdir)))
[ProfileCreate] Generating default config file: u'/home/ping/.ipython/profile_default/'
[ProfileCreate] Generating default config file: u'/home/ping/.ipython/profile_default/'
ping@ubuntu47-3:~/.ipython$ cd profile_default/
ping@ubuntu47-3:~/.ipython/profile_default$ ls -l
total 204
drwxrwxr-x 2 ping ping   4096 Dec 14 12:52 db
-rw-r--r-- 1 ping ping 139264 Jan  9 23:23 history.sqlite
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ping ping  22009 Jan  9 23:28        #<------
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ping ping  18218 Jan  9 23:28 #<------
drwxrwxr-x 2 ping ping   4096 Dec 14 11:18 log
drwx------ 2 ping ping   4096 Dec 14 11:18 pid
drwx------ 2 ping ping   4096 Dec 14 11:18 security
drwxrwxr-x 2 ping ping   4096 Dec 14 11:18 startup

add below in config file to avoid unicodeerror:

ping@ubuntu47-3:~/.ipython/profile_default$ vim
import sys

23.3. pxxx(pdef/pdoc/pfile/psource/psearch)



ps = !ps aux
page ps

-r: raw, not pretty print




print document string of an object


to print module os through pager


print info about an object, same as ?object or object?, to print more info use: ??os ??object or object?? (pinfo + pfile)


show source code

not same as pfile - no need to know where is the file.

In [2]: cd ..
In [3]: %macro test1
In [4]: %macro
Out[4]: [u'test1']
In [9]: test1
In [10]: whos
Variable           Type        Data/Info
announce           str
ask_player         function    <function ask_player at 0x7f7bac672cf8>
board              list        n=10
clear_output       function    <function clear_output at 0x7f7bb1610398>
display_board      function    <function display_board at 0x7f7bad6d4320>
full_board_check   function    <function full_board_check at 0x7f7bad6d4a28>
game_state         bool        True
play_game          function    <function play_game at 0x7f7bac672aa0>
player_choice      function    <function player_choice at 0x7f7bac672f50>
reset_board        function    <function reset_board at 0x7f7badd7bf50>
test1              Macro       #!/usr/bin/env python\n# <...>Thanks for playing!\n\n\n
win_check          function    <function win_check at 0x7f7bad6d4230>
In [11]: pinfo ask_player
Signature: ask_player(mark)
Docstring: Asks player where to place X or O mark, checks validity
File:      ~/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python/<ipython-input-9-023225349981>
Type:      function
In [12]: pfile ask_player
File u'/home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python/<ipython-input-9-023225349981>' does not exist, not printing.
   In [13]: %psource ask_player
def ask_player(mark):   # {{{2}}}
    ''' Asks player where to place X or O mark, checks validity '''
    global board
    req = "Choose where to place your '" + mark + "': "
    while True:
	    choice = int(raw_input(req))
	except ValueError:
	    print("Sorry, please input a number between 1-9.")
	if board[choice] == " ":
	    board[choice] = mark
	    print "That space isn't empty!"

search an object. '*?' is useful

In [134]: import subprocess
In [136]: %psearch sub*

23.4. who/who_ls/whos: to list current var/func name

In [143]: %who
%who     %who_ls  %whos
In [143]: %who_ls
Out[143]: ['os', 'ps', 'subprocess']
In [9]: print _
['os', 'ps', 'subprocess']
In [144]: whos
Variable     Type      Data/Info
os           module    <module 'os' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/os.pyc'>
ps           SList     ['USER       PID %CPU %ME<...>13   0:09 [kworker/3:2]']
subprocess   module    <module 'subprocess' from<...>ython2.7/subprocess.pyc'>

to access Out[2] result of previous command In[2]


call unix commands, to list current all alias (system default and user alias)

In [156]: alias
Total number of aliases: 18
[('cat', 'cat'),
('clear', 'clear'),
('cp', 'cp -i'),
(u'crtc', u'crtc'),                 #<------user alias
('ldir', 'ls -F -o --color %l | grep /$'),
('less', 'less'),
('lf', 'ls -F -o --color %l | grep ^-'),
('lk', 'ls -F -o --color %l | grep ^l'),
('ll', 'ls -F -o --color'),
('ls', 'ls -F --color'),
('lx', 'ls -F -o --color %l | grep ^-..x'),
('man', 'man'),
('mkdir', 'mkdir'),
('more', 'more'),
('mv', 'mv -i'),
(u'nss', u'netstat -lptn'),         #<------user alias
('rm', 'rm -i'),
('rmdir', 'rmdir')]

23.5. '_' var

In [19]: a=10
In [20]: a
Out[20]: 10
In [23]: b=_
In [24]: b
Out[24]: 10
In [25]: c=Out[22]
In [26]: c
Out[26]: 10
In [27]: d=In[22]
In [28]: d
Out[28]: u'a'

23.6. cd/bookmark/hist/dhist

  • -t bookmark current dir

  • -l list bm

  • -d/-r del one or all bm

    In [313]: pwd
    Out[313]: u'/home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python'
    In [314]: %bookmark t
    In [316]: %bookmark -l
    Current bookmarks:
    t -> /home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python
    In [317]: cd t
    (bookmark:t) -> /home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python

    dir hist

  • 5: list last 5 dir

  • 3 5: list last 3rd to 5th dir

cd + dhist

In [325]: dhist
Directory history (kept in _dh)
0: /home/ping
1: /home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python
3: /home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python
4: /home/ping
5: /home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup
In [326]: cd 1
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '1'
In [327]: cd 5
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '5'

this equals to: cd -<TAB>

In [328]: cd - -0 [/home/ping] -1 [/home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python] -2 [/home/ping] -3 [/home/ping/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python] -4 [/home/ping]

23.7. store

persist the macro and variables, great!

In [48]: macro
Out[48]: [u'test1']
In [49]: %store
Stored variables and their in-db values:
In [50]: store test1
Stored 'test1' (Macro)
In [51]: store
Stored variables and their in-db values:
test1             -> IPython.macro.Macro(u'#!/usr/bin/env python\n# vim
In [52]:
Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? y
pings@PINGS-X240:~$ ipython
Python 2.7.12 (default, Oct 10 2016, 12:56:26)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
In [1]: %store
Stored variables and their in-db values:
test1             -> IPython.macro.Macro(u'#!/usr/bin/env python\n# vim
In [2]: %macro
Out[2]: []
In [3]: %store -r
In [4]: %macro
Out[4]: ['test1']

23.8. reset

In [9]: whos
Variable   Type     Data/Info
a          int      10
b          int      12
c          int      14
test1      Macro    #!/usr/bin/env python\n# <...>Thanks for playing!\n\n\n
In [10]: reset
Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y
In [11]: whos
Interactive namespace is empty.

