Rust types and helpers for working with The Graph Networks Registry.
Documentation available here.
If you want to always get up-to-date registry, make sure to use the latest version of the crate.
graph-networks-registry = "0.6.1"
To read the registry from a local file
use graph_networks_registry::NetworksRegistry;
fn main() {
// Parse registry from JSON file
let registry = NetworksRegistry::from_file("TheGraphNetworksRegistry_v0_6_0.json")
.expect("Failed to parse registry");
if let Some(network) = registry.get_network_by_id("mainnet") {
println!("Found mainnet: {:?}", network);
To fetch the latest compatible registry version from
use graph_networks_registry::NetworksRegistry;
async fn main() {
let registry = NetworksRegistry::from_latest_version()
.expect("Failed to fetch registry");
println!("Loaded {} networks", registry.networks.len());
- Enables remote registry fetching functionality using reqwest (enabled by default)
If you don't need to fetch the registry from the network, you can turn off the fetch
feature in your Cargo.toml
graph-networks-registry = { version = "0.6.1", default-features = false }