23.9. run

  • -n: causes the module’s name variable to be set not to 'main', but to its own name. This causes the module to be run much as it would be run if it were simply imported.

  • -d: run script under pdb

  • -t: run time

example '-n'

assuming the script is like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":

clear all vars and namespaces

In [22]: reset
Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y
In [23]: whos
Interactive namespace is empty.

run script with -n

In [24]: run -n

this won’t execute the script, but imported all namespaces, like "import test"

In [25]: whos
Variable           Type        Data/Info
announce           str
ask_player         function    <function ask_player at 0x6fffe20b140>
board              list        n=10
clear_output       function    <function clear_output at 0x6ffff67d0c8>
display_board      function    <function display_board at 0x6fffe343d70>
full_board_check   function    <function full_board_check at 0x6fffe20b230>
game_state         bool        True
play_game          function    <function play_game at 0x6fffef187d0>
player_choice      function    <function player_choice at 0x6fffef18b90>
reset_board        function    <function reset_board at 0x6fffe3437d0>
win_check          function    <function win_check at 0x6fffe3438c0>
In [29]: run -nt
IPython CPU timings (estimated):
User   :       0.00 s.
System :       0.02 s.
Wall time:       0.02 s.

23.10. save

In [158]: %save 100
The following commands were written to file ``:
In [159]: cat test
test.db         test.txt        test/ 
In [159]: cat
# coding: utf-8

grab a previous output and "paste" in next input

153: !!
154: !ls
155: !!ls
In [165]: rep 154
In [166]: !!ls      #<------cursor wait here
In [166]: rep 155
In [167]: !!ls      #<------cursor wait here


23.11. shell access: alias / ! / !!


!ls, !!ls

to print ls result in normal and in list form

mix python/shell code (this doesn’t work)
In [2]: for i in range(10):
...:     !date > ${i}.txt
/bin/bash: /bin/bash.txt: Permission denied

23.12. grep/fields

In [89]: ps = !ps aux
In [90]: ps.grep('vim')
['ping      2496  0.0  0.2 293112 68832 pts/12   S+   Dec12   0:51 vim -S fuf',
'ping      2596  0.0  0.3 335244 111164 pts/13  T    Dec12   1:33 vim -S crtc',
'ping      2805  0.0  0.1 259484 35016 pts/14   S+   Dec12   0:02 vim -S caseprod',
'ping      3419  0.0  0.1 267024 42600 pts/20   S+   Dec12   0:37 vim -S case-attlab',
'ping     28155  0.0  0.1 295380 54896 pts/13   S+   Dec13   0:45 vim -S pythonlearn']
In [91]: ps.grep('vim').fields(0,1,7)
['ping 2496 S+',
'ping 2596 T',
'ping 2805 S+',
'ping 3419 S+',
'ping 28155 S+']
In [94]: ps.grep('vim').fields(0,1,7,8,9).grep('Dec13').fields(1)
Out[94]: ['28155']
In [95]: ps.grep('vim').fields(0,1,7,8,9).grep('Dec13').fields(1).s
Out[95]: '28155'

grep('vim',field=10): add constrait about in which field (column) key word vim will be searched

In [100]: ps.grep('vim',field=10)
['ping      2496  0.0  0.2 293112 68832 pts/12   S+   Dec12   0:51 vim -S fuf',
'ping      2596  0.0  0.3 335244 111164 pts/13  T    Dec12   1:33 vim -S crtc',
'ping      2805  0.0  0.1 259484 35016 pts/14   S+   Dec12   0:02 vim -S caseprod',
'ping      3419  0.0  0.1 267024 42600 pts/20   S+   Dec12   0:37 vim -S case-attlab',
'ping     28155  0.0  0.1 295380 54896 pts/13   S+   Dec13   0:45 vim -S pythonlearn']
In [103]: ps.grep('vim',field=10).fields(1)
Out[103]: ['2496', '2596', '2805', '3419', '28155']

23.13. edit/macro/rep/load

start an editor and edit code

In [305]: %edit
IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/user/1000/

when done and saved (:wq), the code will be executed, so any errors will be reported:

Editing... done. Executing edited code...
File "/tmp/user/1000/", line 3
    return L
IndentationError: unexpected indent

and the content of editor will be printed as an Out value:

Out[305]: "def add_end(L=[]):\n     L.append('END')\n      return L\n"

the last Out content can be edited via '_' :

In [307]: %edit _
IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/user/1000/
Editing... done. Executing edited code...
Out[307]: "def add_end(L=[]):\n    L.append('END')\n    return L\n"

to edit the function that was edited previously:

In [308]: %edit add_end
Editing... done. Executing edited code...

use macro cmd to save the code in a macro named 'addend':

In [309]: %macro 307 addend
Macro `307` created. To execute, type its name (without quotes).
=== Macro contents: ===
def add_end(L=[]):
    return L

to edit whatever saved in a macro:

In [377]: %edit addend

to edit whatever edited last time (-p), regardless of how long time ago:

In [323]: %edit -p
IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/user/1000/
Editing... done. Executing edited code...
Out[323]: "def add_end(L=[]):\n    L.append('END')\n    return L\n\na=add_end()\n"
In [324]: a
Out[324]: ['END']

to only edit (an macro or last edit) but not to execute:

In [378]: %edit -x addend
In [380]: %edit -px
IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/user/1000/
Out[380]: 'def add_end1(L=[]):\n    print "L is %s now", L\n    L.append(\'END\')\n    return L\n\n\ndef add_end2(L=[\'abc\']):\n    if L == [\'abc\']:\n        print "L is %s now", L\n        L = []\n    L.append(\'END\')\n    return L\n\n#a = add_end1()\n#a = add_end1()\n#a = add_end1()\n'

to list all macros:

In [576]: %macro
Out[576]: [u'307', u'451', u'addend', u'test_addend']

to print a macro:

In [575]: print test_addend
def add_end1(L=[]):
    if L == []:
        L = []
    print "L is %s now", L
    return L

sometime to test a script, it’s useful to load a macro/file content (but not to execute them) into current ipython namespace. this is useful for quick test.

In [549]: %load test_addend
In [550]: def add_end1(L=[]):
    if L == []:
        L = []
    print "L is %s now", L
    return L

ctrl-c to exit, move cursor to end of line and enter will execute the code.

seems no page down/up, emotion key as in vim. also buggy - once changed, moving to end and enter won’t execute…​

an alternative is to use macro:

  1. load the file into a macro:

    In [20]: %macro test_tic
  2. edit/change the macro content (that will be within vim) instead of the original file

    In [37]: edit test_tic
after editing an macro, when exiting it won’t be executed. run the macro to execute the content.

run the macro to execute the content:

In [12]: %macro
Out[12]: [u'test_tic']
In [14]: edit test_tic
In [15]: whos
Variable   Type      Data/Info
sys        module    <module 'sys' (built-in)>
test_tic   Macro     #!/usr/bin/env python\n# <...>Thanks for playing!\n\n\n
In [16]: test_tic
In [17]: whos
Variable           Type        Data/Info
announce           str
ask_player         function    <function ask_player at 0x7f30e02f68c0>
board              list        n=10
clear_output       function    <function clear_output at 0x7f30e4351398>
display_board      function    <function display_board at 0x7f30e02f6398>
full_board_check   function    <function full_board_check at 0x7f30e02f6b18>
game_state         bool        True
play_game          function    <function play_game at 0x7f30e02f6e60>
player_choice      function    <function player_choice at 0x7f30e02f6320>
reset_board        function    <function reset_board at 0x7f30e02afcf8>
sys                module      <module 'sys' (built-in)>
test_tic           Macro       #!/usr/bin/env python\n# <...>Thanks for playing!\n\n\n
win_check          function    <function win_check at 0x7f30e02f60c8>

lookup function’s definition:

In [21]: display_board??
Signature: display_board()
    def display_board():    # {{{2}}}
        ''' This function prints out the board so the numpad can be used as a
        reference '''
        # Clear current cell output
        # Print board
        print "  "+board[7]+" |"+board[8]+" | "+board[9]+" "
        print "------------"
        print "  "+board[4]+" |"+board[5]+" | "+board[6]+" "
        print "------------"
        print "  "+board[1]+" |"+board[2]+" | "+board[3]+" "
File:      ~/Dropbox/linux-config-backup/bin/python/<ipython-input-16-05d9cd6ba673>
Type:      function

there may be an issue with python2.7 here:

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 1974-1981: ordinal not in range(128)

this can be resolved by:

import sys

now all functions, vars were imported into current namespace, to check them, use 'who' or 'whos':

In [48]: whos function
Variable           Type        Data/Info
ask_player         function    <function ask_player at 0x7ff693d7cd70>
clear_output       function    <function clear_output at 0x7ff6a5001398>
display_board      function    <function display_board at 0x7ff6a050a488>
full_board_check   function    <function full_board_check at 0x7ff693d7c938>
home               function    <function home at 0x7ff6a059d758>
play_game          function    <function play_game at 0x7ff6a062db18>
player_choice      function    <function player_choice at 0x7ff693d7c230>
reset_board        function    <function reset_board at 0x7ff6a050a0c8>
signin             function    <function signin at 0x7ff6a05ff050>
signin_form        function    <function signin_form at 0x7ff6a05ff230>
test               function    <function test at 0x7ff693f9fe60>
win_check          function    <function win_check at 0x7ff6a050a7d0>
In [230]: a=1
In [231]: b=2
In [232]: c=3
In [233]: %edit 230:232
IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/user/1000/
Editing... done. Executing edited code...
Out[233]: 'a=1\nb=2'
seems not supported in notebook?

23.14. misc

23.15. ipdb

to install the ipdb module:
ping@ubuntu47-3:~$ sudo pip install ipdb
to import it:
In [360]: import ipdb
to setup a break point:
import ipdb
ipdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
to run the function under ipdb:
In [369]: ipdb.runcall(add_end1)
> /tmp/user/1000/
    1 def add_end1(L=[]):
----> 2     print "L is %s now", L
    3     L.append('END')
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
L is %s now []
> /tmp/user/1000/
    2     print "L is %s now", L
----> 3     L.append('END')
    4     return L
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
> /tmp/user/1000/
    3     L.append('END')
----> 4     return L
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
> /tmp/user/1000/
    3     L.append('END')
----> 4     return L
Out[369]: ['END']
In [370]: ipdb.runcall(add_end1)
> /tmp/user/1000/
    1 def add_end1(L=[]):
----> 2     print "L is %s now", L
    3     L.append('END')
ipdb> L
ctrc-d to exit and return to ipython
In [371]: ipdb.runcall(add_end2)
> /tmp/user/1000/
    7 def add_end2(L=['abc']):
----> 8     if L == ['abc']:
    9         print "L is %s now", L
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
> /tmp/user/1000/
    8     if L == ['abc']:
----> 9         print "L is %s now", L
    10         L = []
L is %s now ['abc']
> /tmp/user/1000/
    9         print "L is %s now", L
---> 10         L = []
    11     L.append('END')
> /tmp/user/1000/
    10         L = []
---> 11     L.append('END')
    12     return L
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
> /tmp/user/1000/
    11     L.append('END')
---> 12     return L
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
> /tmp/user/1000/
    11     L.append('END')
---> 12     return L
ipdb help:
ipdb> help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF    bt         cont      enable  jump  pdef    psource  run      unt
a      c          continue  exit    l     pdoc    q        s        until
alias  cl         d         h       list  pfile   quit     step     up
args   clear      debug     help    n     pinfo   r        tbreak   w
b      commands   disable   ignore  next  pinfo2  restart  u        whatis
break  condition  down      j       p     pp      return   unalias  where
Miscellaneous help topics:
exec  pdb
Undocumented commands:
retval  rv
to change default context lines

for cygwin:

locate this file:


change this:

def __init__(self, color_scheme=None, completekey=None,
             stdin=None, stdout=None, context=5):


def __init__(self, color_scheme=None, completekey=None,
             stdin=None, stdout=None, context=20):

for ubuntu:

ping@ubuntu47-3:~$ dpkg -L ipython | grep

now debugging will print 20 lines by default:

In [2]: run
> /cygdrive/c/Dropbox/python/<module>()
1727     #     ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error2.log
1728     #     LogLevel warn
1729     #     CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access2.log combined
1730     #     ServerSignature On
1731     # </VirtualHost>
1733     from cStringIO import StringIO
1734     import re
1735     import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
-> 1737     vhost_start = re.compile(r'<VirtualHost\s+(.*?)>')
1738     vhost_end = re.compile(r'</VirtualHost')
1739     docroot_re = re.compile(r'(DocumentRoot\s+)(\S+)')
1741     def replace_docroot(conf_string, vhost, new_docroot):
1742         '''yield new lines of an httpd.conf file where docroot lines matching
1743         the specified vhost are replaced with the new_docroot
1744         '''
1746         conf_file = StringIO(conf_string)

23.16. run

run script while setting the first breakpoint at line 40 in

%run -d -b40 myscript

23.17. notebook (new name jupyter)

good resources
keyboard shortcut

tab: complete s-enter: execute the cell s-tab: get help doc

from ipython:

In [2]: from notebook.auth import passwd
In [3]: passwd()
Enter password:
Verify password:
Out[3]: 'sha1:4b7ad6381469:8cb329f9a46c8c9c69f2a9571bf5f498148450b8'

add in config:

ping@ubuntu47-3:~$ vim .jupyter/
c.NotebookApp.password = u'sha:ce...刚才复制的那个密文'
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False

now start notebook:

ping@ubuntu47-3:~$ jupyter notebook
[W 12:50:23.467 NotebookApp] WARNING: The notebook server is listening on
    all IP addresses and not using encryption. This is not recommended.
[I 12:50:23.478 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/ping
[I 12:50:23.478 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 12:50:23.478 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://[all ip addresses on your system]:8888/
[I 12:50:23.479 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[I 12:50:40.000 NotebookApp] 302 GET / ( 1.04ms
[I 12:50:40.117 NotebookApp] 302 GET /tree? ( 2.45ms
[I 12:50:48.877 NotebookApp] 302 POST /login?next=%2Ftree%3F ( 2.01ms
[W 12:50:50.897 NotebookApp] /home/ping/core_python doesn't exist

access from browser remotely:

new name: jupyter notebook

install conda
conda update jupyter
conda install MODULENAME

jupyter notebook

24. python helps

In [219]: b.insert??
Type:       builtin_function_or_method
String Form:<built-in method insert of list object at 0x7f60472c6368>
Docstring:  L.insert(index, object) -- insert object before index

25. default parameters tricks

this result is tricky(sticky):
In [273]: def add_end(L=[]):
.....:     L.append('END')
.....:     return L
In [274]: %macro addend 273
Macro `addend` created. To execute, type its name (without quotes).
=== Macro contents: ===
def add_end(L=[]):
    return L
In [276]: add_end()
Out[276]: ['END']
In [277]: add_end()
Out[277]: ['END', 'END']
In [278]: add_end()
Out[278]: ['END', 'END', 'END']

def the func again:

In [279]: addend
In [280]: add_end()
Out[280]: ['END']
In [281]: add_end()
Out[281]: ['END', 'END']
In [288]: add_end(['a'])
Out[288]: ['a', 'END']
In [289]: add_end(['b'])
Out[289]: ['b', 'END']
In [291]: add_end()
Out[291]: ['END', 'END', 'END']
In [292]: add_end(['b'])
Out[292]: ['b', 'END']
In [293]: add_end()
Out[293]: ['END', 'END', 'END', 'END']

this works:

In [499]: %psource add_end1
def add_end1(L=[]):
    if L == []:     #<------
        L = []      #<------
    print "L is %s now", L
    return L

vs. this is buggy:

In [500]: %psource add_end3
def add_end3(L=[]):
    return L
root cause
  • default parameters got initialized only once - when func was defined

  • copy before change, then only change the copy, not original ("system reserved") default parameter var

In [492]: ipdb.runcall(add_end1)
> <ipython-input-488-b4ae432d0f66>(2)add_end1()
    1 def add_end1(L=[]):
----> 2     if L == []:
    3         L = []
ipdb> id(L)
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
> <ipython-input-488-b4ae432d0f66>(3)add_end1()
    2     if L == []:
----> 3         L = []
    4     print "L is %s now", L
> <ipython-input-488-b4ae432d0f66>(4)add_end1()
    3         L = []
----> 4     print "L is %s now", L
    5     L.append('END')
ipdb> id(L)
ipdb> L
ipdb> n
L is %s now []
> <ipython-input-488-b4ae432d0f66>(5)add_end1()
    4     print "L is %s now", L
----> 5     L.append('END')
    6     return L
> <ipython-input-488-b4ae432d0f66>(6)add_end1()
    5     L.append('END')
----> 6     return L
ipdb> L
ipdb> id(L)
ipdb> n
> <ipython-input-488-b4ae432d0f66>(6)add_end1()
    5     L.append('END')
----> 6     return L
Out[492]: ['END']

26. getopt

opts, args = getopt.getopt(
    sys.argv[1:], "ao:c", ["help", "output="]

27. rest text format

In [2]: import docutils.core
In [3]: rest = '''=======
...: Heading
...: =======
...: SubHeading
...: ----------
...: This is just a simple
...: little subsection. Now,
...: we'll show a bulleted list:
...: - item one
...: - item two
...: - item three
...: '''
In [4]: html = docutils.core.publish_string(source=rest, writer_name='html')
In [5]: print html[html.find('<body>') + 6:html.find('</body>')]






    python module installation tool


    python extra libs


    xml libs


    xslt libs


    pyez python package

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
sudo pip install junos-eznc
#to install the latest development version of Junos PyEZ directly from the GitHub repository.
pip install git+
#router side
set system services netconf ssh
install from git
pings@PINGS-X240:~$ pip install git+
Collecting git+
Cloning to /tmp/pip-IeIf4n-build
Requirement already satisfied: lxml>=3.2.4 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: ncclient>=0.4.6 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: paramiko>=1.15.2 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paramiko-1.16.0-py2.7.egg (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: scp>=0.7.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2>=2.7.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=3.10 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: netaddr in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyserial in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>0.6 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from ncclient>=0.4.6->junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: pycrypto!=2.4,>=2.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from paramiko>=1.15.2->junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: ecdsa>=0.11 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ecdsa-0.13-py2.7.egg (from paramiko>=1.15.2->junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Requirement already satisfied: markupsafe in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from jinja2>=2.7.1->junos-eznc==2.0.2.dev0)
Installing collected packages: junos-eznc
Found existing installation: junos-eznc 2.0.1
    Uninstalling junos-eznc-2.0.1:
    Successfully uninstalled junos-eznc-2.0.1
Running install for junos-eznc ... done
Successfully installed junos-eznc-2.0.2.dev0

pyez classes:

In [203]: from jnpr.junos.
jnpr.junos.JXML        jnpr.junos.console
jnpr.junos.exception   jnpr.junos.json        jnpr.junos.op
jnpr.junos.sys         jnpr.junos.version jnpr.junos.cfg
jnpr.junos.decorators  jnpr.junos.factory     jnpr.junos.jxml
jnpr.junos.resources   jnpr.junos.transport   jnpr.junos.warnings
jnpr.junos.cfgro       jnpr.junos.device      jnpr.junos.facts
jnpr.junos.logging     jnpr.junos.rpcmeta     jnpr.junos.utils

28. XML and xpath

  • tags/tag

  • element

  • attribute (meta data?)

the Junos software does not mix data and elements at the same level




to refer to only ge-0/0/0’s state


to refer to all interfaces which "has" a state:


29. rpc

29.1. junos netconf

junos config:

set system services netconf ssh

call local bsd shell cmd: netconf

labroot@botanix-milfl301ia2> start shell
Nov 19 17:28:02
csh: Cannot open /etc/termcap.
csh: using dumb terminal settings.
% netconf

call from remote via ssh

ping@ubuntu47-3:~$ ssh -s [email protected] netconf


ping@ubuntu47-3:~$ ssh [email protected] netconf
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
<!-- No zombies were killed during the creation of this user interface -->
<!-- user labroot, class j-super-user -->
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

to test junoscript:

labroot@botanix-milfl301ia2> start shell
Nov 20 09:34:44
csh: Cannot open /etc/termcap.
csh: using dumb terminal settings.
% junoscript interactive
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<junoscript xmlns="" xmlns:junos="" schemaLocation=" junos/15.1R4/junos.xsd" os="JUNOS" release="15.1R4-S1" hostname="botanix-milfl301ia2" version="1.0">
<!-- session start at 2016-11-20 09:34:53 EST -->
<xnm:error xmlns="" xmlns:xnm="">
communication error while exchanging credentials
<!-- session end at 2016-11-20 09:34:57 EST -->
% junoscript interactive version 1.0
<!-- No zombies were killed during the creation of this user interface -->
<!-- user labroot, class j-super-user -->
from jnpr.junos import Device

create an instance of class Device

myrouter = Device(host='', user='labroot', passwd='lab123')


In [125]: type(myrouter)
Out[125]: jnpr.junos.device.Device

connect to router via starting netconf-over-ssh connection to router

can be merged into one line


close the netconf connection


all "Device" methods:

In [123]: myrouter.
myrouter.ON_JUNOS         myrouter.cli              myrouter.execute
myrouter.logfile          myrouter.port             myrouter.transform
myrouter.Template         myrouter.close            myrouter.facts
myrouter.manages          myrouter.probe            myrouter.user
myrouter.auto_probe       myrouter.connected        myrouter.facts_refresh             myrouter.rpc              myrouter.bind
myrouter.display_xml_rpc  myrouter.hostname         myrouter.password

29.2. rpc request

labroot@botanix-milfl301ia2> show system users | display xml rpc
Nov 19 11:12:48
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
        <get-system-users-information>      #<------


route_summary_info = r0.rpc.get_route_summary_information()

RPC name is automatically derived from method name.

method name:


will trigger an RPC named:

  • "rpc on-demand" : no static method defined:

  • metaprogramming : Each RPC method is generated, and executed, dynamically at the time it is invoked

  • good: no tight coupling, no needs to implement thousands of methods beforehead.

  • drawback: PyEZ library cannot know in advance if an XML RPC is valid, try and error.

    In [123]: myrouter.rpc.
    myrouter.rpc.cli          myrouter.rpc.get_config   myrouter.rpc.load_config

29.2.1. discover rpc method name: 'display_xml_rpc',

how to find out the "method name" then?
In [124]: dispxml=myrouter.display_xml_rpc("show system users")
In [125]: dispxml.
dispxml.addnext          dispxml.cssselect        dispxml.getchildren
dispxml.index            dispxml.iterdescendants  dispxml.nsmap
dispxml.tag              dispxml.addprevious      dispxml.extend
dispxml.getiterator      dispxml.insert           dispxml.iterfind
dispxml.prefix           dispxml.tail             dispxml.append
dispxml.getnext          dispxml.items            dispxml.itersiblings
dispxml.remove           dispxml.text dispxml.attrib
dispxml.findall          dispxml.getparent        dispxml.iter
dispxml.itertext         dispxml.replace          dispxml.values
dispxml.base             dispxml.findtext         dispxml.getprevious
dispxml.iterancestors    dispxml.keys             dispxml.set
dispxml.xpath            dispxml.clear            dispxml.get
dispxml.getroottree      dispxml.iterchildren     dispxml.makeelement
In [126]: type(dispxml)
Out[126]: lxml.etree._Element

etree module’s 'tag' attribute: display the XML tag, which is the rpc name

In [127]: dispxml.tag
Out[127]: 'get-system-users-information'

use string method 'replace': replace _ with - :

>>> dev.cmd_rpc.tag.replace('-','_')

no need?

>>> from lxml import etree

dump method:

In [129]: etree.dump(dispxml)

another example:

In [131]: dispxml_show_route_static=myrouter.display_xml_rpc("show route protocol static")
In [132]: etree.dump(dispxml_show_route_static)
In [133]: dispxml_show_route_static.tag
Out[133]: 'get-route-information'

29.2.2. rpc parameters

labroot@botanix-milfl301ia2> show route protocol ospf active-path | display xml rpc
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
In [135]: ospfroute=myrouter.rpc.get_route_information(protocol='ospf',destination='',active_path=True)
In [136]: ospfroute
Out[136]: <Element route-information at 0x7f6942960bd8>
In [139]: etree.dump(ospfroute)
<rt style="brief">
<age seconds="1999337">3w2d 03:22:17</age>
rpc timeout


In [140]: myrouter.timeout
Out[140]: 30

per session timeout: dev_timeout

summary_info = r0.rpc.get_route_summary_information()
bgp_routes = r0.rpc.get_route_information(dev_timeout = 180,
isis_routes = r0.rpc.get_route_information(protocol='isis')

29.3. rpc exceptions

In [253]: jnpr.junos.exception.
except Exception as ex:
    # if an issu is already in progress, wait 2m and attemp
    # again for other issues, exit
    print "exception: %s" % ex
    if ex.message == 'ISSU in progress':
        print ">>>sleeping 10s and retry..."
    elif ex.message == 'RE not master':
        print ">>>do ISSU on RE0 then ..."
        issu(host=re1, user='labroot', password='lab123')

this will trigger DeprecationWarning:

/usr/bin/ipython:1: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6
from jnpr.junos.exception import *


except ConnectAuthError:
    print "Authentication error!"
except ConnectTimeoutError:
    print "Timeout error!"
except ConfigLoadError:
    print "Couldn't unlock the config db!"
except Exception as error:
    if isinstance(error, RpcTimeoutError):
        print "Rpc Timeout while loading the config!"

29.4. rpc response

labroot@botanix-milfl301ia2> show system users | display xml
Nov 19 11:21:38
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
    <system-users-information xmlns="">
            <date-time junos:seconds="1479572498">11:21AM</date-time>
            <up-time junos:seconds="1015868">11 days, 18:11</up-time>
            <active-user-count junos:format="4 users">4</active-user-count>
                    <login-time junos:seconds="1478564393">07Nov16</login-time>
                    <idle-time junos:seconds="934305">10days</idle-time>
                    <command>-cli (cli)</command>
                    <login-time junos:seconds="1478710892">09Nov16</login-time>
                    <idle-time junos:seconds="5">-</idle-time>
                    <command>-cli (cli)</command>
                    <login-time junos:seconds="1478691212">09Nov16</login-time>
                    <idle-time junos:seconds="4">-</idle-time>
                    <command>-cli (cli)</command>
                    <login-time junos:seconds="1479571958">11:12AM</login-time>
                    <idle-time junos:seconds="0">-</idle-time>
                    <command>-cli (cli)</command>
pyez: etree.dump

general format:


return an 'lxml.etree.Element' object, rooted at the first child element of the <rpc-reply> element


>>> response=dev.rpc.get_system_users_information(normalize=True)
>>> type(response)
<type 'lxml.etree._Element'>
>>> etree.dump(response)
    <date-time seconds="1479572772">11:26AM</date-time>
    <up-time seconds="1016142">11 days, 18:15</up-time>
    <active-user-count format="4 users">4</active-user-count>
        <login-time seconds="1478564393">07Nov16</login-time>
        <idle-time seconds="934579">10days</idle-time>
        <command>-cli (cli)</command>
        <login-time seconds="1478710892">09Nov16</login-time>
        <idle-time seconds="20">-</idle-time>
        <command>-cli (cli)</command>
        <login-time seconds="1478691212">09Nov16</login-time>
        <idle-time seconds="18">-</idle-time>
        <command>-cli (cli)</command>
        <login-time seconds="1479571958">11:12AM</login-time>
        <idle-time seconds="27">-</idle-time>
        <command>-cli (cli)</command>

example: rpc method with parameters:

find out rpc method and parameters:

>>> from lxml import etree
>>> etree.dump(
...      r0.display_xml_rpc(
...        'show route protocol isis active-path'
...      )
... )

call rpc method with parameters:

>>> isis_route = r0.rpc.get_route_information(protocol='isis',
...                                           destination='',
...                                           active_path=True)
normalize (default)

remove all whitespace characters at the beginning and end of each XML element’s value

enable globally:

>>> r0=Device(host='r0',user='user',password='user123',normalize=True)

or only for a specific rpc call:

>>> response=dev.rpc.get_system_users_information(normalize=True)

29.5. rpc response parsing

29.5.1. normalization

Response normalization removes leading and trailing whitespace from the values of all XML elements in the response. So, not only does this simplify the XPath expression, but it avoids the need to do additional processing to remove whitespace from the username value being accessed

per session:

>>> Device(host='r0',user='user',password='user123',normalize=True)

per RPC:

>>> response = r0.rpc.get_system_users_information(normalize=True)
>>> type(response)
<type 'lxml.etree._Element'>

29.5.2. lxml etree

rpc response is an 'lxml.etree.Element' object,

>>> response.tag
>>> from lxml import etree
>>> etree.dump(response)
...ouput trimmed...

29.5.3. xpath



return a text string

    <date-time seconds="1479572772">11:26AM</date-time>
    <up-time seconds="1016142">11 days, 18:15</up-time>
>>> uptime_text=response.findtext(XPATH)
>>> type(uptime_text)
<type 'str'>
>>> uptime_text
'11 days, 18:25'
find(XPATH) method

return another lxml.etree.Element obj

>>> uptime=response.find(XPATH)
>>> type(uptime)
<type 'lxml.etree._Element'>
>>> etree.dump(uptime)
<up-time seconds="1016734">11 days, 18:25</up-time>
'attrib' attribute (a dict)
>>> uptime.attrib
{'seconds': '1016734'}
>>> uptime.attrib['seconds']

returns a list of lxml.etree.Element objects matching an XPath

>>> XPATH="uptime-information/user-table/user-entry/user"
>>> response.findall(XPATH)
[<Element user at 0x7f0225de6830>, <Element user at 0x7f0225de67a0>,
 <Element user at 0x7f0225de67e8>, <Element user at 0x7f0225de6878>]

each element is a lxml.etree.Element obj

>>> response.findall(XPATH)[0]
<Element user at 0x7f0225de6830>
>>> etree.dump(response.findall(XPATH)[0])

the text of the object can be print via 'text' attribute:

>>> response.findall(XPATH)[0].text
xpath with modifier
>>> XPATH="uptime-information/user-table/user-entry[tty='d0']/user"
>>> response.findtext(XPATH)
>>> XPATH = "uptime-information/user-table/user-entry[user='labroot']/idle-time"
>>> response.find(XPATH).attrib['seconds']

29.5.4. jxmlease (best, but no xpath support)


pip install jxmlease
EtreeParser class or parse_etree method

process ElementTree or lxml.etree object

EtreeParser class:

import jxmlease
In [169]: type(parser)
Out[169]: jxmlease.etreeparser.EtreeParser
practical usage:
In [172]: type(rpc_response)
Out[172]: lxml.etree._Element

pass Element object (rpc_response), to an instance of EtreeParser class (parser), and get a DictNode object.

response_jxml = parser(rpc_response)
In [174]: type(response_jxml)
Out[174]: jxmlease.dictnode.XMLDictNode

DictNode is just plain python dict:

In [185]: isinstance(response_jxml,dict)
Out[185]: True

so element can be retrived like this:

In [181]: print response_jxml['system-users-information']['uptime-information']
{'active-user-count': u'1',
'date-time': u'9:48PM',
'load-average-1': u'0.02',
'load-average-15': u'0.14',
'load-average-5': u'0.12',
'up-time': u'27 days,  1:18',
'user-table': {'user-entry': {'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                            'from': u'',
                            'idle-time': u'42',
                            'login-time': u'Wed11PM',
                            'tty': u'pts/0',
                            'user': u'labroot'}}}
In [182]: print response_jxml['system-users-information']['uptime-information']['date-time']
In [186]: print response_jxml['system-users-information']['uptime-information']['up-time']
27 days,  1:18

all methods of dict apply:

In [175]: response_jxml.  response_jxml.add_node
response_jxml.fromkeys             response_jxml.items
response_jxml.pop                  response_jxml.text
response_jxml.append_cdata         response_jxml.get
response_jxml.iteritems            response_jxml.popitem
response_jxml.update               response_jxml.clear
response_jxml.iterkeys             response_jxml.prettyprint
response_jxml.values response_jxml.copy
response_jxml.get_current_node     response_jxml.itervalues
response_jxml.set_cdata            response_jxml.viewitems
response_jxml.delete_xml_attr      response_jxml.get_xml_attr
response_jxml.jdict                response_jxml.set_xml_attr
response_jxml.viewkeys response_jxml.dict
response_jxml.get_xml_attrs        response_jxml.key
response_jxml.setdefault           response_jxml.viewvalues
response_jxml.emit_handler         response_jxml.has_key
response_jxml.keys                 response_jxml.standardize
response_jxml.xml_attrs response_jxml.emit_xml
response_jxml.has_node_with_tag    response_jxml.list
response_jxml.strip_cdata response_jxml.find_nodes_with_tag
response_jxml.has_xml_attrs        response_jxml.parent

i.e.: dict prettyprint:

{'system-users-information': {'uptime-information': {'active-user-count': u'4',
                                                     'date-time': u'12:37PM',
                                                     'load-average-1': u'0.21',
                                                     'load-average-15': u'0.07',
                                                     'load-average-5': u'0.07',
                                                     'up-time': u'11 days, 19:27',
                                                     'user-table': {...}}}}
>>> jxml_response.prettyprint(depth=10)
{'system-users-information': {'uptime-information': {'active-user-count': u'4',
                                                     'date-time': u'12:37PM',
                                                     'load-average-1': u'0.21',
                                                     'load-average-15': u'0.07',
                                                     'load-average-5': u'0.07',
                                                     'up-time': u'11 days, 19:27',
                                                     'user-table': {'user-entry': [{'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                                    'from': u'-',
                                                                                    'idle-time': u'10days',
                                                                                    'login-time': u'07Nov16',
                                                                                    'tty': u'd0',
                                                                                    'user': u'labroot'},
                                                                                   {'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                                    'from': u'',
                                                                                    'idle-time': u'-',
                                                                                    'login-time': u'09Nov16',
                                                                                    'tty': u'p0',
                                                                                    'user': u'labroot'},
                                                                                   {'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                                    'from': u'',
                                                                                    'idle-time': u'-',
                                                                                    'login-time': u'09Nov16',
                                                                                    'tty': u'p1',
                                                                                    'user': u'labroot'},
                                                                                   {'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                                    'from': u'',
                                                                                    'idle-time': u'-',
                                                                                    'login-time': u'11:12AM',
                                                                                    'tty': u'p2',
                                                                                    'user': u'labroot'}]}}}}

but the elment’s type of the dict type can be any other types:

In [187]: seconds=response_jxml['system-users-information']['uptime-information']['up-time']
In [190]: isinstance(seconds, dict)
Out[190]: False
In [192]: type(seconds)
Out[192]: jxmlease.cdatanode.XMLCDATANode

in this case it’s CDDATA, and it’s methods are:

In [193]: seconds.
seconds.add_node             seconds.endswith             seconds.index
seconds.join                 seconds.rindex               seconds.strip
seconds.append_cdata         seconds.expandtabs           seconds.isalnum
seconds.key                  seconds.rjust                seconds.strip_cdata
seconds.capitalize           seconds.find                 seconds.isalpha
seconds.list                 seconds.rpartition           seconds.swapcase               seconds.find_nodes_with_tag  seconds.isdecimal
seconds.ljust                seconds.rsplit               seconds.tag
seconds.count                seconds.format               seconds.isdigit
seconds.lower                seconds.rstrip               seconds.text
seconds.decode               seconds.get_cdata            seconds.islower
seconds.lstrip               seconds.set_cdata            seconds.title
seconds.delete_xml_attr      seconds.get_current_node     seconds.isnumeric
seconds.parent               seconds.set_xml_attr         seconds.translate
seconds.dict                 seconds.get_xml_attr         seconds.isspace
seconds.partition            seconds.split                seconds.upper
seconds.emit_handler         seconds.get_xml_attrs        seconds.istitle
seconds.prettyprint          seconds.splitlines           seconds.xml_attrs
seconds.emit_xml             seconds.has_node_with_tag    seconds.isupper
seconds.replace              seconds.standardize          seconds.zfill
seconds.encode               seconds.has_xml_attrs        seconds.jdict
seconds.rfind                seconds.startswith

e.g: get_xml_attr:

In [198]: seconds.get_xml_attr('seconds')
Out[198]: u'2337480'
Parser() class or parser() method: parse XML text.

Parser() class call:

#create an callable obj via Parser class
>>> xmlparser = jxmlease.Parser()
#use the callable obj to process the XML string, and return a XMLDictNode obj
>>> xmlroot = xmlparser("<a>foo</a>")

parser() method:

#call parse method with XML string, and return a XMLDictNode obj
>>> xmlroot=jxmlease.parse("<a>foo</a>")

both return a same object 'jxmlease.dictnode.XMLDictNode':

>>> print xmlroot
{u'a': u'foo'}
>>> pprint(xmlroot)
XMLDictNode(xml_attrs=OrderedDict(), value=OrderedDict([(u'a', XMLCDATANode(xml_attrs=OrderedDict(), value=u'foo'))]))
>>> type(xmlroot)
<class 'jxmlease.dictnode.XMLDictNode'>     #<------actually just a python dict
parameters: 'strip_whitespace'

with Parser class:

xmlparser = jxmlease.Parser(strip_whitespace=False)
xmlroot1 = xmlparser(xmldoc)

with parse method:

xmlroot2 = jxmlease.parse(xmldoc, strip_whitespace=False)
>>> xml_string='''
... <rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
...     <system-users-information xmlns="">
...         <uptime-information>
...             <date-time junos:seconds="1479668596">2:03PM</date-time>
...             <up-time junos:seconds="1111966">12 days, 20:52</up-time>
...             <active-user-count junos:format="4 users">4</active-user-count>
...             <load-average-1>0.03</load-average-1>
...             <load-average-5>0.04</load-average-5>
...             <load-average-15>0.01</load-average-15>
...             <user-table>
...                 <user-entry>
...                     <user>labroot</user>
...                     <tty>d0</tty>
...                     <from>-</from>
...                     <login-time junos:seconds="1478564393">07Nov16</login-time>
...                     <idle-time junos:seconds="1030403">11days</idle-time>
...                     <command>-cli (cli)</command>
...                 </user-entry>
...                 <user-entry>
...                     <user>labroot</user>
...                     <tty>p0</tty>
...                     <from></from>
...                     <login-time junos:seconds="1478710892">09Nov16</login-time>
...                     <idle-time junos:seconds="9">-</idle-time>
...                     <command>-cli (cli)</command>
...                 </user-entry>
...                 <user-entry>
...                     <user>labroot</user>
...                     <tty>p1</tty>
...                     <from></from>
...                     <login-time junos:seconds="1478691212">09Nov16</login-time>
...                     <idle-time junos:seconds="7">-</idle-time>
...                     <command>-cli (cli)</command>
...                 </user-entry>
...                 <user-entry>
...                     <user>labroot</user>
...                     <tty>p2</tty>
...                     <from></from>
...                     <login-time junos:seconds="1479652480">9:34AM</login-time>
...                     <idle-time junos:seconds="0">-</idle-time>
...                     <command>-cli (cli)</command>
...                 </user-entry>
...             </user-table>
...         </uptime-information>
...     </system-users-information>
...     <cli>
...         <banner></banner>
...     </cli>
... </rpc-reply>
... '''
>>> parse_result=jxmlease.parse(xml_string)
>>> type(parse_result)
<class 'jxmlease.dictnode.XMLDictNode'>
>>> print parse_result
{u'rpc-reply': {u'cli': {u'banner': u''},
                u'system-users-information': {u'uptime-information': {u'active-user-count':
                                  u'date-time': u'2:03PM',
                                  u'load-average-1': u'0.03',
                                  u'load-average-15': u'0.01',
                                  u'load-average-5': u'0.04',
                                  u'up-time': u'12 days, 20:52',
                                  u'user-table': {u'user-entry': [{u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                   u'from': u'-',
                                                                   u'idle-time': u'11days',
                                                                   u'login-time': u'07Nov16',
                                                                   u'tty': u'd0',
                                                                   u'user': u'labroot'},
                                                                  {u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                   u'from': u'',
                                                                   u'idle-time': u'-',
                                                                   u'login-time': u'09Nov16',
                                                                   u'tty': u'p0',
                                                                   u'user': u'labroot'},
                                                                  {u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                   u'from': u'',
                                                                   u'idle-time': u'-',
                                                                   u'login-time': u'09Nov16',
                                                                   u'tty': u'p1',
                                                                   u'user': u'labroot'},
                                                                  {u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                                                                   u'from': u'',
                                                                   u'idle-time': u'-',
                                                                   u'login-time': u'9:34AM',
                                                                   u'tty': u'p2',
                                                                   u'user': u'labroot'}]}}}}}
>>> print parse_result['rpc-reply']['system-users-information']['uptime-information']['user-table']
{u'user-entry': [{u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                  u'from': u'-',
                  u'idle-time': u'11days',
                  u'login-time': u'07Nov16',
                  u'tty': u'd0',
                  u'user': u'labroot'},
                 {u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                  u'from': u'',
                  u'idle-time': u'-',
                  u'login-time': u'09Nov16',
                  u'tty': u'p0',
                  u'user': u'labroot'},
                 {u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                  u'from': u'',
                  u'idle-time': u'-',
                  u'login-time': u'09Nov16',
                  u'tty': u'p1',
                  u'user': u'labroot'},
                 {u'command': u'-cli (cli)',
                  u'from': u'',
                  u'idle-time': u'-',
                  u'login-time': u'9:34AM',
                  u'tty': u'p2',
                  u'user': u'labroot'}]}

29.5.5. json

>>> response = r0.rpc.get_system_users_information({'format': 'json'})
>>> type(response)
<type 'dict'>
>>> pprint(response, depth=3)
{u'system-users-information': [{u'attributes': {...},
                                u'uptime-information': [...]}]}
>>> pprint(response, depth=10)
{u'system-users-information': [{u'attributes': {u'xmlns': u''},
                                u'uptime-information': [{u'active-user-count': [{u'attributes': {u'junos:format': u'4 users'},
                                                                                 u'data': u'4'}],
                                                         u'date-time': [{u'attributes': {u'junos:seconds': u'1479577531'},
                                                                         u'data': u'12:45PM'}],
                                                         u'load-average-1': [{u'data': u'0.03'}],
                                                         u'load-average-15': [{u'data': u'0.07'}],
                                                         u'load-average-5': [{u'data': u'0.06'}],
                                                         u'up-time': [{u'attributes': {u'junos:seconds': u'1020901'},
                                                                       u'data': u'11 days, 19:35'}],
                                                         u'user-table': [{u'user-entry': [{u'command': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'from': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'idle-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'login-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'tty': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'user': [{...}]},
                                                                                          {u'command': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'from': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'idle-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'login-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'tty': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'user': [{...}]},
                                                                                          {u'command': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'from': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'idle-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'login-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'tty': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'user': [{...}]},
                                                                                          {u'command': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'from': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'idle-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'login-time': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'tty': [{...}],
                                                                                           u'user': [{...}]}]}]}]}]}